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Heir of Shadows (The Shadowborne Legacy Book 1)

Page 34

by Emma Harley

  “Your words are kind, King Alexei, but your plans are deeply unsettling. Ignoring our borders allows the criminal underworld to move freely and expand their own activities,” the male scowled, running a nimble finger down a bird-like creature with plumage of sapphire and gold that perched on his rested arm. Raina squealed excitedly and slipped from her seat to examine the bird.

  “It’s so adorable Father! Can I get one?” she gushed, looking at the king with a childlike expression of wonder and excitement. Alexei gaped, his cheeks flushing at her outburst.

  “We’ll talk about that later my darling,” he stammered, attempting to regain his composure. The bird almost purred at her strokes, the royal male flabbergasted at her boldness to approach and touch his property.

  “Oh please father,” she crooned, “I’ll do anything! I’ll help out with rehoming the displaced civilians! I may need some help but I'm sure I could be useful to you.”

  The guests were silently looking between her and the king, holding their breath at her proposition. The king cocked his head slightly and Raina carried on, seemingly oblivious to the attention she was garnering.

  “Well if the people need to leave their homes, and possibly their own country, wouldn’t it make them feel safer if they knew the royalty were really trying to help? I can help source food and shelter for them myself. I won’t be any use on the battlefield, so maybe I can help in other ways.”

  The pure innocence and helplessness in her voice sent a ripple of sympathetic murmurs amongst the crowd. Raina held her breath, hoping the king could see exactly what she was angling at and wouldn’t blow it. His face softened with a look of love and pride as he nodded.

  “Of course my dear. Our people may be comforted by seeing their princess helping them directly instead of giving orders from a castle,” he beamed, his eyes watering slightly before he cleared his throat. The bird-owner sighed and placed a rough hand on Raina’s arm.

  “If an inexperienced young princess is willing to help by getting her hands dirty, it would be shameful of me to offer any less. I can provide merchant ships to ferry civilians to my own kingdom and maintain supply lines,” he offered, flushing slightly.

  “Thank you, Albior. It’s important that we realise the extent of this threat and that these demons will not stop at borders. Human or Fae, royal or common, we will all be faced with the same threat. And these beasts will not stop until every soul in this world is extinguished.”

  Raina gave him a warm smile and dashed back to her seat as further offers of co-operation and alliances flew through the air. Aija gave her hand a grateful squeeze under the table and pushed a plate of chocolate treats closer to her as Raina clenched her hand tightly in warning. Her abdomen was twisting and cramping horribly already and there were too many eyes watching that would notice her down a vial of medicine.

  After another hour of discussions, Alexei called a recess and invited everyone to the dining hall. Raina sat impatiently until the last stranger had left the hall before dropping her face to the marble-topped table, desperate for something to cool her cheeks.

  “This is fucking hell,” she growled, clutching her stomach. JJ chuckled and patted her head.

  “You never have been one for biting your tongue, but well done. That was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever experienced,” he laughed. Alicia swatted him away and handed her the bottle from the healer.

  “Get it down you Phoenix,” she mumbled, dipping a cloth napkin into a jug of iced water and holding it to her forehead. Logan and Taranis gaped at her in concern.

  “What’s going on with you?” the captain asked quietly, settling into a chair opposite her. Aija sighed and looked to Alexei.

  “She has reached her breaking,” the queen explained softly, rubbing a hand over her back in comfort. Raina groaned and gulped down the pink liquid. Logan’s eyes went wide as they met hers and he shook away his thoughts. Taranis sucked his teeth loudly and nodded to the door.

  “Forgive me your majesties, but letting her stay here amongst countless unmated males is a terrible idea. She may be a princess but she is still half-fae. Even the captain and I would be hard-pressed to be near her at this time.”

  Raina eyes could have cut through him when she turned.

  “First guy to even look at me wrong is getting his throat slit,” she growled. Taranis smirked, but didn’t come any closer.

  “I’ll apologise in advance for the crudeness of this explanation Your Highness. First of all, you’ll be just as bad. The breaking is when fae will be scouring for their mate and you will be no exception. It’s just a biological thing. Secondly, your scent will be driving males crazy. Your father and close relatives will obviously be unaffected, but unmated males will be drawn to you. And last of all, the more you fight against it, the longer it will last and the more it will hurt. Your mortal body is dying, and the immortal blood of the Fae is warping it. On the bright side, until you have completed the transition, your powers are locked away. You couldn’t harness them even if you tried, and it’s quite painful, because they will be trying to break free.”

  Logan looked grim before nodding at Taranis.

  “If we kept her in her room and only allowed females near her, she should get through this relatively easily. We could station some of the mated guards and humans in her hallway to prevent any issues,” he sighed, tapping a finger on the table. Alexei nodded.

  “It may not be the most ideal plan, but since the breaking should have happened about a decade ago, we must take precautions,” the king affirmed. Raina sighed in relief as the medicine began to kick in and the pains subsided. Her eyes fell on Logan.

  “Can’t you just stay with me instead of a load of strangers?” The words had fallen from her lips before she had even realised what she was asking. The silence was deafening as his lips dropped into an ‘o’. Alexei broke their stare with a sharp cough and Logan blinked heavily.

  “I can’t stay with you princess,” he sighed, “I need to keep a clear head and unfortunately I’d be just as affected as the others.” Taranis gave a low chuckle and patted the captain on the shoulder.

  “You can stay in the guard’s quarters with me for a while,” he offered. Kalen had been standing silently beside JJ, both clearly awkward at the discussion before them.

  “I think it would be more comfortable if Logan stayed with me off-campus. I have a house in the city, and we’ve been living together for the past twenty years, I think we can manage another week or two,” he interrupted. Logan’s grateful nod earned a wider grin from Taranis.

  “You said humans are fine around her right?” JJ asked Aija softly. The queen nodded.

  “Yes, humans don’t have the primal instinct that Fae have. It makes no difference to them at all,” she explained. Alicia breathed a sigh of relief and rested a hand on JJ’s arm.

  “The squad can keep her company until this is over,” she insisted, “Phoenix and her moodswings aren’t exactly new to us.” Raina scowled at her.

  “I do not have moodswings!” she snapped. JJ sighed and rolled his eyes.

  “You swing like a rope bridge in a hurricane and let’s not pretend you haven’t tried to bottle me at least once,” he retorted. Alicia snorted with laughter as Raina mumbled curses under her breath.

  “I can make it through the rest of the summit at least,” she insisted, “I need to get permission from Albior to visit that library or we’ll have no hope of finding that weapon.” Aija rose and lead them towards the dining hall.

  “I must say Raina you’ve been doing an excellent job so far. It’s almost jarring to see you like that, even if it is only pretend,” she smirked. Taranis scoffed from behind them.

  “Compared to her usual attitude it’s downright terrifying. It’s strange seeing such an innocent demeanour from someone who threatens to kill us all the time.” Raina smiled sweetly.

  “If you didn’t annoy me so much I wouldn’t want to kill you.” Alexei chuckled and hushed them as they walked into the dini
ng hall.

  At least half of the guests had sat down to eat while the others milled around, greeting and reconnecting with acquaintances. Raina looked around absent-mindedly as the king swept off to speak with King Beryl and what appeared to be his wife or daughter. Raina spotted King Albior by the loud plumage of the bird on his shoulder, standing amongst a group of Fae across the room. She approached him sheepishly and tapped lightly on his shoulder. He spun around and his grey eyes fell down to her.

  “Um, I’m sorry for petting your bird without asking Your Majesty,” she mumbled, twisting the gown on her dress awkwardly. The king beamed brightly at her and lowered the bird down to her on his hand.

  “Do not apologise Your Highness. I like a girl with gumption. This is my familiar, a baby roc named Kuma. They grow to gargantuan sizes, I have an entire army of these, but this one is such a rare colour I had to make him my familiar,” he explained as Raina softly petted the silky plumage. The roc ruffled his feathers and squawked in delight. She giggled as it rubbed his face against her palm like a cat.

  “I’m afraid I don’t know much about the creatures or magic of this world having grown up in the human world,” she sighed, the note of sadness in her voice drawing a sympathetic glance from him.

  “Yes, I doubt you would have had much access to learn about our world. But you have a rare gift you know. In all my life I have never known anyone with experiences in another world.”

  Raina nodded softly, accepting a glass of wine from a passing server.

  “I’m sure I will learn about this world eventually. But with a war looming I can’t afford to waste time on educating myself when I know so many people will need my help,” she said with determination. The king grinned broadly and beckoned across the room. A young male strode towards them, his sun-kissed skin and high cheekbones made Raina linger her gaze for a moment too long. He glanced quickly at her before giving her a small bow. Albior clapped him gently on the shoulder.

  “Your Highness, this is my eldest son, Crown Prince Kade. You only met once as very young children but I'm sure you will get along wonderfully.”

  Prince Kade cast a quizzical glance at his father as he continued. “How would you like to visit my library, with my son as your personal escort?” the king asked brightly. Raina kept her expression dumb as she smiled.

  “What is so special about your library?” she asked innocently, “My parents have a big one here in the castle.” The king boomed with laughter.

  “The Halls of Ogma is more than a mere library. It houses the most ancient of magic and legends that cannot be found anywhere else. An oracle lives within its chambers, offering truth and fortune to those she deems worthy. Anything you ever wish to know or learn of can be found within those walls. And you need to have my permission before anyone can step through the doors,” he boasted. Raina’s eyes widened.

  “I would love to visit in that case, it sounds wonderful,” she gasped excitedly, clapping her hands. The king grinned at his son as he produced a glowing slip of paper from his jacket.

  “Here you are my dear. You need only carry this through the doors and you will be permitted into the Halls. I will of course insist that my son escorts you since you are a member of visiting royalty it would be rude of me to let you wander around a foreign land by yourself,” he crooned.

  There was no doubt in Raina’s mind that he was pushing his son into her hands in the hope that he could secure a marriage alliance, but for now she could happily play along to get what she wanted.

  “This is so kind of you King Albior,” she breathed, “I love reading, and I would love to learn as much as I can about this world.” Her own stomach was nauseous at the smarmy suck-up she had to be, but she only had to keep up the facade for a few more hours now that she had gained Albior’s permission. Alexei joined them, greeting Prince Kade happily.

  “Raina dear are you hungry? At least have a small meal before you continue making friends,” he chuckled, “The princess has a very curious mind, I hope she hasn’t been keeping you from your dinner.”

  Prince Kade smirked and shook his head. “Not at all Your Majesty, she is an absolute delight. In fact we were just discussing her visiting the Halls of Ogma to broaden her knowledge of our world,” he explained. Alexei’s eyes widened as he turned to Albior.

  “That is such a rare honour to be granted by you Albior. You have my eternal gratitude for offering to help my daughter so much,” he bowed gently, his hand resting on Raina’s back, “thank you for your kindness.” Albior bobbed his head smugly and brushed off the compliments.

  “No trouble at all. My son is more than willing to escort her around as a guest of the kingdom, it is only fair that we allow her the opportunity to enjoy the world she has missed so much,” he crooned.

  Raina thanked the king and subtly excused herself as she spotted Logan and her squad across the hall, tucking the precious permission slip into her bra as she went.

  “Hey guys,” she sighed breathlessly, slipping into a seat beside Logan and pulling a platter of meat towards her. He leaned close to her, keeping his voice low.

  “At formal events like these, you’re supposed to sit at the top table beside your parents so that guests can find you easily,” he breathed, his warm breath sending a tingle down her neck.

  She gave him a disappointed frown that dropped swiftly. His golden eyes darkened and his nostrils flared, catching her intoxicating scent as his own rain-touched aroma swirled around her. The booming voice of Taranis broke her stare and she pounded her wine, shaking away the moment.

  “Well how can I talk to my friends if I have to sit all the way up there?” she whined, slumping her shoulders. He looked taken aback before he remembered that eyes were on her at all times. Izak plopped himself down beside her cheerily and slid something across the table.

  “Turns out this world does have some form of mobile connection. Nick got some help from some of the guards with tech experience and had our phones adapted and encrypted just for us,” he beamed, his cheeks tinged pink from the amount of wine he had already drank. Raina bit back a snarky comment and accepted the phone, sliding her dress up over her thigh to attach it to the leather strap that currently held a dagger.

  “Damn it Raina,” Logan hissed, rubbing his palms into his eyes, “don’t do that so close to me.” Raina rolled her eyes and the ditzy mask slipped once more.

  “Of all people I thought you would be the last to complain,” she huffed a laugh before a large hand rested on Logan’s shoulder. “Captain, I have something important to show you far away from here,” Taranis said roughly, pushing Logan away.

  The strained look on their faces made Raina pause with a sharp realisation. The squad dropped into chairs around her and began piling their plates with food.

  “So how are you keeping Phoenix?” Davin mumbled through a mouthful of potatoes. She smiled cheerfully at him.

  “King Albior offered me a visit to his special library, he called it the Halls of Ogma and said it has the oldest books in the world. He even gave me a permission slip to go there!” she beamed, her eyes wide as a signal.

  Nick grinned. “That sounds amazing, I know you love reading,” he smirked. Raina smiled at him as her nostrils flared.

  “I wonder if it only works for me or if I can have other people with me. Obviously I won’t be having a party there, but if I could bring a friend or two with me then we could all learn about this world too,” she mused, tapping her chin, “but he offered to let his son, Prince Kade, escort me around the halls, so maybe he wouldn’t mind if I brought someone along with me.”

  “Not at all Your Highness,” a smooth voice sounded from behind her. Raina spun and her eyes widened in fake shock as she spotted Kade at the chocolate array behind her.

  “Prince Kade!” she exclaimed, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to push my luck I was just speaking with my friends.” He smiled softly at her and extended his hand for her to stand up.

  “My father isn’t the only person
who can grant permission to the halls. I would be more than happy to allow your friends with you. After all, they are new to this world too and what better way to help their princess than learning with her?” Raina gasped in delight and threw her arms around the prince in a hug.

  “You’re amazing Prince Kade, thank you so much! But won’t your father think I am being ungrateful?” she dropped back in mock concern as he blushed.

  “N-no, I don’t have to run unimportant decisions by him, I wouldn’t be a good king if I never learn how to do things myself.”

  Chapter 16

  Raina collapsed face-first onto her bed, ignoring the chuckles from Alicia. The rest of the summit had been battle strategies, discussing the weapons they could use and whatever powerful magic they could unleash against the demon army. The topic of the dark god had left everyone infuriated. No weapon they held would work against him, and it left them wondering if they would even walk away from this war. Several royals had questioned why the gate was whispering Raina’s name, and she was angry at herself for the fear on her face not being part of the façade.

  She rolled off the bed and dug through her drawers to find something comfortable to wear, settling for a pair of leggings and a white sports bra. At least they would help with the unbearable heat. Aija had already sent a servant to locate an air-cooling unit, ignoring Raina’s pleas to let Kalen freeze her within a block of ice. They would be meeting tonight to discuss the summit before the males left the palace, and Raina’s gut was twisting.

  The squad were fine with keeping her company for a week or two, since they were human and wouldn’t be able to scent her. Alexei already expressed his concern that his own mate had been human, until the men had reassured him that they had less than zero interest in mating with her, even agreeing to let Alicia gently stab them if they did get too close.


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