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Savage Seduction

Page 11

by J. Woods

  He lifted his head to look at her face, “You are so beautiful.” The most gorgeous smile he had ever seen spread across her drowsy with lust face, her eyes dark with desirous need. He gripped the inside of her thighs and spread them open slowly; he swallowed past the sight - bare. Logan loved his women bare and in that moment he felt like dropping to his knees and thanking whatever God was on his side tonight. He bent his head, kissing up and down the insides of her legs before reaching his treasure.

  “Logan, please.”

  “I know, baby. I’m right here.” And here he was. His tongue darted out creating a slow path down her center. A low cry came from Zoe and it only encouraged him further. Not that he needed any. She was the sweetest tasting woman and he knew it was all her. It was Zoe. His Zoe. He shook off the possessiveness not wanting his overactive imagination take hold of this perfect moment with this perfect woman. He could lecture himself later… when he was alone. He laid hot, wet kisses and long sensual licks over her, her heady scent wrapping around him, sweet and feminine, infusing his senses until he was drunk on her. He could taste her all night. He tongued her and teased her until he could feel her start to shake as he pushed her to the edge of ecstasy.

  “Logan…” she gasped.

  “What do you need, Zoe?”

  “You.” He felt her fingers grip his shoulders as she pulled him up her body. He couldn’t help but kiss his way back up to her mouth. “Now.” He grinned against her mouth. When was the last time he was this happy?

  “Shit,” he cursed.

  “What?” she asked, her hands sensually caressing his bare back. She leaned in nipping at his neck and he had to pause, the pleasure she gave causing confusion.

  “I don’t have protection.”

  “I do, top drawer.” He scowled down at her. He didn’t like the fact that she kept a box of condoms in her bedroom but he reached over, stopping when her sweet tongue licked out and stroked his chest, right where his scar marred his skin. She was laying hot, sweet kisses over him and he instantly had to pull back before he came and disappointed the beautiful woman beneath him. He held the unopened box for her to see.

  She smiled, “You’re the only man I’ve had in my bed. Now hurry up before I take matters into my own hands.” Unexpectedly she wrapped her hand around his tight length, slowly gliding her fingers up and down. He couldn’t stop from ripping open the box sending condoms flying everywhere as Zoe’s laughter floated around him. The pride he felt in being the only man in her bed urged him to claim her as his. He had never felt so possessive before in his life. Grabbing the closest one, he tore open the barrier that would keep Zoe apart from him and had it on in seconds. He didn’t want the barrier between them, he wanted all of her.

  He found her hand with his and with the other he reached down her body. Oh yes, she was ready for him. “God you’re so hot and wet. And all for me.” She wiggled suggestively underneath him as he positioned himself at her entrance. Lacing his fingers with her other hand he held them so they were above her head. He felt her fingers tighten as he entered her; her eyes slowly closed as she let out a breathy cry of pleasure. He felt his own labored breathing. He wanted to plunge deep and hard inside of her but she deserved better, he didn’t want to take her like a Neanderthal even if it was his instinct to do so.

  “Logan…” His name on her lips as he entered her snapped the last tenuous hold he had on his control. He plunged in to the hilt, her legs coming around his waist to pull him closer as her inner muscles clenched in an attempt to hold him inside of her. She arched her back on a moan and the need to see her, to look into her eyes while she felt the same perfection of pleasure as he did, “Zoe, open your eyes. Look at me.” She didn’t hesitate; slowly lifting her lashes she was staring at him with so much desire it took his breath away. She was divine. He had to pause before he dragged his cock out of her and back in; he was so close to coming it was almost embarrassing.

  “Love me, Logan. Please.” She didn’t hold anything back; she was real and loving, wanting and needing and he needed to love her. He had never felt the rush of his blood so hot, so hard through his veins. He was the master of his universe, he controlled everything, always - and the moment Zoe smiled at him, touched him, kissed him, he felt it slipping out of his palm.

  Raining kisses over her face - her cheeks, her chin, her forehead before he fused his lips to hers, he felt her hips tilt up in an invitation. He accepted. Not letting go of her hands his own hips moved to claim what he wanted so badly to be his. And she was, for tonight. “You’re so damn irresistible,” he bent down to whisper in her ear. She moaned and cried as he pumped into and out of her, her body meeting his with every thrust. She fit so perfectly against him, his other half, he thought suddenly. She made everything real, she wasn’t just someone to pass the time, she was dreams and fantasies, she gave meaning to what it was he was doing with his life. She was a gift he would always be thankful for and in that moment he knew he wanted more than one night. The only obstacle lied in convincing Zoe of that. “So damn beautiful.” He pulled back to look into her eyes, eyes that had become so dark with desire he didn’t think they could be considered a color. He leaned down pressing his lips against the soft skin of her neck, along her jaw as he started to feel her body shudder and shake. He pulled her earlobe between his teeth after whispering, “So gorgeous - you make me forget Zoe. You make it all disappear.” Suddenly her body clamped down on his as she cried out his name falling under the deep spell of spiraling ecstasy. She pulled him into her rapture, his climax blindsiding him and with a shout of pleasure his body went rigid before his shaking arms couldn’t hold his bodyweight any longer, falling on top of her.

  He didn’t know how long she bared his weight as his head was cocooned in the crook of her neck. He could still hear her heavy breathing and feel the erratic beat of her heart against his own. Worried he was crushing her, he pushed himself over her, his arms still shaky as he rolled off of her. Brushing away the damp hair that covered her forehead, he felt the crease form between his brows as she lay there with her eyes still closed. Did he hurt her? “Zoe? Are you okay, did I hurt you?” She opened her eyes slowly, turning her head to face him. The smile that spread across her kiss swollen lips could only be described as a satisfied woman. He couldn’t help one of his own as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into his side.

  She rested her chin on the back of her hand against his chest as she looked at him. “I’m more than okay and no, you didn’t hurt me. Thank you for asking.” Did she really just thank him for asking if she was okay? Who the hell had she been with before? He didn’t want to go there as he felt the now familiar rage at the thought of Zoe with someone else bubbling low in his belly. He knew he wasn’t small; he was big, everywhere, he wouldn’t know what he would do if he hurt her. “It was… amazing,” she sighed. He pulled her up to him, needing his lips pressed against hers. There was no rush, no urgency, just slow, lazy perusal.

  “Yes, it was,” he murmured against her lips. He felt her grin as she swung her leg over his waist, her long hair softly brushing his chest. She dragged her lips from his across his cheek to his neck, laving the small nips she was using to turn him on all over again. Her hips moved down and he felt the stirring of his erection underneath the heat of her core as she rocked against him. He loved how she just took what she wanted, and had no problem getting him to where he needed to be. His hands caressed her naked back, travelling down her curves until he reached the most perfect ass he had ever seen and helped push her to the edge. Her breaths became quicker, the kisses she was trailing over his collarbone becoming more insistent filled with need. With her moans and breathy gasps of pleasure he was rock hard. Talk about a turnaround time. “Condom,” they both breathed at the same time. Zoe let out a breathy laugh as she reached out to grab the nearest one. He moved to take it from her but she pulled back seductively biting her lower lip and shaking her head no. Logan wanted to close his eyes and groan but his eyes stayed on her as
she moved down his body kissing and licking as she went. She never stayed in one spot; she was driving him crazy. “Zoe,” Logan growled as a warning. She nipped his lower abdomen in response that had him nearly bucking off the bed. Nestled comfortably between his legs, she licked her lips staring at his turgid erection. He needed her to put the condom on, and now. If she didn’t he was going to flip her over and take control. But he knew she wanted this, and truthfully he did too. He didn’t know how many times over the past few days that he had pictured exactly this. She didn’t play with him; taking him in her hand, he watched her tongue part her seductive lips as she licked up his entire length including the drop of excitement that had seeped out before rolling the barrier onto him. She moaned her contentment, closing her eyes as if the taste of him was about to push her over the cliff. She prowled back over him. He grabbed her hips guiding her down. He couldn’t stop his hips from bucking into the hot cavern of her sex. He knew he should loosen his grip on her, that he was probably bruising her, but he couldn’t manage to get his fingers to move. Her head fell back, the ends of her hair tickling the tops of his thighs. Her hands moved to his chest, her nails digging into his flesh and he knew they were on the same plain, the path into rapture. “Come with me, Zoe.”

  “I’m there,” she breathed. He ground out her name at the same time she slammed down on top of him, her body going completely boneless on top of him. He felt her heavy breathing against his neck as the grin on his face grew. “I can hear your smile,” she mumbled sleepily as she snuggled closer to him. He let out a small chuckle before he quickly disposed of the condom. Pulling the covers over top of them, he wrapped her in his arms as she lay over him. He didn’t think he would ever be content sleeping with a woman, but with Zoe, it was more than content, it felt right.

  Chapter Ten

  Zoe’s heart hurt. She was on emotional overload and couldn’t seem to sort through the overwhelming feelings that were crashing around her. How was she supposed to think after multiple mind blowing orgasms? Multiple, that had never happened to her before. Her lashes fluttered as Logan tightened his hold on her, his warmth and security wrapping around her in a way she didn’t want to fall asleep for the fear of losing the feelings of the moment. She was in unchartered waters; she had never needed to have a man again and she had needed Logan again. She couldn’t get enough. And if exhaustion wasn’t taking over she would have pulled him over and into her - again. She frowned remembering his words, you make me forget Zoe. You make it all disappear. She wanted to heal his heart, whatever it was that was haunting him; she wanted to erase it along with the shadows under his eyes. What did she make him forget?

  She cursed herself silently; she was in too deep, their connection too strong that she felt herself pulling back simply because she had never felt anything like it before. She was scared. His arms tightened around her, almost as if he could read her thoughts, knew she was contemplating running. It was like he didn’t want to, couldn’t let her go and a part of her admitted she had never felt anything so warm, so sweet that she had to swallow past the lump that was growing in her throat. When had this all happened? She had never been so turned on in her life. She loved the idea of being with him, loved the memory of being with him, loved the feeling of lying in his arms. She loved the wicked promises he whispered in her ear, oh how she loved those promises. “Sleep Zoe,” he murmured against her hair. She kissed his chest and when she normally would have come back with a retort about issuing orders, all she could do was grin and do as she was told. She could feel his smile at her contented sigh. She just wanted to see him smile. It was magical when he smiled and on the rare occasion it happened, it was perfect. She didn’t know how to deal with this soul-deep longing she suddenly felt.

  Zoe woke feeling too warm, unusually overheated. She frowned not wanting to open her eyes when she rolled over into a very warm, very male body. Her heart stopped for a second as she gathered her bearings before cracking one eye open to find a smug Logan Savage staring at her. “Morning,” he smirked. Zoe groaned and rolled over pulling the pillow over her head. “Morning,” she mumbled. God she did not want him seeing her like this, all bed head, teeth un-brushed, raccoon eyes because he was too addictive last night for her to take it off before she threw herself at him like a desperate hooker - what the hell was wrong with her? He probably thought she slept with every guy who took her to dinner when the truth was, she had never had a reaction to a man like she had, or has, with Logan. “I’ll get breakfast started,” he told her, chuckling. She felt the bed move and shift telling her he was getting out of it. What she didn’t realize was that he was walking around to her side of the bed. Before she knew it, he ripped the pillow that was effectively hiding her and threw it across the room. He bent down pressing his lips to the soft skin below her ear, “You look beautiful.” She looked up at him in surprise as he gave her a small smile before slicing the moment by landing a hard hand on her naked ass, barely covered by a thin sheet. “Get up!” She found herself giggling as he walked out, pulling on a pair of grey sweatpants as he left. She cocked her head to get one last glimpse of the most glorious male behind she had ever seen - damn but she wanted to sink her teeth into it. Her heart clenched at his unexpected comment as she pondered what had happened between them. She had to admit to herself that something had changed between them; she could not longer look at him as just her security, especially after some of the most intimate moments of her life. Sure she had sex, she loved sex, but intimacy - it wasn’t something Zoe had ever experienced because she had never allowed someone in the way she did with him. Although, she wondered, did she allow him in or did he just barrel his way through? She didn’t have a label for last night, couldn’t slap a definition onto it but the one thing she did know for sure was that it wasn’t just sex, not for her at least. What could be said on his end? Maybe he was the type of guy that slept with pretty girls who threw themselves at him in restaurants; lord knows she didn’t really give him much of a choice. She rolled her eyes at herself, reprimanding her overactive mind; it was too early in the morning for that. She dragged herself from the bed, it lost its warmth once Logan had left, and threw up her hair before hopping into the shower. She could still feel his touch on every part of her, leaving an echo of the imprints he left on her body.

  Throwing on a pair of black skinny jeans and a casual tan blouse, she slung a pair of matching heels over her shoulder before following the mouth watering smells of breakfast. She was so nervous; she couldn’t remember ever not having the aura of calm about her that she now sorely lacked. She had never spent the night with a man to have him make her breakfast in the morning. She couldn’t stop the overanalyzing questions that seemed to be on repeat in her mind. Was she supposed to talk about last night, was she supposed to go up and kiss him, how was he going to feel, oh god, she had to stop! He turned at the sound of her approaching and damn! but the man hadn’t put a shirt on yet. Thoughts of last night and how she detailed his bare chest with her mouth sent a blush across her cheeks, but in the morning light as he stood at her stove she was able to really appreciate his pure masculine form. She wanted him to forget the damn food and spread her across the kitchen table instead. He took in her outfit appreciatively, “Hungry?” he asked. She nodded her head not trusting herself to speak, telling him it wasn’t the food that had her mouth watering. He plated the French toast and gestured for her to sit at the table. He placed a steaming mug of coffee in front of her along with her breakfast of cinnamon and syrup.

  “Thank you,” she smiled up at him. He looked momentarily taken back with her gratitude, a small frown forming between his eyebrows before he quickly masked it sitting across from her. Shoveling a forkful into her mouth she let the moan of satisfaction escape her. “Oh Logan, where did you learn to cook like this?” She opened her eyes to find him staring at her; his own a dark shade of lust. She gave him a knowing smile before filling her famishing stomach.

  Clearing his throat he told her, “I was the designate
d cook in the military.”

  “And aren’t I glad for it!” Biting into his own she allowed her eyes to roam to the white scar on his chest.

  “What happened?” she asked quietly.

  He didn’t have to ask what she was talking about as he caught her staring at what had to be a battle wound. Immediately he shut down, his eyes losing the playfully banked heat they held just moments ago.

  “Who was that guy last night when we were leaving the restaurant?” She didn’t try to hide her disappointed sigh, was he ever going to let her in or was he just going to use her to forget as he so eloquently put it. Last night it made her feel good, needed, when he said that, like maybe he felt something more than a hot night of passion. But if he wasn’t going to open up and talk to her, maybe she had been wrong. She felt her mask of indifference fall into place; it was so natural, it was her safety net. Because of situations like this, where she wondered if it was one thing and it turned out to be something totally different. It kept her heart protected and she would make sure not to let it falter again. He narrowed his eyes cocking his head slightly at her straighter shoulders and her look of resolve.


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