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by Seven Rue

  Copyright © 2020 by Seven Rue.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.

  This is your last warning.

  If you’re easily offended by certain topics such as age gap, underage girls, and/or very sexually intense and raw scenes, don’t read this book.

  If you know you can’t handle this type of fiction, don't read this book.

  Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.

  Chapter One


  I was five months old as my mother died and left me with my dad. She was young, drank a lot of alcohol, and drugs seemed to be the only thing keeping her going in life. At the time, she was dating my dad. Well, Rhett wasn't my biological dad, but he took better care of me than my mother ever did.

  He was thirty when I was born, and now, at forty-seven, he was still the only parent I ever had. He's thirty years my senior, which was somewhat the age a father normally was when he had a teenage daughter or son. I was lucky to have him since he spoiled the crap out of me.

  Rhett's a doctor, and thanks to his hard work, he was able to afford a huge mansion in the middle of the woods close to Lexington, Kentucky. We had our privacy up there, and I loved being surrounded by all those big trees, nature, and different animals.

  I didn't go to public school, but I took online classes instead. It was my choice, and Rhett was okay with it. I was in my junior year of high school, and I enjoyed every second of learning new things.

  I wasn't into other kids my age. The only time I was okay talking to them was at work. I got a job as a waitress at a diner not far from home, just to earn my own money. I didn't know the people in town, and that was fine with me. I enjoyed my privacy and spending every minute I had with Rhett and his best friend, Uncle Theodore.

  Theo wasn't my real uncle, but he was Rhett's best friend since kindergarten. He spent most of his time at our house after his work at his own business, often bringing his new girlfriends over. His girls changed almost every month, and it seemed as if Theodore got bored after sleeping with them. I didn't care much about his girlfriends, as long as he didn't forget about me or Dad.

  The three of us grew very close since I was little. They took care of me, Theo babysat me when Dad had to go out of town for work, and Dad did everything to make me happy.

  We were very affectionate with each other. I kissed their cheeks, they hugged me close, and often I spent nights sleeping in Rhett's bed when I was younger.

  He didn't mind, and he kept his hands to himself when I was in his bed, but there was always that one thought in my mind, wondering what it would be like to be touched by him. Or Theodore.

  I was sitting at the large table in the dining room, finishing up a paper that was due tomorrow as Dad walked in with a tired frown on his forehead.

  "Rough day?" I asked him, closing my laptop, and pulling both knees up toward my chest. He had just come back from work.

  "Yeah, and I forgot about Theo coming over tonight for dinner. I didn't have time to get some groceries," he replied.

  "You should've told me," I said, puckering my lips and watching him open an envelope. "It's fine. I'll just order some Chinese. Don't worry about it," he smiled, and I got up from my seat to walk over to him.

  "What's this?" I asked, looking at the letter in his hands. I wrapped my hands around his biceps, feeling every single muscle in there move as a reaction to my touch.

  "Just a patient thanking me for what I've done. She's recovering after surgery. Her heart's beating strong again," he told me, and I nodded.

  I turned to look up at him with a smile. "Is Theo the only one coming tonight?"

  "I think he's bringing his new girl. Ashley, I think is her name. I was thinking about inviting Franny too, but she's busy with her kids tonight.

  Dad started dating a woman his age, a single mother to three kids. I met her once, but from that one meeting, I knew I disliked her. She was uptight, told me what to do, and pushed Dad around as if he's her puppet. I wasn't going to tell him though.

  "You sure you don't want me to get some groceries? I can help you cook so we're done before the others come," I offered. Dad wrapped his thick arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head.

  "We'll get take-out. I don't want you to get stressed out because of my forgettable brain."

  I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning my head against his chest. "Okay. I'll go take a shower then."

  He loosened his arm around me and I let go of him too, grabbing my laptop and notes off the table. "See you later," I told him.


  "You must be Birdie. I'm Ashley, it's so nice to meet you. Your uncle has told me so much about you already." Uncle. I didn't like calling Theodore my uncle. One, he wasn't my uncle, and two...I liked him a little too much to be related to him by blood.

  I had this sick thought in my mind a lot in the past few weeks. Theodore pushing my legs apart while I was lying in bed, naked. His head was between my thighs, sucking and licking on my aching clit. I screamed his name over and over again until an orgasm hit me. I like those dreams I had, but I wanted to feel something. I had a vibrator I used more than once daily. Mostly in the evening, but sometimes also in the morning or throughout the day. I was home alone for the most part, and I enjoyed feeling the vibrator against my pussy and calling out Theodore's name. No one could hear me. It was just me, and him on my mind.

  "Nice to meet you," I said, sounding slightly annoyed after taking in her fake beauty. Big, round tits, full lips, and bleached hair. So damn bleached I could see how damaged they were. I turned to Theodore and smiled brightly as he gave me that devilish grin.

  "Hey, baby," he greeted, pulling me close to his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pushing myself against his hard, muscly body and feeling every inch of him. "Hi," I whispered against his skin on the side of his neck, wrapping a few of his silky locks around my finger. I wasn't very tall, but I could reach him like this by just standing on my tiptoes.

  His hands moving along my back, and I could feel his hand press against my lower back, to push my belly more against his crotch. I felt his semi-hard cock, and before I let go of him, I pushed my hips against his cock and pulled at his hair.

  "Hey, guys. Come in," Rhett called out from the kitchen, and I let Ashley pass me by. I gave her another fake smile, then looked at Theo who reached out to pinch my waist with a wink. "Pretty dress," he whispered, and my smile grew.

  I knew it was wrong. He was thirty years older, and I was underage. But the way my pussy clenched and pulsated in Theo's presence told me not to keep away from him. I needed him close, and I knew he didn't mind me feeling him up while we hugged. This little game we played had been going on for a few days now, and we hid our attraction from Dad. If he'd find out, he'd either kill Theo or kick me out. Or both.

  But there was still that one thought in my mind wondering what it would be like to have not only Theo touch me, but also Rhett. I wasn't related to either of them by blood. So why was it so wrong to want both of them touching, licking, and fucking me?

  Chapter Two


  Ashley was sitting right in front of me, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off Birdie sitting next to me. Her pretty, thick blonde locks swayed with every move she made, and
those deep blue eyes with a hint of gray made my heart pound against my ribcage every fucking time.

  Yes, she was only seventeen, but the way she pressed her slim but curvy body against mine told me just how much she wanted me. Age was not something she cared about, clearly. The way we hugged had started a few days ago when I came to visit her and Rhett. Something inside of me sparked, and my dick jolted as her hands moved into my hair while she greeted me.

  Birdie knew exactly how to make a man fall for her, no matter what age he was. She’s only seventeen, but I could tell she was interested in older men. In attractive and experienced ones. I was one of them, and she showed me behind her own father’s back.

  Rhett and Birdie were not blood-related, but he took care of her since she was a tiny baby, and they’ve become close ever since. I enjoyed both of their company, especially after a long day at work. As the CEO of a million-dollar-business, I was stressed more than I liked to be.

  Work was also where I met Ashley. She was everything I needed for just one night, but tonight I wished I hadn’t taken her with me. If Birdie kept looking at me the way she did, I wasn’t sure I would be able to hold back any longer.

  Rhett didn’t have to know the fantasies I had about Birdie. Since that day she pushed her hips against my dick, right there in front of her daddy, I couldn’t stop thinking about her when I wasn’t around them. Her eyes were all I saw, and I wished our hug could’ve lingered a while longer.

  While Ashley chatted about annoying calls she received at the office, I tried to think about things that would keep my dick from growing in my pants. Birdie’s presence was making me nervous. More so because her hand reached for my thigh, squeezing it before she turned to me to look into my eyes.

  “What was your day like, Theo?” She smiled at me and Ashley stopped talking. Birdie was obviously annoyed by my date, but I didn’t mind at all.

  She turned in her chair, pulling one knee up to her chest and stretching the other over my lap. This was new to me, but I wasn’t going to push her away. Rhett also didn’t seem to mind his daughter getting closer to me.

  Well, when Birdie was a kid, she used to cuddle me all the time. When I babysat her, she always wanted to hold my hand, so this affection wasn’t that rare.

  “I had a few things to take care of. My day wasn’t that special. What were you up to?” I asked, keeping my hands to myself. I was scared to ruin whatever was going on between us, and with Rhett’s and Ashley’s eyes on us, I felt slightly uncomfortable.

  If Birdie and I were alone, I wouldn’t hesitate one bit to touch her leg. It was hidden under the table, and I could pull away quickly before any of the others would notice. I stuck to the safer plan.

  “I had class. Then I took a shower before you two came,” she said with a sweet smile.

  Ah, fuck it. She wanted me to imagine her naked, and the dress she was wearing left me full access to her naked legs.

  I moved my hand and cupped her knee, and my dick immediately jolted with excitement. We had finished dinner, and I leaned back to get more comfortable. I moved my hand slowly up her thigh, with my fingers caressing her soft skin. She had shaved, and I could smell the shaving cream from up here. Cherries. Sweet, sweet cherries.

  “What grade are you in?” Ashley asked, interrupting my thoughts.

  “I’m a Junior in high school. I’m seventeen,” Birdie replied.

  That made me squeeze her thigh, and she turned to look at me with those deep blue eyes. “How about you help me get these plates back into the kitchen, Birdie?” Rhett said, standing up from his chair.

  I let go of her leg, pushing it softly off my lap. Birdie never told her daddy no, so she got up and piled all our plates together and brought them over to the kitchen.

  “She’s quite something, hm?” Ashley said, giving me a sarcastic smile. She was pissed that I had given Birdie more attention than her.

  “She’s family,” I told her. Birdie was my family, yet I couldn’t keep my mind off of her. Ashley sighed, then got up from her seat and walked around the big dining room.

  “This is a nice house. You should show me yours someday,” she told me, and I knew I would probably take her home tonight anyway. I was harder than I should’ve been, and getting my dick sucked and then squeezed by a tight pussy was just what I needed.

  “Would you like coffee?” Birdie asked, walking back to the table, and putting her hand on my shoulder. I smiled up at her and shook my head. “I’m good, thanks,” I replied.

  Her fingers traced my collar at the back of my neck, and I had to give it my all not to reach out for her again. She was teasing me, and she knew I liked it. But I couldn’t give in. Not yet.

  “What about you, Ashley?” Birdie asked, looking over at my date.

  “No, thank you,” she replied.

  Birdie nodded, squeezing my neck gently before leaving to the kitchen again.


  I hated Ashley’s stares in Birdies’ direction. We all sat on the couches in the large living room, and I talked to Rhett about the latest football game. Birdie wasn’t very interested in our discussion, but she kept looking between Rhett and me, listening to our conversation.

  She was sat next to Rhett, her legs underneath her, and one of her arms against the back of the couch. She was turned to Rhett, and he kept petting her thigh here and there. Birdie obviously enjoyed his touch, with that gleam in her eyes and tongue licking her lips more than once.

  “It was a good win,” Rhett added to his sentence, and I nodded in agreement, not really following him.

  I cleared my throat and pushed Ashley softly off me, standing up from the couch. “Excuse me. I’ll be right back,” I said, then pointed to the stars letting them know I had to go to the bathroom.

  Chapter Three


  I wasn’t seeing things. My sweet Birdie was giving my best friend fuck-me-eyes, and he was taking it in, enjoying it to the fullest. I wasn’t mad, surprisingly, but I did have a sting of jealousy in my heart.

  I loved Birdie with all my heart. She was the best thing that ever happened to me, and she was all I needed to survive after her mother died. Drugs and alcohol took over, and she couldn’t keep up with reality anymore. She left sweet baby Birdie behind with a man that had only just met her.

  My relationship with Birdie’s mother was complicated. I thought I could help her out of her misery, but it seemed as if I only made it worse. I met her when she was pregnant. Six months into the pregnancy and Birdie’s biological dad ran off, not wanting to have anything to do with his daughter.

  That’s when I took over and cared for her mother. For a split second, I thought I had saved her from the nastiness. But shortly after Birdie’s birth, she collapsed and neglected her own daughter. Luckily, I was there to feed her, make sure her diapers got changes, and that she slept a lot and well.

  I did everything for sweet Birdie. I wanted her to have the best life anyone could ever imagine, and thanks to Theodore, she not only had me but also a second man who loved her with all his heart.

  I had been eyeing them since Theo and Ashley arrived, and I could tell there was something between the two of them. Something pulling them together, no matter the circumstances.

  There was a thirty-year age gap between Birdie and him, and also me. That didn’t seem to stop either of them. And if I was being brutally honest…I didn’t mind either if I was in his position.

  Yes, it was wrong…but something about the thought of Birdie being fucked by an older man who knew what to do to make her feel good excited me.

  “Are you all right, Daddy?” Birdie asked, leaning against my shoulder, and reaching for my hand in my lap. I smiled and interlocked my fingers with hers.

  “I’m fine, baby. Just a little stressed,” I told her, not wanting to remember the stressful day I had at work.

  “How about you go lay down after our guests leave, and I’ll do the dishes and clean up around the kitchen,” she suggested. I chuckled, turning my head
to the side, and kissing her forehead.

  “You’re an angel,” I replied, patting the back of her hand. Our hands were in my lap, close to my cock. I was holding back on the fantasies I had seconds ago.

  Theodore returned from the bathroom, and he nodded at Ashley, then pointed toward the front door. “We should get going. I gotta get up early in the morning,” he said, and I nodded, letting go of Birdie’s hands and getting up myself.

  I walked them to the door, and while Ashley was putting on her coat and shoes, I watched Birdie wrap her arms around Theo. He glanced at me, then wrapped his arms around her tightly. Their bodies pressed against each other, and to my surprise, his hands stayed on her back.

  “Good night, Birdie,” he said, pushing her off him, then nodding at me.

  “Good night,” she replied, waving at him and Ashley. Ashley looked annoyed as shit, but she was gonna get fucked by Theodore tonight anyway.


  Birdie sent me off to my bedroom to get into bed and relax while she cleaned the kitchen. It wasn’t unusual for her to take over those tasks so I could calm down from all the stress caused by work that day.

  She had been down there for over an hour now, and I decided that sleep was what I needed. I switched off the lights and got into bed with my boxer briefs and t-shirt on. I couldn’t hear her downstairs, and I closed my eyes to try and fall asleep.

  I wasn’t sure how long after she crawled into bed with me. Her slim body moved closer to mine, and I opened my eyes to watch her in the moonlight, trying to get comfortable next to me.

  “You okay, baby?” I asked. It’s been a while since she crawled into bed with me, but I wasn’t complaining. This was a ritual when she was younger. The dark scared her, so she often came into my room in the middle of the night, telling me that she couldn’t sleep without me being close.

  Those times, she would always stay on her side of the bed with her back to me. This time, she was facing me, with her big blue eyes staring at me. The moon was shining bright tonight, and I smiled at her as her facial expression softened.


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