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Forever You're Mine

Page 1

by K. Langston

  Forever You’re Mine, as well as the majority of the MINE series, is set mainly in the south. We drop our g’s, we say ya, instead of you, as well as other southern slang. Please keep this in mind when you are reading. These are not grammatical errors, simply the dialect of the characters shining through, speaking as true southerners do.

  This is how we roll.

  Thank you

  Published by K. Langston

  Copyright © 2015 K. Langston

  Kobo Edition

  Cover Art by: Kari @ K23 Photography & Design

  Interior Formatting by: BB eBooks

  Editing: Shelbi Burress, Kim Samples & Letty Sidon

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents, are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  For mature readers due to strong sexual content. (18 and older)

  Title Page

  A Note from the Author

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three



  The MINE Series

  Want more K?

  Hold On Pain Ends

  You cannot find peace by avoiding life.

  ~Virginia Woolf

  Fear slips over me like a thick veil of heat.

  I can’t breathe.

  I can’t see.

  Spiraling out of control in the darkness, I carry it with me everywhere I go. Even when I am buried inside a woman. Even when I am swimming in a bottle of whiskey. I can never get away. There is no light. I will never break free and the thought alone cripples me.

  It’s all my fault.

  I would never get the chance to make it right. One second of hesitation cost more than I could ever imagine, and these haunting thoughts are my punishment. This is my hell to carry, and the peace I long for, will never be mine.

  Love is like a war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.

  ~H. L. Mencken

  “Oh God, Cannon, YES!”

  Not the first time I’d heard my name paired with God in the same sentence. The lips of many women had praised me with those very same words. “Please don’t stop.”

  Landing one hand to her ass, I gripped her supple skin while I fucked her with mind numbing strokes. I reached up, fisting my fingers around the thin blonde strands, fucking her harder. This is all I need.

  And what a warm pussy won’t fix, Evan Williams will.

  With a deep moan, she came for the third time since we started this freak show a half an hour ago.

  I could do this all night if it meant not thinking. I didn’t want to think. Thinking fucking sucked. Thinking took me down dark hallways in the middle of a desert. Thinking made me hesitate.

  Thinking made me want to kill.

  Yanking the mess of hair tangled around my fingers, I powered through my orgasm, my mind clinging to the moment and the heat of her. My cock pulsed, temporarily releasing the seeds of my demons while new ones bedded down for the night.

  I pulled out, removing the condom and tying it off as I made my way into the bathroom to toss it. After I took a piss and washed her scent from my hands and mouth, I walked into the bedroom to find her sprawled out on the bed with her head propped up on her hand.

  I pulled on my jeans before fisting my hands through my t-shirt. “Will I see you tomorrow?” she asked with hope in her voice.


  Most women weren’t looking for a one night stand much less night after night of meaningless fucks, but Alexis was different. She was just as messed up in the head as I was, and that made us the same. We used each other.

  We needed each other.

  She didn’t say a word, just smiled seductively as I slipped on my boots and hit the door.

  As I was climbing inside my truck, my phone vibrated with a text.

  Where are you?

  Smiling, I replied.

  On my way.

  Hurry up, we’re gonna be late!

  Chill the hell out. I’ll be there in twenty.

  I’ll be outside.

  I pulled into the trailer park where Cora lived with her mother. Row after row of dilapidated single wide trailers were situated on overgrown quarter acre lots. She stood waiting at the end of the short driveway, dressed for work in her cutoff denim shorts, black tank top, and cowboy boots.

  That smell, the one embedded inside the interior of my pickup, punched me in the center of my chest as she climbed inside. “It’s about damn time,” she said, a hint of irritation nestled in her sweet voice.

  “Sorry, I got hung up.”

  “Uh huh.” Digging through her purse, she whipped out a tube of that shit women liked to put on their lips. I hated that sticky shit. It looked like shit, tasted like shit, and smelled like shit. “Why do you keep lookin’ at me like that?” She asked, studying her reflection in the visor mirror.

  “Why do you wear that shit?”

  Smearing the shiny clear gloss across her parted pink lips, my cock swelled with appreciation. “’Cause unlike some people, I have to put in work.” She tossed me a playful wink before mashing her lips together.

  Ah fuck, here it comes.

  While I did not approve of the shit covering those perfect lips, I looked forward to this next move like it was my next piece of ass. Cora formed an O with her mouth, swiping the tips of her fingers along the edges of her lips to clean up any errant gloss. I could describe the images on repeat in my mind, but it goes without saying how fuckable her mouth looked right now. Something I should not be thinking about because Cora was my friend. And friends didn’t think about friends sucking them off right?

  My dick disagreed, immediately halting blood flow to my brain. “Cannon?”


  “Are we going?” she asked, trading th
e gloss for her cell.

  Shaking my mind of my dirty thoughts, I put the truck into gear and pulled away from the curb, stealing a glance at her before adjusting my hard on. I caught her smiling down at her phone and my jeans grew even tighter, reminding me that he will never give a fuck if we are friends or not.

  He wanted her.

  And why are you talking about your dick in third person?

  “What are you grinnin’ at?” I asked, dreading the answer I knew was coming.

  Cora only smiled that way for one reason.

  “He’s comin’ to town,” she whispered to her phone.

  I gripped the steering wheel, anger swiftly replacing my pent up desire. “When?”

  He…meaning Cora’s douchebag ex-boyfriend. He…meaning a good for nothing prick who only uses Cora while he’s in town and then splits after he takes what he wants. He…meaning I was probably going to kill the motherfucker next time I saw him.

  She tossed her phone inside her purse, clutching it to her chest. “I can find another ride to work if I need to.”

  “Did I say you needed to find another ride?”

  “No, but the tone of your voice suggests it might be a good idea.”

  I took a few deep breaths, trying to rein in my temper.

  Nawp…still pissed.

  “You gonna fuck him again?”

  Glancing over, I found fire sparking around the edges of her green eyes. “Seriously? That is none of your business.”

  “It is if I’m gonna be the shoulder you’re cryin’ on when he leaves your ass hangin’ again.”

  The last time this monkey fuck came to town, I spent a week cleaning up the mess of a woman he left behind. God, I hated to see a woman cry.

  Watching my girl cry…fucking heartbreaking.

  Tears threatened to ruin her flawless face. I wish I could feel bad about my harsh words, but I didn’t. I had to keep her the hell away from this guy and if that meant being a dick…then that’s what I would do. “He’s just gonna use you again. He does it every damn time. He’s been doing it for nearly three years now because you let him. Stop.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Uh, yeah you can. It’s called just fuckin’ stop.”

  “You can’t just stop loving someone, Cannon.” Her lip trembled as she looked down at her tangled hands. “Doesn’t work that way.” A black tear stained her cheek and the lifeless heart inside my chest surged with heat.

  See…he’s not even here yet and she’s already crying. Yep, I’m gonna kill him.

  Once I put the truck in park behind Archer’s where we both worked, I opened the glove box and reached for a wad of fast food napkins. “Here.”

  Cora took one, turning her head away from me as she wiped her face and blew her nose. I remained silent, waiting for her to have her moment, contemplating the many ways I was going to make this asshole pay for each and every time he broke her heart. After a few sniffles and a quick fix of her makeup, she looked me in the eyes. “I know you think I’m stupid. I don’t expect you to understand.”

  No, I most certainly did not understand.

  I would never understand how she could love someone who kept her a secret from his family, friends, and everyone else he knew. I didn’t understand why someone as strong and beautiful as Cora would put up with that shit and continue to put up with it.

  She deserved better.


  “Please, help me understand.” I urged, trying in vain to calm my voice.

  “Why do you care?”

  “Because you’re my fuckin’ friend. I care about you. Why do you think I care?”

  Her shimmering lips parted with a gasp and she blinked as if she didn’t believe me. How could she not? She was my girl, my best friend, the only person in the world I let inside my tight little circle.

  “Just drop it, Cannon.” she ordered, quickly hopping out.

  I watched her round the front of the truck to head inside, but not before she shot me a look through the windshield that warned me to let it go.

  Holding her stare, I vowed…

  Not a chance in hell.

  We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest.

  We must learn to sail in the high winds.

  ~Aristotle Onassis

  How could I explain my feelings for Dent to Cannon when I couldn’t even justify them myself? Denton Prescott was a bad habit. One I couldn’t seem to break. We’d been tethered in one way or another for so long now. I didn’t know how to say no to him. I damn sure didn’t know how to let him go. I guess because the biggest part of my heart held out hope that someday, Dent would love me the way he always promised he would.

  But after three long years, I was no closer to happily ever after than Taylor flippin’ Swift.

  Cannon despised Dent.

  He’d seen firsthand the effect a visit from him could have on me. I’ve always known what Dent and I had would lead me down a dead end road, but my heart just keeps on driving anyway, too stubborn or too blind to read the signs. It was all too much to think about right now. Between Dent’s text and Cannon’s over the top reaction, I was annoyed with them both.

  Cannon especially.

  I never said anything to him about who he fucks. Ugh…I didn’t even want to know. It would only drive me crazy. This town was too damn small. I’ve heard more than my fair share of rumors about his conquests and surprisingly, a little baby green monster had been born because of it. Which was completely unreasonable because we were just friends and we both knew it could never be more. Not without destroying the good we’d found in each other.

  “What can I get ya?” I asked the man in front of me whose eyes were glued to my chest.

  Being a waitress had its benefits. The tips were good and Archer kept local bands in rotation, drawing in different crowds each week, but I’d discovered bartending is where the real money was. I’d worked my ass off to be promoted after Katy left. She’d been his best bartender. But then they fell in love and after Katy got pregnant, she quit, opting to stay at home with their son, Vaughn. Archer promoted me shortly after and I was grateful for it. It meant more money in my pocket to help my brother.

  And right now, that was all I cared about.

  I snapped my fingers, pulling this dude from his rude stare. “Sir.”

  Clutching a twenty, I frowned when I caught the glint of his wedding ring beneath the fiery light.


  Even though he was a loser, he looked like a decent tipper, so I backed my sass up with a tight smile. “What’ll it be?”

  “Two shots of Quervo,” he shouted, licking his lips.

  God, he could at least be a little more subtle about it.

  Setting up, I quickly poured the shots, scanning the crowd unconsciously for a pair of dark blue eyes.

  And there he was, striding towards me with a gate of confidence that was both intimidating and disarming. I had to fight the desire simmering in my veins. To be honest, I fought that fire constantly. The pull between Cannon and I was so intense, but I refused to answer to it.

  “Hey, sugar tits!”

  Reluctantly, I jerked my heated gaze from Cannon’s, who was now standing behind Mr. Creepy.

  I fixed my hands to my hips. “What’d you just call me?”

  “Sugar tits. You have the sweetest rack I’ve ever seen darlin’.” The man said.

  Cannon’s large hand fell to his shoulder, and I swear the asshole shrunk an entire foot beneath his furious glare.

  “You watch your mouth and treat the lady with respect or your ass is outta here.”

  The guy visibly swallowed, nodding vigorously. Once I collected his money and made change, he tossed a ten dollar bill on the bar in front of me before scurrying off.

  Leaning forward in the now vacant space, Cannon crooked his finger, drawing me closer so he wouldn’t have to shout over the music. I eased in, inhaling his decadent scent. He was not a big fan of allowing people to linger in his personal
space, so when it happened, I always took advantage.

  “That conversation earlier, it ain’t over,” he said in a deep tone that always had a way of sneaking beneath my clothes and claiming my skin.

  Tingles of heat enveloped my body.

  With a deep inhale, I savored his heavenly scent. Strong, and the absolute definition of pure unfiltered man.

  I nodded, placing my hand on his shoulder, pulling him closer. “I’m just gonna have Jesse take me home tonight. So you don’t have to wait around on me.”

  Cannon was only scheduled until midnight. I was on until three. Plus, I really didn’t feel like the third degree. Something I knew he had planned later for me. I needed to ask Holden how much longer until my car was fixed. He’d had the damn thing two weeks now.

  His lips hovered next to my ear as he released a disapproving grunt, shooting heat straight between my legs. “I’ll wait.” I thought my insides were going to implode. Before I could open my mouth to protest, I watched his back disappear into the thick crowd.

  * * *

  “Hungry?” Cannon asked as we climbed into the truck after my shift. It was a quarter after five. Last call was three hours ago, and included two best friends fighting over a woman that ended up with a rare visit from the Sherriff’s Dept.

  I was dead on my feet and beyond ready for bed but yeah, I needed food first. I answered with a nod before buckling my seat belt.

  Often times after work we’d head over to the Waffle House and grab a bite to eat and unwind from a long night of work, but lately we ended up going back to his place. He would cook us a big breakfast before driving me home. Or sometimes, I would even crash on his couch.

  With the skill of a seasoned chef, Cannon flipped the golden pancake using the pan, catching it with ease as it landed on a flop. “You enjoy this too much,” I told him, pulling two plates from the cabinet. He’d already fried the bacon and I poured the juice and munched on said bacon.

  “You love it,” he said with a triumphant smile that reminded me of the first time we met.

  “Cora, will you go see what the hell is keepin’ Britany? She was supposed to be back from her break a half hour ago.” Jesse served the customer in front of him, collecting the outreached money. “We’re slammed up here.”


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