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Switch It Up

Page 25

by Sara Brookes

  “What?” She stared at Kochran for a long moment, turning the word over in her mind. Familiar, of course, but certainly not a word she would have ever connected with him.

  “Not submissive,” Kochran offered. “Capable of moving fluidly between the two roles when the time comes. I’m not giving up what you and I have, baby girl. I still will want to lick you all over after he fucks you hard. Come all over whatever marks he or I leave. Want him to watch me tie you down and force you to come over and over. If that’s all right with you.”

  Her arousal shot to melting point as Kochran listed things, though she wasn’t entirely sure how that was possible. “Should I get you a pen and some paper? Hey, wait a second, that reminds me. I never asked why you needed the list anyway. Why did you have me write it out longhand like that? Everything I wanted was on your standard form, except the clowns.”

  “I didn’t need it.” Amusement shined in Kochran’s eyes.


  He leaned closer, pressing his lips gently against hers. “You did.”

  The truth stung as though she’d been slapped. She had needed the list. The meditative preparation that had come along with the act of crafting each letter, as though her body had been the pen, the ink—her soul. The list had been the thing that had unlocked the door she’d stepped through that had brought her to the place where she was allowed to have the gift of being loved by two men. Submission was an art, and there was something oddly freeing about doing someone’s bidding.

  “And you?” She gestured to Ezra. “Are you a switch too?”

  “Really? You’re asking me that while leaving this whole area of clowns undiscussed?” Ezra laughed as he held up his hands. “Sorry to disappoint, but, spoiler alert, I’m dominant all the way.”

  Maddy turned the knowledge over and over, trying to resolve it on her own. “Hold up. You’re telling me...this thing we have between the three of us, sometimes I’ll have two Doms and sometimes Ezra will have two submissives?” She paused, looking between them as she waited for a different perspective. “Talk about a mothertruckin’ jackpot!”

  Kochran leaned closer. “I’ll still want to have my way with you alone, Madeline. I suspect he’ll want some alone time with you and his toys as well. With me too. We’ll only be limited by our imaginations.”

  It also sounded like a lot of fun. The type she desperately needed after a lifetime of not living her life to the fullest. Of hiding behind the code she generated on her computer screen. “Just promise me we’ll all have each other, regardless.”

  Ezra clasped his hand around hers. “Always. So...about this matter of clowns. Do I need to go invest in obnoxiously oversized shoes and a red nose in order to fuck you silly?” She giggled as he kissed her knuckles first, then Kochran’s. “I think it’s time for Maddy to go sit on the recliner and show us that pretty pussy of hers.”

  Driven by the unfiltered pleasure pressing against her skin, Maddy made a beeline for the chair in the seating area and parted her legs as soon as she sat. The cool rush of air did nothing to dispel the heat collecting between her thighs. As she leaned back, sinking into the cushion of the recliner, she draped her legs over the arms.

  She sat in that position as the men stopped about ten feet away. The way they looked at her with unvarnished desire made her want to run away and deny what they all shared. But she wouldn’t exchange this kind of intensity for anything in the world. Those thoughts were further cemented when Ezra set his hand on Kochran’s shoulder.

  “Show Maddy how handsome you are on your knees, pet.”

  Kochran went, his expression filled with so much naked greed it stole her breath. She was tempted to sit there and watch Ezra and Kochran, but she’d been given a set of instructions she fully intended to follow. Being watched had always turned her on. But being watched like this? They made her feel like the adrenaline rush she’d experienced the one time she’d flung herself out of a perfectly good airplane. That same rush that came from racing toward the Earth at terminal velocity.

  “And now you, baby girl, need to show my pet how seeing him like this makes you feel.”

  Kochran gazed at her as she slipped a hand between her spread thighs. She would have never expected to see such fearless vulnerability from a man like him, but now that she had, she wouldn’t be able to imagine him without it. As her fingertip made contact with her clit, he gave a long, trembling moan of pleasure that resonated to her bones.

  Ezra shuddered, moving his hand casually against Kochran’s thigh as though this kind of scenario was an everyday occurrence for him. His voice dropped to a rasp. “Are you getting hard from watching her, or because I’m touching you?”


  “What if I told you I plan on giving you that little fantasy you mentioned last night?” He cupped his hand around Kochran’s testicles, giving them a good, hard tug so Kochran hissed.

  Maddy hadn’t thought it possible, but the temperature against her hand grew hotter as she saw the glimmer of lust behind Kochran’s unfocused gaze. She thought she’d been on edge before, but now...mothertrucker, they were perfection. Her perfection. Hers.

  Despite the command she’d been given, she got caught up. Fascinated with the changes in Ezra, how easily he vacillated between Dom and Master. Enamored with Kochran’s transformation to full slave, surrendering his position as Dom as easily and naturally as breathing. Knowing him, it hadn’t been quite that simple or calm. They were both still the men who had taken her in front of the Noble House crowd, in the semi-private room.

  Most of all, they were still hers.


  The stern inflection in Ezra’s voice snapped her focus. “Sorry.” Not sorry. Not even a little bit. She could watch them forever. A pulse of pleasure hit her as she began moving her finger again. The gentle strumming wasn’t enough. “I need more, Sir. So much more.”

  “I know.” He reached over to the nearby table to retrieve something. Kochran’s gaze remained on hers while Ezra fit the length of leather around Kochran’s cock and testicles. The effectiveness of the restriction was evident immediately as the shaft flushed an alluring shade of deep red. “Get her ready for me, pet. Fingers only. Give her as much as she can comfortably take in that hot little pussy of hers, and then add one more.”

  Maddy whimpered, petrified and aroused at the idea of being that full.

  Kochran started to rise, but Ezra stopped him with a firm hand to his shoulder. “Crawl for her.”

  A brief flash of amusement moved Kochran’s lips as he sank into position. Total power exchange was new for her, but watching Kochran come closer with all the grace and power of a predator stalking its next meal made her insides melt. She wasn’t interested in experiencing that kind of surrender herself, but oh, observing was so, so damn decadent.

  “Hi, pretty girl,” Kochran whispered softly against her thigh before imprinting her skin with a warm, gentle kiss. He touched her with his index finger, circling her opening a few times before sliding inside. “You’re so tight.”

  Ezra cleared his throat. “If you’re going to speak to her, at least talk loud enough so I can hear how dirty my pet can be when he’s talking to my sub.”

  A thrill exploded through Maddy at Ezra’s words, jagged and bright as they sank in. Kochran’s pupils had expanded, blowing wide open with the rush. He slid a second finger into her, her slick walls accepting the addition easily. She cried out, aching to move her hips for friction. Instead, she tried to shift her arms, seeking a way to take Kochran deeper.

  “I don’t think so.” Ezra’s voice came from above, and as she looked up, he wrapped his hands around her shoulders and pinned her to the recliner. Being held in place by Ezra while Kochran continued to slide in and out of her caused an explosion of primal need to arc through her.

  Kochran withdrew his touch completely. She wanted to chase his fingers, force them
back inside her heat, but Ezra’s unyielding grip kept her firmly in place. She wiggled and writhed, but the movement only caused Ezra to clench tighter. The pain brought an added layer of excitement to an already charged moment.

  “Master, I need a taste of her.” Every consonant and vowel of Kochran’s desperate plea was like a warm caress against her skin. Sensations rocketed through her, elevating her arousals levels so high, her thighs started to tremble.

  “Mmm, I would like to watch her come all over your face. Go on. But don’t forget what I said about talking to her, pet.” Ezra eased off his hold a bit as he touched his lips to Maddy’s forehead. “I like hearing that filthy mouth of yours.”

  She expected Kochran to dive face-first into her, but instead, he slipped the two fingers inside her again. Those trembling muscles went taut as she fought against the overwhelming desire to orgasm. He rocked into her, continuing to work as she accepted his treatment.

  “I need you,” Maddy murmured.

  “I know you do. I need you, too, baby girl. But so does he. Besides, you’re going to have to loosen up a little. I’ve had Ezra in my mouth and I know—” Kochran bit her thigh, his hum of approval vibrating through her. “You just drenched my fingers. You’re imagining me giving Ezra a blowjob now, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah.” Her grasp of language was starting to break down.

  Kochran touched his tongue to her throbbing clit, gentle at first, then with more insistent pressure.

  “Tell us what that dirty little mind of yours has spinning around in it,” Ezra ordered.

  She knew she’d never be able to find the words. “I’d rather watch.”

  “Probably for the same reason I could watch him eat your pussy all night long.”

  Anticipation curled through her. “So could I.” The idea of such unrelenting pleasure flowing between the three of them was almost too much to bear.

  Kochran closed his mouth over her clit and fireworks exploded behind her eyes. He rocked his fingers deeper as he toyed with her, worrying the nub with his lips. Blood roared in her ears, a freight train at full throttle barreling down the tracks. Everything tightened and coalesced. Ezra was beside her, whispering dirty, dirty things into her ear while Kochran bathed her with his tongue, working her lusciously deep. Kochran added a third finger. The pressure was almost too much to take, but she would—for them.

  They both kissed her skin at the same time—Ezra, her shoulder. Kochran, the juncture between her pelvis and thigh. Two sets of warm, sexy lips gifting her with even more pleasure.

  “Sweet, sweet girl. Taking our torment. Giving us back such love and devotion.”

  “Yes. Yes. Yes.” She couldn’t manage more than the one word, drunk on the sensations they were forcing her to experience. The force of her climax built and built, gathering like a hot ball of pleasure, collecting between her legs and radiating out.

  “That’s it. My slave is very gifted with his mouth, isn’t he?”

  She had no idea why, but the slave terminology was so doing it for her. Hearing Ezra claim Kochran in such a way tripped buttons she didn’t know she had. That particular interest was definitely going to be added to that list of hers. The pain and pressure of the three fingers almost instantaneously converted to pleasure. She couldn’t prevent her hips from churning, reaching for more as Kochran continued to torment her with unrestrained pleasure.

  “Such a treasure, taking everything we have to give you.”

  “More,” she murmured, her breath raspy.

  Ezra’s grip tightened on her shoulders. “Easy, pretty girl. Don’t force it. Let us take you.”

  She succumbed to the dark thread of pleasure/pain roping through her, the release building hot and heavy between her legs. Ezra kissed her forehead, the gentle gesture in such wonderful, incredible contrast to the pressure and heat building inside her. He skimmed his lips against her jaw, over her chin as he angled closer.

  “Let us swallow your orgasm.” His mouth closed over hers at the same moment Kochran clamped his lips around her clit and sucked hard. The release slammed into her with concussive force, rendering her immobile as the men took what they wanted. As she gave them everything she was. Yet she wanted more. It made no sense. She should have been sated with the powerful release. Exhausted. Instead, she craved her next taste of what they had to offer.

  “More,” she repeated, the word slurred as though she was drunk. In a way, she was intoxicated on the delicious elixir. “Please, more. I need it so much.”

  “Sweet little subbie begging for more while she’s still high on us,” Kochran whispered against her skin.

  She giggled, the noise burbling up and out of her throat before she could stop it. “Such good drugs.” She cradled Ezra’s jaw as she reached down for Kochran. Kochran kissed her palm before settling his cheek in her hand. “I never expected you. Either of you.”

  “But now you have us always,” Ezra said before he scooped her up into his arms.

  Her high squeal echoed through the space. Though she wiggled in his embrace, she didn’t truly want to escape. He paused, glancing over his shoulder to where Kochran still patiently kneeled and waited for further direction.

  “Come on, pet. I want to fuck her in your bed.” His gaze angled back to her. “Find out if she can soak your sheets.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Kochran was already on the bed by the time Ezra arrived carrying Maddy. She had no idea how he’d made it there so quickly, but in truth, she didn’t much care. He was there, waiting for them, and that was all that mattered.

  Ezra stopped a few feet from the bed. She looked to him to see if something was wrong, but instead she saw an overwhelming sense of pride and love. Could she look at herself with that same kind of unbroken honesty? Unable to stop herself, she touched his face. “You look at him as though you’ve never seen him before.”

  “I haven’t. Not like this. It’s a gift I don’t take lightly.” He kissed her, tender and sweet. “You’re a gift too.” He deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue past her lips with a quiet groan. “Now get on the bed so I can fuck you.”

  He hadn’t instructed her how she was to lie or sit, and as she climbed into the high bed, she realized that was the point. She was given instructions, but they were far less rigid and stringent than anything he’d commanded of Kochran. He guided her, but he claimed total mastery of Kochran. It shouldn’t have made sense. Shouldn’t have worked. A Dominant becoming a slave. Another Dominant taking up the mantle after being away from this kind of arrangement for so long. But in so many ways, it did. There were no rules when it came to their desires.

  The turgid length of Kochran’s cock stood out against the vee of his thighs. Though she knew Ezra gave her some leniency, she wasn’t sure how far to push. “May I suck him, Sir?”

  “Though you’ve pleased me by asking, no, I have other plans. Sit between his legs, facing me.”

  When she settled into the position, Kochran’s cock pressed against her lower back.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered as he came to sit on the foot of the bed.

  She did, noticing how the new position angled her in such a way she could lean back against Kochran’s chest. It also allowed her to lift her face up and to the side so she could look directly at Kochran.

  “This okay?”

  “More than,” Kochran said with a mischievous smile and a wink.

  This close, she noted the glassiness of Kochran’s gaze. Pleasure was clearly coursing through his body, keeping him nestled comfortably in a space where everything was cottony and hazy. She’d approached that same state a few times thanks to both men, but seeing Kochran blissed out made her arousal somehow sharper. More potent.

  Ezra scooted closer, setting his hand on Kochran’s ankle. “I have something I need to say to you both before we go any further.” He paused to clear his throat. “You bot
h scare me because I’m afraid I’m not good enough for either of you.”

  Kochran’s body tensed under hers and she set a comforting hand on his thigh. Ezra needed to get out whatever had been pent up inside him.

  “You both force me to be a better man. To be worthy of your friendship. To accept that I can’t always be perfect, but I can be the man you both need me to be. The man I have to be for each of you. Thank you for giving that part of my life back.”

  Tears formed in the corners of her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. She wasn’t sure what to say, but somehow, she knew just being there at the moment was enough. He didn’t require anything from either of them except to give him the respect of listening.

  “I love you both so much it hurts. I didn’t think I was ever going to love like that again. You’ve changed me in ways you’ll never imagine. I had a home once.” His gaze lifted, meeting first hers, then Kochran’s. “And now I have it again thanks to both of you.” He bent and kissed the inside of Maddy’s knee, licking mercilessly as he adjusted his position and settled between their legs. “You both scare me so much because I’m not convinced I can be each of the things you need from me, but I’m going to damn well try for the three of us.”

  Ezra rose up on all fours, kissing her neck first, then her nose and chin, before finally setting his lips against hers. She poured all the passion she could muster into the kiss, knowing everything was going to be all right between the three of them, even if they took a while to settle into the path laid out before them. It would take hard work and honesty, but she was willing to go the distance.

  Her lungs started to burn for air just as Ezra severed the connection. Without pause, he took Kochran’s mouth next. She loved the feel of being pinned between them, held in the cradle of their bodies while they connected on a deeper, more intimate level. With his mouth still on Kochran’s, Ezra fit his body against her in perfect alignment.

  They were seconds away from being connected on a new level and she didn’t want anything between them. “No condoms,” she whispered against Ezra’s ear as he continued to kiss Kochran. “Nothing between the three of us, at least right now.” Her birth control would prevent any unintended pregnancies. “I’m clean according to my last checkup. And given Kochran’s stringent rules at the club, it’s safe to assume you’re both clean too.”


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