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Protecting Her Daughter (Wrangler's Corner)

Page 5

by Eason, Lynette

  “I can understand that,” he said softly. “So you came here?”

  She hesitated. “Yes, but only after someone tried to run me off the road.”

  He stilled. “Run you off the road?”

  “It was late at night. I’d finally been able to leave Sophia with my sister-in-law, Nina, for a few hours to go to a Bible study. On my way home, I was on one of the back roads between my house and the church. I passed a side road and headlights came on. A car pulled behind me and rammed my back end. I managed to avoid a wreck and get my car under control. The person was coming back for a second hit when several vehicles came from the opposite direction. The car drove off and I drove to Nina’s house. Sophia and I just stayed there for the night. I called the police, reported it and—” She shrugged. “That’s it. I’d had enough. So I emailed Amber.” She gave him a flicker of a smile. “My old college roommate.”

  “My sister?”


  He narrowed his eyes. “College roommate? Why don’t I remember you?”

  She gave him a small grin. “There’s no reason you should. I came to the ranch with Amber a couple of times on weekends, but you and your brothers…well, you guys were never there much.”

  “And we never really paid attention to who Amber brought home.”

  “No, from what I recall, everyone was kind of going in their own direction. Seth was doing the rodeo thing. I remember that clearly. Clay was into law enforcement in Nashville. You were always working with an animal or away at school or something.” She shrugged. “I don’t really remember.”

  He reached out and touched her hair, let a dark curl wrap around his finger like a baby’s small hand. Then he captured her gaze. “I should have paid attention.” Zoe let herself get snared in his eyes for a brief moment before she cleared her throat and looked away. Aaron’s hand dropped. “So, you ran. And now this. You’re being targeted.”

  She nodded. “It looks that way.”

  “But why?”

  She shook her head and looked up at him again. “I truly don’t know. I make a decent living with my painting and I have some money from my husband’s life insurance policy, but it’s not enough to commit a crime for.”

  “You’d be surprised,” he murmured. “What happened to your husband?”

  “He was killed in a car wreck.” She swallowed and looked away. “Just about a year ago.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Tears threatened. “I am, too. He was a good man.” And he’d deserved better than her. But she’d keep that to herself.

  “I’m sure he was.”

  “Regardless,” she said, “I don’t know why anyone would be after Sophia. I mean I can think of what some people would do with a kidnapped child and it makes me sick to my stomach, but truly, for someone to go to this much trouble to get her…” She bit her lip and shook her head as she looked down at her hands. “I mean, sure, I can see someone spotting a child walking home alone and thinking it’s a good opportunity to snatch her. But when that plan was thwarted, wouldn’t you think he’d move on to someone else? Why keep coming back for her? Why go to all this trouble? Something else is going on, but I just don’t know what it is—or how to go about finding out what it might be.”

  “You have a good point. And one other thing.”


  “You said that the back door opened. That means there was more than one person involved in the attempted snatch.”

  “Yes. The police mentioned that, as well,” she said. “And, no, I can’t think of anyone who would do something like that. Believe me, I’ve thought about it. At first, though, I figured it was just a random act. You know, someone who was cruising the school zone, watching for a child walking alone or something. They saw Sophia and didn’t realize I was looking for her.”


  “But then I realized after someone went after me that it wasn’t random. Someone was targeting us. And that terrifies me not just because I’m afraid they’re going to try again, but because I don’t know how to prepare for it, defend against it—or from which direction the next attack will come.”

  “Hey.” He placed a finger under her chin and lifted it until their eyes met. “You have help now. You’re not alone in this. We’ll figure it out.”

  She felt the heat rise in her cheeks. “We?”

  “Yes. We. And Clay and Lance.” He smiled. “What’s the point in having cop friends and family if they can’t help you out once in a while? Although, I will say Lance and the others might actually be more help than Clay right now. He’s a bit distracted with his wife due to have their baby any day now.”

  Her lower lip trembled. She hadn’t felt quite so…what? Cared for? Protected? Yes, to both. She hadn’t felt either in over a year. Maybe even longer. It felt strange…and wonderful all at the same time. She sighed. “Well, I hope they can find the men who did this so they can’t hurt anyone else.” Or come back to try again.

  “You and me both.” He rubbed his chin and studied her. “So tell me more about yourself. Your background. I know you were married, but your husband died in a car wreck.” He glanced at the oil painting again. “I know you’re incredibly talented. And I also know you have a daughter who’s smart as a whip. And I know you’re both in danger.”

  She pulled in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yes, that about sums it up.”

  A low chuckle rumbled in his chest. “I don’t believe it. There’s got to be more.”

  There was more all right. She mentally flipped through the things she could tell him that wouldn’t send him flying out the door. “I have a good church in Knoxville and some good friends that I’ve left behind. I love my job. Being able to work from home, painting portraits, that’s my dream come true. It’s a great job for a single mom.” She gave a soft laugh. “Painting is also my therapy. I really enjoy the people, the clients, that I get to work with.”

  “What about Sophia?”

  “Sophia has a few friends from school, but she’s not the most social kid. She and I spend a lot of time together and I like that. Our next-door neighbor has a girl about Sophia’s age and they run back and forth between the houses, but Sophia is happy on the farm with the animals and never wants to leave.”

  “What about you? Are you happy on the farm?”

  “Yes. I grew up on one. Even though my father worked as an accountant, he inherited the land that we lived on. I think he was considering selling but then…everything kind of blew up and my parents divorced.” She shrugged. “That’s about it.”

  He reached out and ran a finger down her cheek. “All surface information. I want to know you.”

  Zoe stiffened. “What do you want to know?”

  “Why did you turn to my sister for help? Why not go home to your parents? Are they still living?”

  “They’re alive.”


  “We’re not close.” His eyes narrowed and she wanted to squirm, but refused. “I had a rather rocky upbringing. Like I said, my parents split up. They divorced when I was in high school. They each went their own way and aren’t interested in pretending to be a family when the holidays roll around. So we just do our own thing. I send them a card with Sophia’s picture each Christmas and call it good.”

  “That’s really sad.”

  She shrugged. “Yes, it is, but it’s okay, too. I’ve accepted it and moved on. I don’t let it bother me.” Much. Holidays were definitely worse than other times during the year, though.

  He shook his head. “Do you have any brothers and sisters?”

  “A brother. He’s older than I am and was headed to college when my parents divorced.”

  “And you two don’t talk?”

  She hesitated then slowly shook her head. “I don’t even know where he is.”

  She could tell she’d shocked him. A man who was so tight with his family wouldn’t be able to comprehend her dysfunctional background.

  “Why don’t you know where he i

  She shook her head. How could she explain the horrendous fight she and Toby had had before he’d left. That her last words to him had been I hate you. Get out. I never want to see you again. How did she explain the year she’d spent in rehab, getting her life straightened out, getting her heart right with the God she’d thought had surely given up on her? How did she tell him that she was not only in physical danger, she was in the middle of a faith crisis, as well? “We had words. An argument about him going to college and leaving me to deal with the fallout of our parents’ marriage. I know he didn’t leave me because he wanted to. He had to go. He wasn’t strong, either, and couldn’t handle staying at home. He would often get in between my parents, trying to be a buffer and it wore on him. Emotionally, physically.” She shook her head. “So, he left, and we lost touch for a while and by the time I was in a position to reach out to him, I didn’t know where to reach out to.” She’d searched for him, though. She’d tried to find him at college only to learn he’d dropped out. She’d checked all of his friends she could think of and no one had seen him. She’d even reported him missing to the police and they’d turned up nothing. Her heart had broken and she’d just assumed he might have changed his name to get away from the reporters and their constant questions about their father’s criminal activities. “I don’t know why they went after him like they did. Maybe because no one ever expected it.” She certainly hadn’t believe it. She shrugged. “I really don’t know.”

  Aaron wanted to ask more questions. She could see them in his eyes, rolling onto the tip of his tongue, and weariness swept over her. She didn’t want to answer any more questions. Not now. She stood. “I’m just going to check on Sophia.”

  He nodded. “Sure.”

  She went to Sophia’s room, her mind spinning, emotions scattered. She had to get herself together. Talking about her past had shaken her. She didn’t need to reveal any more of herself to this man. She was leaving. She had to take Sophia and they had to run. There was no sense in pouring her heart out to Aaron in her den. No point in getting to know him or letting him get to know her. Being vulnerable didn’t sit well with her. She wasn’t comfortable with it.

  She walked into Sophia’s room and found her daughter asleep, arms wrapped around her favorite stuffed animal. She looked so peaceful Zoe didn’t bother her. She just backed out and shut the door leaving it cracked so she could hear if Sophia called out to her.

  For a moment she simply stood in the hallway and pressed her forehead to the doorjamb. Lord, please show me how to protect my child, help me to be wise in the choices I make and the people I trust.

  Because she knew that if she didn’t have some divine intervention, things were not going to end well for her or Sophia.


  Aaron fielded the numerous texts from his family members while he waited for Zoe to return. With sadness in his heart, he realized she’d texted and called no one to tell about her ordeal. His family might drive him crazy sometimes, but at least they were there. It was a huge comfort to know he could count on them and that they loved him unconditionally. Just like they all loved his sister, Amber, and were glad to see her when she put in an appearance, but didn’t expect her to be around much.

  He couldn’t imagine being so terribly alone in the world. And he wanted to help Zoe, he really did.

  He’d meant it when he said that she had help, that he and Clay and Lance would work with her to figure out who was behind the attack here at the ranch, but he needed to put the brakes on his attraction for her. No, more than that, he needed to bury it. Deep. He’d picked up on her reticence to share about herself with him and he couldn’t help but wonder why. She was hiding something, but what? He rubbed his eyes. It didn’t matter. Falling for the single mom would be a huge mistake. Hadn’t he already learned that lesson?

  She stepped back into the den and took her seat on the couch. She’d changed into sweats and a long-sleeved T-shirt. Her sleeves hung midpalm, and she looked comfortable. And vulnerable. And incredibly attractive. “Sophia fell asleep,” she murmured.

  “She’s had a long day.”

  “Mmm. Yes. A traumatic one. I pray she doesn’t have nightmares.”

  “Or you, either. Are you going to be able to sleep?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I might doze, but I’ll probably sit in the recliner with Mr. Updike’s .45 Winchester.”

  “You know how to use it?”

  “I wouldn’t touch it if I didn’t.” Her eyes flashed. “And I won’t be caught without a weapon again.”

  He lifted a brow, and a deep respect started to build. She might need help, but she’d do her best to help herself, as well. Looking at her now, he couldn’t imagine he’d thought her fragile or helpless. The vulnerability had disappeared with the lift of her chin and now he thought she looked strong and capable. As well as intensely determined. “Good,” he said and stood. “I guess I’ll head on home.” He spotted a pad and pen by the recliner and snagged the items. He wrote on the top sheet of the pad. “Here’s my cell number and my parents’ landline number. And here’s Clay’s personal cell number.” He set the pad back on the table. “If you need anything at all, just call and someone will be here before you can hang up, all right?”

  He saw her blink back tears. She nodded. “Okay,” she whispered. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome, Zoe.” He grabbed his coat. Once he had his gloves on, he looked back at her and swallowed. Her eyes beckoned. He could see the fear still lingering. “You’ll be safe tonight.”

  “Yes, tonight.”

  He backed toward the door. He had to get out of there before he did something stupid like take her in his arms and hug her. Or kiss her. He nearly tripped, righted himself and closed his hand around the door knob. He cleared his throat. “I’m just going to check on the heifer and the calf, and then I’ll be on my way.”

  “Of course. Thank you again for everything, Aaron. I know how much I owe you.”

  “You don’t owe me a thing. Get some rest.” He forced his gaze away from the shimmer of her dark eyes. With supreme effort, he opened the door and walked out.

  The sharp wind hit him full in the face and he shivered. He might be used to the bitter cold, but that didn’t mean he liked it. Picturing himself on a tropical beach, playing in the sand with Sophia or swimming in the surf with Zoe, he pulled his scarf from his pocket and wrapped it so that the cold didn’t cut as bad. Then he blinked the images from his head. If he was going to bury his attraction for Zoe, he couldn’t be imagining beach days with her. He looked around. But if they did wind up somewhere, it would definitely be a beach. No skiing. He was ready for warm weather. But not with Zoe. No way. That kind of thinking would only lead to heartache.

  The snow had stopped for now, but the way the air smelled said there was more to come.

  He spotted the Wrangler’s Corner police cruisers. One was positioned strategically near the barn with a view of the back of the house and one right out front. He squinted and waved. Ronnie Hart, who had a good view of the back of the building, waved back. A new deputy who’d been hired about a month ago, Ginny Garrison, also lifted a hand in acknowledgement then typed something into the computer she had open on the tray attached to the dash.

  Probably making note of his departure. He walked over to Ronnie, and the man lowered his window. “Thanks for watching out for her.”

  “No problem. Nice job out there on the mountain.”

  He still couldn’t believe he’d shot the man. Pete. The man had a name. “I couldn’t let him shoot Lance.”

  “For sure. Maybe you should hang up your stethoscope and go to the police academy.”

  Aaron laughed but it had little humor. “No way. I’m happy being a vet.” He nodded in the direction of the barn. “I’m just going to check on Lily and then I’m heading home.” He glanced back at the house and saw the flickering of the television through the curtains. So sleep wouldn’t come any time soon for her. He wondered if she would ac
tually be able to doze off.

  “You think those guys will be back?”

  Aaron looked back at Ronnie. “Yes. Unfortunately, I do.”

  Ronnie nodded and patted his weapon. “Then we’ll be ready.”

  Aaron’s jaw tightened and he felt for the weapon he’d retrieved from the kitchen table where it had been left when everyone scattered from the house earlier. The weight of it against his side brought comfort, reassurance. “Yes. Yes, we will.”


  Zoe couldn’t bring herself to sleep in her room. Instead she’d lain down beside Sophia and figured she’d spare the child waking in the middle of the night to come find her. Careful not to disturb the still-sleeping Sophia, she rolled over to check the clock.

  Seven forty-five.

  So she’d actually slept. She really hadn’t thought she would, but having the two deputies outside had allowed her adrenaline to settle down. She slid out from underneath the covers. Goose bumps pebbled her skin, and she shivered. She needed to bump the heat up a notch.

  On sock-covered feet, she padded to the window and pushed the curtain aside to peer out. She could see Lance sitting in the cruiser sipping coffee from a thermos cup. A light dusting of snow covered the car. Ronnie must have left and Lance had taken over sometime during the night. He glanced up, saw her looking and lifted a hand. She waved back, then released the curtain and let it fall back into place. She walked to the thermostat, knocked the heat up two degrees then hurried to her room at the opposite end of the hall.

  After a quick shower, she went to her room and pulled on warm clothes, a hat and her boots. As she dressed, she thought about her situation. How had she gotten to this point? Whom had she made so mad that he or she wanted to kill her? It made no sense and only made her brain hurt to think about so she switched gears to breakfast. She mentally ran down the list of the items in her refrigerator and decided she had enough food for everyone. The least she could do was feed the two deputies who’d spent the majority of their night watching over her house. But the animals came first. When she stepped outside, Lance opened the door to his cruiser to join her. “Everything all right?”


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