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Saved By Her Dragon

Page 11

by Julia Mills

  Anya jumped and tried to pull away, but Devon held her tight, speaking against her lips, “He can wait another minute.”

  He kissed her until she once again relaxed in his arms. Pulling back, he winked and helped her to the kitchen table, thrilled to see how much better she was walking. Kyndel appeared with a plate of food and a big glass of her special tea. Kissing Anya on top of the head, he said, “Eat up, evgren. I need to make sure Jace and Liam aren’t tearing down more than they’re fixing.”

  One quick trip down the hall assured him the young men had everything taken care of. When Devon returned to the kitchen, Anya was laughing and talking with the mates of his brethren, Sydney, and his mother, but all conversation halted when he approached the table. Devon snorted, “What the hell? Is this a ladies only conversation?”

  “Sure is,” was Sydney’s quick response, causing everyone in both rooms to burst out laughing.

  “I see how it is,” Devon feigned annoyance but winked towards his mate. It was then that he noticed her rubbing the inside of her left wrist.

  He knelt at her side, taking her hand in his. “Is your wrist bothering you?” he asked, examining the area she had rubbed to a bright red circle.

  “It started itching while I was in the tub so I put some of ‘Granny’s Special Recipe’ that Kyndel gave me on it. The irritation stopped for a while but now it’s back with a vengeance.” Anya looked from her wrist to him while she spoke.

  Devon could feel small raised bumps that seemed to almost vibrate when his thumb rubbed over them. Worried his mate was having an adverse reaction to something in his mother’s home, he pulled her wrist closer and used his enhanced vision to examine the affected area.

  “I’m just gonna take a quick look,” he said offhandedly, concern for Anya’s wellbeing outweighing his manners. What he had originally thought to be a rash began to take shape before his eyes. It took just a moment for him to identify the small marking as it continued to materialize on her wrist.

  “I’ll be a son of a…” He mumbled under his breath and looked up at Anya.

  Concern evident in her eyes, he quickly explained, “I’m not sure how it’s happening but you’re being marked.”

  Her eyes grew wide with fear making Devon hurriedly explain, “It’s nothing bad at all. I promise.” He touched her knee with his other hand and pushed love and reassurance through their mating bond.

  “It’s the mark of a heart scale. It’s said that only once in every white dragon’s life do they produce the rare heart scale and most shed it without ever knowing. I know we haven’t had time to talk about it, but…my dragon is white.”

  “I have only ever personally known one other white dragon–my dad. He actually found his when he and my mother were together,” he looked up at Siobhan to find her looking at the locket his father had given her. “He had a locket made for her to hold his heart scale and told her that it was their special blessing from the Universe. I think you developing this particular tattoo is pretty awesome, but I have no clue what it means.”

  Siobhan spoke from across the table, “There has to be something in one of the many volumes of history I have or are housed in the Elder’s library. Let me do some research and I am sure we can find the origin of this miracle.”

  “Miracle?” He and Anya asked in unison.

  “Yes, whatever is happening here is most definitely a miracle. Can you not feel it all around us? Your mating is special, we just need to see exactly how special.” Siobhan assured everyone listening and then turned to Kyra, “Would you mind joining me? It is now more important than ever to find out if Anya is under a Concealment Spell and remove it, if necessary.”

  “Absolutely,” the little witch answered, kissing her mate as she stood to leave. Kyra stopped beside Anya and touched her shoulder. “It’s just like I explained, Honey, nothing to worry about. We always have shit of some kind or another stirring around here. We’ll get this all figured out. You got a good guy there.” She kissed Anya’s cheek and patted Devon’s shoulder before jogging after his mother.

  Devon watched a million emotions flash across Anya’s face and was driven to comfort her. Doing the only thing he could think of, and with the help of his enhanced abilities, he scooped his mate up as he stood and then sat in her chair with her cuddled against his chest. Anya fought his hold and mumbled something he missed. Putting his ear right in front of her lips, he asked, “Pardon?”

  “Put me down. Everyone’s looking at us,” she whispered, her breath ruffled his hair and stroked his ear, causing his eyes to slide shut.

  Clearing his throat and attempting to push back his dragon he answered, “Yeah, and…?”

  “And it’s embarrassing.”

  “I’m sorry you’re embarrassed, mo chroi’, but we are an affectionate bunch.”


  Her comment was cut short when Grace spoke from across the table. “Seriously, Anya, you’re gonna have to get used to it. They’re all a mess and it only gets worse the longer you’re with them. Heavens help you if you ever get…ohhhhhhhhhh…”

  In a flash, Grace was picked up out of her seat and was being carried towards the door by her obviously adoring husband who shouted, “Max and Rayne will catch you up, Dev. We’ll be back later. It seems my mate needs to rest.”

  Devon chuckled, “See, told ya.”

  “Okay, I guess,” Anya giggled, but he could see it was going to take time for her to get used to their ways.

  “Max needs to get back to his Pride to prepare for tonight, so if you’re done causing trouble, could you get in here?” Rayne called from the dining room.

  “Oooooo….oomph,” came from Aaron in the corner. Devon turned to flip him off just in time to see Kyndel rubbing the back of her hand and his friend rubbing his stomach for the second time in two days.

  “Kyndel’s getting good with the backhand, Bro. You better watch out or move quicker,” Devon joked through their link.

  “Damn, she’s fast,” Aaron chuckled.

  “She’s murder with a wooden spoon, too,” Rayne added to conversation. “Now, get your asses in here,” he added quickly, switching from friend to Commander mid comment.

  Both Guardsmen chuckled as Aaron headed towards the dining room and Devon stood, not wanting to let his mate go. He sat her back in her chair, kissed her forehead and said, “I gotta go. Have fun with the girls and Jay,” right into her mind.

  Anya grabbed his arm and pulled until they were eye level. She laid her lips to his and answered back in the same fashion, “Thank you.”

  The sound of her voice in his head got better every time. Wanting to grab her and run as fast as he could to his home but knowing he had to prepare for their nighttime surveillance, he sighed, pulled back from her lips, and headed towards the dining room. He had one foot over the threshold when Max’s laugh reached his ears, “It’s good to see that some things never change. I thought werecats were bad, but dragons fall hard.”

  “And it’s the best plummet in the world, King,” was Devon’s quick comeback. When he looked around, he smirked to see Rayne, Lance, and Royce nodding in agreement.

  Aaron cleared his throat, “I don’t give a shit how great it is, I’m not giving up the single life. What about you, Max?”

  The King’s answer was cut off when Rayne began explaining their plans for finding Andrew, apparently tired of waiting. “Since you were otherwise engaged,” Rayne raised an eyebrow at Devon and shook his head before continuing. “Max and I have set the teams. You lead the team with Aaron, Royce, Max, Ernesto, and Raphael. Everyone else will be with me.”

  “Except Sophia,” Max interjected. “She will be with the Pride handling another matter.”

  Devon wondered about the sudden change in the Leo’s demeanor but knew it was none of his business. It was more important that he catch up on all that had been discussed in his absence. Royce spoke up, spinning the largest map on the table so that everyone could see. Pointing at the most eastern point of th
e circle they had drawn to indicate the hundred mile radius around the hospital, he explained, “I believe this property’s our best bet. The house is almost completely hidden by trees. There’s an iron fence across the front and halfway down both sides, then it turns into a five foot rock wall. Hell, the large clearing even has cover.”

  Aaron handed Devon a picture that had been printed from the county records showing nothing but a huge expanse of trees, bushes, and foliage of all varieties; and then an aerial view in which he could see the large open area and the roof of an absolutely enormous home, along with everything else Royce had described. He had to agree that if he were hiding out and training a group of black magic wizards it would be the property he would use. The only problem he could see was the huge iron gates and the security cameras he saw everywhere. More to himself than anyone else, he asked, “What the hell are we gonna do about all those cameras?”

  He was surprised when Max answered, “Raphael is an electrical wizard. Once we’ve arrived at the property, he’ll find the main switch and disable them. I’d imagine there are people watching the feed, therefore, we’ll need to move quickly, but I’m sure even you dragons can keep up.”

  Laughing, Lance answered, “I hope your people don’t have a problem watching dragon ass as we take the lead.”

  For next several hours he and the men debated every possible scenario, until Devon was sure they had everything covered at least ten times over. Plans changed halfway through and it was decided everyone would go to the first property. After looking at both, it was the best possible choice. If it proved not to be the one, then they would be doing the same thing the next night. His gut said this was the one and if Devon had learned anything, it was to follow his gut.


  Anya spent the afternoon trying to ignore the weird sensations in her wrist and listening to the conversations all around her. It had been so weird to actually meet the King of the Big Cats, as Devon had called him, Maximillian Prentise. Her parents had known a few jaguar shifters over the years so Anya thought she knew what to expect, but the Pride members had been nothing compared to their Leader. The power seemed to roll off of him in waves and his feline characteristics were almost completely masked, making him appear human. His sister, Sophia, was drop dead gorgeous and also had no distinguishable panther characteristics.

  Ernesto’s voice seemed familiar and Devon’s voice in her head confirmed her thoughts. “Ernesto is a nurse at the hospital and took care of you during some of your stay.”

  She acknowledged Devon’s words with a nod and thanked Ernesto for all he had done to help her. The last man, Juan Carlos, was taller, more muscled, and had a much darker complexion than the others. When he shook her hand she felt a raw, almost untamed power that wasn’t present in the others. Anya wondered about his differences and decided it was something she would ask Devon about later. Royce called from the dining room and again she was left in the kitchen with instructions to take it easy, something that was really beginning to get on her nerves.

  She knew she was supposed to be getting to know the girls and it was something she really wanted to do, but the plans Devon was making held her attention. “Did you hear me, Anya?” Sydney asked, interrupting her wayward thoughts.

  “No, Sweetheart, I’m sorry. My mind keeps wandering.”

  The child rolled her eyes but smiled before whispering, “You were leavesdropping on Devon and Daddy weren’t you?”

  Anya giggled, “Yes, Syd, I was eavesdropping and I shouldn’t have been. It’s not a nice thing to do.”

  “That’s okay, I do it all the time,” the little beauty said in a matter of fact manner, making Anya laugh out loud.

  “Well, it’s not polite, little miss,” Sam answered from across the table.

  Both Sydney and Anya giggled before whispering, “Busted!”

  “We better behave,” Sydney said amongst her chuckles.

  “Yeah, we better.” Anya looked up to find Kyra almost jogging towards her. “What’s up?” Anya questioned.

  “Can you come with me? Siobhan and I found something and I want to see if it works.”

  “Sure,” Anya replied as Sydney jumped off her lap. Before she could stand on her own, Devon was at her side practically lifting her from the chair. “What the…”

  “I’m going too,” Devon replied before she even had the chance to ask the question.

  Grabbing his forearm, Anya turned to chastise Devon when the mark on her wrist made contact with the tattoo on his arm, and the resulting electrical charge caused her to stumble against his hard body. His chest was heaving and the sound of his heart pounding under her ear made it sound as if he had run miles instead of just a few steps. Looking up with wide eyes, she could see that his surprise mirrored her own. When he spoke, his voice was little more than a growl, “What the hell was that?”

  “I have no clue.” She narrowed her eyes, about to speak when the tattoo on his arm wiggled under her fingertips. Dropping his arm like he had the plague, her eyes shot to his.

  “What’s wrong, mo chroi?” Devon asked with concern.

  Eyes wide, shaking her head, she looked from Devon to his arm and back again, I…you’re arm…I…” She stopped and took a deep breath. “Your tattoo…moved. I felt it kinda…wiggle.” Anya wiggled her fingers to help explain.

  She watched as Devon turned his arm over, inspecting every inch before looking at her. “I didn’t feel it, but I was a little preoccupied with the shock you gave me,” he said, eyes narrowed, thinking so hard she could almost hear his thoughts.

  His words surprised her and she blurted out, “I…shocked…you?”

  “Well, yes. I know you felt it, too.” His eyebrows rose and then his brow quickly furrowed.

  “You know I did, but I thought it came from you.”

  “I think it came from both of you,” Siobhan called from the doorway. “A similar occurrence was documented in one of the journals I just read. In very special cases, when the mating marks touch, a ‘shock’ of sorts happens. I know that your dragon brand and the marking on your wrist,” she motioned from one to the other of them before continuing, “are not mating marks, but they are enough like them that I believe we can ascertain it is the same phenomena. The author of the journal entry believed it was due to the combination of the magical abilities of both people.”

  Kyra jumped in, so excited her small frame vibrated as she spoke, “And that’s why I’m positive you’ve been under some type of Concealment or Protection spell for most of your life. I felt the magic in you before, and now that you and Devon are together it seems to be growing, even without the official mating ceremony.”

  The tiny witch took a step forward, “We just need to perform a little spell and then we’ll know for sure.”

  There was no way Anya could have said no, even if she wanted to, with Kyra standing their bouncing from one foot to the other, her eyes wide, nodding her head in reassurance. The waves of pure belief rolling off of her were strong enough to power a city.

  Devon started to speak but Anya cut him off. It was time he learned that she could speak for herself. “Sure! Let’s do it!”

  That was all it took. Kyra jumped up and down, clapped her hands, and then ran over and did her best to get her tiny arms around both of them for a hug. Anya caught Devon’s scowl right before he schooled his features, and spoke through their link, “It’s going to be fine. And…I can speak for myself.”

  “I know that you can. I just worry that you’re not giving yourself time to heal. And…”

  “And what?”


  She knew he wasn’t telling her everything, but Kyra had their hands in a death grip and was attempting to pull them towards the door while talking a mile a minute, explaining the ritual they were about to perform. Only Royce slowed her down. “Kyra, honey, let them walk,” Royce commented, barely able to keep the laughter out of his voice.

  “Oh shit! I’m sorry,” Kyra snorted, dropping
their hands and stepping back. “I just love solving puzzles and helping the people I love.”

  Royce leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “We know you do, mo ghra’.” The chuckle he had been holding in bubbled out.

  The love Anya saw between the couple was absolutely adorable and adorable was not a word she had ever thought she would use where Royce was concerned. He was huge. “It’s okay. I’m glad you’re here to help,” Anya assured. “I’m ready if you are.”

  She pulled from Devon’s arms, but he wound his fingers through hers not letting her get away and walked beside her. Figuring it wasn’t worth the argument, she nodded and followed Kyra. As they made their way down the hall, she remembered Siobhan’s words and asked, “What did your mom mean when she said ‘dragon brand’?”

  “When we reach the age of transformation, between seventeen and twenty, the dragon within that has lain dormant, becomes a true part of us. When that happens, the barely discernable marking we’ve had since birth grows bolder and brighter. It takes its place as it was meant to be…the physical representation of our dragon. Each dragon shifter carries the brand of his dragon somewhere on his body.”

  He paused as he motioned for her to enter Siobhan’s study ahead of him, and then went on, “With my shirt on, you are only able to see his tail.” He traced what she had originally thought to be a beautifully artistic tattoo while he spoke. “He actually covers most of my upper arm, shoulder, and even a small part of my shoulder blade.”

  Devon leaned his head forward and pulled the hem of his shirt down, revealing the head of a majestic opalescent dragon perched at the base of his neck. It seemed impossible, but there it was right before her eyes; unlike any tattoo or marking she had ever seen. A square shaped snout with a rather imposing short, thick, curved horn right between the nostrils. An imposing brow that protected two silver-grey eyes so like those of the man her heart already recognized as hers. There was no denying he and this creature were one. The recognition in those soulful eyes drew her closer and beckoned her to touch.


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