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The Rites: Ethos Society Part One

Page 11

by Chloe Gunter

  Suddenly remembering the question that I wanted answered before I asked, "what the hell does BCH stand for?"

  "It's a latin phrase, bonum commune hominis-"

  "-for the good of mankind," I roughly translated. "Well, at least that’s promising," I muttered.

  "We live up to that promise Bird, even when times are tough. It’s easier said than done, but someone has to make the hard choices. One more question and then you need to go, it will be harder for you to remain unseen otherwise."

  "Why did you choose Whistler?" I watched the figure tilt their head and I wondered if I overstepped by asking such a personal question. After all, no one said I ever had to reveal the back story behind why I chose Bird.

  "Is it wrong if I say because it sounds badass?" I laughed at the candid answer motioning them to continue. "I'm a fan of the old Richard Dix movies, and it seemed fitting for a covert name. You should watch them sometime, I'm pretty sure your roommate has copies."

  "You know Re---"

  "Nope, your time is up, Bird. Go fly away before you're caught and can't come back." They said, rising and leading me back to the main room.

  "This conversation is far from over, Whistler," I warned.

  "Then show me you can work together and pass the next Rite. Only then may you ask the questions to the answers you seek."

  Pushing the heavy metal grate up, I was greeted by rays of sunlight crossing my face. The air smelled of fresh rain and my shoes met the soft floor of the forest as I climbed back into civilization.

  I stayed to the perimeter avoiding the track until I was back in the main area, not wanting to risk coming across anyone. The last thing I needed was to be discovered and automatically break the terms of my agreement. I was no closer to discovering who my sponsor was and it was starting to grate on my nerves. I prided myself on my observations. Surely there had to be some type of clue.

  My brain went to Ridley. We'd met a few times on the track when I took my runs, but so far the conversation hadn't run very deep. It seemed like every time we talked it was just another fucked up game of cat and mouse. That grin of his said that he wouldn't mind taking a bite out of me. I hadn't made my mind up about him, which for me, was highly unusual since I could usually tell about someone in the first few minutes.

  Katya also jumped to the forefront of my mind. She had called me in to help with the Priestly brothers, and I had proven myself. I was obviously on her radar before that instant if I was one of the first people she had considered, so it wouldn’t have been too out there.

  Then there was Reed and Ramsey. My stomach turned while I considered whether either of them could be my potential sponsor. They had both pushed me to strive for more, albeit in different ways. But, I wasn’t sure whether the cloak and dagger style was their thing.

  I managed to make it back to my apartment building without anyone noticing me, mentally exhausted and in desperate need of a shower and some food. Unlocking the door, I was greeted with a familiar face, although it wasn’t the one I expected.

  "Charlotte, darling. What are you doing out already? Reed and I thought you were taking advantage of this lovely Saturday morning and sleeping in."

  Ramsey stood half-dressed in a pair of black lounge pants in front of the stove, whisking a bowl with vigor. I was momentarily taken aback since I didn't see him come over last night, or hear him enter. Which, given on how high of an alert I was, was extremely odd.

  "I was working out," I lied flawlessly. Sure, I may have felt a little guilty, but in the long run, it wouldn't hurt anyone in this circumstance. "Where's Reed? I didn't hear you come in last night, sorry this is a surprise."

  "I hope you don't mind. Reed said he talked with you about it, he's just finished showering, he should be out soon hopefully. I came by late last night when I got in from an assignment."

  "No no, of course I don't mind. You're more than welcome here.” I guess that strikes them off the list.

  “Good morning, Char,” Reed greeted as he dropped a kiss on my cheek, the smell of pine and mint clinging to him from his shower, before he moved to the kitchen.

  “Actually, Reed, speaking of keys, Gavin and I are getting to that point. Would you be opposed to me giving him one?”

  “No Char, like I said before, Gavin is a good guy. If you feel comfortable with it then I don't mind. Thanks for asking though, roomie. I'm so glad I got stuck with you," Reed said dramatically, throwing me one of his signature winks.

  “So are you guys still planning on checking out Veritas tonight? I was thinking of taking you up on the offer of a night out and bringing Gav along. I could use a bit of a break.”

  “I guess since you’re graciously deeming us with your presence we could have a few drinks to welcome you in,” Ramsey said as he flawlessly flipped the omelet he’d been making.

  “We’re going to have so much fun,” Reed said as he rubbed his hands together mischievously.

  What the hell was I about to get into?

  There were many ways to make an impression, some more impactful than others. That night, I decided to dress for me, in what I knew would make me the most confident. I slipped on my leather leggings and paired them with a long white tunic, my moto boots, and a leather jacket. The perfect blend of sexy yet sleek. I wanted it to say I could kick your ass and look fabulous doing it.

  A knock sounded on my door and I opened it to find Gavin, giving him a smile I welcomed him in. He let out a low whistle when he saw me and motioned for me to turn around in a circle. His hands found my waist as he pulled me back against him, letting me feel just how excited he was to see me.

  “You look gorgeous, Charlie. You'll definitely catch some looks tonight. Are you going hunting tonight, cara?

  “Hunting?” I asked, wondering if he meant what I thought he did.

  “You know,” Gavin said, picking up a strand of my sleek brown hair and twirling it in his fingers, “sizing up everyone here that you usually don't get to see in your classes.”

  I let out a big grin. He really did know me.

  “I thought so." He let out a laugh. "Let's go before you start making a trail of bodies with all your actualizations.”

  “I'm not that bad Gavin, it's just people watching,” I said innocently, too innocently.

  “It's going to be more than watching. After you helped Katya, people are interested in the new recruit who handled herself like a boss and broke the case. You're a hot ticket now.”

  “I didn’t think people knew the details of that.”

  “When a new recruit gets pulled out of the middle of a seminar by one of the Assistant Directors, people are going to talk, Charlie. It’s all in house, you should be proud of what you have accomplished. I know I am.”

  “Then let's go give the people what they want, I really do need to blow off some steam tonight. With school and all the physical training, I need a night where I can just let loose.”

  “Your wish is my command," Gavin said as he opened the door and gestured for me to go through first.

  We headed hand in hand to Veritas, and I spotted the glow of light across the lawn, serving as a beacon for all the thirsty patrons.

  There were people loitering on the outside porch and as we moved through the crowd toward the door people exchanged hellos, me receiving the same amount as Gavin. More than half of which were from people I didn't know, who had probably heard about my exploits.

  A familiar alternative pop nineties song filled my ears as I crossed the threshold into the bar, sweeping my gaze against the crowded space. Wanting to start my night off right, I made my way to the bar and motioned to one of the bartenders, who, I discovered to my surprise, was Ash.

  "What are you doing here?" I asked above the noise.

  "It's good to see you too Charlie," she laughed. "Consider this my personal mandated break away from the screens. It helps keep my head clear and I pick up a little extra change on the side."

  GRAVITAS paid well, even the initial training months, though l
ower, were far more than I had made with the FBI. There was no way Ash needed the extra money unless she had some expensive hobbies. Then again, I had no idea how much some of the tech stuff on her rig probably cost. When I realized what I was doing I gave myself a mental shake, redefining what I wanted from the evening. Alright Charlie, no hunting tonight, and definitely not your friends, just shut it off and enjoy your damn night.

  "It's nice to see you regardless. Can I get a gin and tonic?" I turned to Gavin to ask what he wanted as we hadn't exactly drank together before besides wine or margaritas at dinner.

  "I'll take the same," he said to Ash before offering his hand, "I don't think we've had a chance to meet. I'm Gavin, Charlie's boyfriend. It's nice to meet a friend of Charlie's..." he trailed off wondering her name.

  "It's Ash," she returned the handshake, "nice to meet you Gavin. I certainly will pester Charlie later for all the details about you since she's been so tight lipped," she said with a pointed look at me. "I'll be right back with your drinks!"

  "You my lovely boyfriend, are certainly a charmer."

  "I told you I was keeping you, Charlie," Gavin said as he squeezed my hand gently, making me think back to the sweet morning he told me how he felt. My heart swelled with how right this felt, and I knew that I was sure as hell glad I had that conversation with Reed and Ramsey that morning.

  "Speaking of keeping me, I wanted to give you this." I pulled the key from my leather jacket and placed it in his hand, closing his fingers back around it. "I meant it Gavin, I'm all in."

  I was through questioning our relationship and whether or not I should trust the feelings deep inside me. His every action, from the look in his eyes and the words he spoke, to the touch of his hands against my skin, spoke of his genuine affection and devotion to this. To us.

  A smile lit his face as he looked down at the key, before he slipped it into his pocket. Grabbing the nape of my neck he pulled me to him, pressing my body against him as he claimed my mouth. His tongue stroked inside me, a promise of the night to come as I wound my fingers through his mid-length hair, tugging him closer.

  "Well, I didn't know I was going to get an introduction and a show," Ash said loudly, placing our gin and tonics at the bar and grinning mischievously at us.

  "What can I say," I said, grabbing our drinks, "he brings out the best in me."

  "I can see that. Hey, Cody and a few of us were going to run through the course tomorrow before the test on Monday, you in?" Ash asked.

  "Definitely, I still need to shave some time off. Plus, a little teamwork couldn't hurt," I said, thinking about my upcoming Rite with Ethos.

  "I'll text you tomorrow then. Nice meeting you Gavin."

  We took our drinks and made our way through the crowd, changing directions when I spotted Ramsey and Reed standing at a high top table next to one of the pool tables.

  "Glad you guys made it out!" Reed welcomed as we exchanged pleasantries.

  As I sipped my gin and tonic, I instinctively scanned the bar. We were at one of three pool tables that sat across from a pair of dart machines. A smattering of furniture from pub tables, to a couple leather couches graced the rest of the space giving it a relaxed and comfortable vibe. GRAVITAS did an excellent job giving their agents a space where we could all hang out and let off some stress. Something I was much appreciative of.

  "Charlotte darling, are you up for playing doubles?" Ramsey asked as he started chalking up his pool cue.

  "Will you go easy on me?" I asked Ramsey as Gavin wrapped a hand around my waist and chuckled. I briefly wondered if I should mention something to him about the PDA, especially since this was a public setting and we'd both tried to distance ourselves whenever we were in front of Ethos.

  "Hey, what's wrong?" Gavin asked low in my ear, no doubt having picked up on the sudden tension in my body.

  I turned my head slightly and whispered, "Are you okay with this? Being together in public?"

  Gavin looked pensive for a moment, as if he didn't expect the question. "I am. It's not like we're out in the field right now. But if you're not, I can tone it back, cara. Just as long as you realize that as soon as we leave here my hands are going to be all over you."

  I bit my lip, flushing with desire from his words. "Promise?"

  "Ramsey honey, can you get some popcorn? I'm ready for the show." I looked over to see Reed resting his head on his propped up arm, wiggling those damn eyebrows again.

  I gave Gavin a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth, deciding that the potential risk was low. Whatever Ramsey had been referring to earlier sounded like a different set of problems that were related to the outside world. Hopefully, those resolved soon enough because they were hands down my favorite couple.

  "Alright you two, enough with the antics. This is supposed to be a night out to blow off some steam. You guys already razz me enough at home," I complained sarcastically grabbing a pool stick from the rack on the wall.

  The game went rather well since we were well matched. Surprisingly, Gavin was the one who pulled the most weight on our team. By the time our first game was done, my drink had long since run out and I was in desperate need of another.

  "Hey, I'm going to get another round, do you guys want anything?" I asked.

  "I can go grab it Charlie, you don't need to do that," Gavin said taking my empty cup from me.

  "It's no big deal, why don't you see if you can snag one of the dart machines and I'll meet you guys over there."

  I made my way to the wooden bar, leaning over the rail and throwing a wave at Ash. She motioned that she'd be with me in one second with a grin and threw a pointed look at the agent in front of her. Curious, I went to look at who had caught her interest and saw that it was none other than Cody. I guess she wanted him to help her on top of more than just the wall.

  I ran a hand through my hair, cataloguing the people closest to me, most of which I hadn't seen in my seminars. Sometimes, I wished I could just shut off my brain.

  "Are you looking for me?" A smooth voice asked from my opposite side that had me turning into none other than Wyatt Ridley.

  "Weren't you the one to mention that you looked for me here last weekend? If anyone is looking for someone Mr. Ridley then it would be you."

  He was dressed in dark jeans with a hunter green button down that was rolled up to his elbows, showcasing his strong forearms. The deep colors in conjunction with his silver kissed temples and all-American looks made him quite the combination. I wondered what his specialty was in field ops before he took on more of a leadership role.

  "I thought I told you to call me Wyatt," he said, raising an eyebrow at me. "And as for being the one looking for you, I'm pretty sure I established that I could pull you from wherever you are whenever I want."

  "Why does that sound like a threat and a promise all wrapped up in one?"

  He stared at me, and I could tell that he was internally debating something. With a small shake of his head I knew that he had thought better of whatever was going through that brain of his.

  "Maybe it is," he said, brushing it off. "Really, I just wanted to say hello and tell you again that I appreciate all the work you did with the Priestly case."

  "Careful there, you might be switching into more official territory. If you want me to call you Wyatt tonight you should stick to lighter topics."

  We laughed lightly as Ash stopped in front of me, placing two gin and tonics down at the bar. "Hey Ash, can I get an old fashioned and a bottle of the Voodoo Ranger IPA too, please? And don't think you're not filling me in on all of that," I tilted my head in the direction of where Cody was still waiting at the bar, "tomorrow."

  "I know, right? Who would have ever thought I'd be looking forward to an obstacle course?" She grabbed the beer and quickly made the old fashioned before setting them on the bar, looking to Ridley who has been silently watching our exchange. "Anything for you Director?"

  "I'll take an IPA as well please." He placed a hand on my arm, "Need help carrying those

  "I think I can manage, but if you want to come join us, I think we're going to try and snag a dart machine if you're interested."

  "I don't want to impose, plus, I managed to get a couple other Assistant Directors out tonight and I'm pretty sure they would eat me alive if I abandoned them." He motioned over to a pub table near the doors of the bar were I saw a gorgeous black woman in a dramatic yellow dress next to an older male, whose face was framed by old horn-rimmed glasses. "I'll just help you with these, then let you enjoy your night."

  I debated on whether or not to call him out. Sure, I didn't doubt that he was a decent guy, offering to help carry my drinks. But, I had also caught the glance of curiosity when I had ordered additional drinks. He wanted to find out who I was hanging out with, but didn't want to outright ask me.

  "Thank you," I said graciously, grabbing the two gin and tonics while he grabbed the old fashioned in one hand and the necks of the IPAs in the other.

  I made my way through the crowd, hearing more passing congratulations, before a break appeared and I saw Reed holding his tongue out to the side while he prepared to throw a dart. He let it fly with one concise flick and to my surprise it landed dead center.

  "So that's your trick? A little bit of tongue off to the side and you land a bullseye?"

  "Don't underestimate the importance of a little bit of tongue, Char." He turned around and I watched his face drop slightly as he looked behind my shoulder at Wyatt.

  I turned to look at Wyatt questionably, but gone was his easy smile. He had completely shut down, and his jaw ticked slightly. Surely he had to have known that Reed was my roommate. He placed the drinks on the nearby table that Gavin was leaning on, only pausing briefly to look at me.

  "I'll see you later, DeWitt. Enjoy your night."

  I watched him walk away before turning back to Reed incredulously, "Does someone want to explain what the fuck that was all about?"

  Ramsey placed a hand on Reed's shoulder, offering what looked like silent support. "This isn't the time or place, Charlotte. Now, how about you pass me those drinks and we all play a game of 301."


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