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Road to Absolution

Page 11

by Piper Davenport

  “Yeah. It’s still good.”

  I chuckled. “Sure. We’ll go with that.”

  “When we get married, you can change whatever you like.”

  I shook my head.

  “What?” he asked, all innocence and light as he threw clothes into a duffel.

  “I’m not having this argument with you again, buddy. Let’s just drop it.”

  “Okay, baby.” He kissed my cheek. “We’ll drop it. Ready?”


  We gathered up Maverick and the dog and headed back to the truck. The sound of motorcyle pipes had me turning to find Aidan parking in Carter’s driveway. He climbed off with a grin and stowed his helmet. “Heard there was a boat party.”

  Carter chuckled. “You’ll have to follow us or ride in the back with the dog.”

  “I’ll follow.”

  “Maverick, come meet uncle Aidan,” I said. “He’s Carter’s brother.”

  Introductions were made, and then we headed down to the marina.

  * * *

  Hawk and Payton’s boat was incredible and I was glad I’d insisted on a bottle of wine with all the other food items we brought. The boat was far to shi-shi to not bring a decent bottle of vino, and since Carter grabbed a case of beer and chips, I grabbed cheese and crackers and the like.

  Booker and Dani joined us as well, along with Dani’s best friend Kim and Mack. I had instantly liked Mack when I first met him and it seemed to irritate Carter, which in turn made it all the more worth it to flirt a little. Booker and Dani had also brought beer and wine, but Dani had the forethought to bring fruit and veggies, while Payton had everything for a sandwich making bonanza. The men took the kids on deck while us ladies sorted out the food. Cassidy the dog tried to stay where the food source was, but one command from Carter and she followed him outside.

  “I always feel like I have to have fancy food when I go out on the boat,” Payton admitted. “It’s just so… I don’t know…”

  “Shi-shi?” I offered.

  Payton giggled. “Yes, it’s totally shi-shi.”

  “Is Macey going to make it?” Dani asked Payton.

  “No. Both she and Dallas have to work.” Payton handed me a glass of wine. “Macey’s my bestie.”


  “Okay, I’m ready to get my flirt on,” Kim declared.

  Dani laughed. “With Mack.”

  “Or that Knight guy. Holy shit, he’s hot.”

  “And Ace’s brother,” Dani said.

  “Yeah, I kind of figured that,” she said.

  “So, you and Mack aren’t together?” I asked.

  Kim giggled. “No. Not my type.”

  “What do you mean?” Dani argued. “Anything with a penis is your type.”

  “Oh, you’re funny,” Kim droned. “The thing with Mack is weird… we just kind of figured out pretty quickly we were going to be friends and neither of us wanted to screw it up by sleeping together. Call it evolving as adults or a premonition or something, but we would not be good together. But man, he’s gorgeous and super fun to flirt with.”

  I grinned. “Yes, he is. But don’t tell Carter.”

  Kim locked her lips. “Sealed, babe.”

  We filed onto the deck, one hand carrying a drink, the other carrying a tray of food that we set on the table by the railing. A strong arm wrapped around my waist as soft lips kissed my neck. “Mack,” I whispered. “Stop.”

  Carter hissed and gave my bottom a gentle smack.

  I giggled and turned in his arms once I’d set my wine down. I sighed with visual pleasure. He’d stripped down to nothing but a pair of swim trunks and he was delicious. “Wow. I didn’t think you could get better looking.”

  His body had always been muscular in a lanky kind of way, but now it was ripped. Channing Tatum kind of ripped, only bigger.

  His expression of irritation changed to a smile and he kissed me. “Why are you still wearing your clothes?”

  “Because I’m not ready to swim.”


  “So, I’m good.” I ran my finger over his side. He’d added several more tattoos since I’d seen him without a shirt. He had the Dogs of Fire logo on his inner left forearm and an eagle across his ribs. On his left bicep, he had a bolt and a nut with my name woven into the threads. “When did you get this?”

  He smiled. “The day after you left.”

  I gasped. “You did?”

  “I didn’t want to forget.”

  “I thought you hated me,” I whispered.

  He cupped my face. “Oh, baby, I could never hate you. I was hurt and wrecked, and a little willing to run into gunfire, but I didn’t hate you.”

  “Ohmigod, did you really run into gunfire?”

  Carter chuckled. “I’m not telling you.”

  “Can we swim now, Carter? Uncle Aidan’s in the water already.” Maverick asked, appearing out of nowhere and effectively diverting the subject.

  True to his word, Hawk did in fact have enough life jackets for everyone and the kids were strolling the boat, decked out in their safety finery.

  “Please,” I urged.

  “Please,” Maverick added.

  Carter studied me for a few seconds before laying his hand on Maverick’s head and smiling down at him. “You bet, buddy.”

  “I’ll get Lily.” He turned and started to run, but quickly corrected and slowed to a walk. The rule was no running and I was proud he remembered.

  “If you don’t have a suit, babe, I’m sure Payton has something you can borrow.”

  “I’m wearing a suit,” I countered.

  “Then why are you bein’ all weird?”

  “I’m not.”

  “Cass,” he said with a sigh. “You’re beautiful, baby, you know that right?”

  “Thank you.” I smiled. “It’s not about that, at least, it’s not all about that.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “I don’t know… I just haven’t been in a bathing suit in a long time, and certainly not in front of all these gorgeous men, not to mention their women. God, did you see Kim? She’s like a super model.”

  He rolled his eyes. “If you find women who need to eat a cookie beautiful.”

  “What?” I giggled.

  “Babe, she’s the skeleton of a pretty woman. You, on the other hand, are the whole body.”

  “Whatever.” I felt the heat on my cheeks.

  “I’m gonna tell you a secret.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I craned my head to look up at him.

  “I have always loved you and thought your body was hot, but now that you’ve gained a little weight, I wanna fuck you every three seconds.”

  I giggled. “Would that even be possible?”

  “Can’t wait to find out.” He kissed my nose. “You had a little preview last weekend, what do you think?”

  I shivered. “I think I want a lot more.”

  He grinned. “Tonight, baby.”

  I bit my lip and nodded. “Okay.”

  “Ace,” Hawk called. “Comin’?”

  “Not yet,” he whispered and then grinned. “Clothes off, baby,” he ordered, and made his way to the side of the boat.

  I climbed up onto the top of the boat where Dani, Kim, and Payton were letting the sun tan them while they watched the rest of the group in the water.

  “Hey, Cass,” Dani said. “Do you need a suit?”

  “No, I’m wearing one.”

  “Well, get comfy, girl. Soak up some Vitamin D.”

  I sighed and pulled off my shirt and slid my shorts down my legs. I heard a whistle and followed the sound to find Carter giving me a thumbs-up. He had Maverick on his shoulders and they were horsing around. Cassidy the dog was swimming close to them, her doggie life jacket helping to keep her bouyant.

  I gasped when Carter chucked Maverick in the air, but he didn’t throw him far, and Maverick squealed with laughter as he bobbed in the water.

  “The guys won’t let anything happen to Maverick,” Pay
ton promised and patted the towel she’d laid out for me next to her. “Come and relax.”

  I lowered myself and smiled. “I don’t even know what that means.”

  “Well, reacquaint yourself with what we call ‘a break,’” Dani said. “You deserve it.”

  “Twist my arm.”

  “Do you need lotion?” Dani asked.

  “Oh, yeah, that would be great,” I said, and took the tube from her. “I put sunblock on my face, but forgot about my pasty white legs.”

  “I would kill for legs like yours. Mine are more in the vein of tree stumps.”

  “Danielle Carver, I heard that,” Booker bellowed.

  “Then quit eavesdropping.”

  She and I peered over the side to see him just below us.

  “Stop insulting my woman,” he countered. “Get me?”

  She wrinkled her face and mimicked his words with her mouth.

  “Dani,” he said, his voice low.

  “I got you, baby.” She smiled down at him. “Love you.”

  “Love you too. Hawk said there are some water noodles up there somewhere.”

  “Oh, here,” Payton said, and opened a trunk in the corner. “How many do you want?”

  “Two’s good.”

  She pulled out two and dropped them down to him.

  He gave her a chin lift and swam back to the group. Dani’s face got dreamy and I bit back a giggle. For such a sweet, innocent kindergarten teacher, she’d certainly nabbed herself the perfect bad boy.

  Finding my own bad boy in the small group of swimmers, I smiled as he helped Maverick and Lily with the water noodles, making sure they were good before letting go. If he hurried up and figured out the correct way to ask me to marry him, we could get on with our lives, but for now, I was engaged in a game of proposal chicken.

  “You take Maverick to that Kids’ Palace daycare right?” Payton asked.

  “Yeah, it’s great. The bus drops him off after school and then I pick him up. Are you looking for something for Lily?”

  Payton nodded. “Just a couple times a week when I have a teacher meeting or Alex is working late.”

  “It’s really fun… and cheap.” I slathered lotion over my legs. “I’ll get you all the info if you like.”

  “That would be great.”

  I laid out flat and closed my eyes, the soft musical sound of the ladies’ conversation, lulling me into a half-sleep kind of feeling, however, the sudden icy spray of water had me jumping up with a squeal. I noticed I wasn’t even close to the towel I’d been sleeping on earlier and had rolled from under the awning that hadn’t been there earlier. Classic Cassidy, running even in my sleep.

  Carter and Maverick stood in front of me laughing hysterically, the obvious source of my unwelcome shower. “I hate you both.”

  “Not really, right Mom?” Maverick asked, still trying to figure out sarcasm from reality.

  I smiled. “No, not really.”

  He grinned. “Lily said her mom and dad brought ice cream. Can I have some, please?”

  “Sure buddy, after dinner,” I said, noticing that Payton and Dani weren’t with me.

  “Careful on those stairs,” Carter reminded him, and watched him walk down, returning to me a few seconds later.

  I jabbed a finger at him. “You I still hate.”

  He chuckled. “Couldn’t resist.”

  “Hmm-mm.” I couldn’t help but smile. He was hard to stay mad at.

  “Babe, you look a little red.”

  “I do?”

  “Yeah.” He frowned. “Why the fuck did they leave you up here exposed?”

  “Honey, it was probably me.” I glanced down at my body and he was right, my arms and legs were pink. “I’m sure it’s fine. It doesn’t hurt.”

  “We’ll get some aloe on it in case.” He kissed me quickly. “Come downstairs, we’re gettin’ ready to eat.”

  I slid on my shorts and T-shirt and followed him downstairs.

  “Ohmigod, Cassidy,” Dani exclaimed. “You’re red. I’m so sorry! We rolled the awning down to keep the sun off, it must have shifted.”

  “No, I have a sleeping problem,” I confessed. “I don’t sleep still, so I’m sure I probably rolled out of it. Don’t worry about it.”

  “I should have checked.” She frowned. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t even worry about it,” I assured her. “Seriously.”

  “I’ll grab you some aloe.”

  I sighed and she rushed off to find some.

  LATER THAT NIGHT, I put Maverick to bed then climbed into the shower, whimpering as the water hit my arms and legs. I turned the tap to lukewarm and grabbed the soap. Holy crap I was burnt to a crisp. I was naturally fair and wasn’t a huge sun person, so I couldn’t remember a time I’d just laid out like that. Even at the pond, I was in the water more than sunning myself, and my mom would load me up with SPF-4,223.

  I shampooed my hair quickly, hissing when I realized the top of my head was burnt as well. I couldn’t bring myself to condition even though I knew my curls would cause a mutiny. I would just have to deal with it all later.

  Drying myself was just too much, so I gingerly slipped into my robe and woodenly walked down the hall.

  “Babe, you okay?” Carter asked.

  “No,” I grumbled.

  Carter followed me into my bedroom, his mouth dropping open. “Holy shit.”

  I nodded. “Even my hair hurts.”

  “Baby.” He closed the distance between us. “How long were you in the sun?”

  “I have no idea. Maybe half an hour. You know what I’m like when I sleep, I probably rolled totally out of cover.”

  He nodded. “Where’s that aloe Payton gave you?”

  “In my purse.”

  “I’ll get it.” He left me, returning quickly with the tube. “Want to get dressed first?”

  I bit my lip. At least my face was okay… I’d slathered it and my neck with SPF50, but neglected my head and the rest of my body. “I can’t move my arms.”

  “Want some help?”

  “I guess.” I groaned. “So much for our romantic night… we could still try,” I joked.

  “Sex with lobsters isn’t really my thing, Cass,” he retorted.

  I moved to hit him, but the motion shot pain through my skin and I groaned.

  He grinned and kissed me quickly. “Sorry, baby.”

  Carter helped me into undies and a T-shirt, then gently slathered aloe onto my worst areas. I couldn’t bear for him to touch my head, so he left it alone. Needless to say, sleep didn’t come easily or stay long that night. We’d snuck the dog into the apartment and she was happy to sleep with Maverick, but I heard her whine at about three that morning and then doors opening and closing, albeit quietly, which meant Carter must have taken her out.

  I didn’t think I’d fall back to sleep anytime soon, so I headed to the kitchen for some water. Carter walked back into the apartment a few minutes later. “Hey, can’t sleep?” he whispered and set the dog’s leash on the counter.

  I nodded. “I’m fine as long as I stay on my back, but as soon as I roll it hurts.”

  Carter gave me a sympathetic smile. “Let’s get more aloe on you.”

  I nodded and after he put the dog back in with Maverick, I let him slather me with relief.

  * * *

  We settled into a comfortable routine for a week or so, Carter giving me space because of my sunburn, but waging a sensual war that was quickly breaking down my defenses. The sunburn healed in less than a week, but every time we planned time alone, we were interrupted and I was sure the universe was against us.

  Hawk and Payton had signed Lily up for two days at daycare, and Payton and I had discovered the kids were two peas in a pod… much like Carter and I had been. This fact began the scheduling of many play dates and the blessed option of alone time with Carter.

  One such Friday night, Carter had surprised me by taking me into the Pearl for dinner and then back to his place. We’
d watched Lily the Friday before and now Payton and Hawk were returning the favor.

  Cassidy the dog met us at the door and we kicked off our shoes and spent a little time with her after putting our leftovers in the fridge. Once Carter grabbed himself a beer and poured me a glass of wine, he took my hand and led me down the hall to his bedroom. “How many days have you been on the pill now?”

  I tugged on his hand and he turned to face me. “Nine.”

  “Good, we can forego condoms.”


  “I’m clean, baby.” He kissed me then stepped into the bathroom and I heard the shower start. “I got tested and the results came yesterday. Envelope’s on the dresser,” he called.

  He walked back into the bedroom, his chest bare, his jeans unbuttoned. I swallowed my squeak of desire.

  “Am I talking over you?”

  “A little,” I admitted.

  “Sorry.” Carter smiled and slid his hand to my neck, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I just don’t want you to back out.”

  “I can’t back out of something I haven’t agreed to.”

  “What’s the hesitation, Cass?” He smiled. “The real one, not the ‘we need to wait for Maverick’s sake,’ or you’re burnt to a crisp, ’cause those are kind of moot now.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “I hate that you know me so well.”

  “No you don’t.”

  “It’s not that I’m hesitating, per se.” Unable to stop myself, I ran my fingers across his six-pack. “It’s just that this will be my first time since… well...”

  “I know.”

  I dropped my head back to meet his eyes. “I don’t know if you do. That night with Pierre was awkward and that’s all I really remember. It didn’t really hurt, but, well, he wasn’t very nice...” I groaned. “I don’t really know what I’m trying to say.”

  “What do you mean he wasn’t very nice?”

  “He just pointed out things that I needed to work on.”

  Carter’s body locked. “Like what?”

  “Nothing, don’t worry about it.”

  “You know if I ever meet this bastard, I’m gonna fuckin’ kill him.”

  “Well, you won’t, so it’s good. It’s not like he didn’t have some valid points. We were dancing and ballet is—”

  “Fuck me, Cassidy. I swear to Christ, if you say one more negative thing about your body, I’m gonna get on a fuckin’ plane, hunt that bastard down and beat the shit out of him.” He cupped my face. “You. Are. Perfect.”


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