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The Wandering Inn_Volume 1

Page 185

by Pirateaba


  Erin had to move or have her arm wrenched out of her socket. She bent sideways as Brunkr growled at her and the other Gnolls began ramming the door. Lyon’s screaming was the backdrop to Brunkr’s growling voice.

  “Good kick. Now it is my turn, no? My Aunt may want you alive, but that does not mean unharmed, no?”

  Well, that was a relief. She wasn’t going to die, but she was going to be horribly beaten up. Erin gulped and then tried to kick Brunkr in the nuts again. He caught her leg, and now Erin was hopping on one foot while she was all twisted up.

  “First we will teach you a lesson, no? Then we will deal with the thief.”


  Brunkr turned. A shimmering ray of frost passed by his ear and struck a Gnoll in the back. The Gnoll howled in pain and confusion as ice spread across his back and he collapsed.

  “Put her down and tell your friends to move away from the inn.”


  Erin stared down the hill at the two mages and Brunkr snarled. Ceria was standing next to Pisces, her skeletal hand raised and pointing at Brunkr’s chest. Pisces stood next to her. He was holding a hamburger and trying to cram the rest of it into his mouth.

  “This does not concern you, mages. Leave.”

  Pisces looked like he was considering it, but Ceria just narrowed her eyes.

  “Put Erin down. You’re not committing murder while I’m around.”

  Brunkr’s scowled darkly down at the half-Elf. He nodded towards the door as he held Erin’s arm and leg.

  “She is deserving of death.”

  “That’s not for you to decide.”

  “We will not be stopped.”

  So saying, Brunkr lifted Erin above his head and then hurled her at the two mages. Erin felt the world whirling around her as she flew through the air.


  Erin crashed into Ceria and Pisces and scrambled to pick herself up. She couldn’t. She was completely winded and could only writhe on the ground in pain. Pisces was groaning, but Ceria raised her skeletal hand and shouted.

  “[Snowy Blast]!”

  Lying on the ground, Erin heard a whumph and the sound of something heavy hitting the ground. She looked up just in time to see the half-Elf blast another Gnoll off his feet with a massive burst of snow.

  Brunkr snarled and descended the hill towards Ceria. She raised a finger and pointed.

  “[Ray of Frost].”

  A thin beam of shimmering light extended from her skeletal finger and struck Brunkr’s shield as he raised it just in time. The ice that formed around the shield and the intense cold made the Gnoll snarl in pain, but he kept coming.


  “I’m up. Agh. Springwalker, do something about the ground, would you? They might not be warriors, but there are a lot of them.”

  Pisces pushed himself up and rubbed at his head. He raised one hand and flicked an orb of fire at Brunkr as the Gnoll tried to advance. The Gnoll started dodging, but Pisces twisted his hand and the ball of fire flew around the shield and struck the Gnoll’s chest.

  Erin heard a howl of pain and smelled burning fur, but then she saw a Gnoll had managed to bow the door of her inn inwards a bit. She didn’t know how she got up and ran the distance so fast, but then she was on his back, punching and hitting him wildly.

  Fighting. Dodge, punch, kick. It was like Erin was learning to fight from Calruz again, only this time she was surrounded. And getting hurt. The Gnolls weren’t a friendly Minotaur or even Toren. They weren’t carrying weapons, but they were getting sick of pulling their punches.

  Erin was in the thick of the fighting, punching, ducking, and getting hit. Erin reeled back a furred paw smacked the stars into her vision and swung a few times at the Gnoll in front of her. There were so many. And they were angry!

  Brunkr was at the door, trying to break it down. But even his strength was having trouble with Antinium construction. The wood was splintering, but the Gnoll in front of Erin was too quick for her to tag, and he kept hitting her.

  Erin stumbled and tasted blood in her mouth as the Gnoll struck her again. She felt flashes of darkness around her vision and saw a fist coming in low and fast.

  But instead of flesh, the Gnoll’s fist met a shield made of bronze, and as the Gnoll recoiled in pain, a sword lanced out and caught him in the gut.

  Toren twisted his sword and the Gnoll stepped backwards, gasping in pain. Erin stared stupidly as he skeleton shoved the Gnoll backwards and the larger Gnoll fell on his back. Toren wrenched the sword free and raised it high.


  Brunkr had seen the skeleton and now he turned from his opponents. He dropped the battered Pisces.

  Toren was wearing armor. And he had a helmet! That was armor, but…Erin’s head was spinning. Why was Toren here? No—why was he wearing armor? And was he…bigger?

  But the skeleton had dropped the shield in one hand and was holding his battered sword in a two-handed grip. He raised it above the Gnoll who was futilely shielding his face with his hands and Erin realized was going to kill the Gnoll who’d attacked her.

  “Toren! Stop!”

  Erin shouted desperately, trying to will oxygen into her depleted lungs. She reached out for Toren as Brunkr charged at him.

  The skeleton hesitated. He looked down at the fallen Gnoll, and then started to lower his sword. He turned towards Erin and an arrow pierced the back of his helmet and shattered his skull.

  Fragments of something red sprayed out of the skeleton’s eye sockets and mouth like blood. Erin screamed as Toren collapsed to the ground.

  Brunkr lowered his sword in confusion, and the other Gnolls looked around. Erin turned, and the Gnoll in front of her took that opportunity to seize her arm. He was about to slam her into the ground when an arrow struck him in the knee and sent him sprawling to the ground.

  The Gnolls blinked as arrows suddenly began to take them down from afar. Erin gasped in relief and Brunkr hesitated, and that was when all four members of the Gold-rank team Griffon Hunt charged into the fight.


  Halrac drew an arrow out of the quiver at his side and loosed it in one movement. His second arrow struck a Gnoll in the legs and the huge beast went down, roaring as he or she did.

  The [Scout] could never tell the furry people apart, but it didn’t really matter. Either gender was dangerous, so Halrac loosed three more arrows at Gnolls, striking them in their midsections and legs to hobble them.

  They weren’t lethal shots, and he wasn’t using arrows with points. He had a special type of arrow he used when fighting people, and the blunt arrows might caught serious damage or break bones, but they wouldn’t kill with healing potions being so plentiful.

  “Someone get the girl!”

  He shouted the words as his three comrades spread out around him. Ulrien charged towards the Human girl they’d seen being attacked while Revi and Typhenous took spots next to Ulrien. It was their classic formation, and Halrac knew what they were doing almost before they spoke.

  “Give me a minute and I’ll cover this area with webs.”

  Typhenous raised his wand and began pointing it around the hilltop. The old mage watched several Gnolls turn towards him without a hint of concern. Halrac kept firing into the scrum around the human girl, covering her and the door. He could hear another girl screaming inside. They’d have to get to the inn, protect both girls somehow.

  But instead of taking advantage of their surprise attack to run, the girl was backing up towards her door. And she was fighting!

  The girl punched a tall Gnoll repeatedly in the chest as he swung at her, dodging back as he swiped at her. Halrac cursed as he shot at a huge Gnoll carrying a shield and sword. This Gnoll was clearly a warrior class of some kind; he was blocking every shot as he advanced on the girl.

  “What in the name of monsters is she—Revi!”

  “I see it. Calm down.”

  Revi was pulling scraps of fabr
ic out of her pouches. She tossed three into the air, and shimmering figures appeared.

  “Warriors! Guard us and protect that girl!”

  Three armed warriors—two male and one female—appeared out of the air and met the Gnolls who’d been charging at the three adventurers. They swung into the Gnolls and smashed into them hard. Even the weakest of Revi’s phantoms was close to a Silver-rank adventurer in strength; far more than a match for untrained fighters.

  But there were a lot of angry Gnolls and Griffon Hunt wasn’t about to start killing civilians. Halrac shifted his gaze as he drew another arrow and eyed the two mages fighting the Gnolls separately from them.

  Another Gold-rank team…? No, they were using low-level spells. One was throwing small orbs of flame at Gnolls to keep them away while the other one had frozen the ground around them, making footing unstable while she blasted Gnolls with huge showers of snow that knocked them flat.

  Then Halrac’s eyes widened and he nudged Revi. The [Summoner] lowered the wand she was using to fire magical bolts of energy and gasped.

  “Gods. It’s getting up. Ulrien!”

  “I see it.”

  The warrior had halted his charge towards the girl. He instead ran towards the skeleton Halrac had shot through the skull and thought he’d killed again. The shattered bone around the skeleton’s head was reforming, and it was pushing itself onto its feet, shaking it’s head in a very human way.

  Ulrien didn’t give it the chance to recover. He raised his great sword up and slashed horizontally as the skeleton turned. The big man’s blade wasn’t sharp, but the force behind his swing nearly sheared through the armor anyways.

  The skeleton crumbled to the ground again, spineless, as Ulrien placed his boot on the broken armor and wrenched his sword free. He raised the sword to crush the skeleton completely, and Halrac prayed it would destroy the wretched thing once and for all.


  A voice made Halrac glance away from his friend. Someone was running at Ulrien. It was the girl. As the man turned, the girl ducked under his guard and delivered a right hook that made him stumble. Protected as he was by various enchantments, Ulrien wasn’t hurt so much as shocked. He raised a hand, and the skeleton took that moment to stab at his legs.

  Halrac gaped, but his hands moved faster than his incredulous brain. He’d lined up another non-lethal shot to take the girl down when he spotted something flying his way.

  The [Scout] ducked, and the tendril-thin beam of magic just missed his head. He saw the half-Elf pointing at him, and suddenly realized the other mage’s arc of fire had just expanded towards him, Revi and Typhenous.

  Halrac blinked as both mages and the innkeeper started fighting them instead. He gaped as a stone cracked into his shoulder and then the girl began punching at Ulrien.

  “Dead gods! What are they doing?”

  Halrac had to take cover as Typhenous and Revi began erecting magical shields. His shoulder was on fire, despite the leather armor that had protected him from the girl’s throw. He glanced at Revi as everyone, Gnolls, half-Elf, and Humans, suddenly decided they wanted to team up on them.

  “There’s more coming from the city. You kill that skeleton—I’ll hold them off.”

  “Wait. Typhenous. Don’t—”

  Halrac didn’t have time to caution the mage. Revi and Typhenous turned and began casting spells at another foe. Halrac cursed as he saw Ulrien was now trying to ward off the crazed girl and fight the Gnoll with the sword and shield at the same time. This was going from bad to worse.

  And the skeleton was still moving. Somehow, even the damage Ulrien had done to it was being repaired, but slowly. Was it running out of mana? Halrac didn’t know, but he drew a special arrow out of his quiver anyways. This one would burn even the damn thing’s bones.

  Halrac drew the arrow, sighted down the shaft, and then there was fire.


  Zevara hated Humans. Not just because they looked like pink, shaved pigs and they smelled horrible, but because they caused trouble.

  True, Drakes and Gnolls caused trouble too, and Zevara was certain it was a Gnoll problem she was walking into right now, but she was also certain it was Humans who’d made the problem even worse.

  One Human, in particular. And since Zevara had seen exactly what happened around Erin Solstice, she’d brought her best reinforcements.

  “Relc, I want you to get in there and start cracking heads. Don’t use your spear unless you have to.”

  The large Drake grinned at Zevara.

  “No problem, Captain!”

  “Klbkch. I might need Soldiers if the Gnolls start rioting.”

  “We will monitor the situation.”

  Klbkch and Relc weren’t the only pair of Senior Guardsmen in the city, but between the two, they represented the Watch’s greatest fighting strength. The Antinium nodded at Zevara as she led them and a group of Guardsmen up the hill towards the inn.

  “I have heard another group of Gold-rank adventurers have joined the battle. How shall we engage?”

  “Let Relc handle them. I’ll try to talk them down.”

  “Why’re they here anyways? Did Erin bother them too?”

  Zevara snarled and hastened her step. She didn’t want these adventurers in her city, but she had no desire to tangle with a Gold-rank team.

  “Who cares why they’re fighting? They’re adventurers. They swarm to brawls like acid flies! Now—”

  Her [Dangersense] that had been ringing in the back of her head went off loudly and Zevara ducked as a jet of something sticky flew right at her. It smacked into two Drakes and they cried out as the ball of webbing unfolded and snared them in place.

  “Spread out! Relc!”

  He was already gone. Zevara saw him sprinting towards a huge adventurer holding a great sword and a Gnoll—one of the ones who’d just entered the city—holding a shield and sword.

  Zevara was more concerned about the mages, though. She recognized Ceria and Pisces—they were exchanging spells with two mages and an archer as Gnolls charged both. One lifted up Pisces and threw the screaming mage down the hill and knocked Ceria flat with one paw as she watched.

  The Gold-rank adventurers were having a better time of it. Three shimmering warriors defended the group, and Zevara recognized them as summoned beings, brought forth by a [Summoner]. They were battering the Gnolls down with ruthless efficiency. One of the mages was firing bolts of magic that was blasting people off their feet, and the other was engulfing group after group in sticky webs.

  That was the group Zevara needed to stop. She strode towards them, shouting.

  “This is the Watch! Put down your weapons and stop fighting at once!”

  None of the fighters around the inn heard her. Zevara didn’t have [Loud Voice] as a skill, and at times like this she really regretted its absence.

  But her voice did attract the attention of the Gold-rank adventurers and one of the ghostly phantasms that was standing next to them. The tanned warrior turned and charged towards them. Zevara reached for her sword, but a brown blur appeared in front of her and met the phantasm in a clash of sparks.


  He fell back as the ghostly warrior swung a huge axe at him, forcing the Antinium back. Zevara ducked as one of the adventurers raised a wand and engulfed three of her Guardsman and an equal amount of Gnolls in a sticky web.

  Zevara pointed her sword at the mage who’d cast the spell. She shouted at him as she advanced.

  “Enough! Stop this at once! Put down your wand and—”

  She got no further. A magical missile flew towards her and Zevara blocked it with her sword. The force of the impact jarred the blade out of her hand and sent the Watch Captain stumbling back. She looked up and saw another mage, a female with stitches around her neck and arms, pointing a wand at her.

  That was it. Zevara hissed. She took a deep breath and spat fire at the adventurers. One of them shouted in panic, but the old man with a wand raised his and s

  “[Barrier of Air]!”

  The flames spread out and vanished as they hit a wall of swirling wind. Zevara watched the flames dissipate, and cursed inwardly. She took a deep breath, and breathed a stronger jet of flame.

  Again, the flames dissipated, but the mage had to throw up both hands to maintain the spell. Zevara gasped for air. The world darkened and turned grey as it always did after she used her birthright, and she tried to inhale. But she had to keep breathing fire. She breathed again, and the mages began firing at her. Her guardsmen returned fire with spell and arrow, and Zevara’s only conscious thought was that it was lucky Olesm wasn’t here. That was he wouldn’t see her kill that damn Human.


  Far below the surface, Olesm paused as Pawn and Bird both looked up towards the surface. He hesitated, a bishop in his claws.

  “Something wrong?”

  Both Antinium looked at him silently, and then shook their heads.



  “Oh. Well then.”

  Olesm moved a piece and frowned as Bird and Pawn studied the board. He glanced over at the other Workers and the silently watching Ksmvr.

  “…Does anyone have anything to drink down here?”


  Ulrien, Captain of Griffon Hunt and Gold-rank adventurer, was having trouble. He was fighitng two enemies at once, which wouldn’t normally be a problem ,but he couldn’t kill either. Once, a Gnoll with a sword and shield, was pressuring him fairly hard. He was better than a Silver-rank adventurer, but his equipment wasn’t magical, and so Urien could block his strikes with his enchanted great sword and push him back with his superior strength.

  But the other was a human girl who Urien had thought he was going to save, and she was troublesome. She kept kicking him in his unprotected back, and punching him in the side, shouting all the while. It didn’t hurt much—despite Urien’s lack of armor, he had several enchanted rings that took the force of the impacts, but it was throwing him off.

  “We are not your ene—”

  Urien grunted as the girl slammed into his side, and the Gnoll rushed forwards and bashed him with his shield. The big man growled and lashed out, knocking the Gnoll back. He swung at the girl—


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