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Sanctuary (Rise of the Empire Book 2)

Page 9

by Ivan Kal

  Adrian turned to the other window opened on his desk, the list of available personnel. Those that were on the waiting list for a ship, and worked on the planet until a place opened up, or a new ship was built. Most of them had never been on a ship, save in a simulation. But at least that was something. Adrian kept scrolling down the list, looking for viable candidates and scheduling interviews with them, he of course didn’t need to choose all, only those that would be in various command positions on the ship. But that still amounted to more than 80 interviews. Adrian sighed and rubbed his eyes, he looked at the clock in the left corner of his vision, put there by his implants HUD. He had already spent more than 16 hours at the desk. He yawned and got to his feet, the rest could wait until tomorrow. He asked Iris to go through all the personnel files and see if he missed someone that could be a good fit for his new command. Then, he went to sleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  December 2169 – OES Traveler

  Ship Master Kisaragi Hana stood in the Traveler’s shuttle bay, waiting for the Nel shuttle to arrive. The Traveler met up with the two ships sent from the planet. The Nel, the alien race that inhabited this system, requested that a team of their diplomats meets with the humans onboard the Traveler, prior to their arrival to the planet. To Hana it seemed like there was more to it, but she chose to allow it. They were sending just a small shuttle, and she didn’t believe that they could take over her ship with only a few people. But just in case she had security personnel armed and ready. The Traveler did receive word from the Fleet about the fate of Voyager, along with all the data from the incident. Comparing the data with the sensor readings from this system showed that the ships that attacked Voyager were not Nel, but Fleet cautioned them to proceed with care, the system where Voyager met its end was only 8 light years away from this one. Neither race had seen the other yet. Prior to the arrival of the ship, the Humans asked if they breathed the same air, or if there was anything that is harmful to the Nel. At the end it was established that they breathed the same air, and that it was unlikely for anything that wasn’t harmful to humans, to harm a Nel. There was a question of alien germs, but the Travelers chief medical officer assured Ship Master Kisaragi that the nanites in the human's bloodstream would protect them, and Nel had their own protections. As off two years ago every human on Sanctuary had nanites in their bloodstream. They had been used long before then, but those versions needed to be controlled by a special kind of implant, but the new ones could be programed by the medical staff. The new versions were simpler, and couldn’t do everything the old ones could, but these were specifically made to boost human immune system.

  A minute later, Hana saw a shuttle landing in the outer part of the bay. The shuttle bay was divided in two areas, one that could be opened to space, and the other closed off. Hana looked at the alien shuttle, it was sleek, light gray in color and smaller than human shuttles by half. After it landed the bay outer doors closed, and air was pumped back into the area. A minute later green light flashed above, and Hana and their welcoming committee entered and took positions in front of the shuttle. Their group was made up of five people, including Hana. The other members of their group were her High Prime Rolland Ricks, her Security Chief Manu Akins, Chief Diplomat Park Chung-Ah and her aide Giles Nast. Niri was of course monitoring everything. Each of them wore a device equipped with a speaker on their shoulders and an earpiece. The earpiece was a misdirection, and served no purpose, it was supposed to insinuate that the humans got a translation of the Nel language through it, while they really got it directly through their implants. Every person on the ship had the translating software uploaded to their implants. The speakers on their shoulders on the other hand would translate human speech.

  A moment later the shuttle door lowered and three figures walked out. They got to the bottom of the platform and froze, just like the humans did. In the alien database that was recovered from the ship on Earth there were many records of alien races. Humans had studied them all in great detail. They learned that life in the universe varied, and was vastly different. There were cases where a few races looked similar, but even those similarities were small. There were only three races in the alien database that were bipedal. One of those was the race that operated the ship they found, their name was unpronounceable by human mouth so they just called them Jings which was the closest thing to their real name they could come up with. The Jings had two legs and four arms, triangular heads with four curving hornlike protrusions on their top and six eyes. They had no nose, but two slits, and their mouth had no lips. They were the only race that resembled humans in any way that they found in the database.

  Hana looked at the Nel in disbelief. They were dressed in form fitting clothes that Hana believed to be a part of some kind of safety suit. Their skin was in various shades of gray. They had thick tails dragging behind them, about as thick as a human forearm, they varied in length, but were all approximately around a meter and a half long. Their fingers ended in short small, and deadly looking claws. The lead Nel had black claws while the rest had dark gray. They had hair on top of their heads, like humans did, but no hair on their faces. No eyebrows or eyelashes, their eyes had no pupil, but only an iris that was filled with small black dots that constantly moved. They were a bit taller than an average human, around two meters tall. And that was where the differences ended. The rest of them looked exactly like a human did, their faces, their body structure, everything. Hana could see that the leading Nel was female, it was obvious because the others didn’t have breasts. And she had longer black hair. The males had their hair cut short, just like most human men did.

  After no one moved for a few more moments, Hana took a breath and stepped forward. She approached the leading Nel and spoke.

  “I am in charge of this ship. My name is Kisaragi Hana, I welcome you to my ship.” Hana said. Immediately after she finished the device on her shoulder started producing the translation in Nel, with Hana’s voice. She didn’t identify herself as a Ship Master, they didn’t know how they named their commanders and didn’t want to confuse them, their translators weren’t perfect just yet. When the translation finished the lead Nel seemed to regain her composure and she took a step forward and spoke.

  “Ru talla denure Oferani Esama, Ru etaro Uru lesavo.” She said, and bowed her head shallowly. Immediately after she finished the translation was produced in Hana’s implant.

  “I am named Oferani Esama, I accept your welcome.” Hearing the translation Hana smiled, relaxing a bit. After that first shock of looking at an alien that looked so remarkably close to a human, she forgot that her first worry was not being able to communicate properly. Hana’s smile was returned by the leading Nel, Oferani Esama. She still didn’t know which was her first and which last name, if that was even what those words meant. They could be a title or something else entirely.

  Hana then introduced the rest of her party, with the Nel then doing the same.

  “I believe that it would be best if we move to a more comfortable location, we have a meeting room ready, if you would follow me?” Hana said. And after her words were translated the Nel agreed. Hana led them to room one level above the shuttle bay. A few minutes later they were all sitting around a table, the Nel had to sit on the chairs sideways as their tails interfered.

  After they all settled comfortably Hana took the lead.

  “I must say that we were very surprised by the resemblance between us.” Hana said.

  After her words were translated the Nel looked among themselves and then responded.

  “We were surprised as well.” Hana’s implant translated Oferani Esama’s words.

  “Perhaps we would be able to investigate further in the future, and determine if there is any connection? We have always believed that our race evolved on our own home world.” Hana said.

  “As did we.” Oferani Esama said.

  Hana nodded. No matter how curious she was, they couldn’t push for too much too fast. She glanced at Chief Diplomat Park
Chung-Ah, signaling that she should take the lead from now on. Hana turned to Oferani Esama. “Park Chung-Ah, is in charge of our diplomatic matters, and she will be in charge of any talks from now on.”

  Nel nodded and turned to Park Chung-Ah. “We look to the future.” The translation said.

  Hana then excused herself and left for the bridge, no matter how much she wanted to be there, it was not her job.


  A few hours later, Hana was in her office with Diplomat Park Chung-Ah, and her Chief Medical officer Travis Hughes. The Traveler already continued towards the planet with its two escorts. The Nel diplomatic team elected to stay on board.

  “What can you tell me about them?” Hana asked Travis.

  “A lot, and not that much.” Travis said. Hana kept quiet knowing that Travis would continue.

  “First, concerning our looking so much alike. I tried to get them to give us a blood sample, but they always steered the conversation away from the topic, and Chung-Ah didn’t want to press them. Perhaps in the future when we get to know each other better.” Travis said. Hana nodded.

  “And what did you manage to learn?” Hana asked.

  “Well, on the physical aspect, they express emotions with their faces just like we do. Although we can’t be sure that our expressions mean the same things as theirs. If there is any connection between us, it was a long time ago. They have evolved on another world on a different path. For example their tails. Humans have the remnants of a tail, at the end of our spines, but ours have atrophied long ago. Theirs on the other hand have not. Their nails seem to have evolved into claws. Their eyes are different from ours, from what I could observe it appears as if they have no pupil, though I believe that the black dots in their irises are in fact many smaller pupils, but I can only be sure by examining them. Their skin is lighter, which points to lack of skin pigmentation. Which tells me that they didn’t evolve on the world we are approaching.” Travis said.

  “How can you be sure about that?” Hana asked. She and other people from the Fleet had already come to the same conclusion, although for different reasons.

  “Well, this planet’s atmosphere resembles that of Earth, and is a bit closer to the star. That would mean that about the same amount of radiation penetrates the atmosphere. Skin pigmentation in humans is a defensive mechanism, to fight Sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Meaning, if they have none, they evolved in an environment that had very little to none of the radiation.” Travis said.

  Hana nodded. “Anything else you can tell me?”

  “No, perhaps the DNA tests will let us know a bit more. We won’t know for sure until we get to examine them thoroughly.”

  “I don’t think that that’s going to happen any time soon.” Chung-Ah said.

  “And what about your talks? What have you learned?” Hana turned to Chung-Ah.

  “Not much more. We spent this first meeting getting to know each other. Introducing our races to each other. We exchanged social norms, and ways to behave towards one another, so that we don’t make any mistakes when we meet with those in charge. For example, the Nel frown upon physical contact in public, so no handshakes, they feel that touching another being is something private. They have no last names, they each have a single name, that they are given at birth. And then when they mature enough, they get a title that matches what their purpose is. The leading Nel that you meet today, was named Esama and Oferani was her title, it roughly translates to “one who meets”, it is her job to meet with strangers. Basically a diplomat.”

  “And the other two?” Hana asked.

  “They were Hokra Dson and Hokra Gotu, they avoided answering what their purpose was, but I believe that they were either bodyguards or aides, perhaps even spies.” Chung-Ah said.

  “Spies!?” Hana exclaimed.

  “There is no need to worry, it is something we would do as well. And we are trying to learn everything we can about them just as they are trying to learn everything about us.” Chung-Ah assured her Ship Master.

  “Well alright, there isn’t much they can find out, we have them watched around the clock, and they can’t go anywhere without escort.” Hana said.

  “There are a few more things that we learned, they greet one another by bowing their heads, they don’t seem to have any kind of class system, everyone appears to be equal. At least that is the impression I got. I also got the impression that they were just as shocked by our appearance as we were. I also believe that we are not the first alien race they encountered, we of course pretended to have met other races. They seem interested in us.” Chung-Ah said.

  “Just like we are interested in them. Proceed with caution Chung-Ah, let’s not reveal more about ourselves than we need to, and not a moment sooner than when we have to.” Hana said steadily. Chung-Ah nodded and then she and Travis left the room, leaving Hana to her thoughts.

  Chapter Thirteen

  OES Traveler

  “How is it that they look so much like Nel?” Esama asked Hokra Dson. Dson apart from being her aide, was also learned in alien species and interactions. Up until now it meant only the four other races that are the part of their trading Consortium, and the only other races they have encountered in the three hundred years they were exploring space. Or rather, races that were the part of their trading Consortium, the Consortium now being dead at the hand of Sowir Dominion. Nel were the second race from their neighborhood to reach the stars, just behind the peaceful Pouute. The big aquatic race came from a world completely covered in water, they encountered Nel, and started trading and sharing technology. In the next 50 years another two races emerged from their own home worlds. First the Guxcacul, the hideous arthropods, with their pointed exoskeletons, hard carapaces, and dozens of legs concealed gentle beings with pure hearts. Next came Mtural, the race that resembled the Nel closest, at least until they met the Human race. Mtural were nocturnal, hairy bipeds, that breathed the same air as Nel, and could survive in the same conditions. The Guxcacul could tolerate the Nel atmosphere for a time, but they preferred the dry air of their desert world. As each race joined them in space, Nel and Pouute guided them, and raised them up to be their equals, in time their little Consortium expanded to cover dozen of worlds, some individual and some populated by all races. For one hundred years they prospered and slowly expanded. Until they met the Sowir.

  When they met them, Sowir have been in space for decades, and had spread to 3 worlds. The Consortium rejoiced to have another race join their ranks. Sowir originated in water, but evolved so that they can survive on land as well, breathing air. They had 7 muscled extremities, similar to Nel tails, that they used to move, The center of their bodies held their major organs, they looked at the world by feeling the vibrations in the air and earth and water. By smelling and touching. They were the strangest life form the Consortium encountered, including the beings of low intelligence they found on some planets they settled. Every member of the Consortium had three things in common. They could all hear sounds, they all had eyes and could “see”, and they all had vocal capabilities, even though not all of them could reproduce each other sounds. It was a common ground, and they built upon it greatly. Soon after the Sowir encountered the Consortium they started attacking them. At first The Consortium was shocked. The Consortium of course had military vessels, there were always those of their own kind that turned to piracy and such. But never had they had a war amongst themselves. Pouute quickly found the way to communicate with Sowir, and called for peace, but their hails were ignored. After the Sowir took one of their planets, the Consortium, seeing no other way turned their military on them. The Sowir were not as advanced as the Consortium. They had no way to perceive light and were lacking in some areas, they had no laser weapons, and soon they were about to be defeated. Seeing no way out the Sowir finally communicated with the Consortium, and managed to spin their attack as a misunderstanding and apologized. Not knowing better the Consortium accepted their apology. And twenty years later the Sowir joined the Consortium. In one
hundred years following that decision the Consortium grew. Of 18 worlds that were in the Consortium control, 6 were Sowir only, including their home world, or with other Consortium members being the minority, 5 were joined worlds where each of the other four races had an almost equal number of people. The Sowir technology in time matched that of the rest in the Consortium and when they expanded enough they struck. The first worlds to be hit were those that were shared. And in the next ten years Sowir Dominion conquered all of the 5 shared worlds, slaughtering any who were not Sowir. The attacks on those worlds were a surprise and the Consortium didn’t respond quickly enough. The remaining worlds fought back, but slowly they too started to fall. Sowir had effectively divided the four races. Their hidden fleets blowing through those of Consortium. In another ten years all but 2 Nel worlds had fallen. The other races fate was unknown, they had lost contact with all but the Guxcacul, which were even now fighting a losing six yearlong land battle on their home world, all their other worlds had fallen. Though the last news they had from them was a merchant ship that arrived at Nuva almost a year ago. For all they knew their home world had already fallen. Nuva, the world where they met the Humans, was the world farthest from the Sowir space, being a new colony, barely thirty years old, there were a few representatives from Guxcacul, and a few families of Mtural living on Nuva, and they were probably the last of their kind. Nuva had been in infancy when the Sowir attacked, and had very little in terms of ships to defend themselves. The only reason they survived this long was because they were too far away. And now they were on their own, their home world of Nelus had abandoned them, recalled all their ships. Leaving only those that were built here and those that refused to leave. The home world was hoping to survive on its own. And now they met another alien race. The scars from what happened with Sowir were still raw, and there had been little trust amongst the crews of ships that were sent to meet with this new race. But seeing them in person, looking so much like Nel, made them waver. These Humans were not Sowir, that was for sure. But were they like them was the question now. From the little she talked with their representative, Esama got the feeling that they were not. But she could also see that they were different than the races of the Consortium. The way they talked, the questions they asked, all pointed to someone that was looking for any edge they could find on the Nel. That worried Esama. She was ordered to stay on their ship and observe, see if she could find anything that might help Lanai back on Nuva to decide whether to trust these Humans or not. The Lanai of course didn’t yet know about them looking like Nel, the commander of the ship Esama arrived on will send that information, along with everything Esama learned until now, which was very little. The Humans gave Nel their own communication terminal, which Esama had no doubt they could monitor. They were also given their own quarters on the ship. The first thing they did was check for listening devices, which Esama was surprised they didn’t find. But that didn’t mean there were none. So she engaged a scrambler from her wrist unit as soon as they were left alone in their room, and seated comfortably around the table.


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