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Claiming His Baby: Back On Fever Mountain 2

Page 6

by Melissa Devenport

  The kiss was heated, as passionate as it always was between them. When they pulled away they were both breathing heavily.

  “Never.” Jason’s voice was deeper than normal, husky with passion. “I would never ask to be saved from that.”

  “Well then.” Amanda let her hand slide down his chest to the first button of his flannel shirt. She deftly undid it and began working at the rest. Desire trickled into her stomach and blossomed in her chest. I’ll never get tired of wanting this. Never.

  “What are you doing?” Jason groaned.

  “I thought because you weren’t going to town that maybe you’d like me to warm you up. You know, since it was so cold outside and all.”

  “But my phone call…”

  “Can wait.” Amanda deftly undid another button and another.

  “It can wait,” Jason finally agreed on a long exhale right before he bent his head to hers once more.

  Chapter 11


  Jason’s shirt fell away under her passionate hands, revealing the sold muscled wall of his chest. His jeans hung low on his hips, his chiseled abs rising and falling with each inhale and exhale. Amanda’s eyes dropped to those jeans. Her hands slid lower, over rock hard muscle and the smoothest velvet skin, skimming around his naval, past the trail of black hair that led her hands to the button of his jeans.

  He groaned as she worked it off and undid his fly. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d undressed him so slowly, savored every single movement, each second more thrilling than the last.

  She finally succeeded in pushing down his jeans and his boxers at once. He didn’t move to help her, as though he enjoyed her struggling ministrations. They weren’t fluid or even outright sexy, but they were intimate and filled with a familiar heat.

  His cock sprang free, the tip already glistening with moisture. Amanda reached out and wrapped her small palm around Jason’s thick shaft. He made that low groan again in his throat, the noise she’d come to expect and crave. He throbbed in her hand, but he let her take the lead. He didn’t push against her or force her to stroke him. He waited, giving her all the power in the world.

  She loved him for it. She loved him for loving her, for caring about what she wanted and needed, for not always needing to be the one to take the lead or be the one in control. A man like Jason was made to be in control. He was built to dominate, to overpower, so it was the sweetest version of surrender when he gave himself up to her desires.

  A delicious heat spooled low in her belly, the electric shocks traveling all the way to her toes, to her fingers. She came alive as she moved her hand over Jason. She caressed the tip with her fingers, soaking her hand in his slick wetness before she ran it down his shaft, right to the base. She reached out with her other hand and gently cupped his balls.

  His hips jacked forward instantly, a motion that Jason didn’t initiate and couldn’t control. She dared a glance up at his face and could see, from his tightly clenched jaw, just how hard he was concentrating.

  “You know, I think I’d like you to take me from behind. So that you can see everything and I can watch as well.”

  Jason groaned. He reached down and covered her hand with his much larger palm. His other hand fell to her jaw and he turned her face up, planting a passionate kiss on her lips that was more than answer enough.

  After that he made quick work of her clothes. They joined his in a pile on the floor, strewn all over the room.

  “My god, you’re so wet.” She stood trapped in the circle of his arms. He dipped his hand to Amanda’s pussy, running his fingers along her slick folds. He dipped one inside her throbbing passage before sweeping back up to skim lightly over her clit.

  Amanda whimpered. She thrust her hips into his touch, giving him leave to explore further. His finger dipped inside her again, delving deeper, starting a fire that erupted in every single nerve ending she had.

  He bent his head and kissed her shoulders, nipping along her collarbones before he bent his head and claimed her nipple. He suckled hard, until she was mewling and squirming against him, bucking her hips against the finger that was still filling her.

  “I want you, Jason,” she gasped. “Right now. Against the bed. Bend me over it.”

  “And do what then?”

  “Fill me,” she groaned.

  “Fill you with what?” His finger pushed in further still.

  She rocked her hips against the wicked touch she yearned for with every ounce of her being. It had been awhile since he’d made her truly tell him what she wanted. She remembered how she’d burned with embarrassment that first time. It was almost no different now, except she knew what was possible. She ached for it too badly to remain silent.

  “With your cock.”

  “Describe it,” Jason hissed in her ear as he raised his hand.

  His slick finger moved back and forth in her pussy, making her weak kneed. Her heart beat a hard, pounding rhythm in her chest.

  “I want you to take your thick cock,” her eyes dropped to between Jason’s legs. “I can see how badly you want me. I can see you pulsing, aching, soaking wet. You’re dripping onto the floor. I want you to take your massive cock and fuck me with it.”

  “Fuck you where?”

  Amanda could have screamed she was so desperate. “In my cunt.”

  “Okay. If you insist.”

  Jason startled her by withdrawing his hand. He picked her up in a swift movement and carried her to the bed. He set her down, on her back before he took her hand and pulled her into a sitting position. Another hand fell to her waist and he shifted her, turning her so that her ass was in the air, her stomach nearly flat on the bed. She supported herself with her elbows, propping herself up just to be extra careful.

  Jason took his time. He was always infinitely gentle with her now that she was pregnant, even if she wasn’t showing at all.

  Amanda trembled with the violence of her need as Jason’s hands edged her thighs apart. He let out a low, guttural sound that nearly made her come just hearing how badly he wanted her.

  She glanced down, at her hairless pussy. She watched Jason’s slick fingers move over her, explore and part her folds, still coated in her wetness. She watched him palm himself with his other hand, massage his cock from tip to base a few times, smearing more of his own wetness over him.

  Then he was there, at her entrance. She could have screamed she wanted him so bad. She was literally shaking, trembling forcefully with her hunger.

  “Do it,” she nearly sobbed. “I want to feel you inside of me.”

  He did as she asked, entering her in a single, hard thrust. Her muscles stretched to accommodate him. He was so big it was always the same. The same delicious soreness at first, the same glorious feeling of being so very full.

  He surged inside of her, impossibly hard, moving with her in a rhythm that was gentle at first but soon turned to a more violent rocking.

  She watched it all, watched him part her body, spear her with his cock, thrust inside of her, pull out, glistening wet with their combined juices and thrust back in. Over and over she watched him take her, the watching taking her up that cliff that she knew and loved so well.

  Jason’s rhythm quickly became hotter, harder, filled with a wild abandon. He was like a man starved, though she certainly didn’t hold him at bay. It was like the first time they’d joined, the sheer joy, the unbelievable pleasure, the sweet consumption of each other.

  His hands gripped her hips hard, his fingers digging in as he quickened his thrusts, slamming into her as hard as she knew he dared. She took every hard inch of him. He plunged deeper and deeper inside of her, touching places that he’d never touched before, hitting spots she didn’t even know existed. All the while the spooling heat expanded in her stomach, her thighs, her toes, her arms, her fingers. Her brain went numb and lights burst behind her eyes even though they were still open, still watching.

  God, it was the sexiest show she’d ever seen. Her fingers dug into th
e quilt, trying to hold herself steady against the fierce onslaught.

  One of Jason’s hands remained on her hip while the other found her breast. He cupped it gently before he squeezed it harder, the rough shock of it adding to the fire that was spreading, eating away at her. His fingers found her nipple, flicked and pinched hard enough to make her cry out. The sound reverberated through the bedroom.

  “You have no idea how sexy you look right now, split open for me, giving me every single inch of your body,” Jason whispered huskily in her ears.

  The words, so naughty and pleasure filled, ripped from some deep, dark place, only added to her out of control spiral.

  Her body closed around his hard shaft, aching with need, so very close to the edge. So very close. He sensed it, her surrender and he fought harder, his hips working, slamming into her, pumping her full. He hit that wondrous spot again, that spot that was still so new and undiscovered.

  It was sexy as hell, knowing that he was watching. He was watching her straining, her hips rocking back and forth with his, watching his cock plunge in and out of her slick passage. He was watching as she was watching and knowing it, knowing that he was taking as much pleasure from it as she was, finally sent Amanda over the edge.

  With a cry, she shattered, her tight passage clenching around Jason’s cock. She pulsed against the bed, her hips slamming into his body, their flesh slapping together as she rode out the powerful waves of her climax. It tore through her, rending her body apart. It was painful and more intense than she’d ever known it could be.

  “Jason,” she cried, hardly aware that she’d even done it.

  He let out a sharp groan of his own before he hammered into her one last time, seating himself as far as she could take him. Hot bursts erupted deep inside as he thundered out a cry of his own. His hips jacked back and forth, the bursts coming and coming for what felt like forever.

  His movement sent a thousand rippling shock-waves tearing through her and Amanda nearly cried out again, just from the rawness of the incredible feeling.

  Finally, after a few long minutes, Jason pulled out. He planted his hands on her hips and guided her gently onto the bed. She managed to get under the quilt on her own and it was only a second before Jason joined her. He pulled her into the warm safety of his strong arms, her face against his rapidly rising and falling chest, their breaths still not quite normal, their sweat cooling in the not quite warm air.

  She finally dared glance up at him. He’d been watching her and the look of love on his face nearly stopped her heart.

  “That was incredible,” she whispered.

  “There’s so much more,” Jason promised, though she wasn’t quite sure what he meant. “Things that I don’t dare do to you for fear of what it could unleash inside myself.”

  She nearly laughed before she saw that he was serious. “What- what kind of things?” She stammered.

  His eyes darkened with insatiable hunger, a hunger so great and deep she nearly shivered. She’d never seen him look at her quite like that before.

  “You’ll find out. One day soon. After the baby is born and we don’t have to worry about being gentle.”

  “After the baby is born you probably won’t find me sexy anymore. And in the meantime I guess you’ll have to content yourself with mediocre sex.”

  That darkness in Jason’s ice blue eyes only deepened. The shadow was shocking and mysterious. It wasn’t a threat or a promise. Amanda couldn’t decide exactly what it was. She was only disappointed that she had to wait months and months before she found out exactly what he meant.

  Jason snorted. He bent his head and kissed her firmly, sending off another set of sparks. “There is nothing mediocre about you, Amanda. Nothing at all. You’re the love of my life. The most beautiful, sexy, gorgeous woman I have ever seen. You have no idea about your own sensuality. You have no idea how you drive me mad with longing all day long.”

  She smiled and rasped out a breathless reply. “Show me then.” Beneath the blankets her hand closed around his still hard cock. “Show me right now.”

  “You know I can never resist a command,” Jason groaned.

  Amanda laughed as he playfully tossed back the quilt and rolled her on top, guiding her to exactly where she wanted to be.

  Chapter 12

  Fear the Unknown

  The peace of the woods was unparalleled. If a more beautiful place existed in the world, Amanda wasn’t aware of it. The snow-capped trees glistened in the sharp, warm sunlight filtering down from overhead. Her breath fogged above her head. It seemed that the sun only came out on the coldest of days.

  “I’m proud of you honey. You’ve done so very well for yourself here. You and Jason have made a beautiful life together. I’m excited to see all these changes that you’re planning. And I can’t wait to meet my grandchild in there.”

  Amanda blushed. Praise from her mother meant the world to her. She was so glad that her mother liked Jason and that they got along. They freely discussed plans for the cabin, more so than she and Jason did.

  “Thanks,” Amanda whispered. She watched her breath turn into yet another cloud and evaporate above her head. “I’m excited for everything. I guess it all starts on Monday. Four more days and I won’t even recognize my own place.”

  “Oh you’ll recognize it. You’ll just like it more now that it has running water, a shower and a washing machine.”

  Amanda laughed. “Yah. You’re probably right.”

  She trailed through the woods after her mom, picking her way through the snow. It was drifted in deeper in spots where the trees weren’t so dense. Some spots were up to her knees. She was glad she’d put on her snow pants and taken care to tuck them over her boots so the snow didn’t get in and freeze her feet.

  It had been her mom’s idea to go for a walk through the woods and even though she would rather be in the kitchen baking next to a warm stove or painting in her cozy living room, Amanda wasn’t going to turn her mom down.

  “When are you going home?” Amanda didn’t want to voice the question, but it had been on her mind ever since her mom arrived. “I mean, we don’t want you to leave, either of us, but I know you have a place that probably needs tending to. You can’t stay away forever.”

  “No. You’re right. I’ve been thinking about it as well. Probably within the next couple days. I’ll come back though. Next month or the month after. Certainly again right before the baby is born so that I can help you get ready and I’ll be here through those first few rough weeks if you want me to be.”

  “Of course!” Amanda let out a sigh of relief. She stepped through a deep snow bank, nearly fell up to her waist and kicked her way out of it, surging forward after her mother who seemed to have unflagging energy. “That would mean a lot to Jason and I. I was going to ask you if you would come back, especially when the baby is here.”

  “I can’t wait to meet that grandchild of mine!” Joan kept plowing on ahead, breaking a path.

  Sunlight filtered through the trees. There was hardly any wind, but Amanda’s cheeks, almost numb from the cold, still stung. She was sure they were cherry red like the tip of her nose probably was.

  She was about to say something about four and a half months passing quickly when a sharp pain in her mid-section nearly doubled her over.

  Amanda gasped, her hand flying to her jacket. “Ow,” she winced.

  Joan whirled. “What’s wrong?” Her eyes widened in alarm.

  “I don’t know. Probably nothing. Something I ate maybe? I just had a weird pain in my stomach.”

  “The baby?”

  “No. I don’t think so.”

  “I don’t think pain during pregnancy is really normal, although I’m sure a lot of women experience it. When I was pregnant with you, I spot bled on and off. It freaked me out at first, but my doctor said it happens to some women. There can be a little bleeding between trimesters as well, when you enter from one into another.”

  “I’m not at that point though. I�
�m a month and a half away from the third.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing.” Amanda took another step. Another stabbing pain shot through her stomach, bringing her up short. “Ow. There was another one.” Panic shot through her like a red hot knife searing her flesh. “What if something’s wrong?” Tears stung the backs of her eyes, but she blinked them away, not wanting to cry and freeze her face.

  Her mother doubled back quickly. She reached out and gripped Amanda’s arm in a gesture of support. Her face was kind and she carefully showed no trace of alarm if she felt it.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing. Why don’t we go back to the cabin? The roads are clear. I was just listening to the radio and the weather this morning. If you want to go to the hospital or to your doctor, we can go.”

  “Yah. Okay.”

  Amanda let her mother lead her through the towering trees back in the direction of her cabin. She had to pause a couple times, when the pains came again. They were never worse, just sharp, clenching twinges that she was sure were not at all normal. Fear choked her throat and she forced herself to take deep, even breaths to steady her nerves.

  By the time they reached the front door, her hands were trembling. The rest of her body wanted to follow suit, but she wouldn’t let it. She wouldn’t give in to her fears. She wouldn’t let her body lose this baby. She’d fight for it. She knew there wasn’t much she could do, but if she could do anything at all by staying calm and refusing to even think of miscarriage as an option, then she would do it.

  Joan opened the door. Jason was actually inside, sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of hot tea. Amanda was relieved to see him. He was always out in the mornings, cutting wood or doing other chores.

  “What is it?” He set down his cup of tea with a bag on the rough wood table. Liquid sploshed over the edges of the chipped white mug.

  He rose sharply, already at the door by the time Amanda could even summon words. Joan handed her arm over to Jason, who took it.


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