Book Read Free


Page 7

by Christine d'Abo

  Ignoring the looks I got from people as I marched to the elevator, I focused on getting the hell out of there. It wasn’t until Fynn stepped up beside me that I realized I’d left him behind. The gentle touch of his hand on the small of my back calmed my nerves and eased some of the tension.

  “Are you okay?” His voice was rough.

  “Yeah.” The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. “Carl’s a douche.”

  “Glad you figured that out.” Fynn stepped in beside me, close but not touching. “You were good in there.”


  There was an ease between us now that wasn’t there before. I’d wanted to be Fynn’s equal since the project began and for the first time I felt as though I might actually get there.

  “So,” I said as we stepped outside, shielding my eyes from the sun. “Your boys going to finish mudding the walls today in the main room? I want to get shit done sometime this year, Babineau.”

  His lips twitched, but he didn’t smile. “Pushy.”

  “You like it.”

  “Yeah. I think maybe I do.”

  Chapter Seven

  Met with musician to discuss the show’s score. Have booked him for September once final edits have been completed. Personal note, this past week has been hell. Confirmed a few things that I’d suspected and I’m not sure how to feel about them. I told Carl, but he’s not letting me out of my contract. I’ll have to figure things out because I’m stuck here for the long haul.

  —Impact Load Production Notes, Brian Merrick, Director

  There was a part of me that had assumed that Matt wouldn’t say anything to the other members of the crew about what he saw in the back porch. It was silly to think that he’d been intimidated into keeping his mouth shut, or even respected us enough to not open us up to gossip.

  I really had hoped...

  No one came right out and said anything at first. For the first week I got more than the occasional curious glance that lasted a bit longer than normal. If Fynn and I were in the same room, the chatter around us would quiet down, as though people were trying to pick up on any hints of flirting.

  We weren’t. It wasn’t from any lack of interest on my part. Hell, I’d been throwing off enough signals that I was more than happy for a repeat performance whenever he wanted. But ever since we’d come back from the meeting with Carl, Fynn had kept his distance.

  Still, the entire crew seemed to think they knew what was happening between us. The stares soon morphed into smiles and the occasional teasing comment. I’m not sure if Fynn was receiving more of them than I was, but I could tell he was growing annoyed. So despite my desire to take his cock out for another spin, I tried to keep my distance.

  On the day we were doing the floor installation in the living room, Tamara showed up wearing a power suit and catching the attention of every man she walked past. I longed to be able to wear something other than jeans and my program-approved T-shirt during the day, but there was no way it would survive. Not that I’d ever admit it out loud, I was starting to enjoy the comfort of work clothes over designer shirts and skirts.

  Ignoring the way my best friend was glaring at me, I continued to stare at the camera and went on with our bit. “Fynn, why don’t you show me how to install the laminate floor. Remember, laminate looks as good as hardwood, but is far more durable in high-traffic areas.”

  “It’s simple, Sophia.” Fynn’s voice still did things to my body, things that didn’t have any business being shown on camera. “Come over here and we’ll see how well you can swing the hammer.”

  This was actually our second time doing this scene. I’d screwed up the first time, pounding the nail with the hammer too hard and breaking off the tongue of the board. That had gotten more than a few snickers from the crew. Fynn groaned, but showed me the right way before we removed the board to redo things.

  We quickly went through things the second time, and I don’t think I was blushing when Fynn reached around behind me to reposition my arms to make sure I wouldn’t make the same mistake the second time. A few easy swings, the nails were in and Brian was yelling cut.

  The second we were finished, Fynn cleared his throat and muttered a soft “good job” before walking away.


  “Sophia, I need to talk to you for a second.” Tamara grabbed me by the arm and hauled me into the hallway. “I just got a call from Emily. The fund-raiser is on for next Friday.”

  “So soon? I was hoping we’d be able to put it off a bit longer.”

  She crossed her arms, which was a very un-Tamara-like thing to do. “I’m not getting a whole lot of information about what’s going on here. Carl isn’t returning my calls and Emily either doesn’t have a clue about what her boss is up to, or else she’s an expert at running interference.”

  “I’m sure Emily knows what color Carl’s underwear is.” I’d been doing my best not to worry about the event because we needed the money if we were going to get the shelter done on time. I had no problems with the idea of working the crowd, or even giving a speech if necessary. I was worried that it wouldn’t work, that people wouldn’t see the value in what we were doing and the money wouldn’t come.

  I didn’t know what I’d do if that happened.

  “Look,” I took her hands and pulled them down, giving them a squeeze before I let her go. “Carl’s a player. He’s probably got another show in the works that he wants to promote. Emily was probably told not to let us know so that I wouldn’t panic or something. It’s fine.”

  “I don’t trust him, Sophe.”

  “I don’t either. Neither does Fynn for that matter. But he’s worked with the man for years, so he can’t be all bad.”

  Tamara’s frown broke when I mentioned Fynn’s name. “And how are you and Mr. Contractor doing? Anymore late-night dates?”

  “I knew I shouldn’t have told you about that.”

  She snorted. “Like you could keep something like that from me. You suck at secrets.”

  “Bite me.”

  “We’ll have to get you an appropriately sexy dress for the fund-raiser. It will be good for the investors and for Fynn.”

  As if on a cue, Fynn’s voice drifted to us from the other room. He sounded so laid-back, relaxed, totally unlike he did when he was with me. I turned back to Tamara and could only shrug. “I don’t think things are going to work out between us.”

  “Why’s that? Clearly there’s a lot of eye fucking going on. They’re going to have to rate this show R for sexual tension.”

  “Screw you. There’s no tension. He’s gone back to keeping his distance from me, won’t stay in the same room and all that. To make matters worse, I think Matt told everyone what he saw, so we’re being watched like hawks.”

  Tamara grinned. “Well, the crew won’t be at the fund-raiser. You and Fynn will be. I’m sure given the right circumstance he could be convinced to go for a night cap.”

  “Night cap? Who the hell says that anymore?” I wanted to fuck Fynn’s brains out and my best friend was using lame euphemisms.

  “Look, all I’m saying is that maybe some time away from the site will be good for you both.” She pulled out her phone and started typing. “Emily sent the details this morning. I’m taking you shopping for something appropriate.”

  “But I have—”

  “No you don’t.”

  “But I don’t want to impress—”

  Tamara grinned. “Hi Fynn.” Twisting around to see if he was behind me, I knew I’d been had when Tamara started giggling. “You’re so easy.”

  “I hate you.”

  “No, you love me. We’ll make you super sexy for your man, and with any luck, we’ll be able to secure the rest of the money we need to finish up this project. Because if we don’t move on to something else soon, I’m going to kill Carl.”

  I know Tamara’s plan had been to stay in the background of this show and focus on keeping our business going while I filmed. But the more filming we did, the more sh
e started getting pulled in. Brian had even gotten her in a few scenes talking to me about the budget.

  It had been hilarious to see her face when she found out she was going to be on TV. Brian quickly learned why Tamara had earned the nickname Ice Queen in college. Still, he’d somehow convinced her to let the scenes go through and it was only a matter of time now before she’d be a star, too.

  I gave her my best “you’re funny” grin. “You’ll be there with me, which means we’ll get what we need. You’re brilliant and everyone will know it after the fund-raiser. Even Carl.” Matt came running out after me once again, cutting our chat short. “Shopping,” I confirmed before he could interrupt.

  She grinned. “Tell Brian you’re leaving early. We’ll make it a girl’s night.”


  They were moving the cameras and the boom operator was rearranging the microphone setup when I returned. I’d learned to keep back while they were making their adjustments, because a microphone to the back of the head isn’t a pleasant experience. Especially when I’d been holding a hot coffee. Fynn was talking to Brian when he caught my gaze. It was strange how quickly I’d managed to pick up on his various moods. I could tell by the way he’d shoved his hands in his pockets that Fynn was annoyed about something.

  He tended to do that a lot around me.

  I smiled and gave him a little wave because that’s what I always did. Instead of him pretending to ignore me and continue his conversation, Fynn said one final thing to Brian before coming my way. God, there was something in the way he looked at me, the way he’d narrow his gaze as though he were homing in on me, that turned me the hell on. Seriously, I clearly had a previously unknown kink that I should probably explore. With Fynn. Naked.

  “Tamara scurried out of here fast.” Fynn’s gaze slipped past me toward the hall. “Trouble?”

  “No, she was informing me that Emily has sent out the details for the fund-raiser. And that we are going shopping.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing. I figured you liked that sort of thing.”

  “Oh I do.” I was sorely tempted to tell him Tamara’s plan to dress me up for the purposes of seduction. “She was just being a pest. You know what you’re wearing?”

  “I have a tux stuffed in the back of my closet. I think it still fits.”

  My nethers were getting tingly at the thought of Fynn in a tux. The tie, jacket and all that went along with it...God. “Well, you let me know if you need any help squeezing into that puppy. I’ll be there for you.” I winked at him, though I probably shouldn’t have.

  Fynn chuckled and my heart did a little Snoopy dance. “You’re crazy.”

  “But that’s why you like me.”

  Fynn shoved his hands back in his pockets. “We better get set. I think Brian wants to do the opening again. Something about wanting us both in the shot.”

  I knew I was blushing by the way my face heated. “I thought they wanted us alternating? To keep the episodes fresh, or some such bullshit.”

  “Apparently he likes the energy we have when we’re on camera together.”

  “Doesn’t that bother you? I mean, you didn’t want to be on camera at all, right?”

  It was a dumb question when it came right down to it. Fynn had done nothing but glare at Matt and Brian whenever they tried to get him to do one of the segments. How he’d survived this long doing building shows without working with a script, I hadn’t a clue.

  “It’s not so bad when I’m not the only one there. Takes the pressure off.” He looked away as he spoke, giving me a perfect view of his profile. His jaw was strong and led to a chin that I’d imagined biting on more than one occasion.

  “So I’m your security blanket?” I sighed dramatically and ran my hands through my hair. “Well, then, we better get over there and get this done. I’d hate to be the reason your fans won’t get to hear you talk on tape.”

  The rest of the day evaporated with numerous retakes of the various opening scenes. With each one, I found myself closer and closer to Fynn. We’d been maneuvered into a variety of positions that highlighted our working together. Whenever Fynn would touch me, brush my arm or side, my face would flame. No one said anything, nor did they comment on the heated looks we were passing between us. If anything, the more turned on I got, the more attentive Fynn got and the longer Brian wanted the takes to go.

  I really didn’t want to think too much about that.

  Finally, we reached the end of the shooting day and we were set free. Normally, Fynn would take off to follow up on the building schedule, but today he hovered. Hovered! I didn’t think he was capable of doing that. Tucking my hair behind my ear, I decided to hang out, as well. Yes, I was hoping we’d be able to extend our flirting in a less public venue, but I also didn’t want to push my luck, not after the way he’d withdrawn from me before.

  I cleared my throat and gave him a little smile as I came up beside him. “So, the fund-raiser will be a bit of a show, right?”

  “Carl will put us on display.” The muscle in his jaw jumped. “If we stick together it’ll be fine.”

  I loved the idea of sticking together. “Sounds good to me.”

  “I should probably pick you up.” He said it so matter-of-factly, I wasn’t certain I’d heard him properly. “I guess you were going with Tamara, but it might look better if we arrive together.”

  “Being costars and all.” My stomach was in full churning mode and my hands were threatening to shake. I normally only got like this when I was on a date. This so wasn’t a date. But still, holy shit! “That’s a good idea. I can let Tamara know that you and I are going together. I know she won’t mind. If anything she’ll be happy to dump me off with someone so she can work her business magic.”

  Fynn wasn’t looking at me any longer. “Sounds good. I’ll pick you up then.”


  “I better go check on the main staircase. They were supposed to be stripping the wood today.” He half turned and smiled before striding off.

  I was still in shock. Despite the nonchalant way he asked, I knew there was more to this than simply us going as costars. Fynn was asking me out, but didn’t want to put pressure on me. I couldn’t wait to tell Tamara, though I knew I’d be mocked for doubting her powers of observation.

  At least now when we went shopping, I’d have a clear purpose. To buy a dress so hot that I’d leave Fynn drooling.

  Chapter Eight

  Carl has requested a camera for the fund-raiser. I’ve assigned Matt and Jason for video and sound. I want to keep the crew small so as to not detract from the evening. Carl is insisting that I attend, as well, despite my arguments to the contrary. I don’t plan on letting him get his way with things. I’ll be there, but he won’t like it.

  —Impact Load Production Notes, Brian Merrick, Director

  Normally when I had a fancy event to attend, I loved the process of getting ready. But the hours leading up to Fynn’s arrival had me set completely on edge. I’d done my hair and makeup, only to wipe the slate clean and do it all again. Then there was the dress.

  Tamara and I had spent hours shopping for the perfect outfits for us both. She’d chosen an elegant floor-length black dress that hugged her curves perfectly. The low-cut front and back were stylish and yet left little to the imagination. Tamara wouldn’t have any problems catching the attention of the attendees, though knowing her she’d barely notice the appreciative glances.

  I’d wanted to go with black, as well, but she’d found a midnight-blue gown whose silk fell down my body like a waterfall. The fabric was so light that I had to check myself in the mirror twice to confirm that I wasn’t showing any skin I wasn’t supposed to. I should have felt sexy wearing something that highlighted my feminine side, but for the first time in ages I was more than a little self-conscious. Maybe I’d grown so used to wearing jeans and work boots since I’d started the show that I’d forgotten how it felt to get fancied up.

  Once I’d finish
ed fussing with my appearance and found my new stilettos, I gave myself one final glance in the mirror before moving to the living room to wait for Fynn. I tried sitting down and reading a book, but my attention span had evaporated, making it impossible for me to get through the first page without needing to reread it. I tossed the book after my third attempt and resorted to pacing in the hopes that I’d burn off my energy.

  Because I was nervous. Not only was I going to need to play businesswoman and convince investors that they wanted to back both our show and the rebuild of Trinity House, but I would be doing it side by side with Fynn. The man who I was convinced had asked me out, but also the same man who’d spent the rest of the day avoiding me. That constant back and forth between attraction and denial was doing a number on my self-confidence. I mean, I’d been pretty damn obvious where I stood in relation to what I was willing to do. Public blowjobs had a way of being fairly in your face when it came to making a point.

  But there was something bothering him. A part of me was still convinced Carl had something to do with Fynn’s reluctance to take our relationship to the next step. Either that or he was waiting for the job to be over so we would no longer be coworkers. I could appreciate that at least. My mom would have warned me off of starting something with someone I worked with. Which was why I had absolutely no intention of telling her what was going on. I had Tamara to keep me in line and let me know if I was doing something that would end in my utter ruin and everlasting shame. That’s what best friends were for.

  I jumped when the doorbell finally rang and stumbled over my rug on my way to answer the door. With my heart pounding in my throat, I took one steadying breath before I plastered a wide smile in place and opened the door. “Right on time.”

  I’m certain I would have said something else, something witty or at the very least full of innuendo, but my capacity to make words disappeared in a flash the moment I laid eyes on Fynn in a tux.


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