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by M. J. Wiliamz

  “It’s not in your territory,” Helen said. “And we’re not taking business away from you.”

  “Says you. And maybe not right now, but it’s only the first night. If you do start taking business away, there’s going to be trouble.”

  “I’m not worried. You have enough businesses already.”

  “You know Big Al as well as I do. There’s no such thing as enough businesses.” He smiled.

  “Come on, Maria,” Helen stood and offered her hand. “Let’s dance.”

  They danced the quick steps to the music for several songs before the band slowed the tempo. Maria moved into Helen’s arms.

  “I like being close to you,” Maria said softly.

  “It’s nice,” Helen said.

  “Are you going to show me your office here?”

  “Not while Franco’s here.”

  “Aw,” Maria pouted. “Why not?”

  Helene’s crotch spasmed at the sight of the protruding lower lip. She ached to take it between her lips and suck on it. She swallowed hard.

  “Don’t do that,” she growled.

  “Do what?”

  “Never mind.”

  The song ended and Helen escorted her back to the table.

  “Nice place you’ve got here, Byrne,” Moretti said.

  “Thanks. We like it.”

  “Show me around?” Maria asked.

  Helen looked over at Moretti, who nodded slightly.

  “Sure. Why not?” She stood and pulled Maria’s chair out for her. When they were out of earshot of the table, she said, “You sure like to get what you want, don’t you?”

  “You know it.” She smiled.

  “You really just want to see my office, don’t you?”



  “Because I like the strength and masculinity of your office at the other place. I like the feel of it. It feels like you so I want to see this one, too.”

  Helen was unsure about showing off her inner sanctum to Big Al’s best man’s best girl. But the idea of being alone in a room with Maria completely out of sight of prying eyes was too much. She opened a door that looked like it would hold a closet and guided Maria up a back staircase.

  “Isn’t upstairs where the prostitutes work?” Maria asked.

  “You know your way around a speakeasy, don’t you?”

  “I pay attention.”

  “I bet you do.”

  They passed several doors before Helen stopped and opened one. She stood back and let Maria enter first. She walked in after her and was filled with pride as she looked at the leather sofa and matching wing chairs, the mahogany bar, and the pictures of Chicago on the wall.

  “This is really nice, Helen,” Maria said.

  The sound of her name on Maria’s lips made her heart swell. She slipped her hands in her pockets and stepped away from Maria, hoping some distance would ease the dizziness she was feeling.

  “You like me, don’t you?” Maria asked, moving near Helen again.

  “Of course I do, doll. Why?”

  “Sometimes I wonder.”

  “Sure I do. I think you’re swell.”

  Maria leaned into Helen.

  “It just seems to me that if you liked me enough you’d kiss me.”

  Helen tried to formulate a reasonable argument, but couldn’t. She said lamely, “But you’re Franco’s girl.”

  “But I could be yours.” She snaked her arms around Helen.

  Helen licked her lips, which were suddenly bone dry. Her stomach was in knots, her want wrestling with her logic. She could cause a big brouhaha if she took Moretti’s girl. But isn’t that what she wanted? Hadn’t she wanted Maria for a long time? Still, she’d never dared to dream it could actually become a reality.

  “Don’t you want me, Helen?” Maria cooed.

  Helen moved her arms around Maria and held her close. She reveled in the feel of their bodies pressed together. She lowered her mouth to lightly kiss Maria’s neck, her heart rate soaring at the feel of the warm skin and the heady scent of her perfume.

  She kissed Maria’s cheek, then moved her hand to cup her jaw, her thumb lightly tracing it. She looked into Maria’s eyes and saw a desire that matched her own. She ran her thumb over Maria’s parted lips and heard her sharp intake of breath. She knew once she kissed her, there would be no turning back. And she knew she was going to kiss her. She had to.

  Helen saw Maria’s eyes close as she bent toward her. She closed her eyes and felt the softness of Maria’s lips under hers. Her body was alive; tension soared through every inch of her as she tried to rise up. Maria pulled her back and opened her mouth, offering Helen entry. Helen moved her tongue into the moist heat of Maria’s mouth, dancing with Maria’s tongue. Her pants were drenched. She pulled Maria tighter, craving more of her.

  When the kiss finally ended, it took Helen a minute to find her voice.

  “I should get you back downstairs.”

  “But I want to stay here with you.”

  Helen didn’t say anything.

  “So what now?” Maria asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I could go tell Franco to get lost right now and stay with you.”

  “Now’s not the time. He’d never forgive us. We’ll play it by ear. Just act like nothing’s going on for now. Then you can leave him.”

  “I want to stay here with you, Helen. I mean, for the night. Wouldn’t that be nice?”

  The blood rushed in Helen’s ears as thoughts and desires coursed through her.

  “Yes, that would be nice. It would be better than nice.” She laughed. “But not tonight. Not yet.”


  “I don’t know. Just not now. Now come on. Let me get you back downstairs.”

  Helen felt like she had guilt written all over her face as she approached the table. She wanted to smile ear to ear, but fought to keep her face straight.

  “You happy now?” Moretti asked Maria.

  “I am.”

  “You’ve got the lay of the land? I swear I should use you as one of the guys.” He laughed and Helen joined him, hoping her laughter sounded natural and not nervous.

  “Yep, she knows this place inside out now,” Helen said.

  Franco stood. “We’re leaving now. But remember that we’re keeping an eye on you. We won’t have you getting too big.”

  “I’m small-time, Franco,” Helen said.

  “Still, we won’t settle for you taking what’s ours.”

  Helen blanched, knowing that’s exactly what she was doing with Maria.

  Maria gave Helen a meaningful look as she took Moretti’s arm and allowed him to escort her out.

  Chapter Nine

  “They killed Frank Capone yesterday,” Kevin told Helen when she arrived at headquarters an early April morning.

  “Who did?”

  “The cops.”

  “No shit?”

  “Yep. It happened at the polls.”

  “Al’s gonna be looking for blood now,” Helen said.

  “At least they won’t be looking at us for a while.”

  “True.” Helen thought quickly of Maria. She’d be able to see her easily now while the gang had its attention elsewhere.

  “Where’d you go, boss?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You just went a million miles away right there. What are you thinking about? Are we gonna make a move now?”

  “No. While Capone’s focus will be on revenge, he’s going to want blood no matter where it comes from. No reason for it to be ours he spills.”

  “Good point.”

  Helen managed to stay focused as the rest of her lieutenants arrived with their weekly takes. She locked up the bulk of it in the safe and gave the men their share to split among their teams. The men broke out cards and started a game of poker, which Helen declined to join. She excused herself and left the building.

  She hurried to her apartment up the street and called Maria.r />
  “Hello?” The voice on the other end of the line sounded like heaven.

  “Hey, doll. How you doin?”

  “Hey yourself!” Maria sounded excited. “How’ve you been? I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too. I want to see you.”


  “Now. Can I pick you up for lunch?”

  “Sure. I can be ready in a half hour.”

  Helen was at the boarding house precisely thirty minutes later. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Maria walking down the front stairs. She wanted her more than ever. She held the door open for her and admired her shapely legs as Maria slid into the car.

  “Where are we going?” Maria asked.

  “I figured we’d grab a bite then head back to my place to talk.”

  They ate a leisurely lunch at a small café a few blocks from Lucky’s. Afterward, Helen drove them to a penthouse she had recently rented nearby. They took the elevator to the top floor.

  “What a beautiful view,” Maria said.

  Helen sidled up behind her, wrapped her arms around her, and kissed her neck.

  “You sure smell good.”

  Maria leaned back into her. She closed her hands over Helen’s.

  Helen turned her around to face her. She closed her mouth over Maria’s and tasted her sweetness.

  “I’m ready to leave Franco for you,” Maria said. “Just say when.”

  “Shhh. No talking.” Helen kissed her again, this time prying her lips apart with her tongue. Maria opened her mouth, and Helen reveled in the feel of their tongues playing together.

  Helen was breathless when the kiss ended.

  “I need you,” she whispered hoarsely.

  “Take me.”

  Helen took Maria to her room and kissed her again, passionately and possessively. She unbuttoned Maria’s dress. She slid it to the floor and stepped back, admiring the sensual body.

  “You’re beautiful, Maria.”

  Maria unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor, allowing Helen to gaze upon her pert breasts, her nipples taut with need.

  Helen’s breath caught at the sight. She lovingly cupped one breast in her hand, running her thumb over the nipple. She watched as Maria’s eyes closed in pleasure.

  She kissed Maria’s neck as she slid her slip over her shapely hips and down to join the bra and dress on the floor.

  Maria was naked, save for her panties. Helen wanted to peel them off with her teeth, but determined to make herself wait. She bent and took a nipple in her mouth, licking it slowly and tugging gently. She felt Maria’s hands in her hair and was encouraged to pull more deeply on the treasure in her mouth.

  “You make me feel so good,” Maria whispered.

  “You haven’t felt anything yet.”

  Helen moved to the other nipple and sucked on it intently, losing herself in the action. She breathed the scent of Maria’s skin, felt her heat against her. She knew she was right where she belonged.

  Helen stepped back from Maria and gently laid her on the bed. She quickly undressed, never taking her gaze off Maria. She noted Maria’s appreciative stare and felt her body flush with desire.

  When she lay next to Maria, Maria moved to slide her panties off.

  “Not yet,” Helen said.

  “But you’re naked.”

  “Yes. And you will be soon.”

  Helen knew she was teasing them both mercilessly but couldn’t resist. When she was ready to lay Maria bare, it would be an amazing moment. She wanted to draw it out.

  She kissed Maria again, her hand skimming over her curves. Her skin was so soft, yet it prickled at Helen’s touch. Soon, she was covered in gooseflesh, most prominently her areolas.

  Helen licked and sucked first one nipple, then the other as she ran her hand between her legs to caress the wet crotch of her panties. She pressed it into her, feeling her swollen clit beneath it. She moved the panties to the side and let her fingers tease the soft area underneath.

  “You’re making me crazy,” Maria moaned.

  “Just relax and enjoy it.”

  “Oh, I’m enjoying it all right.”

  Helen kissed Maria’s mouth again then peeled her soaked panties down her legs. She kissed down Maria’s body until she was kneeling between her legs. She eased her knees apart and drew a deep breath, savoring the heady smell of Maria.

  She leaned her cheek against Maria’s soft inner thigh and admired the sight before her. When she could wait no more, she circled Maria’s clit with her tongue. Her flavor was rich and delicious, just as she’d known it would be. She moved her tongue lower and tasted all of her, dipping her tongue inside and lapping away, savoring the flavor.

  Helen moved her hand up Maria’s body and closed on her breast, which she kneaded and squeezed before pinching her nipple.

  Maria moved against Helen, pressing herself against her as much as she could. Helen loved how responsive she was. She was a natural to please. She heard Maria’s breathing growing more and more shallow. She felt her hand on her head, pressing her to her center. She licked and sucked fervently until Maria cried out, frozen against her as the orgasm washed over her.

  When she finally relaxed, Helen started anew, quickly taking Maria to the edge again and again.

  Helen climbed next to Maria and took her in her arms.

  “You were amazing, baby,” Maria whispered.

  “So were you, doll.”

  Maria rolled over and ran her hands over Helen’s chest.

  “I want to make you feel like that.”

  “You will, doll. You’ll learn to. For now, just relax and let me hold you.”


  Helen dropped Maria off and headed for the office, a spring in her step. She found the men getting ready to go to Lucky’s.

  “I’ll join you,” she said.

  “I’ll drive you, boss,” Kevin said.

  When they were in his car, he cast her a sidelong glance.

  “You sure are in a good mood. What have you been doing today?”

  “Nothing in particular.”

  “Why don’t I buy that? You’re up to something. Spill.”

  “So maybe I spent the afternoon with a special lady.”

  “That’s good to hear,” Kevin said. “I’d like to see you get your mind off that Maria gal.”

  When Helen didn’t say anything, Kevin slammed on the brakes.

  “You weren’t with Maria, were you?”

  “Maybe I was. So what?”

  Kevin continued driving. “You’re gonna get in a lot of trouble, Helen.”

  “No, I’m not. We’re discreet and no one will find out.”

  “I’m worried.”

  “Don’t be.”

  Lucky’s was jumping that evening. Helen didn’t recognize a lot of people, which was a good sign. New people meant word of mouth was spreading. That was always good for business.

  The gang sat at a big table in the back and watched the dancers and the celebrants. She noted several men approaching the working girls and disappearing up the stairs. She smiled. Life was good.

  It was getting late and Helen was saying her good-byes. Kevin asked if he could see her in the office, so they retreated up the back staircase.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  “I can’t stop thinking about Maria,” Kevin said.

  “Really? Let it go. I’m a big girl.”

  “But there’s a lot at stake here. Moretti’s not gonna take you stealing his best girl lying down.”

  “Come on. Those guys treat their girls like a dime a dozen. They won’t care.”

  Before Kevin could answer, they heard the rat-a-tat of gunfire downstairs followed by screaming. Kevin threw Helen on the floor and covered her until they heard the sounds of squealing tires.

  “You okay?” he asked, helping her up.

  “I’m fine. I appreciate you covering me, but I wasn’t in danger.”

  “You never know.”

  “Let’s ge
t down there and see the damage.”

  They found bloodied bodies all around and saw the booze bottles all shot up. There were bullet holes in several of the walls. Helen’s men were immediately around her.

  “You guys get the wounded out of here and to hospitals,” she said to them.

  “Kevin, call Flander’s and get them here to pick up the dead. Shit. Who did this?”

  “Moretti’s men,” one of her lieutenants said.

  “Are you sure?”


  Kevin gave Helen a warning look before he left to make his call.

  “Shit,” Helen repeated.

  Chapter Ten

  “What are we gonna do about Moretti?” Kevin asked the next day at their headquarters.

  “We need to send a message back to him, for sure,” one of the men said.

  Kevin looked at Helen. “What do you say?”

  “First priority is to get Lucky’s back open for business,” she said. “Where are we on that?”

  “We’re moving booze from the Beaver over and we have more on its way.”

  “Good. I want to know when Capone is supposed to get his next shipment. We’ll help ourselves to some.”

  “I’ll see what I can find out,” one of her men said, picking up the phone.

  “In the meantime, you guys get your men together and get back here. We’re going to retaliate soon, and I want it to be organized.”

  Her lieutenants returned within an hour and the office was filled with men hungry for blood. They sat quietly, trained on Helen, awaiting orders.

  “I want to hurt Capone in his wallet,” Helen said. “Tomorrow night, I want you to hit his gambling joint over by the Hawthorne Hotel. You know the one Moretti runs. Be sly and quiet in your approach, then shoot the place up like they did us. You’ll have to be careful, though, because they’ll be vigilant.”

  “Moretti’s having a big tournament in three weeks,” Kevin said. “Can we wait that long?”

  “Sure we can wait. They’ll have dropped their guard by then. Good idea, Kevin.”

  She turned and faced the younger men on the other side of the room.

  “You guys get out there and hit the boys at the newspapers. Stick with Moretti’s territory. I don’t want anyone thinking they’re safe from us. The rest of you get out there and make your presence known. Don’t give anyone any reason to think we’re scared or backing down.”


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