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The Wandering Inn_Volume 1

Page 431

by Pirateaba

“If you like, I can offer you a very good price if you would consider trading the wand—”


  Outside, quite a number of streets away, Laken sighed impatiently. He was sitting with Durene and Gamel, both of whom were flicking crumbs from their lunch and snack at some inquisitive birds who’d flown down to look.

  Laken knew he should be at the inn they’d found, feeding Frostfall. And he had business at the Merchant’s Guild—and the Runner’s Guild—and the Adventurer’s Guild. But he was waiting here for Ryoka Griffin.

  “Where is she? I wonder if something’s happened?”


  Across the city, one of the overworked [Receptionists] in the Mage’s Guild sighed long and hard as he got another message in. This one was addressed to a name he’d had cause to curse in the last few days.

  He neatly took note of it, recording the sender and the addressee.

  To: Ryoka Griffin

  From: Erin Solstice.

  This was the first message from this sender, but he had messages from…the [Receptionist] consulted the sheet out of idle curiosity.

  Ah yes. From Krshia Silverfang, Selys Shivertail, Klbkch (no last name given), Lyonette (no last name given), Ceria Springwalker, Pisces (no last name given), and now Erin Solstice.

  He wished she would turn up.


  And last, but certainly not least the female [Receptionist] at the Runner’s Guild grimly stopped talking with one of the Runners who’d come in. She was going off-duty for the day, but she left a message for all [Receptionists] on duty. She had a message for Ryoka Griffin too, and she was sure the girl wasn’t going to like it.

  And outside, the snow began to fall. The winter was more than half-over. It had been a long one, but the longest day of the year was fast approaching. After that, the snows would linger for a while, but then melt.

  Winter was ending. But there was a lot to do first. And much of it turned on a young woman who was currently talking about payment plans with an [Enchanter].


  “Tomorrow, then. Or sooner if I can get a hold of the Horns of Hammerad by mage spell.”

  “Very well. Please confine your visiting hours between dawn and sunset.”

  That seemed like a fairly easy request, so Ryoka nodded to Hedault as she and Reynold left his house. She supposed that without clocks, appointments were a little harder to keep.

  The [Enchanter] stood in his living room and gestured to make the front door swing open. Ryoka saw Reynold stop to bow and thank him. She was almost out the door, having said her goodbyes—from the look on Hedault’s face as he stared at the [Butler], he preferred succinct conversations.

  Ryoka paused as she stepped towards the door and turned back to Hedault.

  “One last question. Are any of your other artifacts for sale?”

  She nodded to a mace neatly hung on a wall plaque. Hedault nodded.

  “These are…competent examples of my craft, or artifacts I have purchased for study. I have a small selection of items that I may be willing to sell.”

  “Got it. See you later.”

  The young woman walked out of the door, Reynold following with another polite farewell. Once she was outside, Ryoka took one look at the sun and cursed.

  “How long was I in there?”

  “Around an hour an a half by my count, Miss Ryoka.”

  Reynold stepped smoothly over to her side as the door silently closed behind them. Ryoka sighed.

  “Well shit. Okay, I guess I need to run. Thanks for bringing me here, Reynold.”

  “My pleasure, Miss Ryoka.”

  “I don’t have anything in particular to do.”

  “I see.”

  “…You can go now.”

  Ryoka stared at Reynold. The [Butler] did not move. He stood politely at attention by her side, back perfectly straight. He seemed to be attracting approving glances from a lot of the passersby, and not just because he looked good in a suit. These upstanding citizens probably employed or wanted to employ a man like Reynold, or rather, a [Butler] like Reynold. Then again, Ryoka hadn’t ever seen a Gnoll [Butler] or a Drake [Manservant]. Perhaps they didn’t take to it as well?

  She coughed as she began walking down the street. Reynold followed her.

  “I don’t need your help, Reynold. How can I put this politely…? Piss off.”

  “I’m afraid I cannot do that, Miss Griffin. My orders were to escort you around the city.”

  “And I don’t need an escort anymore. Hold on—”

  The young woman’s eyes narrowed as she put the pieces together.

  “Magnolia told you to follow me everywhere, didn’t she?”

  “That is correct, Miss. I am afraid my orders regarding you were quite specific. I must accompany you everywhere. On that note, shall we return to the plaza? I believe we are late for your meeting.”

  The young woman and butler had been striding quickly down the street towards that very spot, where Ryoka had promised to meet Laken. But Ryoka stopped dead in her tracks and turned around.

  “You bastard.”

  The man’s expression didn’t change. He calmly met Ryoka’s eyes.

  “I did not follow you, Miss Ryoka. But I am not the only person in Lady Reinhart’s employ who was given orders regarding you. Happily, the young man you met appears to be still sitting in the plaza, although he is growing restless. May I suggest we continue walking?”

  Ryoka did, although now she was ready to do violence. Internally she was cursing. She should have realized Magnolia would set watchers on her!

  “Why are you being obvious about spying on me? If you can set watchers so easily, why bother with an escort at all?”

  Reynold’s eyebrows rose slightly..

  “Lady Reinhart expected you to put the pieces together, Miss Ryoka. I believe this is her way of assisting you—again, in her own way. But she did tell me to be open about her orders if you asked.”

  “So I don’t spook and run, is that it?”

  “I would not dare to make such an assumption, Miss.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  For a second, just a second, Ryoka thought about killing Reynold and dumping his body in a ditch somewhere. But of course, Magnolia would know if Ryoka killed her butler. And where would Ryoka find a handy ditch anyways? What about digging a grave? That would be hell in the snow, and Ryoka would have to lure Reynold far out into the countryside to do that…

  It was just a passing thought. But it was tempting. She was furious, but Ryoka was already worrying about Laken. She’d given him away, hadn’t she? But he might just be another person from her world, hardly important—the key would be making sure Magnolia’s servants saw it that way.

  She turned her head as Reynold kept pace with her down the street.

  “Out of curiosity…if I knock you out, how badly do you think Lady Magnolia would react?”

  Again, the [Butler]’s face didn’t twitch. It must have been a Skill.

  “If you wish to try, I am afraid you may well succeed. I must tell you however that I am under orders.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yes. Miss Ressa gave me precise instructions as to what I should do if you offered me violence, Miss Ryoka.”


  Ryoka looked over at Reynold. He just stared at her. Slowly, Ryoka unclenched the fist she’d made.

  “I really hate your boss, Reynold.”

  “I believe the feeling is mutual, Miss Ryoka. I see we have stopped again. Shall we proceed?”

  “Sure. Remind me to kick your ass when I’m done here, Reynold?”

  “I shall make a note of it.”


  In general, I’d say I’m a pretty patient guy. Well, I do like to keep myself busy, but being blind means that sometimes you’ve just got to wait and think about what you’re going to do next.

  For instance, if you’ve lost your walking cane, and you’re in an unfamiliar place, well, you’d better stop and think
or you might walk straight into a car. I’ve done that only once before, but believe me, patience is a life saver.

  I know better than to hurry things along. There’s a time for action, but if it’s not that time, you might as well take it slow.

  Still, I don’t like waiting too long. I shift impatiently on the bench as Durene and Gamel sit next to me. Well, I say sit, but Durene is too big to really share the bench with so she’s sitting on the ground and Gamel seems determined to stand at attention like some kind of personal bodyguard.

  Lunch is done. We’ve all had a snack—some very fine Gnollish cooking, which came in the form of a marinated mix of beef and vegetables drizzled in spicy sauce. I was tickled to learn that instead of disposable paper plates, vendors in this city use cheap ceramics. We pay more for the dishes of course, but we get it back if we return our bowls undamaged.

  Gamel bought the food and returned the dishes once we were done. He insisted—I would have liked him to rest since he’s been on his feet all day, but he wants to be useful.

  Now I turn to him and sense him snap to attention. I don’t have to hear it; I just know he’s standing straighter and turning to face me. It’s so odd. Gamel is only a few years younger than I am, but he thinks I have all the answers.

  That’s a dangerous belief. I frown, but put that issue aside for far later. Right now I only have one question.

  “Do you see Ryoka, Durene? Gamel?”

  “I don’t see anyone, Laken. I mean, there are a lot of people, but—”

  “I don’t see any Runner with dark skin, sire.”

  “Darn. Where could she be?”

  A thousand and one answers come to mind. The first of which is that this Ryoka girl is setting us up for a trap and by waiting, I’ve walked us all into it. I sigh and stand up.

  “Well, we’ve waited long enough. Let’s go.”

  I grab my walking cane and reach out for Durene, but feel her shift, turn as she touches my hand.

  “I—wait, I see her, Laken! That’s her alright!”

  I stiffen. I can’t see where Ryoka is coming from, but Durene faces me the right way. I hear Gamel draw in his breath.

  “What is it?”

  “She’s not alone, Laken.”

  Immediately, the paranoid part of me starts freaking out. But I keep my voice calm. A leader can’t look nervous. That probably goes triple for an [Emperor], shoddy one though I may be.

  “Who is with her?”

  “A…I don’t know. What kind of man is that, Gamel? He looks odd.”


  “Yes, Emper—Mister Laken. He has, well, fancy clothes on. They’re all black and white, and he has a bow tie at his neck. He looks like a rich man’s servant, sir.”

  “A rich man’s servant…”

  I frown. I almost imagine a man in a prison uniform when Gamel says black and white clothes. But they have stripes, don’t they? I don’t know. I think I read about that in a book somewhere, but I haven’t really read a description of prison uniforms in a long time. I always imagine people in that sort of clothing when I listen to news stories about escaped convicts and trials, though.

  A servant, though…why would Ryoka have one of those?

  “He’s with her?”

  “Yes, and they’re—”

  Durene breaks off as I hear someone walk towards me. There’s a moment of hesitation as I feel Durene let go of my hand and move. I can’t tell what’s happened, but then I hear the girl named Ryoka speak.

  “Laken? I’m here.”

  “Ah, Ryoka Griffin? Is that you?”

  I don’t know what’s going on, but I opt for pleasant surprise. I listen very carefully to her as she replies.

  “Yes. Sorry I’m late. Something came up. I—well, sorry.”

  She sounds tense. And worried. Not at all like she did while talking to me before. That was a different sort of tense. This sounds like anxiety in her tone, which means that…

  I think quickly and nod, putting a smile on my face.

  “Of course. Thank you for coming back. Why don’t we chat over by the benches, assuming they’re not all taken?”

  I turn and hear Ryoka cough.

  “Your—friend is in the way.”

  “Durene? Please let Ryoka past.”


  Shuffling feet. Then—I hear a man’s voice.

  “Ah, pardon me Miss Durene, is it? I would like to introduce myself, if you would permit it.”

  “Who are you?”

  Ryoka’s voice.

  “This is Reynold, Laken. He’s my escort. He’s a friend. A—hold on, let me look this up.”

  Silence, shuffling. I hear Durene and Gamel murmur in surprise, but have no idea what Ryoka is doing. So I turn to the man named Reynold.

  “Hello. I’m pleased to make your acquaintance. Are you Ryoka’s friend?”

  “Not as of such, sir. I—I am a—pardon me, but please accept my most profuse apologies to greet you so rudely. Allow me to introduce myself as Reynold Ferusdam, a humble servant in the employ of Lady Magnolia Reinhart.”

  I hear a gasp from Durene and a sound from Ryoka. It’s short, but it makes me think this Reynold fellow has done something. I hold still, but sense nothing.

  “Please excuse my rudeness, sir.”

  “Not…at all.”

  I don’t blink, because I keep my eyelids closed all the time, but I am taken aback. Lady who? What’s this Reynold fellow got to do with Ryoka and why is he acting so formal? Wait a minute. I think I know what’s going on.

  There are a number of ways I could reply. I opt for more genuine interest. I smile and extend my hand.

  “Oh? Pleased to meet you. May I assume you are a—a [Manservant] or [Butler] of some sort?”

  “Indeed, milo—Mister Laken, that is correct. I am a [Butler] currently given the task of escorting Miss Ryoka around the city.”

  I feel a light hand—gloved—shake mine and then withdraw. I can tell this man Reynold is wearing some kind of cologne. Well now, I think I understand his odd reaction. Is there a way to make use of it? Perhaps not, but I also fear it might be giving me away a bit.

  Someone clears her throat next to me. I hear Ryoka draw closer.

  “Goddamn stupid…okay, I think I have it. Laken, Reynold is a friend of a friend. I know Lady Magnolia Reinhart—she’s one of the Five Families in the continent as I’m sure you know, a very powerful [Lady]—and she’s sent Reynold to help me out because I know her. Reynold is a friend. He’s uh—damnit. Freund aber Spion. Achtung. Sag nichts. Verstehst du mich?”

  This is why having my eyes closed all the time helps. They don’t narrow and I keep perfect control of my voice.


  So that’s how it is? I smile at Ryoka.

  “It’s good to meet someone else who speaks a different language.”

  “Yes, it is. Around here everyone speaks English. Everyone. Weird, isn’t it?”

  There’s a note of humor in her tone. I shrug lightly and turn towards Durene.

  “I’m sorry, Durene, Gamel. I haven’t introduced you, have I? This is Ryoka—I met her today, but we, ah, come from the same place. I think of her as a friend, and I hope you will as well. I think she and Mister Reynold might be able to help us while we’re here.”

  I hear people moving and murmuring greetings.

  “Hello. My name is Durene. I’m Laken’s friend.”


  Is it me, or is there not a lot of friendliness in Durene’s tone? I hear Ryoka mutter something and shift—were they shaking hands or something? But then Reynold walks over and I practically feel Durene flush. Listening to her stammer, it sounds like he bowed or kissed her hand.

  Well now. Smiling a bit, I sit with Ryoka on the bench. Everyone else stands.

  “So why are you here?”

  Ryoka’s tone is warning, but I ignore it. Honestly. You can do a lot with honesty, especially when you pair it with omission.

��s a long story. Durene and Gamel and I are all from Riverfarm, a small village to the…east, I think. We’ve come here because an avalanche hit the village a few days ago. A good number of people died, and the rest are in trouble since the avalanche wiped out a lot of their provisions for the winter. Not to mention, there’s a danger of monsters, bandit attacks…”

  I hear an indrawn breath. So, Ryoka really had no idea why I was here? She shifts on the bench next to me and sounds pained.

  “That’s not good. But how are you going to get all those supplies? Buying all that in the winter would cost a small fortune, and that’s without hiring a [Guard] or two.”

  “Indeed, sir. Would the other villages be able to assist you? A neighboring town or city, perhaps? Some provinces have local [Lords] or [Ladies] who take care of their subjects, but I’m afraid Riverfarm is not a claimed holding.”

  I shake my head at the questions.

  “Money isn’t an issue. It’s finding a good supplier of food and a trustworthy adventuring team I’m struggling a bit with. Reynold, you seem to know your way around this city—would you answer a few questions for me?”

  “I should be delighted to, sir.”


  I smile, and feel Ryoka shift on the bench again. But if she thinks I’ve said too much, she doesn’t do anything. I gather my thoughts. I really only need a few questions answered for the moment.

  “Tell me, my good man—”

  God, I sound like a pretentious idiot. It must be because I’m imagining a real [Butler] standing in front of me. I cough and adjust my tone.

  “—I’m afraid I’m new to the city. To this area, really. I’d love to know more about this city. Is Invrisil an independent city-state? I’ve heard those are common around here, rather than nations. Who rules a place like this? A mayor?”

  “Invrisil, sir Laken? This city does have an elected leader—Regisand Curle is the appointed [Mayor] for the moment. However, if I may say so, he is more of an administrator than one to set policy.”

  “Fascinating. So if I were to ask who the real power behind the throne is…?”

  “That would be Lady Reinhart, my employer, sir. Well, I should say Lady Magnolia Reinhart has the power to persuade the city to adopt new policies or to ah, see her point of view, but she rarely uses such authority. Day-to-day it’s usually just the Guilds and various nobles infighting, sir.”


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