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Cavanaugh on Call

Page 21

by Marie Ferrarella

  “But he’s a civilian, not a cop,” she reminded Bryce.

  “Doesn’t matter. The police department hires civilians,” he told her.

  That sounded too perfect. “You can make that happen?” she asked him.

  Bryce grinned. “I’m a Cavanaugh. I can do anything.” And then he laughed. “I can make the suggestion,” he told her. “But if Ethan turns out to be half as good as you say he is, it shouldn’t be hard to make the arrangements.”

  Overjoyed, Scottie threw her arms around his neck. “That would be absolutely wonderful,” she cried.

  “Let me talk to Uncle Brian and to Brenda. By the time your brother’s well enough to get back to work, all the kinks should be all worked out,” he told her.

  Scottie looked at him knowingly. “You’re doing this so I’ll stop worrying about Ethan, aren’t you?”

  “I don’t think it’s in your nature to ever stop worrying about Ethan, but this’ll definitely help. Besides, Valri really is overworked. Not that I’m not part of the problem,” he admitted, “but this might help everyone out. You, Ethan and Val. What do you think?”

  “I think I love you.” Her eyes widened as she realized what she’d just blurted out. “I didn’t mean that,” she quickly told him, horrified.

  Bryce’s expression was totally unreadable. “You didn’t?”

  Telling a guy you loved him was a surefire way of spooking him and making him bolt. She knew that. It was just that she’d been as caught off guard by her declaration as he had to have been.


  “Oh.” His mouth curved with a soft smile. “Too bad. I kind of thought it sounded nice,” he told her.

  “It didn’t freak you out?” she asked uncertainly.

  “It should have,” he agreed. “But, strangely enough, it didn’t. It felt...right,” he concluded, finding the word he wanted.

  “Right?” she questioned even more uncertainly than she had a moment ago.

  “Yeah.” He drew her closer to him. “Like this is a brand-new avenue that should be explored.”

  This was definitely serious. “Maybe we shouldn’t be having this conversation naked.”

  “Oh, this is the best way to have this conversation,” he assured her.

  He was making her crazy, spacing his words with small, arousing kisses all along her face, her neck and every other inviting part of her.

  As she curled her body into his, meeting his kisses with kisses of her own, Scottie heard him whisper against her hair, “Want to know a secret?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “I love you, too.”

  Startled, she stopped mid-kiss and looked at him. He loved her. He’d just said he loved her. Her heart hammered harder every time she silently repeated the words in her head. “What do we do about this?”

  “Oh, I think we’ll figure out something,” he promised her.

  And eventually, they did.

  * * * * *

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  Pregnant by the Colton Cowboy

  by Lara Lacombe

  Chapter 1

  The rain started just as Maggie Lowell finished the last entry in the account book. The drops fell in a gentle patter, but a quick glance at the dark sky outside made it clear the sky wouldn’t stay peaceful for long. Time to go home.

  She quickly packed up her laptop and papers with one hand and pecked out a text to Mac with the other.

  All done. Everything looks good.

  Maggie normally didn’t come to a client’s home to work on their books, but she made an exception for Joseph “Mac” Mackenzie. He was impossible to refuse—always smiling, always kind. He’d been one of her first clients in Shadow Creek, and he hadn’t hesitated to promote her bookkeeping services to all his friends. Since Mac was a deservedly popular man, it hadn’t taken long for Maggie to build a solid roster of clients. Mac’s actions had essentially ensured her success here, and Maggie never forgot it. Dropping by his ranch to work on his books every quarter was a small way to repay him for his kindness.

  And if she happened to run into Mac’s son, Thorne, while she was at the ranch? That was just a bonus.

  Maggie glanced around as she left the office, hoping to catch a glimpse of Thorne while she made her way to her car. The rich scent of horses and hay hit her nose as she stepped into the barn, and one of the animals whickered softly in response to the sound of the office door being shut. There was no sign of Thorne, but it was clear he’d been there recently—a set of wet boot prints marred the otherwise clean floor of the barn, and since Mac was in San Antonio on business, the prints could only belong to Thorne.

  Would she see him as she dashed to the car? The thought made her heart flutter, and a sense of anticipation warmed her limbs. Even a drive-by sighting of Thorne was better than no sighting at all.

  Maggie knew her crush on Thorne was irrational, but she couldn’t help herself. The man was her personal catnip, and every time she saw him she fell a little bit more in love with him. How could she not? His smile lit up a room, and when she saw those dimples in his cheeks she went weak in the knees. His light brown eyes were full of a quiet intelligence that drew her in and made her want to learn more about him. And the fact that he had the body of a man who made his living working with horses didn’t hurt, either. His long, lean frame filled out a pair of jeans in all the right places, and his dark skin contrasted nicely with the light blue work shirts he often wore. Thorne Colton was the total package, and ever since she had first laid eyes on him, Maggie had thought of little else.

  She harbored no illusions about Thorne’s feelings for her. He had inherited his father’s impeccable manners and he always treated her with respect, but Maggie knew she wasn’t the kind of woman Thorne dated. He was horses, hard work and sunshine, and she was...well, truth be told she was more of an indoors girl. They had very little in common, but that didn’t s
top her inner thirteen-year-old from letting out a squeal of delight any time he was near.

  She debated lingering in the barn for a moment in the hopes of seeing him, but decided against it. She had her pride, after all.

  Maggie hugged her computer bag close and dashed to her car, diving into the driver’s seat with more momentum than grace. She deposited the slightly damp bag in the passenger seat and grabbed a handful of napkins from the console, then set about patting herself dry. The water was cold and she shivered slightly, but she told herself to enjoy the sensation while it lasted. Summer came quickly to Shadow Creek, Texas, and she knew in a few months she’d be begging for the relief of a cool rain.

  Feeling slightly less waterlogged, she stuck the key into the ignition. Hopefully the storm wouldn’t affect traffic too badly. Her stomach growled in agreement, and she began to mentally review her dinner options as she turned the key.

  The engine whined in protest, and thoughts of food vanished as Maggie focused on the car. “Not again,” she muttered, pumping the gas before giving the key another turn. The red sedan had been a steady and reliable workhorse for the past several years, but it was starting to show its age. A few months ago, the mechanic had advised her to start looking for another car, but Maggie had yet to find the time. Besides, she had faith in the old man. Surely they could go a few thousand more miles before she had to say goodbye?

  As if in response, the engine emitted an alarming grinding noise that sounded like rocks slamming together. It shuddered, causing the whole car to vibrate, and then stopped with a pitiful wheeze.

  Great. It seemed her cheerful red stallion had finally given up and died.

  Mother Nature apparently sensed the loss, as the sky opened up in earnest. The torrential rain pounded the car in a deafening onslaught and Maggie sighed, dropping her head to lean against the steering wheel. It just keeps getting better...

  She indulged in a moment’s self-pity, then fished out her cell phone and called for a tow.

  “It’s gonna take a while,” the dispatcher informed her. “The ranch is outside the town limits, and we’ve got a lot of calls ahead of you. The weather is slowing us down.”

  “That’s fine,” Maggie said. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  She hung up the phone and eyed the computer bag in the passenger seat. Maybe she could get some work done while she waited...

  She pulled the bag into her lap just as the passenger door opened and someone plopped into the seat. Maggie let out a squeak of alarm and jumped, her hand scrabbling for the handle as she pressed herself against the door.

  “Hey there.” Thorne’s deep, calm voice filled the car, and Maggie’s body recognized him a split second before her mind caught up. Her muscles relaxed and a swarm of butterflies took flight in her stomach as her body celebrated its proximity to his.

  Her breath gusted out in a shaky sigh. “Hi, yourself.”

  “I’m sorry—I didn’t mean to scare you.” He took off his brown, rain-spattered cowboy hat, careful to keep it level so the water trapped in its folds didn’t drip onto her seats. It was a thoughtful gesture, one that Maggie appreciated.

  “It’s all right,” she said, offering him a smile. “You startled me more than anything.”

  “Everything okay? I noticed you’ve been sitting here for a while now. Are you having trouble with your car?” His light brown eyes were full of concern and her stomach did a little flip. Thorne had noticed her. More importantly, he cared enough to check on her. Maybe she wasn’t so invisible after all.

  Maggie reined in her imagination before visions of flower arrangements and bridesmaid dresses crowded out rational thought. “Yeah,” she said, focusing on his question. “My car won’t start. I’ve called for a tow.”

  Thorne nodded. “I’d offer to take a look at it for you, but I don’t really know much about fixing cars.” He sounded a little apologetic, as if his lack of mechanical acumen was a personal failing.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Maggie said. “My mechanic told me a few months ago I should start looking for a new car. I guess I can’t put it off any longer.”

  “Guess not,” he replied. He was quiet a moment, his expression thoughtful. “Would you like to wait inside?”

  She considered the offer. It would be nice to have a little more room for her laptop, and the air inside the car was getting a little stale. But she didn’t know how Mac would feel about her hanging out in his office after hours. He had no problem with her working there while he attended to other matters on the ranch, but he might not appreciate her taking up space when she wasn’t balancing his books.

  “Do you think Mac will mind if I use his office?”

  Confusion flitted across Thorne’s face, then realization dawned. “Probably not,” he said. “But what I meant was, would you like to wait with me? I live in the apartment above the supply building attached to the stables, and I was just about to head upstairs and start dinner. I’ve got enough to share, and I bet you’re getting hungry.”

  She was, but Maggie doubted she’d be able to eat in Thorne’s presence. The idea of sharing a meal with him in his apartment both thrilled and terrified her. What if she said or did something embarrassing? She’d never be able to live it down.

  Thorne mistook her silence for reluctance. “Come on,” he coaxed. “I don’t bite.” The corner of his mouth turned up in a grin, and Maggie’s heart thudded hard in her chest. Did the man have any idea what he was doing to her?

  Probably not, she thought with a mental sigh. He wasn’t the kind of man to deliberately taunt a woman, and given his down-to-earth attitude and old-fashioned manners, he likely didn’t even realize how attractive he was. His apparent ignorance of the effect he had on the opposite sex was just another one of his appealing qualities, and Maggie felt her worries recede as her desire to spend time with him grew.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind the company?” She didn’t want to intrude on his personal time, even though her sense of curiosity demanded to learn more about Thorne and his life. What did his apartment look like? Was he a good cook, or would he order pizza? Most important, did he have a girlfriend?

  “On the contrary, it’ll be nice to have someone to talk to while I eat. I usually only have the TV for company.”

  That answered her question about the girlfriend, and Maggie couldn’t help but smile. “I know what you mean,” she said.

  He turned his head and frowned out the window. “I don’t think it’s going to let up anytime soon. Want me to go grab an umbrella so you don’t get too wet?”

  It was a sweet offer, but Maggie shook her head. “Thanks, but I won’t melt. Besides, that’s not really fair for you to make two trips in the rain just to spare me a few drops.”

  Thorne lifted one shoulder in a casual shrug. “I don’t mind.” He glanced over, eyeing her up and down appraisingly. Even though there was nothing suggestive about his gaze, Maggie still felt a chill as goose bumps popped out on her arms. “I don’t think you could get any wetter, though,” he said, a smile tugging at that delectable mouth of his.

  She glanced down at her still-damp shirt and pushed a scraggy tendril of hair out of her face. “I think you’re right about that.” She shook her head, trying to see the humor in the situation. Of all the times for Thorne to notice her, and invite her in for a meal, no less! Why couldn’t this have happened when she looked more like a woman and less like a drowned cat? Doesn’t matter, she told herself sternly. There’s no help for it now.

  “Ready to head inside then?” His voice was warm and inviting and Maggie nodded, happy to have an excuse to leave the claustrophobic confines of the car. It would be so much nicer to wait for the tow truck inside. But now that she was looking forward to dinner with Thorne, a not-so-small part of her hoped the tow truck driver would take his time in driving out to the ranch. After all, it wasn’t every
day she got to share a meal with the object of her affections.

  The man in question put his hat back on and turned to face her. “Race you to the door?” Even in the dim light, Maggie could see the flash of mischief in his brown eyes. She felt an answering tug low in her belly and nodded, already groping for the door handle.

  “You’re on.”

  * * *

  Thorne slid to a halt a few steps behind Maggie, grateful her back was to him so she didn’t see him slip on the smooth floor of the supply building. He righted himself just as she turned around to give him a triumphant grin, and his heart thudded hard in a rhythm that had nothing to do with his near wipeout and everything to do with the woman standing in front of him.

  She is so beautiful.

  It wasn’t the first time he’d had the thought, and he knew from experience it wouldn’t be the last. But Maggie looked especially lovely tonight, despite her rumpled clothes and dripping hair. Any other woman would have looked soggy and bedraggled, but Maggie looked even more appealing. His eyes traced a tendril of blond hair that clung to the curve of her neck, and he wished he could follow the path with his fingertip.

  Or his tongue.

  Shaking himself free of the thought, he focused on her face and her big blue eyes, which sparkled with amusement. “I figured you’d be faster, seeing as how you chase down cows for a living.” She tilted her head to the side with a teasing smile.

  Thorne removed his hat and brushed the raindrops away with the side of his hand. “In my defense,” he grumbled, “I’m usually on a horse.” And he usually wasn’t distracted by the sight of her curvy backside in front of him, her clothes clinging to her frame like a second skin...

  This was a bad idea. But as soon as he had the thought he dismissed it. He couldn’t very well let Maggie sit alone in her stalled car while a storm raged—his father had raised him better than to ignore a woman in need. And while he might like to get to know Maggie on a more personal level, he had to keep things platonic. She was his father’s bookkeeper, and Mac wouldn’t appreciate him hitting on someone who worked at the ranch, even though she wasn’t really an employee. His father would still view it as mixing business with pleasure, and given Thorne’s parentage, it made sense the man had strong feelings on the subject.


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