Book Read Free

Open Arms

Page 5

by Marysol James

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because you blame yourself for what happened to you. Don’t you?”

  She was silent and he waited.

  “Don’t you?”

  She closed her eyes against the tears. “Yes.”

  “Well, don’t. Just don’t. I know what kind of man did this to you – I know what he’s all about. I know that he goes around looking for victims. I did it myself for almost thirty years. I decided to live that way, you see. And so does he.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks now.

  “You did nothing wrong, nothing at all. You crossed his path. That’s all it took. That’s all it takes, with men like this. I promise you: you did nothing to deserve this, or provoke it. Nothing.”

  A sob shook her. “Really?”

  “Really.” He hesitated then reached out to touch her hand. When she didn’t pull away, he took her hand in his, and she let him. “I have no excuses for what I did Tammy, and all I can say is that I did my time. I deserved every minute that I spent in jail. I thank God every day for Dave Reid, for giving me a second chance. I have built a whole new life out here, and I work damn hard to deserve that chance and this life. But I can’t forget what I was… that man is still in here somewhere. He always will be, I think. And when I meet another man like him, I recognize it right away. It’s like looking in a mirror, you see. I know who hurt you. It was a man like me, like the way I used to be.”

  “Would you be sorry, after? After you’d hurt someone?”


  “So, this guy who beat me up… he’s not sorry for what he did?”

  “I doubt it,” Phil said gently. “Maybe he will be one day.”

  “Are you sorry now, for all the things you did?”

  “Yes. Now I am.”

  “Does everyone here know about you? About being in jail?”

  “Yes. I’ve never been secretive about any of my past.”

  “So – they trust you.”


  She nodded.

  His chest felt tight as he asked the next question: “Are you scared of me now?”

  She was startled. “No. No, not at all. You’ve decided to be different, right? You’ve made this choice, and you keep making it every day.”

  “I do.”

  “Then that’s more than enough for me.” She smiled. “Everyone deserves a second chance, if they really want to use it to change for the better.”

  He smiled back.

  “And thank you, for what you said about the guy who did this. I need to – to stop blaming myself. I need to see that this guy was looking for someone to hurt. That happened to be me, that night.”

  “That’s right.”

  They sat and looked at each other, comfortable with what they both saw.


  Tammy jumped a bit and looked up.

  Julie was standing there, delighted. “You’re here!”

  “I am,” Tammy said. “And the breakfast is as awesome as you said it was. No false advertising here, Jules.”

  Phil stood up. “OK, I’m off. See you later, ladies.”

  “Thanks, Phil. I mean it.”

  He smiled, and his battered face just lit up. “You’re welcome, hon.”

  “So what was that all about?” Julie said after he had gone. She poured some milk in to her coffee and stirred.

  “Phil told me about his past… about his time in jail and everything.”

  “Oh. Oh, yeah. You’re not worried about that, are you? Because he’s a great guy. No way he’ll ever hurt you, no matter what he may have done before.”

  “God, no,” Tammy said. “I’m not worried at all. In fact, he helped me a lot.”

  “I’m glad,” Julie said. “And I’m glad to see you here.”

  “Yeah, I’m glad to see you too. I’ve been cooped up way too long, I know, but I didn’t feel ready to come out yet.”

  “That’s OK. It’s all OK, sweetie.”

  “Thanks, Jules.”

  Julie felt tears prickle her eyes and she blinked hard to clear them. “OK. So, what do you want to do today?”

  Tammy looked around the restaurant, considering. “Ummm. Maybe you can show me the plans for the new cabins?”


  “Yeah. And maybe we can have dinner tonight?”

  “Sure. Sounds good. My place at six?”

  “Perfect.” Tammy grinned. “And make sure Jake is there – I think it’s high time I get to know this guy properly.”

  Julie smiled. “Oh, Tammy. It is so good to have you back.”


  Rob stared. Unless he was hallucinating, Tammy was standing in the door of his office.

  “Hi, Rob. Is it OK if I come in for a minute?”

  He jumped to his feet. “Yeah. Yeah, of course. Come on in.” He pulled out a chair. “Sit down, please.”

  She sat and he looked her over. God, she was stunning, with her dark hair pulled back, showing off her high cheekbones and violet eyes. That red blouse hugged every slim curve and those jeans made her long legs go on forever. She looked rested and relaxed and calm, and her smile was open and genuine and had a hint of sassiness. His stomach flipped as she trained that bright gaze on him. He ached to hold her and gripped the edge of his desk.

  “I’m wondering how you’re doing.”

  “Me?” Rob said. “I’m fine… how are you doing?”

  She shook her head. “No, Rob. For the past month, it’s been all about me. How I’m doing, what I’m thinking, what I’m feeling. I’m a bit fed up with it, and I’d like to hear how some other people are doing. You, Julie, Jake. So… how are you doing?”

  He leaned back. “Ummm. Well, OK. I mean, busy with these new cabins. But that’s about it, really.”

  “I’m wondering what I can do around here until I leave. Maybe I can help a bit with stuff? Maybe the new cabins?”

  “Leave?” His gut twisted at the thought.

  She shrugged. “Yeah. I mean, I’ve been living here for a month almost, rent-free. I’ve taken a whole cabin which could have been rented by skiers. It is high season for Julie’s business, I know. She’s lost thousands of dollars, because of me.”

  “She doesn’t care, Tammy.”

  “I know. I know she doesn’t. But I do.” She sighed. “I have spent the past fifteen years of my life working. OK, my jobs haven’t been the best and I’ve never made a lot of money, but I’ve gotten up almost every day and gone somewhere to earn a paycheck. I’ve never been lazy or unemployed before. I feel like – like I’m ready to start thinking about my life.”

  “In New York?”

  “Yeah. Eventually. I mean, I can’t work here, can I?”

  Rob had been dreading this conversation, because he knew that she was right. Sure, he’d been indulging in fantasies about him and Tammy making wild love and settling down at Open Skies and being happy and crazy about each other forever. But really? She’d go insane here if she had nothing to do – and he knew she’d never take a job from Julie. What would she do here, anyway? Waitress at the restaurant? Work at the front desk?

  No, if Tammy was going to be really OK, she’d have to leave Open Skies at some point. Rob had the feeling that she was getting closer to that time, and as happy as he was for her strength and return to herself, he selfishly wanted more time with her.

  “No, you can’t really work here long-term. I guess that’s true,” Rob said with some reluctance. “But how long are you thinking – when do you want to go back? Back to New York?”

  “I’m not totally sure.” Tammy looked at his incredible blue eyes and broad shoulders and wished that she could touch him. “Maybe… a month?”

  “A month.” Rob tried to smile. “Well, I’m sure we can find something for you to do for a

  She smiled back, disappointed that he didn’t look disappointed. OK, well, clearly he didn’t care if she stayed or if she left. Come on girl, get a grip. He’s just a really nice guy who wanted to help his boss’ friend. He saw what happened with his sister, and he just knew what to do to help me start to move on… nothing more. I should be grateful that he was there for me when I needed him. Right?

  “So, I’ll get going… I know you’re busy.” She gestured at the pile of papers on his desk. “Will you come by for lunch today? I’ll even cook.”


  “Yeah. I’d like to.”

  “Well, alright then. I’ll be there at noon.”

  “Great.” She stood and came around to his side of the desk. He gave her a quick hug and breathed in the scent of her hair, something fresh and clean, like green tea and jasmine.

  She pulled back, sorry to step out of those arms. “See you later, Rob.”

  Rob watched her go, his stomach a hard knot. Dammit. You knew this day had to come – you’ve spent all this time with her, trying to get her to this day. Now that it’s here, and she’s doing so much better, who the hell are you to be upset about it? Selfish bastard. What, do you want her to be crying and broken all over again, just so she’ll stay here? No? Well, then. Get over it. You have just over one month to enjoy spending time with her.

  Rob glanced at the clock on his laptop. He had a meeting with Julie in an hour, and he needed to get ready. Grateful to have something to focus on besides Tammy’s ass in those jeans, besides her sweet scent as she hugged him, besides her gorgeous smile, Rob lowered his head and got back to work.


  Jake held Julie’s legs open, his dark head between her supple thighs. He felt the muscles jump in his hands and he grinned. She was close, but he wasn’t going to let her come just yet.

  He pulled back, looked up at her. Her beautiful face was flushed, her full lips quivering. He sat up and she opened her bright eyes.


  “Over here, baby.” He rolled on the condom and then sat with his legs extended; in one strong movement, he pulled her unresisting body on to his lap. Raising her hips, she impaled herself on him and clutched his strong upper arms. She wrapped her legs around his lower back and moaned as he filled her to bursting.

  He grasped her rounded ass and moved her up and down, grinding her on his cock. He plunged in to her, loving her tightness and heat, loving the way that she arched her back as he kissed her luscious breasts. He felt her sex start to pulse and contract, and he knew that she was just seconds away from bursting. Jake leaned back a bit and angled her body so that he pressed against that sweet, wild spot deep inside of her.

  Julie gasped as Jake thrust harder, then harder; he was lifting her right off the bed now and she held on to his broad shoulders. She looked at him with glazed eyes and leaned down to kiss those lips. He responded, fiercely, possessively. Her mouth opened against his as her climax began and he gripped her head, holding her there.

  “Look at me when you come, baby. Keep your eyes open… let me see you come.”

  Jake’s gray eyes watched her face as she writhed and panted in his arms, the waves of feeling rippling through her. As her muscles clenched around him, his own release started and he groaned against her throat. She held on to Jake’s shaking body and watched this hard and tough man crumble under her soft curves. She smiled and stroked his hair, waited for his heartbeat to slow.

  Jake pulled back a bit and kissed her again. “You are incredible.”

  “You too.”

  He brushed her hair back from her forehead. “I love you, baby.”

  She stared down at him and saw his tears. They had never said these words to each other, and she had been wondering if and how it would ever happen. She felt tears in her own eyes and she smiled at him. “Oh, Jake. I love you too.”

  They stayed like that for a while, holding each other close and listening to each other breathe, and then real life crashed in on them: Julie’s cell phone alarm chimed and she sighed. “I’ve got to meet with Rob in fifteen minutes. Sorry, sweetheart.”

  “That’s OK.” Jake kissed her once, twice. “We can do this again tonight. Right?”

  “Right,” she laughed. “After dinner. Tammy’s coming over at six.”

  “Girls’ night? Or can I drop by?”

  “Oh, definitely drop by.” Julie’s eyes sparkled. “Tammy wants to get to know you, she said. So brace yourself.”

  “For what?” Reluctantly, Jake pulled out of her hot, sweet body.

  “Let’s just say that you’re going to be grilled,” Julie said. “If Tammy is almost back to herself, she’ll be all about the questions.”


  “Yeah. Get ready, cowboy.” Julie smiled. “She’ll have you for dessert. Trust me.”


  “So, Jake. How did you get to be a cowboy?”

  Julie grinned over at them from the kitchen. Jake and Tammy were sitting on the sofa together, cradling glasses of wine. Jake’s massive shoulders almost completely blocked Tammy’s slim frame from her view; her friend was almost as tall as Jake, but was dwarfed by his powerful body. Julie continued spooning vanilla ice cream on the warm homemade brownies and listened.

  Jake looked down at Tammy’s face and marvelled at the change in her. Tammy’s violet eyes were bright with humor and curiosity, and her body language was relaxed and open. He thought back to when he first met her at the hospital in New York: she had backed away from him every time he came within five feet of her and never met his eyes. He’d done everything he could to make her feel relaxed around him, but there was little he could do about his physical size. He’d been upset at making Tammy afraid of him, and had kept his distance ever since.

  But tonight – tonight she was like a whole new person. Smart and sassy, joyous and funny. All through dinner he had watched Julie and Tammy talk and laugh, and he had been pulled in to their warmth and love for each other. Tammy had charmed him within an inch of his life, and he had found himself testing the waters and teasing her gently. She’d responded with flashing eyes and smart-ass answers. She was great.

  “Am I a cowboy, Tammy?”

  She leaned back against the sofa arm. “There’s only one way to be sure.”

  “OK. What’s that?”

  “Stand up and walk over there.” She pointed across the room.

  Julie dropped the spoon she was holding. “Tammy!”

  “What?” Tammy stared at her, all wide-eyed innocence.

  “I know what you’re doing.”

  “Of course you do.”

  “I don’t,” Jake said. “Why do you want me to walk over there?”

  “Because,” Tammy said. “I need to see how you look in your jeans when you walk away.”

  Jake stared at her for a second and then, as he realized what she meant, he blushed bright red.

  Tammy giggled. “You want to weigh in on this, Jules? You know that cowboys look damn good in their jeans – I imagine you’ve spent some time staring at Jake’s butt as he moseys away from you.” She added to Jake, in a confidential tone, “Cowboys all mosey, you know.”

  “You keep me out of this,” Julie said with great dignity. She returned to the living room and set the plates of brownie and ice cream in front of Tammy and Jake.

  Tammy’s eyes sparkled. “Actually, Jake, one of the first things Julie ever said about you was that you looked good as you walked away.”

  “Aw, really?” Jake stroked Julie’s hair. “You said that?”

  “Yeah,” Tammy said. “But only ‘cause you were such a jerk. She found it a relief when you left the room.”

  “Tammy!” Julie said again.

  Jake laughed. “Well, no arguing with that. I was an asshole.”

  “You were,” Tammy agreed. “But you’re not
so bad now, really.”

  “Thanks,” Jake said to her. “Glad you think so.”

  “OK, you two,” Julie said. “Eat your dessert before the ice cream melts.”

  “Thanks, Jules,” Tammy said. “It looks great.” She took a bite and closed her eyes. “Oh, my God. That is awesome! When did you learn to bake?”

  Julie shrugged. “I’ve always wanted to try it, you know, but I never really had any time for it in New York, with my job and the crazy workload and schedule. But here, I have more free hours, it seems.”

  “Though I imagine you take up quite a few of those hours, huh, Jake?” Tammy said to him. “A big, strong guy like you – you’d last hours and hours, am I right?”

  Jake blinked at her and then blushed again, choking a bit on his brownie. Tammy laughed, delighted.

  “OK, my work here is done,” she declared. “I’ve made your sexy cowboy blush twice in as many minutes, and I never thought I’d see that happen.”

  “Yeah, well,” Julie said. “My sexy cowboy is a bit shy.”

  Jake looked at the two of them, sitting side by side on the sofa and eating their dessert, and thought just how many guys would kill to be where he was. There was Julie, all soft curves and red-gold hair, as ripe and warm as a sun-drenched peach, and Tammy, with those long legs, her midnight hair spilling over slim shoulders and her flashing violet eyes. They were complete opposites in almost every way. Jake smiled.

  “OK, ladies,” he said standing up. “This is where I leave you.”

  “You’re going?” Tammy said.

  “Yep.” Jake looked at them again, saw that tonight was the first night that they had really connected since Tammy had been attacked. He wasn’t about to ruin that. “You two enjoy your night.” He bent over and kissed Julie, his lips lingering on hers, giving her something to think about, some reason to miss him. “I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, Jake,” Julie said softly.


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