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The Wandering Inn_Volume 1

Page 202

by Pirateaba

  Shit. I mean, not shit. This is not the place for any of that. I’m in the middle of a war here!

  But what am I supposed to do? This is another issue that I never thought I’d have to deal with, but again, I’ve got no choice.

  Cover, cover…I eye the bush. That is a very uncomfortable place to squat, but it beats anything else.

  “Damn it.”


  Do you know how hard it is to take off several layers of winter clothing and then do your business when you can hear people dying and hacking each other to bits around you? I mean, that does help the bowel movements in one sense, but in another—

  Fear and hatred are pretty much equal in my heart as I brush away branches and try to hurry nature on its course. I’m terrified at any moment someone’s going to see me and this is not the way I want to die—

  “Should we come back when she’s done, do ye think?”

  “Bah! ‘Tis only a bit of night soil. ‘Twill do the thorn bush good.”

  I swear, I had a small heart attack when I heard the voices in my ear. I look around, and see a familiar face. A Frost Faerie grins at me as she perches on a leaf, and more of her friengs sit in the bush. Watching me in a very intimate moment.

  I growl at them.

  “Piss off!”

  “It’s not us doing the pissing now, is it?”

  The faeries laugh as I grab at my clothes. Here’s one small mercy: I did bring toilet paper with me*. I wipe fast and stumble out of the bush as the faeries float around me, chatting and winging through the air as if they don’t notice the battle going on.

  *Toilet paper in this case being blank pieces of parchment, broad leaves, and anything else I could grab that looked soft on the skin. It’s not as if there’s actual factories manufacturing the good stuff, and some people in this world use stones, clay, sponges…fuck that.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  I hiss at the faeries once I’m properly decent. One of them settles on the bush, seemingly ignoring what just transpired there.

  “We’re here to fulfill our part of the bargain, silly mortal. Do ye think we’re oath breakers who’d go back on our word for a silly little mortal war?”

  I blink at them, and then remember.

  “You mean you’re going to take me to the Necromancer? Do you not see the people killing each other over there?”

  One of the faeries yawn and she floats up to the tree line.

  “I see naught to worry us. Do ye fear the soldiers? Hah!”

  She raises her voice and shouts.

  “Come then, pitiful mortals! Come with your spears and metal! Yon Human will fight all of you!”

  “Shut up!”

  I hiss as loudly as I can at the faerie, looking around wildly. She flies back down and laughs in my face.

  “‘Tis you who should be quiet! Have you forgotten? Mortals cannot hear our words any more than they can see our true forms. You’re the one clomping around and making sound in the darkness.”

  That’s…true. True, but I just want to smack the smirk off the faerie’s face. I take several deep breaths. Even in the middle of a war these little nightmares act the same. If I were on the gallows, they’d be telling jokes and eating popcorn. They’d probably love the show.

  But they’re here, and oddly, their presence reassures me even as they piss me off. I steady myself, and readjust my plans.

  “Okay. Okay, you’re right. I’m sorry. Can you…take me to the Necromancer?”

  “We will take you to the place where the dead gather, as per our agreement, Human.”

  Faerie deals. Always beware the fine print. I’m not in the mood to analyze that statement, so I nod.

  “Will you take me through safe paths? Away from soldiers, I mean?”

  The faeries eye me.

  “No paths are safe in war, Human. At least, not to you. We will take you away from the worst of the fighting, but we make no promises.”

  Damn. But it beats wandering around, and hey, maybe this Necromancer isn’t interested in a single human. I haven’t seen any undead yet, which sort of makes me more inclined to seek him out than anything living at the moment.

  “Alright, lead on.”

  “Move quick, and silently as you can, Human. This way.”

  The faeries fly off ahead of me, to my right. Deeper into the forest. I hesitate, and then move after them, slowly, quietly, wincing each time my boots crunch in the snow or I snap a branch.

  It’s a long, harrowing journey in the darkness, with only the blue glow of the faerie’s light to guide my path. But then we enter a clearing and the faeries hover, pointing.

  “There. Beyond lies the place you seek.”

  My heart pounds as I stop and stare at the trees. They’re nothing special. Dark shadows seem to consume sight a few feet in, but otherwise the stand of trees looks ordinary to me.

  “Are you s—”

  Of course they’re sure. I bite the question back on my tongue.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  I slowly walk into the trees, pushing past the thrick branches. My nerves are twanging as I slowly make my way forwards. It’s so dark. What will I find beyond these trees? Death? It can’ be worse than what lies behind me.

  But then—a voice in my ear.


  Instantly, I stop, listening for the sounds of something approaching. But then the faerie hovering by my face points.

  “Go left here.”

  I eye her, but do as she instructs. But after only a few feet she stops me again.

  “Now forwards.”

  Again, I take no more than ten steps before she speaks.

  “Now right.”

  “Oh come on.”

  The faerie glares at me as I give her an irritated look.

  “This is the path, Human. Do ye want to find this Necromancer or not?”

  I’d soon as rather not, but maybe they’re steering me around pitfalls or something. Grumpily I obey, but then the faerie floats in front of me.

  “Good. Now, walk backwards.”

  “You’ve got to be shitting me.”

  “You do that well enough. ‘Tis the only way through this maze.”

  “Maze? What maze? We’re in the trees!”

  The faerie gives me another look, and I realize how stupid that sounds. Magic doesn’t need to be visible, does it? But then…she could just be messing with me. The problem is, both theories sound equally valid.

  But the faeries don’t lie…much. So I sigh and turn around, only to have the faerie yell at me again.

  “No, don’t turn! Walk backwards, fool!”

  I glare at her, but face forwards again and slowly walk backwards.

  “If this is some kind of prank—”

  The faerie rolls her eyes in impatience.

  “Look at your stone, you fool, you!”

  For a moment I forget that I have Teriarch’s enchanted stone. Then I pull it out and stare at the magical arrow.

  It’s pointing behind me. I turn, and it swings around. What the hell? You can only get to your destination by walking backwards at this point?

  I try to follow the stone’s directions, walking backwards, forwards, left and right seemingly at random. No wonder everyone thinks this Necromancer is dead if this is how you have to get to him.

  “That’s a clever trick.”

  “Not so clever. And ye missed a step. You walked too far forwards.”

  Damn. She’s right. Somehow I’m back in the clearing. I sigh, and then freeze as I hear a voice.

  “Are you a Courier, then?”

  I whirl around. Standing behind me is a Drake, a tall warrior wearing plate armor. My heart freezes in my chest. Oh no. A soldier.

  My hand shoots towards my belt, but the soldier sighs.

  “Don’t move. I don’t want to hurt you, but I’m not in the mood to get hit with some [Alchemist]’s concoction.”

  I freeze, and the Drake nods. My eyes dart around the c
learing, but he’s the only person here besides me. Literally.

  The faeries are gone. Looks like they won’t help me if I’m attacked. I have no idea what to do.

  I stare at the Drake and recognize him, vaguely. He’s the one who led the charge on the other army. He’s covered with blood, and it’s practically painting his arms.

  “I saw you fleeing Ilvriss’s camp. I don’t suppose you have a message for me?”

  He doesn’t seem to be overly hostile, and he’s clearly not with the soldiers I escaped from. I hesitate.

  “No. I’m on a different mission. But I am a Runner?”

  “Who else could be living this far away from civilization? No, don’t answer. I don’t particularly care right now. But tell me, have you seen any other soldiers here? I’ve been separated from my army, and I keep getting turned around here.”

  He’s lost? I glance at the trees behind me out of the corner of my eyes. Must be an unfortunate side effect of the magic.

  “I haven’t seen anyone, but I think there’s fighting that way.”

  I point back the way I came.

  “Not sure if they’re your side or the other side, though. I didn’t get close enough to check.”

  The Drake shrugs wearily.

  “It doesn’t matter either way. So long as I get back to the fighting. I’d like to talk with you once this is over, assuming we win. Seems like I owe you a debt for causing that chaos in the camp.”

  Really? A Drake that isn’t immediately suspicious of me? A sensible soldier? This is almost harder to believe than the magic forest maze. But I don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, especially when he looks like he’s just ripped apart a bunch of people with his claws.

  “Sure. Thanks. I’ll just be going now…”

  I take a few steps backwards. The Drake smiles.

  “I understand. But before you go—could I get your name? My name is Zel.”

  “…I’m Ryoka.”

  He nods and smiles again.

  “Pleased to meet you, Miss Ryoka. Now then, I’ll let you be on your way.”

  He turns and begins to walk past me, but then, stops, and sighs. I tense, but he’s not looking at me. Zel scratches at his cheek wearily, leaving a thin trail of blood.

  “Oh Dragon dung.”

  I look over. Standing at the edge of the clearing is a group of soldiers, weapons drawn, and leading them are two Drakes I recognize.

  Lord of the Wall Ilvriss strides forwards, resplendent in his gold and crimson armor, his loyal subordinate Periss at his side. His cape swirls around him as he draws his sword, a shining blade that glows even in the darkness.

  The effect is somewhat ruined by his red eyes and the awful stench coming from him and Periss. That might be why the elite soldiers are standing a bit farther behind the two than necessary.

  Ilvriss stares at me and Zel, his eyes burning and blinking rapidly. He looks pissed. And uh, I might be edging behind Zel at this point.

  The lone Drake looks at Ilvriss and the warriors without a trace of fear, but rather, weary resignation. He nods his head and Ilvriss returns the gesture.

  “Zel Shivertail.”

  “Wall Lord Ilvriss. I don’t suppose you’re here to surrender, are you?”

  “On the contrary. I will have you surrender here, now, or after I have subdued you. This battle is over.”

  Zel nods as if he expected nothing more. He eyes Ilvriss’ red eyes with interest, as well as Periss. She’s got a nasty bruise on her scales where I kicked her, and both she and Ilvriss are giving me casual looks of murderous rage.

  “That’s a lot of elite soldiers to capture me. I’m flattered.”

  Ilvriss shakes his head in irritation.

  “I would not sully our duel with underhanded tricks. They are here for her.”

  He points at me with his sword, and every eye shifts towards me. Oh shit.

  There’s got to be at least fifteen soldiers behind Periss, and they all look like they’ve got special armor. How do I know? Magic runes, shining metal where there’s no light, and a general sense of…death emenating from the group of warriors.

  I am so dead.

  Ilvriss nods to his second-in-command.

  “I will deal with Shivertail. Capture the Human.”

  I tense to run, but surprisingly, Zel interrupts. He takes a casual step towards Ilvriss and everyone in the clearing raises their weapon. Is this guy some sort of badass? Or…the general of the other army?

  “Hold on now, that’s a bit unfair. Why don’t you send some of those warriors my way? I’m sure it will make this a fairer fight.”

  He raises a bloody claw, and Periss hesitates. She looks towards Ilvriss.

  “My Lord—”

  He glares at her. Looks like he wants an honor duel, no matter how stupid everyone else thinks it is. He points at me.

  “Go, Periss. Hack off her legs if you must, but bring her to me alive. ”

  That doesn’t sound good. I take two steps back, but one of the Drakes in the ground raises a bow. Well, shit. I’m definitely not faster than a speeding arrow. Think, Ryoka. What can I…?

  It’s dark in the clearing. I glance around. The moonlight is faint as it filters through the thick canopy. If I run…no, their eyes are too good.

  Eyes. Too good. Darkvision. My eyes narrow. Zel is beginning to circle with Ilvriss and Periss is slowly advancing towards me, sword raised. Her eyes are on my belt, but I don’t reach for a potion. Instead, I slowly raise my hand.

  “Hey Lord Asshole. Take a good look at this.”

  Ilvriss spares one glance towards me and opens his mouth at the same time Periss does. But that’s all I need. I focus, and push all the magic I have into one spell.


  My palm shines white, and the Drakes and Gnolls cry out and cover their eyes. It’s the [Flashlight] spell again, only this time it’s on high beam.

  I turn and sprint back towards the enchanted section of trees, pointing my hand backwards as I do. The light is blinding, but I hear the soldiers blundering after me even as the Zel guy leaps towards Ilvriss.

  The trees encircle me. I hesitate. Teriarch’s stone is in my belt. Which way do I—?

  “To your right, Human!”

  A faerie flies down and shouts in my ear. I immediately run right even as I point my palm backwards. Blind them. I can hear Periss shouting angrily, her voice ringing through the trees.

  “Seize her! Cancel that spell!”

  The bright light emanating from my palm suddenly goes out. I blink in shock and nearly stumble as the now far-darker forest closes in around me.

  Oh hell. I didn’t know mages could do that. I drop my hand and put all my energy into sprinting ahead. The faeries keep calling out directions and I obey them as I hear my pursuers shouting just behind me.

  “Forwards! Now right!”

  “Diagonal left! No, other left!”

  “Stop and turn right! There! Run!”

  “Left now!”

  My foot catches on a root, and I stumble. My arms windmill and I jerk back upright—

  And stop when I see the castle.

  It sits in the center of a flat, open stretch of land covered by white snow. It’s impossible, but the castle is suddenly there, a structure sitting in the center of a cleared section of forest. It was invisible until I made my way through this maze; I could have sworn that only more trees were ahead of me.

  But here it is. A castle. The home of the Necromancer, I’ve no doubt. It looms overhead, a black fortress of stone, a lone sentinel in the open landscape filled with snow. There’s something beautiful about it, but I have no time to admire the sights.

  “Don’t move, Human.”

  I hear the voice a second before a hand grabs me and a shaft of edged steel appears at my throat. Periss roughly drags me back as her soldiers rush out of the forest behind me. Somehow, they managed to follow me through the maze.

  “Mage, watch for any magic coming from her and neutralize it.”

  Periss is so intent on me she hasn’t even seen the castle. I hold very still as the steel nicks my skin, watching as the other soldiers gasp and stagger backwards from the massive castle. But Periss only has eyes for me. She snaps orders at the other soldiers.

  “Someone search her belt and pack! Remove any suspicious items.”

  One of the soldiers, a tall Gnoll with a poleax hesitates.

  “Lady Periss—”

  The Drake ignores him. She glares at me.

  “We are going to go back to Wall Lord Ilvriss to aid in his battle. Prepare for combat against Zel Shivertail. And I swear to you Human, if you try anything I will slice off both your legs and arms—”

  “Lady Periss!”

  At last she looks up and freezes. The sword at my throat lowers, but I don’t dare move. Periss slowly lets go of me and takes a step back.

  “By all the Ancestors, what…?”

  She looks at me, and suddenly the sword it right back at my throat. I raise my hands, but the tip of the sword is literally tickling my larynx.

  “What is this place, Human. Where have you taken us?”

  I gulp. That actually hurts, as the sword tip pierces my throat..

  “This is the place where the dead go.”


  “It’s the home of a [Necromancer]. Ah, the Necromancer. Az’kerash.”

  It’s like I just said I brought them to the gates of hell. The elite soldiers groan aloud, and Periss’ scales go nearly as white as the snow. To her credit, she doesn’t even hesitate.

  “Retreat! Now!”

  She seizes me and another Drake drags me backwards. I’m practically lifted off my feet as the soldiers rush back towards the forest.


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