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Hell's Redemption- The Complete Series Boxset

Page 35

by Grace McGinty

  Anger warred with fear in Alonso’s eyes, and I shoved the muzzle of my gun a little harder into his gut. He heaved out a sigh.

  “I don't have much to do with the Eastern Europeans. They are scary fuckers, way scarier than you,” he flicked his eyes to Romanus’s hard face, and I knew that no one was scarier than the Gargoyles.

  “The Estonians work out of the Gulf, their leader here is an unstable bastard called Volchek. They ship the cargo over with normal trade containers, and then unload them in international waters and move them to some private cove.” His eyes darted between us. “That's all I know. I don't know where their home base is, or any of that shit, I swear. I don’t know who heads the family, or anything like that. I’m a middle man, nothing more than a go-between. I don’t know shit.”

  “Do you have a contact number for this Volchek?” He shook his head, but I didn’t believe him. Rouen growled. Apparently, he didn’t believe him either. “That scary bastard will seriously eat you, right here on the lawn, in front of your kids and neighbors. I’d probably let him too. So, let's rethink your answer? Do you know how I can contact this Volchek?”

  Alonso’s eyes were glued to Rouen, who was still growling inhumanly.

  “He operates out of a penthouse in New York, so no one can connect the Gulf shit to him. He’ll kill me if he knows I ratted him out.”

  My ability to care was almost non-existent. “Write down the address and pray he never finds out. But, if I were you, I’d be working on an exit strategy right about now. I hear Australia is nice this time of the year. If I come back and you are still in the game? I’ll make sure there's not enough left of you to bury. Go straight, Alonso. This is my only warning. Because I found you once, and I will find you again.”

  He finished scrawling the address and handed the notepad back to Charlie.

  Rouen shifted forward so fast that I couldn’t even track him with my eyes. He had Alonso around the neck and pressed to the door. Alonso clawed at his muscular forearm futilely. Rouen leaned forward, inhaled deeply then licked the man from jaw to temple.

  “I love the smell of your fear,” he growled. I grabbed his shoulder and yanked him back. “Hands to yourself,” I chastised, but damn if he didn’t make my point. Romanus let out a little huffing noise and I turned, staring at his face in shock. He was laughing.

  That was probably our cue to go before shit got out of hand. I wrapped my hand around Rouen’s other wrist and tugged him toward the road. I took in Charlie's slightly pale face, and the curl of Romanus’ amused smile. I waved them all toward the car with a mental groan. I had a sneaking suspicion that the Gargoyles were going to be a handful.

  Chapter Four

  Back in my apartment, we had come up with a plan. Well, we had part of a plan, and the rest was up to Lady Luck. It’d been tough to find a course of action we all agreed on.

  Romanus just wanted to walk into the place and start hacking off limbs until this Volchek talked. Charlie wanted to do a bit of reconnaissance first, so that we weren’t wasting our element of surprise.

  I was more inclined to go with a stealthier approach. Get in, snoop through some things, and hope that no one caught us going in and out. No muss, no fuss.

  Rouen just demolished the better part of the Chinese takeout menu and let us all argue.

  “If we can get in there, find something useful and get back out, the whole organization won’t go into lockdown, like they would if the head of the US branch was found eaten alive.”

  This was the third time I’d explained it, but they were ganging up on me. Charlie thought we should get his routine down pat then torture the answers out of him before making it look like a rival gang hit. Or an accident. Maybe a heart attack. He knew a way.

  Rouen held out a dumpling clutched between chopsticks to me, and I leaned forward, eating the dumpling in one bite.

  “There's too much room for error, and if we were caught…” I let the words trail off. If we were caught, we’d be screwed no matter how you looked at it.

  I caught Rouen’s intense face out of the corner of my eye. “What?” He bowed his head low. “What’s with him?” I asked Romanus.

  Romanus’s face was unreadable, well, more unreadable than usual. He was purposefully keeping himself locked down tight. “You let him feed you.”

  “So?” These Gargoyles were damn hard to figure out. “Did me eating a dumpling break him or something?”

  Romanus sighed, letting go of his mask a little. For the first time, I saw tiredness around his eyes. “It's a sign of respect in our culture. Well, what was our culture. We are the last. The shrunken heads of our ancestors’ litter buildings around Europe to protect against evil spirits.” He gave a laugh, though it wasn't from amusement. “It’s like thinking oysters are an aphrodisiac. Superstition. We are demons. Getting a demon to guard against other demons? Ridiculous.”

  “And he’s bowing his head because?”

  Rouen’s head snapped back up, but he remained silent as Romania explained.

  “We are matriarchal. The females kept whole harems of mates, for protection, to care for her needs, to protect her young. She fed from our hand. You honored him by doing the same.”

  Charlie scooted a little closer to me, though the Gargoyles weren’t giving off any threatening vibes. He rested a hand on my thigh, almost proprietorial, and scowled at the two demons opposite us. Was he staking a claim?

  Geez, this shit was getting insane. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, to soften my next words.

  “Go home, Charlie. Get some sleep. I need you to go get some clean weapons from Uncle Joe and let them know you will be out of touch for a month or so. Pack some crap. Tomorrow we will head to New York. I can’t wait to see Hope.” The urge to hug my twin was getting intense. I’d almost lost her, and my bond was still floundering. She was still in hospital, so she’d probably be glad to see us too. She didn’t do well with forced inactivity.

  “No, Rella. I’m not leaving you here alone with them.” He was trying for firm and immovable, but I could hear the hint of desperation in his tone.

  “They won’t harm me,” I protested gently.

  “That’s not what I’m worried about,” he said, his face as stern as I’d ever seen it, not a dimple in sight.

  “What? You’re worried I’ll sleep with one of them?” I scoffed, but all humor left me when his jaw clenched tightly. “Seriously? It’s none of your business who I sleep with, Charlie. If I decide to screw both of them, it still wouldn’t be any of your concern. That’s not how we roll. Leave that misogynistic crap for your cousins, because that ain’t you.”

  Charlie stared at me long and hard, his eyes searching mine for something. He shook his head and stood from the couch.

  “Whatever, Estrella. I’ll see you in the morning.” He strode out of the apartment, closing the door with a careful snick. I kinda wished he’d slammed it.

  Romanus looked at the door with what appeared to be a faint hint of respect. Rouen just shook his head. “Humans.”

  Suddenly, I was overwhelmingly mad with the both of them. “Shut it. I don’t want to hear another word from either of you. I’ve had about enough alpha male posturing for one day.” I stood and started collecting Chinese containers. I threw them in the trash with more force than necessary. “Go out and find some willing chick to bang, because I’ve had it up to here with the weird sex vibes you guys give off. Turn that shit off already.”

  Romanus stood, taking plates into the kitchen and loading them into the dishwasher. There was something attractive about a man doing household chores.

  Rouen just stood across the room, trying hard not to look at me. “We don’t fuck humans.”

  “What?” I said for the hundredth time today. My life had taken a sharp left turn into some dark alleyways. I’m not sure I’d like myself when I made it to the light at the other end.

  “Romanus and I, we’re connected. Part of the remaining pack. For us to have sex with outsiders, we must both
agree on the person, both feel lust and something more, something like respect, for the woman we are sleeping with. Romanus hates humans.”

  “I thought you guys were related. So, who do you sleep with? Demonesses?”

  Rouen shuddered. “Romanus and I aren’t even a little bit related. All Gargoyle have similar features, but we are different in a lot of ways if you care to look hard enough. Plus, demonesses are not the kind of being you’d trust enough to put your dick in their mouth.” Hell no. Ace hated the Demonesses, and she would be happy to list all the reasons why if you gave her half the opportunity. It was a long list.

  “You guys have been celibate for all these years?” I looked at his wide chest, the faint outline of muscles beneath his tight shirt. That didn’t seem right.

  Rouen laughed. “God no. We have quite a healthy sex life.”

  “How…” I started, and then I looked between them. Rouen. Then Romanus. Then back again. “Oh, you, uh, together?” I was making weird involuntary pointy actions with my fingers, and I curled my fists to stop it.

  Rouen grinned, and Romanus’s scowl dared me to say anything. He needn’t have worried. My brain had conjured an image of Romanus fucking Rouen, his big hands wrapped around a well-muscled hip, Rouen’s face twisted in pleasure, and then my fragile little brain had stuttered to stop. Frozen on that image. I remembered Romanus biting Rouen this morning, and that was it. It felt like lightning had scorched along my nerve endings and touched down in my clit.

  Rouen sucked in a breath, and I knew they could smell that my panties were suddenly damp. I wanted more than anything to insert myself in that image. I hadn’t even realized that was something I’d want until I was presented with it, wrapped in a bow.

  Rouen took a step closer to me, then another, until his huge chest was the only thing I could see. He leaned down until his lips were close to my cheek. “Do you want to play with us, Estrella?”

  “But I’m human,” I protested weakly. Ugh, why did I say that? I wanted to have sex with them, not give them reasons to change their mind. I looked over my shoulder at Romanus, who was still scowling in my direction. “Romanus-”

  “Has a massive fucking hard on right now. He wants you too, he's just a growly old bastard.”

  My eyes dropped to his dick again, and I sucked in a breath. Holy shit. I could see the outline of what I assumed was a Louisville Slugger in his dark leather pants.

  “You're staring at my dick again, Red,” Romanus growled. I knew how I must have looked, biting my lip, my eyes wide, my breaths coming out in hard gasps. Desperate and wild. Rouen hadn’t even touched me yet. He was throwing out some serious sex juju though, making me so needy that I just wanted to peel off my clothes and climb up his big mountain body until I could impale myself on his rock-hard cock.

  Romanus was up in my personal space in the blink of an eye, so fast that he actually blurred. I'm pretty sure he was lying about not being able to read my thoughts. His sex vibes mixed with Rouen’s and my knees threatened to drop me.

  “You guys have sex magic?” I gasped out, not that I cared at this stage. My body had begun to burn with the need to have one of them in me.

  Romanus pressed against my back, his hard dick searing into me. “No, just pheromones. If we find a mate, we release pheromones that increase her pleasure.” He leaned down, and nipped my neck, in the hollow beneath my ear. I shuddered and moaned. “If you said no right now, we would stop. Your wish is our command, even if my dick exploded with the need to be inside your tight little pussy.”

  I stared up into Rouen’s burning brown and gold eyes, and something inside me snapped. I jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist and my hands coming up to curl in his hair, pulling his mouth roughly to mine.

  It was like someone had fired a starting gun, and we were a flurry of mouths and hands. I could hear the tearing of clothes as Rouen’s mouth pressed hard against mine, his tongue thrusting into my mouth, tasting me, owning me. Romanus’s hard torso was pressed against my back, his hands moving over my body as he tore off our clothes. His teeth scraped down my neck, nipping gently, not breaking skin but sending shivers down my spine. Somehow, he was suddenly naked, and I could feel his cock pressing against the crease of my ass.

  His hands travelled down my sides, sliding over Rouen’s hands under my ass, and then down my thighs, all the time he licked and nipped at my bare skin.

  Rouen growled and turned, walking toward my bed. When he was standing at the foot, he placed me on the ground and Romanus’s hands were freeing me from my jeans roughly. Then Romanus lifted me into his arms, and my legs were wrapped around the hard muscles of his torso, his dick pressed between us. All he needed to do was slide me up a little, and he could be inside me. I whimpered, begging wordlessly. He kissed me bruisingly hard, before backing off a little until he was barely sipping at my lips.

  “Not yet, Red. We haven’t even started yet.”

  A light chuckle had me looking over my shoulder. Rouen was lying on my satin comforter, his head right at the foot of bed. He grinned and winked, the raw lust in his eyes making my juices coat Romanus.

  The man in question growled in response. He peeled me from his torso and placed me so I sat on Rouen’s chest. “This is what’s going to happen, Red,” Romanus purred. “Rouen is gonna eat your pussy until you scream. Then, I’m going to fuck you until you beg to come. Then, Rou is going to have a turn, and while he is fucking you with his big dick, I’m going to fuck him, nice and hard. You okay with all that, Princess?”

  His tone was a challenge, but I couldn’t be more okay with that. Already, I could feel my orgasm rising. I wanted to be on Rouen’s face already. I moved up his body, my core poised over his face, and Rouen let out a shuddering groan. But Romanus halted me. “I asked you a question, Red. Are you okay with that?”

  “Yes,” I moaned. “Hell yes.” With that, I lowered myself onto Rouen’s mouth and shuddered as his hot tongue slid along my slit. He wrapped his hands around my hips and ground my core against his face, his nose bumping my clit and I let out a little yell. He pulled me back and his lips gently sucked on my clit, then he growled.

  Holy fuckballs.

  A shout tore from my lips as I came, creaming all over his face. But he wasn’t done. He continued to lap at my juices, and then started again, this time pushing his tongue deep into me. That was when I discovered that Gargoyles had abnormally long and dexterous tongues. My moans turned into yells, which devolved into screams. Romanus wrapped a hand around the back of my head and caught my screams in his mouth, as his tongue worked my mouth in time with Rouen’s in my pussy. His hands cupped my breasts, his thumbs teasing the hard points of my nipples. He leaned forward, taking one nipple into his mouth and caught it gently between his teeth. His sharp canines ran over it, gently scraping and I lost it. I was writhing against Rouen’s face, and he loved it, holding my hips hard against this mouth. I hope Gargoyles didn’t need to breathe. I was so fucking close.

  “Enough, Rouen.”

  I’ll be damned if the man beneath me didn’t just stop dead, his deliciously talented tongue darting back into his mouth. He did lean over and bite my thigh though, and I moaned. Rouen sat up, and I slid down his washboard abs, the delicious friction making me whimper. I sat on his lap, his hard cock so close to where I wanted it, and I wiggled a little, trying to get closer. He groaned, but held my hips still.

  “Soon,” he whispered against my lips, kissing me, and I could taste myself on his tongue. He broke away. “Romanus is going to take care of you, babe. Trust me.” With that, he flipped me onto my hands and knees, moving around to my front so he could kiss me again. I felt Romanus’s big body settle behind me, that hard length of his cock teasing my slit. He ran a hand down my back, his hand squeezing my ass and he gave a little groan of appreciation. I grinned, happy that my body could get pleasure from the growly gargoyle. He curled his body over mine, his lips kissing my shoulder.

  “Ready?” I nodded and moaned as he slid his mas
sive cock into me slowly, waiting for my body to accommodate him. It stretched me wide, almost painfully, until I was sure I was too full to even feel good. But then he hit that sweet spot deep inside me and I let out a long, tortured moan. Then he began to slide out again.

  “Ohmmyfuck.” My eyes rolled in my head as he did the whole motion again. And then again, faster and faster, his rhythm smooth and strong, and my climax hit me like a sledgehammer to the side of the head. I saw stars, and then I was on my back, and Romanus was gone. In his place was Rouen, and he slid into me in one hard thrust, and I screamed. He caught my lips and kissed me so hard I tasted a little blood. So did Rouen, because he let out an inhuman noise and devoured my lips. Romanus was there, pulling him away from my mouth although his cock still hammered into me. Then Rouen let out his own guttural moan as Romanus slid a finger into his ass, then another, stretching him.

  I knew when he replaced his fingers with his cock because Rouen went deeper, the heaviness of their combined bodies pressing me into the bed. Rouen grabbed one of my legs and pulled it wider, settling himself deeper in me with every thrust, though he was no longer in control. I watched Rouen’s face, his eyes closed, and his lips parted in a wordless moan, as Romanus fucked us both. I looked over his shoulder at Romanus, and his hot gaze burned me.

  I clawed at Rouen’s shoulder as I fucking came again, my inner muscles clenching hard around Rouen, milking him with the power of my release.

  Rouen came on a roar, deep inside me, and collapsed against me. But Romanus wasn't done. He wrapped a hand around Rouen’s throat, leaning down to fuck him harder, pounding him and me deep into the mattress. His thrusts got ragged and uncontrolled, and then he let out a roar that rattled the windows, one last thrust hammering deep into Rouen.


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