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Everglades Awakening

Page 3

by Vonna Harper

  Her body hummed and her nerves were attuned to Ranger’s every move. Although he’d let go of her so she could precede him through the narrow opening, she sensed him behind her, so close it was almost as if he was touching her.

  He placed his hands on her shoulders. “Where’s the light?”

  “I don’t want it on.”

  “All right. Bedroom?”

  “I guess.”

  “You aren’t sure?”

  “I didn’t make the bed.”

  “You think that’ll matter?”

  I don’t know what matters to you, she wanted to tell him, but if she did, she’d have to explain to both of them why she would care when this was a one-night stand.

  That’s what she wanted, wasn’t it?


  Startled by the answer, she went in search of a reason. There was something about him, a grounding she’d never experienced. Although he was as much a stranger to Soco as she was, it was as if he belonged here. Even with his unexpected reaction to the preserve, she believed he would make his peace with the setting if he gave it time.

  I hope you do.

  Her head pulsed, prompting her to lean against him. He looped his arm around her shoulders and slid forward until their bodies pressed into each other. His cock demanded attention. With each second, breath and heartbeat, she became more aware of him.

  “Been a long time, hasn’t it?” he whispered.

  She shivered. “Yes. What about you?”

  “Pretty much the same.”

  What had he been doing since the last time he’d had sex, and who had he been with? She envisioned herself confronting any and all competition even though she’d never considered herself the jealous type.

  “Don’t think about it,” he told her with his lips touching her ear.

  “I can’t help it. You’re a mystery man.”

  “No more than you’re a mysterious woman.”

  “I guess. I hadn’t thought about it that way.”

  “Maybe that’s because you know yourself so well,” he said.

  “I could say the same about you.”

  “Maybe,” he whispered and licked her ear.

  She shuddered but resisted pulling free. “Oh, my god. Are you trying to drive me crazy?”

  He responded by running the tip of his tongue along the back of her ear.

  “No fair!” She heaved herself forward only to have his grip stop her. “Do you have any idea how sensitive—?”

  “You’re giving me some idea.”

  “And that makes you feel pretty sure of yourself, doesn’t it?”

  He sighed. “Not yet.”

  Why not? What do you want?

  Sliding his free hand around her waist, he put an end to the half-inch of distance between them. She rejected any thought of trying to escape.

  “I want to know more about you,” he went on. His breath warmed her scalp. “So many things.”

  This is a one-night stand, isn’t it? “I don’t cheat on my taxes, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

  “I pay mine. I’m just not entirely transparent about what I do.”

  He might want to tell her more about his career, but he wasn’t going to. It might be illegal, dangerous, even. Was his job a solitary one, something only a lone wolf would want or be able to do? Maybe that was why he hadn’t had sex for a while.

  “Secrets,” she whispered and reached behind her, spreading her hands over his hips.

  “Damn it, woman! You’re getting to me.”

  “Which was my intention.” Later, maybe, she’d approach what he was keeping from her again, but not now. Not with need coating the air. “Ranger.”



  From the way they walked single file into the room, a casual observer might’ve concluded that she and Ranger had gone in to change the linens. The truth was, she’d led the way to give herself time to turn on the overhead fan and try to tamp down her flames. However, she’d failed with her second task.

  Or maybe she should consider herself fortunate, she admitted as she unfastened the tie around her waist and lifted the dress over her head. She was used to being in control, no reason to try to be someone she wasn’t, even in the bedroom.

  Humid but tolerable air caressed her exposed skin. If anything, it was darker in here than in the living room because vegetation grew around the windows to block out most of the moon’s light. The room became a cave, a secret place for lovers.

  After finding the bed, she worked her way around it to a wicker nightstand and turned on the light. No more than fifty watts cast a yellowish glow.

  “Interesting decor,” Ranger said. “Early secondhand?”

  He was still standing by the door, making her wonder if his career had taught him caution. If he was carrying a weapon, she had no idea where he’d hidden it.

  Don’t let your imagination run away with you.

  “That’s the conclusion I came to,” she told him, even though she couldn’t have cared less about the room’s furnishings. One thing mattered—the sheets had still smelled fresh when she’d left them this morning.

  “I want to see you strip.”

  His request was civilized enough. Just the same, she sensed the determination behind it, the unspoken command. This man was accustomed to having women do what he wanted. And why wouldn’t he be? After all, resisting was the last thing on what remained of her mind. So much for strong and independent. Tonight was about hunger. Sex.

  Her dress was already on the vinyl floor. The only thing besides sandals she still wore was her bra and the pink panties with their stretched crotch. Looking at him, she admitted she didn’t have it in her to drag things out. Leaning over, she unfastened her sandals. She tried kicking them at him, but one almost hit the rotating overhead fan while the other skidded maybe two feet. So much for an erotic performance.

  “Sorry,” she said, trying not to laugh, trying to keep her hands off her pussy. “My technique needs a little work.”

  He folded his arms over a chest Tarzan might’ve envied. Despite the yellow light, she was again struck by how dark his hair was. His equally dark eyes stayed locked on her. Keep going, his expression said.

  When the time came to write her memoir, she’d begin with tonight. Hell, maybe she wouldn’t get past it.

  Because her half-on panties were uncomfortable, she took hold of the elastic and drew them down over her hips. The nylon curled upon itself, all except for the crotch part. If he’d moved at all, it hadn’t been enough for her to notice. His shorts did nothing to disguise his erection, and his mouth was slightly parted. Despite those hints, his stillness spoke of a man long experienced in self-control. She wouldn’t forget that. After slipping a hand between her legs, she acknowledged the wetness there. Despite the danger, she pressed her forefinger against her clit. Damn the fabric!


  His order couldn’t have made more of an impact if he’d yelled, but this was her body, her need. Not dropping her gaze from him, she rubbed.

  “Don’t. Tonight, that belongs to me, all of you does.”

  In the past she would have told a man who said that to get his head out of his ass but this was now. A small, secluded room on a remote island. Him.

  Hoping she wouldn’t lose her balance, she pushed her panties down to her ankles and stepped out of them. She kicked them out of the way then reached behind her for her bra’s fastening. Her legs were together, thighs touching, pussy hidden. Mostly. Wet heat gliding over her flesh.

  This turned on when he hadn’t touched her since they had come in here?

  He was stone, alive but unmoving. Studying his chest, chiseled abs and the hard mound between his legs, she drew the bra away from her need-heavy breasts and tossed it in his direction. The fan stirred warm air over her nipples, making them harden even more.

  What was she supposed to do with her hands? Oh, she knew where she wanted them, but he’d forbidden her to touch herself, an
d tonight, she’d do what Ranger of the Wilderness wanted.

  Maybe she always would.

  Dismissing the thought for the sex-fueled one she was certain it was, she wrapped her arms around her waist. Good. Make him take notice of her breasts. They might not be A-plus quality, but they weren’t bad.

  “Your turn.” Her throat felt dry. Maybe to make up for it, moisture slid out of her. “I want to watch you do the same.”

  “Not yet. Get on the bed first.”

  Oh, hell yes. Why not. Careful not to aim her ass directly at him, she crawled onto the sagging mattress. That done, she positioned herself so she had a clear view of the man still standing in the doorway. Damn, oh damn, but she needed him!

  “Your turn,” she repeated.

  Maintaining the necessary physicality for his job was a distinct advantage when it came to sex. Agility and strength turned women on. He enjoyed pussy as much as the next man. Hell, back when he’d been in high school, he’d thought of sex twenty-three-seven with only an hour off for deepest sleep. But although he still loved sex as much as he ever had, he’d learned to put a lid on things. He could do surveillance for hours and nights at a time if need be. By the same token, he could stare at a woman until she was ready to explode while keeping himself under tight control.

  Charli was close to exploding. The way she’d sat on her haunches and was fingering her pussy lips made that abundantly clear.

  Double hell, it should be his hands on her. Smelling her. Tasting her. Losing his sanity in her.

  This moment wasn’t for questioning why she was the right woman at the right time in his life and in the right setting. All he knew was that from the moment he’d stepped onto the island, he’d become more than he’d ever been.

  More alive.

  Needing validation of that aliveness.

  With her.

  He reached for his shorts’ fastening then stopped and dug into a back pocket. He extracted a small package and gripped it between his teeth.

  “Now there’s a unique twist on a strip,” she said. “Sexy and responsible all at the same time. Only downside is that you can’t talk.”

  Except for his mother, women had always been more vocal than him. The female responsible for him being alive and darn little else was a mostly silent creature. He’d given up trying to get anything out of her years ago.

  Bothered by the unwanted thought, he returned his attention to getting rid of his clothes. Instead of immediately giving his cock an escape route, he pulled his T-shirt out of his waistband and drew it over his head, careful not to dislodge the condom. He dropped the shirt on top of her clothes.

  “Oh shit,” she breathed. “I’ve hit the jackpot.” Abandoning her self-pleasuring, she inched to the edge of the bed and extended her hand. “Come here. Please. Oh shit, I want to touch—everything.”

  Once a job had taken him to a male strip joint. He’d watched excited and half-drunk women ogle the performers and had come away feeling embarrassed for everyone. Charli had had a couple of glasses of wine, but from what he could tell, dinner had dulled the alcohol’s effect. She was looking at him sober and clear-headed. Wanting the real him.

  At least as much as he could give her.

  Walking toward her, stepping out of his sandals as he did, he wondered if she could sense the empty places inside him. Then she reached out and ran hot fingers over his ribs, and he became a horny man in the presence of an equally horny woman. Somehow, he held steady while she familiarized herself with his chest and shoulders. Her full breasts and take me scent made it doubly difficult.

  “Finish what you started,” she whispered. “Much as I want to be the one getting rid of your clothes, I need to watch you do it even more.”

  Her voice was changing, becoming less confident and more primal. He was there with her.

  He’d unbuttoned his shorts so he could ease his shirt’s removal. Otherwise, he wasn’t sure his numb fingers would be up to the task. Gripping the zipper tab took a damn lot of concentration, but he needed to do this for her. For both of them.

  Even before he’d pulled the zipper all the way down, his cock filled the space he’d created. His practical briefs scraped his hellishly sensitive tip, and he bit down on what was in his mouth to keep silent.

  Her hands went to her breasts, and she did what he wanted to while he tugged both shorts and briefs down his hips and along his thighs.

  Freedom! Stepping out of unwanted clothing.

  “Oh shit.”

  Done with being silent, he indicated he wanted her to take the condom from him. She hesitated with her fingers on her nipples then did as he’d commanded. The protection now rested on the bed beside her.

  The overhead fan lifted the hair on the top of her head. Studying him from under her thick lashes, she extended a manicured nail toward his cock. His body froze when she touched him, then threatened to melt. He tried to dig his toes into the hard flooring and clenched his fingers to keep from—what? Did he want her to leave his cock alone or cup both hands around it?

  Hell, he needed it all.

  “I could give you head.” She sounded as if her throat was raw. “But that wouldn’t do enough for me.”

  “No, it wouldn’t, which is why I’m not asking.”

  She ran her tongue over her fingers then spread the moisture on his tip. He dug his nails into his palms.

  “I’m wondering something,” she said. “Do you think it’s possible for us to come at the same time?”

  “That’s your goal?”

  “It would be, ah, interesting, but maybe that doesn’t matter to you.”

  Even with her fingers on his cock, he managed to concentrate on what she was saying. One thing he was certain of, she was no longer as confident and competent as she’d been.


  “I’d like to give it a try.” His gaze slid to his erection.

  “Really? Most men, most I’ve known anyway, don’t give a damn about anything except themselves once they’re actually fucking.”

  “I’m not them. I’m me.”

  The way she nodded, he concluded she got it that he wanted it to be just the two of them in the bedroom.

  “I’m sorry,” she muttered. She let go of his cock and placed both hands on her thighs. “Poor choice of words on my part. I sounded as if I was putting men down, which I don’t want to do.”

  “I believe you. Now it’s my turn to call the shots,” he said to keep himself from pushing her onto her back and diving between her legs. “Hands at the back of your head, fingers laced together.”

  “What for?”

  “Because I’m going to touch you. Get you ready.”

  Her fingers were slick from her juices and she wasn’t sure how long the strength in her arms would last. Just the same, anticipation made her smile. Damn, but that was a fine cock, and if there was anything wrong with the male body attached to it, she had yet to find it. Imagining said cock powering into her compelled her to press her thighs together.

  “No, no.” Ranger waved a finger at her. “From now on, whatever pleasure you receive comes from me.”

  “The hell! That’s not fair.”

  “Neither is life.”

  Who cared about life beyond this place and moment? Despite the physical and emotional cost, she spread her legs. One touch to her pussy, if that’s what he intended, and Ranger would know she was more than primed. Maybe she should remind him about the condom.

  Then he leaned into her space and she forgot about everything except him. The bed had been placed on a wooden platform, which made it easy for him to run his hand between her legs. His fingers lightly grazed her hot and drenched pussy lips only to leave her alone and on fire a moment later.

  “Damn you.”

  “You don’t want to be handled like this?”

  Handled. Like an animal. Her arms burned and her awareness of her breasts increased. “I’m sure you know the answer to that.”

  “I have a fair idea, but I won’t have the
full picture until I’ve completed my examination.”

  She should hate this man! What right did he have to draw out her agony? Before she could tell him that, if it had been her intention, he touched her pussy again. An inhuman gasp spilled out of her.

  “Good.” He again brushed her labia. “You didn’t swear this time.”

  Oh, hot damn! His fingers remained on her, one pressing against her crotch while his chest kissed her hard nipples.

  She gripped the hair at the back of her head, pain warring with the exquisite pleasure between her legs. Undone, she started to lean away from him only to start to lose her balance.

  “Careful.” He grabbed her shoulders and helped her straighten. “You’re going to wind up on your back all right, just not yet.”

  His right hand, damp and warm from her juices, nearly distracted her from what he’d just said. “My back? What if that’s not the way I want it?”

  He swiped a hand over her cheek. “Round two, you get to call the shots. Round one is my call.”

  To hell with the modern woman who stepped out of the door every morning. What Ranger had just promised sounded like heaven.

  And danger.

  When he again placed his hand between her legs, she sucked in her belly and vowed to prove that she was his equal. If he could put up with a cock that looked on the verge of exploding, she could handle a little touch on—

  “Oh shit!”

  Who was laughing? Didn’t matter. Only rough, moist fingers slipping past her folds did. His palm pressed against her mons while his other hand, which was still on her shoulder, locked her within his sensual embrace. He was so close she couldn’t make out his features, could only feel and experience. With her head drifting to the side, she shut her eyes. Foreplay, maybe, but if he wasn’t careful, she’d climax. Maybe she should tell him, maybe.


  Ranger knew what he was doing all right. He understood that changing from feather-light strokes to firm pressure then something between locked her deep within pleasure. She lost awareness of other parts of her body and cared only about the mind-blowing sensations in her pussy. Every time he dipped into her, she settled down on her haunches in an attempt to increase the invasion. When he withdrew, she rose as high as she could, her thigh muscles trembling and silently begging him to come after her again.


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