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Savage Seduction

Page 21

by J. Woods

  “Okay good,” the doctor started. “I’m Dr. Farner.”

  “How is she?” Logan asked cutting her off. Her understanding smirk let him know it wasn’t the first time that had happened to her.

  “She’ll be fine. She has a concussion, I had to stitch up her arm and she has some bruising and contusions on her face and around her head. She’ll have one hell of a headache for a few days. When she came in she was going into shock and she was very dehydrated. She’s gone through a hell of an ordeal. She’s on an IV and I would like to keep her overnight for observation. She’s aware of this.”

  “Can we see her?” Rachel asked.

  “Sure. She is sleeping right now so don’t wake her up. I’ve given her a sedative to help her rest. Her body needs to heal.”

  “Understood,” Logan nodded.

  “She’s down the hall and make a right. Room 205.”

  “Thank you!” they called already walking away from the good doctor.

  Logan stood at the foot of her bed watching her sleep while Rachel moved to the chair beside her head. He swallowed over the unfamiliar lump in his throat. Her face was swollen and badly bruised; he would be surprised if she could open her one eye. Her skin was an array of blacks and blues, her arm was marred with the same colours, while a white bandage covered most of the discolouring. He couldn’t help but blame himself. If he had been there, he might have been able to stop her from getting hurt. His phone buzzed in his pocket and as much as he didn’t want to leave her side he knew he should give Rachel a couple of minutes alone with her. “I’ll be right outside.” She nodded and turned back to Zoe, taking her lifeless hand in hers.


  “Savage, how is she?”

  “Sleeping. Concussion and bruising, some stitches but she’ll be okay.”

  “Glad to hear it. When she’s up to it I’ll need to come see her with some questions.”

  “Not today,” he commanded. He needed time with her before she was interrogated. She needed to know he wasn’t going anywhere, that he’d be by her side the entire time. She didn’t need to relive it alone. “That’s fine. Ledetski was pronounced dead. Found with a knife wound in his throat. There was an obvious struggle and he clearly wasn’t the one to walk away.” Logan felt a fierce jolt of pride run through him and he knew now more than ever, his Zoe was a warrior. “Although the room in which he was found, the walls were completely covered in photos, articles, newspaper clippings, drawings of Zoe it seemed over the past ten years.”

  “What the fuck?” Logan almost yelled catching the attention of the nurses behind the desk. “Sorry,” he waved to them, flashing a grin that thawed the daggers of ice they were shooting him.

  “There’s one of you and Zoe. In her apartment.” The red of Logan’s rage morphed into black, his entire body shaking with it at the thought of him taking photos of his woman. And if he had the balls to take photos of her while he was there, what did he do when he wasn’t? He could just picture him lying on the rooftop across from Zoe’s window all day and night waiting to catch a glimpse of her. Damn, it made him sick to think of what she had to go through, alone, for hours with him.

  “If that piece of shit wasn’t already dead I swear to god I would kill him with my own hands.”

  “I’m not going to argue with you there. I also wanted to let you know we’ve let Alex Sullivan go, but I told him to stay in town. I’ll contact you tomorrow when I’m on my way to see Zoe.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  Placing his phone back in his pocket he walked back in the room seeing Rachel get up out of the chair, tears running down her cheeks. “It’s silly. I know she’s going to be okay,” she started to explain. “It’s just tough seeing her lying here like this.”

  “I know. But as you said, she’s the strongest person either of us knows. And you should know better than any of us, when she wakes up she’s going to be raising hell to get out of here.”

  Rachel laughed, wiping her face with the back of her hand. “You’re absolutely right. But I’ll let you have some time with her. When she wakes up tell her I love her and I’ll be back soon.”

  “Thank you.” He took her spot beside Zoe’s head, watching her chest rise and fall with her soft, even breathing.

  “Oh and Logan?”


  “Don’t hurt my friend again.” He smiled, admiring Rachel’s loyalty. He could see how alike they were and the bonds that held their friendship together. “I won’t Rachel. You have my promise.”

  “Good,” she nodded her approval before turning to walk out.

  He picked up Zoe’s fingers; they looked so small and frail in his. Bringing them to his mouth he kissed each one. “I’m here baby, I’m here. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” With his other hand he reached up to brush her hair away from her face. She was so beautiful, the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He reached up to wipe at his cheek, his palm coming away wet. He couldn’t remember the last time he cried but the thought of never seeing her again, of the danger she was in and how frightened she must have been. The thought that some crazy stalker could have taken her from him was too overwhelming to do anything else. “Forgive me,” he whispered against her knuckles before pressing his lips to them again, the steady beat of her heart against his own hand a reassuring rhythm he didn’t ever want to be without.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Zoe felt the grip of the sedation lift; warm rays of sun streaming over her face beckoning to her out of the sleep she wanted to stay in. She knew she was in the hospital, she remembered the doctor asking her questions before she sent her off into a wonderful oblivion of nothing. The sterile smell of the building infused her senses but it was the warmth of the hand that held hers that was pulling her out of her slumber. She opened her eyes before closing them quickly, the bright light of the room piercing through her head. “Zoe?” She could feel his warmth wrapping around her; opening her eyes slowly she found his concerned eyes were bloodshot and red rimmed.

  “Hi,” he smiled hesitantly.

  “Hi,” she croaked. She opened her mouth to say more but her throat was so dry, the words stuck to her tongue.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I...” she frowned in frustration unable to talk but Logan took her expression the wrong way. Sitting on the edge of his chair he looked so earnest in what he was about to say. “...need some water,” she managed, cutting him off.

  “Oh, okay.” He got up, reluctantly letting her hand go; she heard him call to the nurse for water, coming back a moment later with a cup in his hand.

  Helping her sit up she took a much needed sip, relishing in the cool liquid that moistened the dry desert of her mouth. “Thank you.”

  He took her hands in his, “Just please hear what I have to say before you kick me out.”

  She wasn’t one of those women that needed a man, she could well handle herself but she had to admit, secretly of course, that she didn’t want to kick him out. She wanted him to hold her and love her and tell her he wasn’t ever going to leave again. But her feminine pride only allowed so much so she kept the placid look on her face as she nodded her approval. She watched as he waged within himself what to start with first.

  “I messed up Zoe. I should never have treated you the way I did and I should have never left. If I didn’t, then maybe you wouldn’t be lying in this hospital bed.” She frowned; she didn’t want him to blame himself because Steven Ledetski was a crazy, disillusioned bastard. She opened her mouth to correct him but he barrelled over her, continuing with what he needed to say. “It was my own stupid pride that I allowed to cloud my vision. I assumed you were going to leave when you didn’t need me anymore and I wanted to protect myself and be the one to leave first. But I... I didn’t want to. I just...” Zoe felt her eyes well with tears, the pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together. Her heart still hurt, but sitting in front of him as he tried to explain his actions, his words torn straight from his chest, he loo
ked like a broken man. She already forgave him; she yelled, she screamed, she made a scene, she was over it. She wasn’t one to hold a grudge. And she loved him. But she knew she had to finish hearing what he was trying to say and he needed to get it out. She didn’t want to feel hope, didn’t want to set herself up again - that would be stupid, so she sat there and remained silent, hoping her dampened lashes didn’t overflow onto her cheeks. “We never talked about what was going to happen after and that’s my fault. I should have talked to you about it. And then you came to my parent’s and my family fell in love with you and then I got the call and I knew... I didn’t think I would be able to handle it if you walked away. So I did. And you were right, I was an asshole and...

  “I had everything planned. I’ve been working on it for almost a week. I had no idea what you were going to say when you saw me, and I swear Zoe, I’ve never been so fucking nervous in my life. But then I got the call when I was on my way to come see you. That was the worst phone call of my life.” She lost the battle, feeling the warm stream of liquid fall down her cheek. She was wrong, Logan wasn’t an asshole. He was scared. And as much as she didn’t agree with how he handled it, she could understand the fear behind it. Because she felt it too. She’d never been with someone who made her feel the way Logan did and if she was honest with herself he scared the shit out of her and thoughts of running had attacked her on more than one occasion when she was with him. She was so drawn to him, to who he was as a person, to his heart, to his dark eyes that held so many secrets, to his rock hard six pack. She squeezed his hands granting him a small, tearful smile.

  “What did you have planned?” she whispered. God she loved him; her heart felt too big for her chest and she instinctively knew he felt the same. She could hear it in every word he’d just said, in the desperate pleading in his eyes, in the slight tremble in his hands. But she wasn’t ready to give in yet. She’d already poured her heart out to him, even if it was while she was calling him an asshole; she wanted to hear him say it. It was silly and stupid and she knew she was falling into the classic needy feminine trap, it was unchartered waters but she was wading through them anyways. The look of hope that sparked in his eyes was almost comical. She noticed how he moved closer, his thumbs creating small circles on the inside of her palms.

  “I’m hoping I can still show you. But I need to know how I can get you to forgive me first.”

  “Tell me what I want to hear.”

  “I’m sorry.” Zoe stared into his warm eyes, the chips of ice she saw a week ago gone. She shook her head silently. “I miss you.” She shook her head again.

  “You’re beautiful.” Zoe felt her grin as she continued to shake her head no.

  “Move in with me.” She felt her hair moving about her head with the constant movement.

  “Marry me.” She felt her mouth drop open; momentarily stunned she quickly recovered and continued her silent denial of his questions. He raised both hands, his palms cupping her bruised face as he rested his forehead against hers. “Zoe. I love you,” he breathed. She nodded her head unable to stanch the tears that now soaked his fingers.

  Logan hadn’t meant to say any of that, it wasn’t his plan to ask her to move in with him let alone marry him but it wasn’t regret that was exciting the nerves within him, it was hope. “Is that a yes, that’s what you wanted to hear or a yes to my questions?”

  “Both,” she whispered before pulling his lips to touch hers. “I missed you,” she told him between kisses.

  “I missed you so much , Zoe. I’m so sorry.”

  “No more, you’re forgiven. I love you.” His returning smile was breathtaking. “There are a few people in the waiting room that want to see you. Are you up for visitors?”

  “Visitors?” She didn’t want visitors, she wanted to go home and show Logan how much she missed him. “When do I get to go home?”

  “Hopefully tomorrow morning,” a third voice answered. They both turned to see Dr. Farner entering her room. “I’m glad to see you’re awake. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m feeling good.” She knew it was mostly because of the man sitting in front of her refusing to let go of her fingers.

  “How do your injuries feel?” the doctor asked with a knowing raised eyebrow.

  Zoe smiled, “Honestly, I’m a bit sore.”

  “That’s to be expected. Your pain killers should be wearing off. How does your head feel, on a scale of one to ten pain-wise.”

  “Maybe a six.”

  “Six?” Logan repeated surprised. He stood up, towering over her, “You need to lie down, I shouldn’t be keeping you up.” She reached up placing her palm over his heart.

  “Logan, don’t start. I’m okay.” He gave her a look that told her he didn’t quite believe her. “I promise.”

  “I’m going to give you another dose of pain killers. I understand there are some people here to see you and that’s fine, they can come in for a short visit but the medication will make you drowsy and sleepy. Don’t fight it; you’re going to need your sleep in order to heal.”

  “Understood Doctor, I’ll ensure they don’t overstay their welcome.”

  “Great,” she laughed, walking around Zoe’s bed attaching a new bag to her IV before she threaded her fingers through her hair. Zoe winced, squeezing Logan’s hand when she prodded the soft spots. She could see the sudden concern on his face, her fierce protector about to get out of his seat when the doctor pulled back. “Okay, the swelling doesn’t seem to be increasing which is a good thing. You’ll start to feel the medication soon.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll be back in a bit to check on you. I’ll send in your visitors.”


  Logan leaned in before his family stormed through the door, “Feeling okay? I can tell them to come back later.” He loved the feeling of her fingers against the stubble on his face. He was exhausted but none of it mattered in the wake of Zoe telling him she loved him. Nothing else mattered. He wanted to ravish her, to show her how much he loved her and how sorry he was. He’d missed out on a week of worshiping every inch of her and he needed to make up for it. He wanted to consume her lips, to make out with her like they were in high school but had to settle for soft teasing kisses that he knew would give him a permanent hard on.

  “Feeling okay,” she confirmed against his mouth. Zoe pulled away at the sound of someone clearing their throats; Logan didn’t give a shit. He finally had his girl back and didn’t want to share her with anybody. But he sat back knowing he was being completely irrational; he looked over at his brother’s smirk while he threaded his fingers through Zoe’s.

  “Hi,” she smiled.

  “Zoe? Zoe, oh my god, darling!”

  “Mom? Dad?” She looked to Logan, “How...?”

  “He called and changed our flight so we could be here. Oh honey!” He watched her mom’s eyes fill with worried tears.

  “It’s okay Mom. I’m okay, I promise.” Her dad nodded his head and Logan could see where she got some of her strong backbone from.

  “Zoe! How are you feeling?” Rachel asked pushing through the bunch. She smiled noticing their entwined hands.

  “I’m good Rach.”

  “That’s a pretty sweet shiner you got going on,” she smirked.

  “You’re looking good gorgeous,” his brother cut in.

  “Thanks Max.”

  “Oh Zoe! I’m so happy you’re okay.” He smiled at his mom’s enthusiasm and appreciated that his family came to check on her. He realized they were good at small talk; he knew Max had told them the basis of what she’d been through but he knew she hadn’t yet talked to Ashbrook for her questioning and had obviously made it clear to stay away from the subject. Even Logan hadn’t had the chance to find out what really happened.

  Half an hour later he could see Zoe struggling to keep her eyes open even as she tried to maintain the smile and her end of the endless chatter of bother her parents and his. “Okay guys, I think Zoe needs to get some res
t now.” She gave his hand a grateful squeeze and ushered them out of the room as they said their goodbyes while he promised to call them all tomorrow with an update. She was almost asleep when he got back to her bedside. Her hair was fanned out across the pillow, her face turned toward his chair. Sitting down, he leaned in brushed the stray strands of hair from her face. Her eyes fluttered at his touch. “Logan...?” The almost worried tone in her voice made him frown. He pressed his lips softly to the bruises across her face, her cheek, her temple and around her eye. He wanted to take away every worry she had, every fear that asshole embedded within her.

  “Shh, go to sleep love. You’re safe. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.” She let out a contented sigh, falling into the sleep that was pulling her down. He sat for long moments softly petting her hair, running his fingers down her uninjured arm; he just needed to touch her, to assure himself that she was safe, she was here and alive. He was so proud of her, how she fought and never gave up. He’d had his own share of nightmares and he knew this one would stay with her for a while but he vowed he would be there when it worked its way out of the shadows.

  The next morning the doctor had redressed her arm and checked her bruises for any further swelling. With everything healing nicely she was given the green light to go home. “I’m desperate for a shower,” she groaned. He helped her stand from the bed, making sure she was steady on her feet.

  “I told Ashbrook to meet us at home so the shower may have to wait a little longer.” She stopped suddenly and his stomach turned thinking he’d hurt her. “What is it?”

  “You just said, you told him to meet us at home.”

  “Yeah?” He didn’t understand.

  “I just like the way that sounds,” she admitted.

  “Me too,” he grinned. He was amazed at how just a few short weeks ago, before Zoe; if he were having this conversation with anyone else he’d be running far and away. But with her, nothing else felt more right.


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