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Page 3

by Opal Carew

  “Let’s go back to the table.” His voice was a low rumble.

  She nodded, then followed him as he led her from the floor, their fingers entwined.

  As soon as she saw Simon at the table watching them, she broke out of the daze. Carter sat down across from Simon this time and she sat beside him. He pulled her close to his body, his arm gliding around her. Simon’s gaze was fixed on her from across the table.

  She drew in a deep breath.

  “I … uh … I’ve never done this sort of thing before,” she said. “How did you expect things would go? With the two of you, I mean.”

  Her head felt fuzzy and she really wasn’t sure how to resolve this dilemma.

  “Am I supposed to choose?” she asked.

  Carter tightened his arm around her. “If you prefer one of us over the other, just tell us.”

  “If you don’t want to do that,” Simon said, “we could decide for you.”

  She bit her lip, knowing she didn’t want that choice to be made at all.

  “What if I want to go with both of you?”

  Chapter Three

  Fuck! Carter couldn’t believe it. This soft, beautiful woman who had totally bewitched him with her smile … who had taken his breath away with her kiss … was suggesting that she be with both him and Simon.

  He’d told Simon at the bar that it was the quiet ones who would surprise you, but when they’d actually met her, he was sure she’d never go for being with even one of them, let alone both.

  His heart thundered in anticipation.

  He glanced at Simon, seeing his own surprise reflected in his friend’s eyes.

  “We can go back to our place,” Carter said, anxious to get her alone.

  “You two share an apartment?”

  “We live in a house about ten minutes from here,” Simon answered.

  She grabbed her drink, which was half full, and sipped through the straw. Then kept on drinking until it was gone.

  Simon’s gaze caught on Carter’s and Carter just knew Simon was going to ruin this. Yeah, she’d had a few drinks, but nothing excessive. Enough to relax her, but not to impair her judgment.

  He’d never been so hot for a woman. And he really believed she wanted them just as much, alcohol or no alcohol.

  She smiled. “Let’s go.”

  She stood up, purse in hand, and Carter surged after her, avoiding Simon’s gaze. Carter took her hand and led her to the door. As soon as they were outside in the clear night air, Simon fell into step beside him.

  “We should talk about this,” Simon said under his breath, just loud enough for Carter to hear.

  They turned the corner and Carter opened the passenger door for Rikki. Carter got into the driver’s seat, leaving Simon to get in the back. Simon settled into the seat, giving Carter a sharp gaze in the rearview mirror.

  As Carter started the car, Simon turned to Rikki.

  “What’s your address, Rikki?” Simon asked.

  She turned to look at him. “I thought I was going home with you.”

  “I think it would be better if we took you home,” Simon said.

  “I thought you found me attractive.” Uncertainty rippled through her voice.

  “I do,” Simon said. “We both do. But you’ve had a lot to drink.”

  She shook her head. “I’ve never done this before and … I know with you two it will be special.”

  Something niggled at Carter’s gut. He knew she meant that she’d never gone home with someone she’d met at a bar before, but something about the way she said it made him wonder if …

  Then he shook his head. No, there’s no way she was a virgin. If she was, she certainly wouldn’t go home with one of them, on the first night, let alone both of them.

  Simon stared at him in the mirror from the backseat as Carter took the turn off the main street to Glendale. Five minutes later, he pulled into their driveway.

  As they got out of the car, Simon shot him a glance that said nothing was going to happen tonight.

  Once inside the house, Simon set her gift bag on the kitchen table.

  “What did your friends get you as a gift?” Simon asked as he started to make coffee.

  Rikki sat down at the table and pulled something out of the bag and unwrapped it.

  “How did that cake survive the bag?” Carter asked as he sat down beside her, wishing she was in his arms instead.

  “It’s not really cake. It’s soap.”

  “No shit?” He picked it up, then sniffed it. It smelled sweet. Like strawberries.

  “Look, I know you two are trying to protect me because you think I’ve had too much to drink, but even before … when I first saw you at the bar … I was attracted to you. I might not have done this before, but I have a strong feeling. That it will be great.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be great,” Carter said.

  “So I knew I wanted to be with you before I had the drinks and the alcohol just helped me see it more clearly.”

  “That’s not how alcohol works,” Simon said. “It clouds your judgment. It doesn’t give you clarity.”

  She rested her hand on Simon’s arm. “You don’t get it. I knew I wanted to be with you the moment I saw you. But I was reluctant because I’ve never … well, I’ve already told you that. But I want to do this.”

  “Sweetheart, if you want to do this,” Simon said, “then we can do it tomorrow. Or next week. There’s no rush. Especially if it’s right.”

  She frowned, and Carter was sure Simon had convinced her.

  Damn it.

  But he was right.

  She reached for her purse and Carter figured she’d suggest they drive her home now.

  “The soap was from one of my roommates. The other one, Tina, gave me something else.”

  She reached in her bag and pulled out a small, metal, mesh change purse, which she opened. Then she tugged out some black cloth. She laid it on the table and …

  Damn. Carter’s cock twitched. It was a thong. A sexy, almost not there, lacy thong.

  She slid her hand inside and pushed against the inside of the crotch. One pink finger pushed through.

  “See. They’re crotchless.”

  “Fuck.” Carter could just imagine her sweet little pussy inside there. And his cock, like her finger, pushing through the opening in the lace. The tip brushing against her slick flesh.

  “Easy,” Simon murmured. “We have to be strong.”

  Carter clenched his fists and breathed, trying to calm the dire need flooding through him.

  “Fuck, Rikki, Simon is right. We can do this another night.”

  She frowned. “Oh.”

  She looked so dejected.

  He couldn’t help himself. He took her hand and brushed it over the hard bulge of his swollen cock. She gasped, her gaze darting to his.

  “It’s not that we don’t want you. Desperately.” He drew her hand away. “But it wouldn’t be right.”

  She sighed. Her eyes were wide and dewy. “I was right. You two are very special.”

  “Come on. I’ll drive you home,” Simon said.

  “I don’t really feel like going home yet. Maybe I could have some of that coffee you’re making. We could talk or watch a movie or something.”

  Carter glanced at Simon.

  “Yeah, sure. A movie would be nice.”

  * * *

  Simon didn’t want to move. Rikki had fallen asleep during the movie and had snuggled up close to him, her soft curves pressing against him, making his groin ache with need.

  He and Carter could have both fucked her tonight—she’d made it clear she wanted to—and he had longed to glide deep and hard into her soft, delightful body. But it wouldn’t have been right. Her decision to go home with them hadn’t happened until after she’d clearly been affected by the alcohol and was a direct contradiction to what she’d said earlier, so he had to respect her original attitude.

  As difficult as it was after experiencing her soft lips and the willing
gleam of desire in her eyes.

  But now, with her warm body nestled against him, his willpower was waning.

  “I think she should stay over.” Carter sat on the other side of Rikki.

  “We can’t take advantage of her.”

  “I’m talking about putting her in the guest room.” Carter scooped her up and carried her down the hall.

  Simon hurried ahead and slipped into his bedroom to grab a T-shirt, then followed Simon into the guest room. He pulled back the duvet so Simon could lay her on the sheet.

  Carter leaned in close to her. “Rikki?”

  “Hmm,” she grumbled sleepily.

  “You can stay here tonight if you like.”

  She opened her eyes halfway. “Tired,” she mumbled.

  “It’s okay,” Simon said. “You can just fall asleep. But here’s a T-shirt for you to change into so you’ll be more comfortable.”

  She sat up and took the T-shirt from him, then reached around behind her to unzip her dress.

  “Can’t reach.”

  Carter glanced at Simon and Simon shrugged, so Carter unfastened the zipper for her. She pushed the dress down, revealing a cotton-candy pink satin bra with off-white lace trim, then wiggled out of the dress and tossed it to the foot of the bed.

  “She seems to have this under control,” Carter said.

  When Simon saw her reaching behind her back to unhook her bra—fuck, then start to pull it off—he grabbed Carter’s arm.

  “Let’s leave her to it,” Simon said, steadfastly directing his gaze to the door.

  “You sure?” Carter asked, resisting the pull of Simon’s arm as Simon propelled them from the room.

  “I’m a lot more sure now than I will be if we stay ten more seconds,” Simon answered.

  When he reached the door, as much as he tried to resist, his head pivoted back to glance at her. Luckily for his peace of mind, she was pulling the T-shirt down past her waist. But as he reached for the light switch, he couldn’t help noticing the outline of her nipples showing through the thin fabric.

  Fuck, she was either very cold or very turned on.

  His cock swelled and he had an almost uncontrollable urge to head right back to the bed and find out which.

  * * *

  Rikki blinked, sunlight dazzling through the light curtains on the window. She sat up and glanced around, uncertainty gripping her.

  This wasn’t her room.

  Where was she?

  Then the memories came crashing back. She’d met two guys—two hot, incredibly sexy men—at the bar last night. And …

  Oh, God, she’d practically thrown herself at them.

  She didn’t remember everything, but they had …

  She ran her fingers through her hair.

  They’d turned her down. Because she’d been drunk.

  Her cheeks heated in embarrassment.

  At least they were honorable. They had refused to take advantage of her in that state. She remembered Simon insisting on taking her to her own home.

  She glanced around again. Yet here she was.

  There was no man in the bed, but maybe one of them—or both—had taken her up on her offer. A dim memory of watching a movie and then being carried in here flickered through her brain. Then Simon giving her a T-shirt and … Her cheeks burned hotter. She had stripped off her dress right in front of them. Then her bra.

  She remembered the heat in Simon’s eyes as he’d stood at the door staring at her, clearly fighting his urges.

  If only she could remember what had happened next.

  She flung her arm over her eyes. Just her luck to lose her virginity to one … or maybe two … handsome, sexy men … and not even be able to remember it!

  A knock sounded at the door. She grabbed the covers and pulled them tight to her body.

  “What is it?” she called out.

  “Rikki, it’s Simon. Sorry to wake you but you’ve gotten a few text messages on your phone. The last one was from someone named Cassie hoping to meet you in an hour. I thought it might be important.”

  She sat up. “Come in.”

  The door opened and Simon stepped into the room. He wore pajama bottoms, but no top and—her heart stuttered in her chest—his body was magnificent. Every inch from his slim waist to his broad shoulders was tight sculpted muscles. There was a jagged scar starting at his neck and extending partway down his chest, but it only added to his masculine aura.

  He walked to the bed and held out her cell phone, the shifting pastel mint and pink glitters in the liquid case shimmering in the sunlight.

  She pulled up the string of texts that started about two hours ago. Cassie said she’d been able to set up a meeting at the firehouse and she wanted Rikki to meet her there at eleven o’clock. She sent a few more texts, the last one asking if she could meet her at the Starbucks on Wilchester and Brook Streets, which Rikki knew was a block from the firehouse.

  She bit her lip. How would she get there in time?

  “My friend Cassie wants me to meet her. It’s about a project we’re working on together.”

  “If you need a ride, Carter and I can drive you. We have to go out anyway.”

  “Thank you. That would be a real help, but I’m afraid I have to stop at my place first. I don’t want to make you late.”

  She needed to change into something more businesslike and pick up her camera.

  “No problem. There’s a shower in the bathroom to the left down the hallway.”


  As Simon headed to the door, she sucked in a breath.


  He stopped and turned.

  “Last night … did you and I … or Carter and I…” She bit her lip. “Did anything happen?”

  His eyebrow arched. “You don’t remember?”

  She shook her head, her stomach quivering.

  “No, nothing happened last night. We resisted your seductive powers.” His lips turned up in a devilish grin and his eyes glittered. “But now that we know how attracted you are to us … and that you’re interested in being with both of us”—his smile widened—”we plan to take you up on your offer as soon as possible.”

  * * *

  Rikki got out of the car and waved good-bye to Simon and Carter, then went into the Starbucks. Cassie was waiting at a table with two lattes. Rikki sat down and Cassie pushed one in front of her.

  “Morning,” Cassie said. “I’m glad you could make it. I know it’s short notice, but the fire chief, Lou, who’s a friend of mine, suggested we work with one specific crew for the photos. These guys work twenty-four-hour shifts followed by forty-eight hours off and he wants you to come in and meet the two lieutenants today so you can talk about ideas for the calendar, then get started tomorrow when they’re on duty.”

  “So these guys are coming in on their day off?”

  “That’s right. They think it’ll be a fun project and are looking forward to meeting you.” Cassie sipped her coffee. “Tomorrow, they can take you through their day and help you get a feel for the firehouse and the equipment so you can plan what pictures you want to take and what equipment and props you might want to use.”

  “All right. Well, let’s get going.”

  “Wait a minute.” Cassie grinned. “First, tell me how it went last night. And who those two guys were who just dropped you off.”

  “Oh. I met them at the bar last night.”

  Cassie’s eyes widened. “And you spent the night with them? Both of them?”

  “Yes, but not what you think. I accidentally had too much to drink—”


  “—and they were perfect gentlemen.”

  “Even though you went home with them?”

  “They realized I was a little drunk and backed off.”

  “So now that you’re stone cold sober, how do you feel about them?”

  Rikki stared at the white cap on her latte cup and smiled. “I gave them my number. I think I’d like to see where th
ings might go.”

  Cassie laughed, her blue eyes sparkling. “That’s great.” She shook her head, a bright grin on her face. “I never would have thought you’d even consider being with two men.” She glanced at her watch. “Okay, now we really do have to get going.”

  * * *

  Rikki followed Cassie into the building. The firehouse was a delightful structure—a two-story brick building with large curved windows on the upper floor that probably gave fantastic lighting up there. There were large windows on the main floor, too, even on the big red garage doors.

  Inside was spacious and it was well lit with the morning light, just as she’d anticipated. There were two big fire trucks, lots of equipment, and several fire poles. And big men moving about the place, mostly checking the equipment.

  “Cassie, nice to see you.” A tall man with a salt and pepper beard walked their way, a big smile on his face.

  “Good morning. Rikki, this is Chief Lou Anderson. Chief, this is Rikki. She’s the photographer I was telling you about.”

  He wrapped his big hand around Rikki’s and shook it. “Nice to meet you, Rikki. I heard you just moved here from Ohio. How do you like our little town so far?”

  “It’s very nice. I think I’ll like living here.”

  He laughed, deep in his belly. “You’d find it hard not to love Muldone. I’ve lived here all my life and I can’t imagine living anywhere else.” He released her hand, then turned and started walking. “Come on back to my office and we’ll discuss the project.”

  Rikki trailed after Cassie as they walked through the firehouse, getting a few glances from the firefighters. Of course, with the sway of Cassie’s hips in her tight pencil skirt, Rikki wasn’t surprised. Cassie oozed sophistication and sex appeal. Her long blonde hair was coiled and clipped up, and her suit jacket hugged her slim waist.

  Rikki wore a pair of dress pants and a royal blue silk blouse. She didn’t have a lot of business clothes, since the store she’d worked in had required they wear casual, trendy clothes. Basically, she had this one pair of dress pants and a couple of blouses to wear with them.

  The chief opened a door and led them into a large office with a desk and a rectangular table with six wheeled chairs around it.

  “Sit.” He gestured to the table, so Rikki sat down in the chair next to Cassie. “I called in my two lieutenants on the shift you’ll be working with. They should be here any minute. Would you like some coffee?”


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