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The Wandering Inn_Volume 1

Page 163

by Pirateaba

  Three died when the gargantuan bats dropped down from overhead and began trying to tear them apart. As the close walls of the entrance had become wider, the Goblins had begun to relax. They’d come to a large cavern filled with lichen and dripping water, and that was when the Goblins had disturbed a nest of Dropclaw Bats.

  This species of bat was so named because unlike other bats, they had evolved to enjoy and hunt after meat as much as smaller insects. They were twice as large as a human’s head—and they had sharp claws and the inclination and ability to drop on the heads of anything that entered their nests.

  It would have gone badly for the unarmored Goblins if it weren’t for two facts. The first was that Goblins had good night vision, and the second was that Rags knew [Firefly]. The fire panicked the large predators, and made them easy targets for the Goblins holding slings and crossbows.

  One Goblin had died from a combination of further wounds inflicted by the bats and friendly fire in the form of shrapnel falling from above by the time it was over.

  That was bad, and Rags had kicked herself for being so careless. Just because Toren had been unmolested while he was fleeing the suit of armor didn’t mean everywhere was safe.

  She’d ordered the dead bats collected and made into edible food, while she pinned down the living ones with stones on their wings. Not out of any generosity; it would just prolong the freshness of their new food source.

  They had become dinner, and tomorrow’s breakfast as well. Tough as the leathery skin of the Dropclaw Bats might have been, everything melted quite nicely with enough water and heat.

  But that was only part of the Goblin’s discovery. As they explored the further reaches of the cavern, they’d found the entrance to the dungeon. A part of the walls had caved in—due to some kind of collapse of the stone overhead. Rags had cautiously poked her head out into a long, winding corridor full of statues.

  Nothing had moved, and Toren only recalled running for his life while he’d been navigating this area, so Rags had decided to risk it.

  She had ventured a few steps out into the rows of stone statues, her Goblin warriors flanking her and Toren wandering around aimlessly when she spotted a pedestal holding a shining ring glowing with violet light. It was clearly valuable, and Rags wanted it. In fact, there were several pedestals scattered down the long corridor amidst the stone statues, each holding a prize of its own.

  Goblins loved treasure as much as any other species, and Rags had decided that ring would look good on her finger. She’s gone two steps, and touched a pressure plate. A flurry of spectral arrows had flown over Rags’ head, missing her by two good inches. That wasn’t dangerous, but the two Stone Golems posing as statues that each snatched up a Goblin and ripped them apart were.

  Six Goblins were dead before they evaded the stone hands and stomping feet—and swinging blades made of magic and spells ricocheting out of the room from concealed glyphs—and retreated back through the hole in the dungeon.

  Fifteen Stone Golems had pursued the Goblins at frightening speed, but they’d stopped when the Goblins fled back into the hole in the dungeon wall. Why? Because…it wasn’t someplace they recognized?

  It was the only thing Rags could come up with, and it was that which had saved her and her tribe, she suspected. But despite their losses, the Goblins had not come away empty-handed.

  One of her Goblins had snatched a pendant from a pedestal. It was glowing, a blue-white gem in the shape of a circle, gilded with gold and hung on a necklace of gold as well. It was so beautiful the other Goblins immediately started fighting over it until Rags took it for herself.

  Her [Detect Magic] spell showed that the item was magical, but Rags still had no idea what it did. She would have made one of her Goblins wear it, but then she’d heard the loud squeaking and remembered the Dropclaw Bats.

  The bat had wriggled when Rags fastened the pendant around its neck, and then nothing had happened. Rags had reached for the pendant—

  And then the bat had screamed as its flesh and bones began to melt. IT took five minutes to die, and the entire time it was still intact enough to shriek. Rags and the other Goblins had stayed as far away as possible until it was over.

  What remained of the unlucky bat was just a mixture of…it couldn’t even be called flesh anymore. Remains was the only word. The pendant had gone with the bat, and left only a foul stench and the memory of what it had done.

  The Goblins and Toren had exchanged glances, and eyed the melted remains. They’d come to a swift decision, and worked on implementing it all of yesterday.


  So that was how Rags found herself eating another bowl of bat soup and watching her Goblins labor at the far end of the cavern with a skeleton by her side. The Goblins heaved the last boulder into place as Toren watched disapprovingly. They were hurrying to finish the barrier to the dungeon they’d started yesterday.

  It was necessary, and Rags had refused outright to leave until it was completed. Toren had glared silently at Rags, but acquiesced in the end, mainly because he had no choice. Rags almost expected him to start tapping his foot like Erin did. The skeleton seemed to mirror a lot of the innkeeper girl’s reactions.

  Rags stepped back and regarded her tribe’s handiwork. The pile of stones was by no means an impenetrable barrier, but from both sides it looked like a rock slide that could be too much trouble to move. She hoped it would seal off the cavern from any monsters wandering from below until she could come up with a better solution.

  Like a door with a pit trap five hundred feet deep. But Rags was determined to stay near the dungeon. The Stone Golems were a terrible enemy—and some of the things Toren had seen suggested they were only the beginnings of the challenges that lurked below. But if there was anywhere to level up and challenge her tribe, it would be there.

  For now though, Rags had to fulfill her promise. Toren was starting to smack Goblins whenever they tried to come near him, and he had a dangerous look in his eyes. True, he always had a dangerous look in his eyes, but Rags sensed trouble if she didn’t move fast.

  She left the cave, the skeleton stomping out behind her. Rags inhaled the crisp, winter air, and decided she liked the cave better. Out here was too exposed.

  A bony finger prodded Rags in the back and she turned and glared. Toren glared back, and it had to be said that he was better at it. Rags debated trying to punch him, and then gave up and stomped through the snow.

  It was a long, quiet march through the plains. Rags set a fast pace; she knew roughly where all the Shield Spider nests were, and she could spot the snowy mounds that were Rock Crabs quite easily. Toren followed Rags silently, only pausing when she did.

  Rags and Toren walked through the snow, both looking up as a last group of the reptilian birds flew south overhead. Rags saw a fox dash by and wished she’d brought her crossbow; Toren stared at a bird.

  They paused to watch another herd of boars pass, this group not domesticated like the last group Rags had seen. The herd of hairy creatures sloughed through the snow, tusks helping to break the clumps of snow in front of them apart.

  It was peaceful. Then a Carn Wolf howled, and the world became dangerous and deadly once more.

  Rags immediately crouched in the snow, looking for the wolf. Normally, they didn’t howl when hunting Goblins so she might get lucky. Carn Wolves liked to sneak up and kill Goblins, but this sounded like they were hunting the boars, who had started to rush through the snow.

  Rags looked around as she began to unsheathe her sword. But—Carn Wolves were huge, far bigger than normal wolves. She saw Toren reaching for a sword he didn’t have, and felt at a hard object secure in her belt. She pulled it out as the Carn Wolves loped out into the open.

  It was an entire pack, and they closed on the boars quickly, even as the pigs squealed and changed directions. Rags watched as the wolves ran towards the herd, spreading out as they moved to create a net. It was a maneuver performed by hunters in this world and in Erin’s. The wolve
s would separate a weak link, a child or elderly boar from the pack and then work together to bring it down.

  Except that this time, the lead wolf made a mistake. Too eager to send panic into the herd of boars, he rushed towards the center. The wall of hair opened up as he ran towards them, and then suddenly closed together, trapping the wolf.

  He howled and bit, but suddenly the fleeing boars had turned their tusks on him. They charged into the wolf, slashing upwards with their tusks, smashing him from all sides. In a blink, they’d separated again, leaving a gored mess of fur and blood behind.

  The other Carn Wolves slowed, and Rags watched them hesitate. Yes, that was the problem. Even the mightiest predator was in danger of being brought down by many smaller enemies. It was far easier to prey on the weak, the small, the isolated.

  It was somewhat depressing, and predictable, when the leader of the wolves sniffed the air and looked at Rags and Toren. Mainly at Rags. She sighed as he ran at her, and pulled the object out of her pouch.

  A red jewel rose into the air, and Rags felt sickening fear pulse through her veins. Not just from her jewel; as the wolves ran towards them, Toren suddenly emitted the same aura of pure terror.

  The wolves faltered, stopped, and then turned and ran, yelping and whining in fear. Some left yellow trails as they ran; Rags watched them go as she calmly tucked one of Skinner’s ‘eyes’ back into her belt.

  She’d forgotten Toren took the other one. Well, the gem was good for moments like this. More than once Rags had stopped something from attacking her or her tribe with the gem, but she knew it had its limits.

  The problem—yes, the problem was that while the blood-red gem was extremely useful, it was useless against other Goblins. Skinner had realized that to his cost, and Rags had no intention of forgetting it.

  Goblins were always afraid. Pure terror didn’t slow them down like other species; if anything, it made them fight harder. If Rags tried to use this on another tribe, she’d just get herself killed.

  Plus, there were things the gemstone didn’t work on. The Antinium, for one, and Erin for another. And the undead. And Relc, or so Rags had overheard. And of course it didn’t stop long-range attacks, magic, traps…

  Really, it wasn’t that useful. Rags put the stone away and took her hand away from her sword hilt as the yelping faded in the distance. But it did allow her to traverse the plains by herself, which was important. She could leave her warriors behind to guard the cave, and make better time this way.

  Indeed, Toren was able to match Rags’ speed. The skeleton strode through the snow after her, flaming eyes tracking her movement and the seemingly unchanging landscape.

  Rags ignored the look. The skeleton seemed to be able to control the fear effect from his gem, so she ignored him. She had to think.

  Well, her idea with the dungeon had been a partial success. She’d found a place to live, at least temporarily. And it was a good spot to expand in; the stone could be mined away and the Watch wouldn’t patrol out that far. If Rags’ goblins kept to themselves, they wouldn’t be harassed.

  Unfortunately, the new problem became food. Goblins didn’t just ambush travelers and attack herds for fun. They had no natural food sources besides what little they could scavenge, and in the winter their already precarious situation often became fatal. As Chieftain, Rags had to provide for her tribe, but she couldn’t do that without risking the wrath of the Watch.

  So what now? Well, once Rags had finished delivering Toren, she’d play some chess with Erin. One of the reasons why she didn’t want to leave Liscor was chess. It was…different. Rags could be a Chieftain and she enjoyed it, but sometimes she just wanted to sit in the inn and play a game.

  As the wooden building sitting on the hill finally came into view, Rags saw Toren’s eyes grow brighter. He abandoned Rags, running through the snow as she tromped on. She didn’t care.

  Her job was done.

  Toren paused and seemed to hesitate as he climbed the hill. Rags saw the other human besides Erin—the tall one with dark hair and different skin—sprinting out of the inn. She was followed by what looked like a fuzzy blue cloud of dots. Rags recognized them. They were the strange, mischievous things that liked to annoy people in the winter. They left Goblins alone, though, so Rags paid no attention to them.

  Instead, she focused on the girl that ran out of the inn, waving her arms. Erin shouted something and the swarm stopped as it surrounded Ryoka. Something was going on.

  Rags didn’t care. She pushed her way into the inn as other people came out and stared and talked. She just had one thing on her mind.


  There they were. Several boards were already set up on the tables. Rags hopped into a seat and smiled.

  Yes, chess. It was so strange. But it had been the first time she’d learned…anything. From a game.

  She’d never known about tactics, or trying to outsmart the enemy. Well, she had—but not in the careful, considered way you had to do it in chess. The game had taught her about thinking ahead, about patience. It had taught her to think, that was the thing.

  And it had given her a gift, made her special. Unique. For that, Rags would always love the game.

  Playing other people was nice too, of course. Rags listened to the commotion outside, kicking her heels with impatience.

  At last the door opened and Erin walked back in, looking upset. Rags didn’t care. She waited for Erin to notice her; she had too much dignity to wave her hands or shout out. But the girl had frozen. She was staring at the skeleton who was standing patiently in the center of the room.

  “Oh my god. Toren!”

  Rags made a disgusted sound as Erin rushed over to Toren. She ignored the questions, the commentary from the people who’s names she barely remembered. She waited for Erin to notice her.

  “Hey, what happened to your eyes?”

  The small Goblin glared, but Erin was too busy peering at her skeleton’s eyes to notice her. She stood up in her chair, but again she was ignored.

  And a terrible thing happened. Suddenly, Rags was small again.


  She was small. Physically, Rags was small even for a Goblin. But she was young, and that would change. She might not be a Hob in the sense of growing to become a giant, but she was still a colossus in her head.

  But here, in this inn, Rags felt tiny. No one was paying attention to her. And she wasn’t important enough to command it.

  She looked around the room. The mage Pisces, the other mage with the dead hand, Ceria. Olesm, the [Tactician], Erin, and Toren. And of course there had been the other girl, Ryoka. They were all important in their own way.

  The mages had high levels, Olesm had twice as many levels in [Tactician] as Rags, and Erin was Erin, the girl who’d killed the last Chief. And Toren…

  He was closest to Rags, but he was important to Erin because he was hers. But Rags was a Goblin. She was weakest, and she wasn’t valuable.

  She didn’t matter.

  At last, Erin looked around. She spotted Rags and did a double-take.

  “Hey Rags! I didn’t see you there! When did you come in?”

  Rags scowled at her, and tried to push away the thoughts lurking in her head. But they always came back, now and then, to remind her she wasn’t important. Yes, she liked this inn. But sometimes…

  “Oh, I know you’ll just love this! Wait a second Rags—you’ll never guess what’s happened since you’ve been gone!”

  Erin bustled into the kitchen, followed closely by Toren. Rags heard her exclaim, berate her skeleton, and then she reemerged with something wonderful.

  It was a sandwich with meat in the center. Rags bit into it, and the worries of the world eased for a second. Erin called it a ham burger, although there was no ham inside. But Rags didn’t care.

  Content now, she sat in the chair and waited to play Erin. But again—she was overlooked.

  Now Erin was talking worriedly about the girl who had left, and arguing with one of
the blue glowing spots in the air. Rags squinted at it, but she couldn’t hear anything. Was Erin talking to it, or just to herself? She seemed to be carrying on a one-sided conversation as far as Rags could tell, but then she went into the kitchen.

  More waiting. Rags couldn’t stand it. She was a Chief. She shouldn’t have to wait! She looked around. If Erin was busy, what about the Drake?

  But Olesm was busy watching Erin, and he didn’t even notice when Rags threw a chess piece at him. He just scratched the spot absently.

  Being ignored. Rags felt a hot burning in her stomach as she glared around. But then her eye fell on something fascinating.

  It was a chessboard, but the pieces were made of…air? Ghostly, frozen wisps of wind. Rags eyed Erin as the girl waved her arms about and shouted, and then made her way over to the table.

  Yes, it was a magical chessboard of some kind. And by the looks of it, a game was in progress. Rags eyed the pieces, and picked one up experimentally.

  It felt like lifting nothing, but there was something between her fingers. Entranced, Rags moved the queen and took a piece.

  Suddenly, the board moved. A piece moved and cut down her queen. Rags leapt back and stared wide-eyed at the board. But then she understood.

  There was someone else playing! Of course! It wasn’t a hard conclusion to come to if you assumed the board was magical, which it clearly was. So who was playing?

  Whoever it was, they’d been playing a complex game. Rags sat down at the table and stared at the pieces. Only Erin could have played this game. And now Rags had messed up her game, trading a queen for a pawn. But—

  The Goblin’s heart began to beat faster, and she stared around the room. Yes, Erin was still busy with the blue floating thing. Rags looked back at the board. Whoever was on the other side was waiting for Erin’s next move. Or Rags’.

  Could she do it? Rags hesitated as she looked at the pieces. Erin was better than she was. But—



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