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Simon, Herbert, 42
Singer, Peter, 110
Smith, Adam, 73, 82, 112, 171
Smith, Al, 211–212n12
Smith, Barbara Herrnstein, 47
social cost, 28–29, 133
social norms, 104, 106–108, 123
social relations, 28
rational choice explanations of, 104
Sodom and Gomorrah, 117–118
“soft selling,” 170
sovereign wealth funds, 74
speed limits, 138–140
spite, 126–127
spontaneity, 19–20, 202
altruistic, 28–29, 114–115, 119, 203
in spite, 127
stable preferences, 33, 115, 147, 207, 208
status symbols, 31
staying in the game, 179–181
stock-picking, 64–66
Strangers Drowning (MacFarquhar), 214n6
strategic competition, 125
structured credit, 15, 93
Strulovici, Bruno H., 217n1
Sturges, Preston, 7
subprime mortgages, 96–97
substitution effect, 187
survivor bias, 180
Taylor, Michael, 133
terrorism, 126
Thaler, Richard, 33–34
Thanet Offshore Wind, 83–90
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche), 43
tit-for-tat, in repeated games, 105
transaction costs, 64, 70, 78
transitivity of preferences, 158–159
Treatise of Human Nature (Hume), 209n5
“tricky profit,” 18–21
trolley problem, 133, 135–137
tulipmania, 212n1
Tversky, Amos, 168, 174
Twain, Mark, 60
ultimatum game, 107–108, 207
uncertainty, about future, 25, 153, 181–185
unique events, 70–71, 72–73, 74, 94
United Kingdom, 181
Energy Ministry of, 88
unemployment, 186
unemployment benefits, 188
university endowments, 74
University of Chicago, 8–9
unobserved care, 108, 112–113, 124, 125–126
utilitarianism, 135–136, 197–198
utility, 5–6, 18, 153–154, 196
vaccination, 58–59
values, 190–191
Van Gogh, Vincent, 79
Veblen, Thorstein, 167
veil of ignorance, 136
vengeance, 125, 126
venture capital, 27, 91–92, 100
Vestas Wind Systems, 84–88
video games, 180
Viner, Jacob, 219n2
Vogt, John, 117
wages, 154, 186, 187–188
waiting in line, 179
walk-a-thons, 178
“warm glow effect,” 114
wealth effect, 187
Wellington (Arthur Wellesley), Duke of, 71
Whitman, Walt, 50
The Will to Power (Nietzsche), 209n5
Williams, Bernard, 7
wind energy, 82–90
work-sports, 191–192
The World as Will and Idea (Schopenhauer), 209n5
Yavapai Indians, 133
Zarnowski, Frank, 191
Zeckhauser, Richard, 70–72
zero risk bias, 24