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The Wandering Inn_Volume 1

Page 237

by Pirateaba

  He nodded, and pointed up towards the inn. On cue the doors flew open and Erin heard a strident voice.

  “Is he gone? Come back! I insist—!”

  The girl dashed down the slope and stopped, waving her arms and shouting at the coach. She turned to Erin, furious.

  “How dare he? The nerve—did you inform Magnolia Reinhart of my distress? When will she send for me? You may pass any correspondence from her directly to me.”

  She looked at Erin expectantly. Erin blinked.

  “Um. She knows you’re here.”


  “And that’s it. I don’t think she’s sending anyone else. Hey Toren, help me carry all this food to the inn. You can have this basket. And this bundle. And I’ll take this…there’s some good food in here so don’t drop it.”

  Erin trooped up to her inn and went inside, ignoring Lyonette’s outraged monologue. The noble girl calmed down only slightly when she saw the feast Erin had brought back.

  “Hmf. Well at least the woman was decent enough to provide me with a decent meal as recompense. I will await her reply while I make do.”

  Erin suspected Lyonette would be waiting for a long time, but she wisely didn’t mention that.

  “If you set the table I’ll have some food too, Lyonette.”

  The girl stared at Erin. Erin stared back. Lyonette’s petulant self-righteousness was a far cry from Ressa’s stare and Lady Magnolia’s sheer presence. In a few seconds the girl flounced into the kitchen.

  She was just finishing setting the table—badly—and Toren had emerged with a jug of cold milk when the door slammed open.


  Relc bellowed the words and Lyonette screamed and dropped the forks and ran for the stairs. Erin laughed.

  “Relc! And Klbkch! And Selys?”

  The [Receptionist] walked in as Klbkch held the door open and smiled at Erin.

  “Hi Erin. I hope I’m not bothering you, but I saw that coach come in and everyone was headed this way, so…”

  Klbkch shut the door and nodded to Erin.

  “I hope we are not interrupting you today, Miss Solstice?”

  “No, that’s great, come in!”

  Erin waved the three into her inn happily. She hated being alone, which was to say, trapped with either Lyon or Toren. Relc chortled with delight when he saw the spread of food Toren had placed on one of the tables.

  “Where did all this come from?”

  “Oh, that? It’s um…a gift. I can’t eat it with just Lyon, so everyone grab a plate and have some. Lyonette—more plates! And forks. And spoons and knives. And cups!”

  The girl looked up with disgust, but Toren shepherded her back into the kitchen. Relc stared after the girl and scratched his heads, looking briefly put out, but Klbkch spoke to Erin as Selys happily investigated the food.

  “I regret that Pawn is not able to visit. He is occupied within the Hive.”

  “And I couldn’t find Olesm. I think he’s busy at the Runner’s Guild for some reason. I saw him taking a huge stack of parchment there earlier.”

  Selys eyed the food Erin had spread on the table. Magnolia, for all her objectionable traits, was certainly generous when it came to food. Since Erin had fallen asleep before she’d touched the spread, she had two different roasted pheasants, over ten cuts of meat, cheeses, two bottles of wine, fruits that were only slightly wilted, bread, some kind of spicy dip, a sweet dip, olives, and even a crab—

  “Is this really all a gift from this Reinhart lady? Did she like you that much, Erin?”

  “I think she was just being…generous. She’s really rich, I think.”

  “Wow. You know, I knew she was important after Ceria told me about her messenger, but I didn’t know she was that important.”

  “You’ve never heard of her?”

  Erin was curious. Selys scratched at one cheek and twitched her tail in embarrassment.

  “Well, it’s just—she’s a Human, you know, Erin? I guess I just don’t pay attention to famous Humans that much. I could name a few important adventurers and teams, but not more than that.”

  “So no one knows of Lady Magnolia Reinhart?”

  “Reinhart? She was the one who sent that carriage?”

  Relc looked up from the food as Toren and Lyonette reappeared. Klbkch looked at Erin as well.

  “Yeah. She wanted to talk. So you know her, Relc?”

  He shrugged.

  “The Deadly Flower? Yeah, I’ve heard of her.”

  “Oh! From the Antinium Wars! That’s her?”

  Selys gasped in sudden realization.

  “But she’s a hero! And she helped beat the Antinium both times. I had no idea!”

  She glanced over at Klbkch and froze.


  Klbkch nodded as he delicately consumed a slice of beef.

  “I have never met Magnolia Reinhart in person, but I am well aware of her accomplishments. I am curious as to why she wished to speak with you, Erin.”

  He looked at Erin, and she realized he probably knew why. Relc scratched his spines and shrugged.

  “Who cares? I mean, you can tell us, but free food is free food, right? Can I have all of this?”



  Relc began heaping a plate with as much food as possible, much to Lyon’s outrage. She glared daggers at the Drake which Relc happily ignored. Lyonette tried to load her own plate while keeping as far away from any non-Human as possible. That was fairly impossible, but she gravitated more towards Selys than Klbkch or Relc, staying the furthest away from the Antinium.

  “This is so tasty!”

  Selys smiled at Erin as the two took their plates to a table. Relc wavered, but Klbkch tapped him on the shoulder and they took a table a few feet away. Erin had noticed the lack of invitation from Selys, as well as the way the Drake had kicked her when she opened her mouth to invite the other two to join her.

  “Why don’t you want to eat with Relc?”

  She whispered that to Selys when she was sure the other Drake was investigating one of the kegs Erin had put on the bar’s counter in the back. Selys made a face.

  “He was flirting with me on the way here, Erin. I just don’t want to give him the wrong idea so soon afterwards.”


  Erin had discussed the more…intimate…relations of each species with Selys before, but she’d never really asked about the Drake’s love life. But from the look on Selys’s face, Relc wasn’t included in any of her aspirations.

  “Don’t you like him? I do.”

  “As a friend, I guess. I mean, I don’t know him like you do. But I’d never date him, Erin!”

  “Why? I mean, he’s not that bad, is he?”

  Selys looked over at Relc as the Drake happily poured himself a drink of ale and grimaced.

  “Well no, but—he’s really muscly, and he’s arrogant and selfish too. I know he’s a really important Senior Guardsman and he’s really high-level, but I’d hate to be the Drake who had to put up with him in a relationship. Anyways, I prefer guys who look…better, you know?”

  Erin frowned at Relc.

  “Really? He looks fine to me.”

  “That’s because you’re a Human.”

  Selys sighed. She swished her tail back and forth on the floorboards.

  “Look, it’s not just that. He’s older than me, you know? I mean, I’m almost the same age as his d—”

  She broke off as Relc walked over. His tail was wagging as he held up a mug.

  “This is alcohol, right? You’re finally serving alcohol?”

  He nearly had tears in his eyes. Erin nodded and grinned.

  “I bought some—I even made this really weird special drink, but it’s uh, sort of in testing. It does weird things when people drink it.”

  “Really? I’ll try some so long as I’m not throwing up afterwards.”

  Selys looked intrigued. Relc nodded.

  “I’ll try it eve
n if I do throw up. Alcohol!”

  He went back to his table as Erin turned back to Selys.

  “Anyways, meeting with Magnolia was huge. She said so many things—”

  “So tell me everything!”

  Erin took a deep breath, and then looked towards the door. A second later, Halrac opened it. The [Scout] grunted when he saw the food on the table before his eyes flicked to Erin.

  “Are you open?”

  Relc looked over and frozen, but Klbkch seemed perfectly at ease. Selys had frozen in her seat, but Erin only smiled wider.

  “Come on in, Halrac! Get a plate and have something to eat—it’s a buffet tonight!”

  The older man eyed the spread without comment. He seemed puzzled by it, possibly because he could identify the rich food, but he loaded up his plate and took a table away from the others.

  Erin resolved to talk to Halrac later, after she’d finished eating. He was so silent, except when he was bugging her about having more of that faerie flower drink. But she bet she could get him to open up if she talked enough. She turned and saw Selys gaping at her.

  “What? Do I have something on my face?”

  “Erin! That’s Halrac! Halrac as in, Halrac from Griffon Hunt! The Gold-rank [Scout]!”

  “Um. Yeah?”

  Erin knew that. She couldn’t remember if Halrac had told her or she’d heard it somewhere else, but Selys seemed blown away by that fact.

  “What is he doing here!? I thought he was staying at Peslas’ inn!”

  “Really? Well, he comes in every night. I guess he likes my inn better.”

  Erin felt a bit smug at that, but Selys shook his head.

  “But he’s famous, Erin! How’d you even meet him? I mean, maybe he’s not as famous as Magnolia Reinhart—”

  “Who you didn’t know.”

  “—Shut up. I know adventurers because it’s my job, okay? Halrac’s a veteran. He’s killed Griffons by himself and he’s probably the closest to becoming a Named Adventurer in Liscor right now.”

  “Well, he’s a good customer. Silent. Doesn’t throw things. And he tips well.”

  “He’s rich.”

  “Really? Well, I think he keeps coming back because of this drink I made. You know those flowers I told you about? A few days ago I—”

  Erin broke off again. Selys looked at her.

  “More guests? How can you tell?”

  “I don’t know. I just…sense it.”

  Sure enough, only a few seconds after Erin had turned, the door opened.


  Erin half-rose from her chair, beaming as the small Goblin entered, pushing back her hood. But the young woman stopped when she saw Rags wasn’t alone.

  Rags had a friend. Or an underling? How else could Erin explain the second Goblin that walked through the door. He was likewise hooded, and Erin only caught a glimpse of green skin as he tugged the cloth over his face and looked around. But that wasn’t the thing that stopped her.

  “A Hob!”

  Relc shot out of his chair and reached for his spear. Klbkch caught his arm, but Lyonette screamed and Selys choked on her mouthful of food. Erin looked at the tall Goblin.

  He didn’t look like the Goblin Chieftain at all. What had Relc said? A Hob? As in Hobgoblin? But he looked so…so…Human.

  That was to say, he looked humanoid. He was about as Human as a Drake and Erin detected fangs in the smile he gave her.

  The Hobgoblin made her uneasy. But then Erin noticed Rags was staring at her. Expectantly. And Erin realized Rags was waiting to see what she would do.

  Yet, Erin had a definite sense that this mysterious Hobgoblin wasn’t like Rags. He was dangerous, and everyone in the room felt it. Especially the warriors.

  Across the room, Relc and Klbkch were silently staring at the Hobgoblin. The air had frozen around Relc and one of his hands was clenched into a fist. Halrac had paused as soon as the second Goblin had entered, and one of his hands was at his belt. Even Toren was staring hard at the second Goblin.

  The air was full of tension. Erin felt her [Dangersense] tingling in the back of her head, but she ignored it and made herself smile. What had Lady Magnolia said about Goblins? No—she’d said it about Erin. A girl who treated Goblins like people. Because Goblins were people. Remember that.

  “Rags, come in! I’ve got tons of food, and you’re always welcome here. You and any Goblins. And I see you’ve got a friend. That’s great. Well, he’s a guest and isn’t going to be attacked, okay?”

  Erin didn’t look at the others, but she raised her voice and sensed the mood change. Klbkch nodded silently, and Halrac slowly relaxed in his seat and turned back to his drink. Only Relc stood staring, until Klbkch tapped him gently on the shoulder and pushed him back towards his seat.

  Erin approached the two Goblins cautiously. Rags looked…different. It felt like ages since she’d last been in the inn, and something had changed in her demeanor.

  She looked taller. Physically—she seemed to have grown an inch or two, but also in the way she carried herself. She stared up at Erin without a trace of fear, but only a sense of curiosity and something else in her crimson eyes.

  “I’ve got food. Um, and we can play chess later. Where’s your tribe?”

  Stare. Erin looked up at the other Goblin. He grinned at her, exposing sharp teeth.

  “Who’s your friend?”

  The Hobgoblin opened his mouth and Rags kicked him. He frowned down at her and she glared up at him. Erin scratched her head.

  “Is everything okay?”

  Rags shrugged. She walked over to the table filled with food and grabbed a plate. The tall Goblin followed her. Erin watched them begin to pile food on their plates as they muttered to each other in their incomprehensible language and went back to Selys.

  “Erin. Who’s that other Goblin?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well, why is he here?”


  Erin spread her hands out as Selys kicked her.

  “Ow! I don’t know! What’s the problem?”

  Selys lowered her voice and hissed at Erin.

  “The problem is that he’s a Hobgoblin! They’re not like normal Goblins. They’re dangerous! Even a normal Silver-rank adventurer wouldn’t be a match for one!”

  “Well…he’s with Rags! That means he could be okay!”

  “That’s not your only problem, Erin. After that Goblin raiding party—this isn’t good.”

  “This is my inn. What’s the problem?”

  Selys nodded.


  Erin looked over and saw Relc. It wasn’t like she’d forgotten the last time Relc and Rags had met, but now that she looked over, she could see Relc’s expression. Selys looked grim.

  “He’s not going to stay calm, Erin. He’s going to start a fight.”

  “He won’t do that.”

  Selys gave Erin one of the flattest looks the girl had ever received. If the Drake had eyebrows, both of them would have been raised. Erin hesitated.


  Rags and the mysterious other Goblin chose a table on the other end of the inn, away from Rags and the other guests. Erin was relieved for that, and hoped she could maintain the peace throughout the night. After all, the Goblins weren’t doing anything, and Relc wasn’t that crazy, was he?

  Her optimism lasted for ten minutes. Then, as Relc was going back for more food he paused in front of the table and sniffed the air theatrically.

  “Does something stink in here, or is it just me?”

  Erin’s heart sank. She watched Relc turn towards the Goblins, heart pounding. Relc opened his mouth and Erin spoke.

  “Stop it, Relc.”

  He turned to look at her. Relc’s eyes were smoldering, and he seemed even bigger than normal. Erin’s heart was pounding. She did not want to be here. She didn’t want this to be happening. But she had to say it.

  “They’re not doing anything. Leave them alone.”
  “Me? I didn’t say it was the Goblins who stank—”


  Klbkch spoke up from his table. His voice was low, but Relc hunched his shoulders. The Drake made no further comment but stomped back to his table.

  Both Goblins had looked up when Relc spoke, but they returned to their meal as if nothing had happened. The taller one was looking between Erin and Relc with interest, but neither seemed upset.

  If that was all, Erin would have considered herself lucky. But no sooner had Relc put his plate down then he raised his mug high into the air.

  “Hey Klb, let’s toast our friends. You know, the ones who died defending that village from monsters, you remember?”

  He raised his mug and spoke loudly to the room.

  “To Byssa, Invrss, and Olivis, who died protecting us from a real threat. Those bastard Goblins.”

  The inn was silent as Relc noisily drank the entire mug down. He tossed the glass casually onto the table and looked at Rags. She stared back.

  “Stop it.”

  Erin was on her feet. Her knees were shaking, but she made herself stand. She walked in front of Relc and met his eyes.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  Relc met her eyes and Erin felt a shock. There was something dark in the large Drake’s gaze.

  “Because I can’t stand the fact that you let them in here. Because you’re letting them eat while my friends are rotting in the ground.”

  “They’re not the Goblins who killed your friends. Rags is di—”

  “It doesn’t matter. They’re all the same!”

  Relc picked up the mug and hurled it past Erin. She flinched and Selys screamed as the glass shattered.

  Across the room Toren moved. He’d been standing still, but now he grabbed at his sword, purple eyes blazing.

  “Toren! Stand still!”

  He froze in place. Relc sneered at the skeleton.

  “Good decision. Your little pet monster won’t stop me. And neither will you.”

  He moved towards Erin.


  Halrac half-rose from his table. Relc pointed at him.

  “Stay out of this, Human.”

  He looked back at Erin as Halrac hesitated. He was armed, but Erin didn’t want a fight. She shook her head at him as Relc stared at the two Goblins.

  “I’ve seen those things kill countless good people. They’re heartless murderers that don’t deserve a chance.”


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