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Savage Seduction

Page 16

by J. Woods

  “Because I became a little distracted after that,” she told him with false innocence. He realized he would be the cause of said distraction.

  “Okay Zoe, I think that is it for the questions. For now at least.”

  “Sure, if you need anything else, just let me know. Although I don’t have any of my stuff, it’s all at my apartment.”

  “I had Max drop off your purse with your phone and some of your clothes,” Logan informed her casually.

  “You did?” He nodded his head receiving the smile that he couldn’t get enough of. “Thank you.” Ashbrook stood and after shaking both their hands and telling them he would keep them apprised of the situation, he climbed into his car and disappeared down the long driveway.

  “Feel like pizza for dinner?” he asked as they walked through his front door.

  “Mmm, pizza. Yes, can I help make?”

  “Of course, you didn’t think that you’d be doing something else did you?”

  “Nope,” she told him, shaking her head as she sent him a saucy grin.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Zoe sat at the island chopping peppers and shredding cheese while Logan stood across from her spreading the red sauce across the soft dough. He’d never had a woman in his house let alone in his kitchen helping him make dinner. He didn’t think he would like it, but their movements ebbed and flowed together as if they had done it a hundred times before. He thought back to the night before; he didn’t have nightmares that often anymore but when he did he knew they gripped him until the final scenes played out. When he realized he was in the dark shadows of one last night, it was too late to pull himself out of it. And when he finally did, Zoe was there with quiet comfort and soft kisses easing the pounding of his heart. He’d never told anyone what he’d told her last night. Even with the guys that had been there with him, they’d never discussed it; a mission was a mission and when it was over you took the next until each scene blended into the next. Of course he remembered each and every face and the emotions he carried with each one, because the day he stopped feeling was the day he knew to hand in his gun and shut down his company. But he’d never spoken about it before, with anyone. Sure his mom would try and pry it out of him sometimes, especially when he was discharged from the military, but Logan wasn’t one to talk about his feelings. He didn’t even have a solid reason why; it wasn’t as if he didn’t want to think about it because that was out of his control, he remembered the boy’s face and his last breath every single day. Even after he’d spilled his guts to her last night, he was grateful she didn’t push and pry. That was the most he’d ever opened up to anyone and he’d felt too raw, too vulnerable. He’d needed to lose himself in her, because that seemed to be the only thing that was able to take everything away. Because whenever he was with her it was just him and just her; there were no dark shadows, only rays of light and promises of hope. And it was something she’d seem to understand. He’d told her he needed her and she told him she was right there, he knew he’d lost his whole heart, not just stolen pieces she held in her hand. He shook his head wondering when he’d started waxing poetic. Get a grip Savage, he reprimanded himself silently. The oven sounded pulling him out of his distracting thoughts. Zoe smiled at him, a knowing look in her eye. “Why don’t you go pick out a movie while I put the pizza in.”


  They sat on the couch in front of the TV - Logan couldn’t remember the last time he’d watched a movie let alone with somebody. Zoe had her feet propped up on his thighs as she mowed down on her third slice. He adored the fact that she wasn’t a girl who preferred rabbit food; she was tiny and she was fit but she had curves that called to every one of his senses. He’d detailed every one of them over the past few days but he didn’t doubt that he would ever get enough.

  He’d noticed a stillness come over her. He turned to see if she was alright when he saw she’d fallen fast asleep. Her dark hair was fanned out over his couch cushion, her soft lips parted with heavy breaths. She had changed back into one of his t-shirts and a pair of his sweats when they got back home and he had to admit to himself that he felt a sense of possessive pride seeing her wearing his things. He gently lifted her feet from his lap placing them where he was just sitting before turning off the movie and lifting her into his arms. She immediately snuggled into his chest, her warmth seeping into the iceblock the resided in the middle of it. He didn’t know what he was going to do without her; she was going to move on with her life and he was going to go back to the cold empty darkness she took him from. He knew she was scared, anyone in their right mind would be but she was so determined, so strong that she used her fear to her advantage. She didn’t argue with him when he told her what to do, when she knew it was necessary, she just nodded her head and went along for the ride. But she certainly didn’t put up with any of his shit. She didn’t need his shoulder to cry on or for him to carry her to safety. She was the type of girl that walked beside him with her head held high, hell, he doubted she would let him carry her even if she wasn’t able to walk - her pride was almost as big as his. She was stubborn and hard headed, she was controlling and confident and she was lovely. He knew that their relationship, whatever definition it carried, was born out of the necessity of being together all the time. He knew she found him attractive, she made that much obvious, but he also knew she was Zoe Alcott, and she dated guys who wore suits and took her to fancy wine bars and talked about how much money they made. Logan didn’t, to any of the above. He placed her softly against the mattress. She reached up, “Logan.”

  “Shh, go back to sleep love. I’m right here, I’ll keep you safe.” Pulling the covers over her, he kissed her forehead before walking down the hall to his office. He let Axel out on the way; sitting behind his computer he pulled up the security camera’s lining his property. He could see Axel trained on a spot just within the forest before he turned to look back at the house and barked. Logan grabbed his gun and slipped from the house. The security line where Axel stood had been severed. Crouching down in the darkness Logan knew they were alone by the relaxed stance of his dog. The line looked like it had been gnawed as opposed to cut and with living in the midst of a forest and field, it wasn’t the first time it had happened. He would fix it in the morning. He stood up looking around and listening to the quiet of the night. “Come on boy, inside.”

  He stepped into his bedroom to see Zoe curled up where he’d left her. Quickly stripping his clothes he set the system before crawling in beside her. Before he was able to let out the breath that was trapped in his chest she rolled over, her arm draped over his stomach, her head resting against his chest. She threw her leg over his effectively entangling herself with him. He smiled; inhaling the scent of her hair before he pressed his lips to the top of her head. Closing his eyes, he knew his nightmares would rest at bay by the warmth of the woman in his arms.


  Zoe felt the butterflies in her stomach at the idea of having dinner at Logan’s mother’s house. His entire family was going to be there. She blew out a rough breath and finished lacing her lashes with the mascara Max had brought from her place along with some of her clothes and her purse. She was unfamiliar with the soft mushy feeling she had inside at the idea of Logan having his brother grab her things; unprompted. Smoothing out the soft summer dress, the nicest thing she could find in her bag, not that she could blame Max, he didn’t know her or what she would have preferred, she took one last glance in the mirror before jumping into the fire. Logan looked up from his seat on the couch. A slow smile spread across his kissable lips as he took in her dress and the makeup she had been without for two days. “Ready?” he asked.

  “What are we bringing?”

  “What do you mean?” The frown between his eyebrows was comical.

  “Logan, we have to bring something, do you have a bottle of wine or anything?”

  “We don’t have to bring anything, and no I don’t have a bottle of wine to bring.”

  “Is there a flower
shop on the way? I have to bring something.”

  “No flower shop and you don’t have to bring anything.” She rolled her eyes as she walked past him and through the door leading outside. She knew he was following her, she could feel his amusement but she was too frustrated with his male ignorance to care. She walked toward the field when she heard him call after her, “Where are you going?” She raised her hand waving him away. Bending down she gathered a handful of the small blue wildflowers moving onto the next patch of pink until she was satisfied with the large bouquet she held in her hand. Grabbing a long stem of thick grass she wound it around the base securing the floral arrangement together. She turned back with a smug smile as Logan shook his head in interested confusion. She climbed in the door he opened for her and watched as he rounded the truck to sit behind the wheel. She stared out the window as they drove into civilization; Logan lived on some of the most beautiful property she’d ever seen. His location couldn’t be more perfect, his living conditions would be considered rural, isolated, but he really was only a couple minutes drive into the city. She had to admit she was jealous. She’d always loved country living and the only reason why she lived in the heart of the city was because it was convenient. She loved everything about Logan’s property; the large cabin, the forest co-mingling with the running field, even the air was fresher - everything was just more... alive. And it felt like a secret, his secret and she had been let in on it.

  “I’m nervous,” she admitted.

  “About what?” he asked keeping his eyes on the road.

  “About meeting your family. I mean, it’s weird right? You bringing me along because you have to babysit me... have you ever had to bring someone from a mission to meet your parents before? I feel like I’m intruding.” She clamped her lips together knowing she was rambling, her feminine insecurities showing.

  He turned to her with a frown, his eyes hard letting her know he didn’t approve of her choice of words, she assumed the babysitting part. “No I’ve never brought anyone home to meet my parents, no you’re not intruding and no it’s not weird. Stop over analyzing it. It’s just dinner.” She tapped her finger against her lips; she didn’t know if him saying he hadn’t brought anyone home meant he’d never brought a girl home or he’d never brought someone from a mission home. Secretly she’d hoped for the first. She wondered how he was going to introduce her; was she just Zoe Alcott, someone under his protection or was she Zoe, the girl who turned out to be more than that, his girl. “Stop overanalyzing it,” he repeated.

  She turned to him with an attempt at a bright smile, “Okay.” She mentally reeled herself in, she was overanalyzing and it was making her crazy - it would make him crazy too if he knew what it was she was contemplating. She didn’t doubt she would be handed off to someone else as the crazy girl who fell for her bodyguard if he knew what she was thinking, probably classify it as hero worship or some bullshit.

  Twenty minutes later he pulled the truck up to an old Victorian style home that screamed family. Zoe smiled picturing a small dark haired boy running around the yard, chasing his brothers and sisters while his parent’s sipped iced tea, watching on from the porch swing.

  Walking up the pathway, Logan’s hand found the small of her back, his touch a familiar comfort in the past few days. Climbing the stairs they were met by a stunning woman who could only be Logan’s mother. Her dark hair hung around her shoulders, her light eyes held the warmth of a loving parent and when her arms opened, Zoe had the insane urge to run into them. Of course she held that one back. She stepped to the side as his mom framed his face, kissing his cheek before he wrapped an arm around her kissing the top of her head. “Hi, Ma.”

  “Hi, honey. I’m glad you were able to make it.” She turned to Zoe with a smile at the same time she held out the bouquet in her hand.

  “Mom, this is Zoe.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you Mrs. Savage. I’m sorry I’m crashing your dinner.”

  “Oh you are so sweet, thank you for the flowers. They are completely unnecessary but lovely all the same. And please, call me Juliette, Mrs. Savage is my mother in law and I don’t want to feel older than I have to,” she winked. She threaded her arm through Zoe’s guiding her into the house as she told her, “And you’re not crashing anything, the more the merrier.” She guided her into the living room and the ease Zoe was feeling a moment before was completely erased when she was faced with the entire Savage clan gathered together. Boy they were an intimidating bunch. Juliette kept her arm locked with hers and Zoe knew it was a silent warning which she appreciated. Greatly.

  “Hello,” Zoe smiled with a small wave to the room. She was met with intrigued stares before Logan’s father stood and held out his hand for her to take. “David Savage, it’s so nice to meet you, Zoe.”

  “Likewise,” she agreed. She went through each and every Savage taking a mental snapshot of each; she wished they were wearing nametags. Aiden, Nate and Roxy, Luke, Cameron and Stella. Max brought up the rear, “Hey, gorgeous.”

  “Hi, Max.” She laughed as he made a spectacle of taking her hand and kissing the back of it.

  Logan stepped in pulling her fingers from his brother’s. “Let’s grab a drink.”

  Logan pulled her into the kitchen where she took in a calming breath realizing it was just the two of them. “You alright?” he asked with an arrogant smirk. She went to slap him playfully on his chest but before she could make contact he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into him.

  She looked up into the warmth of his eyes and nodded, “Yes, I’m fine.” She hated the cold they sometimes held, the shades of dark, almost an indiscernible colour, could be so emotionless, so blank. It had disappeared, mostly, over the past few days and there were still moments when he was distanced, closed off, but around his family she saw none of the hardness. She went up on her tiptoes, stealing a kiss while they weren’t surrounded by the excitement of his family. Even on her tiptoes he had to bend down to reach her, his hand tangling in her loose hair as he nipped at her lower lip at the same time she tried to sink her teeth into his causing them both to grin and chuckle at their constant war for dominance. His fingers moved to her jaw effectively locking her in place as his lips touched hers. She immediately lost her grin to a sigh of pleasure when their tongues met with a new familiarity and soft exploration. Her eyes opened when it was obvious Logan’s mom had raised her voice before walking into the kitchen. Did Juliette know that she was sharing her son’s bed? Logan grinned against her mouth before pressing one last chaste kiss to her lips. His mom walked through the door and Zoe felt like she was a teenager getting caught making out with the bad boy behind the bleachers. Logan didn’t seem to mind as he took his time pulling away from her, the arrogance in his grin written all over his face at the blush that she knew covered her cheeks. “Wine?”

  “Yes please.” She raised an eyebrow at him before turning to his mom. “What can I help with?”

  “Oh well, I’m not one to turn down offered help! Grab an apron from that drawer sweetheart and we’ll get to work.”

  “And that’s my cue.” Logan handed her the glass of chilled white wine before sending her a wink and pushing through the swinging door.

  “Coward!” she called after him, smiling at his returning laugh. She looked over to find Juliette staring at her with a pondering look. She brightened her grin.

  “You make him smile,” she said, almost as if to herself.

  Zoe shrugged, “He does the same for me.” Zoe didn’t want to hide how she felt for him, she knew she wouldn’t be good at it but she also had no idea where on the spectrum Logan sat. Even through her inner apprehensions Juliette gave her a smile that told her she didn’t have to explain anything.

  Zoe didn’t want to feel intimidated and really, she had no reason to be, especially when they were all so warm and welcoming. But she found herself calling on the strength in her confidence when the rest of Logan’s sisters walked into the kitchen ready to cook. And question. She apprecia
ted their discreet inquiries; she could tell they weren’t sure if she was here as part of a mission for Savage Security or just with Logan. In truth, she couldn’t answer that question any better than they could. Over the next thirty minutes she found out that Stella was a paramedic, Cameron was a wiz when it came to computers and Roxy, the youngest of them all was finishing her military flight training to become a pilot. She’d heard childhood stories, smiling when she noticed the pattern centered on Logan. The dynamics of this family were so different from hers - it wasn’t that she didn’t talk to her parents or open up to them, but the Savage family were so close, goading and teasing with warmth that she felt weaving around her as they brought her into boundless love for each other.

  Standing over the stove stirring the pot of bubbling marinara, she heard Logan provoking one of his brothers before he walked into the kitchen. He stopped short, staring at what had become the female domain of the house, everyone in aprons, chopping, cutting or mixing together... something.

  “Logan, would you let us take out Zoe for a girl’s night? Just for a couple of drinks,” Roxy asked with pleading eyes. Zoe turned to her quickly, surprised at her question. He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before turning to her with a determined look in his eye. She kept her face blank not wanting to cause trouble even if a girl’s night sounded like a luxury she’d been without for a long time. It wasn’t that she wanted time away from Logan; she loved spending time in his space, in his arms, protected and thoroughly and passionately loved between his sheets. But she hadn’t had the time without him to gather her scattered, confused thoughts. Something she desperately needed to do. She felt his warmth before he placed his hand on her hip standing behind her. “No.” She tightened her lips in disappointment although she knew it wasn’t possible, she did have a crazy man after her who’d gone AWOL. He bent down over her shoulder inhaling the aroma of the sauce. “Smells good.”


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