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Embracing Emily (#7 Warriors of Kelon)

Page 2

by Angela Castle

Emily suppressed the urge to yell at her father. She pressed her lips together as a throb started in her temple, and then she drew in another deep breath.

  “If I take this job, let me make this clear. I am not moving back home.”

  The Colonel’s lips twitched up into his ‘we’ll see' smile. “Emily, we’re all we have left now: you can’t blame me for wanting my only daughter near, especially with your condition.”

  Sadness filled his eyes when they drifted to the photo of her mother still sitting on his desk. Emily’s anger melted, replaced with the same heavy sadness, the emptiness of her mother’s loss still ached deep within.

  “I miss her, too, Dad, but it was her who wanted me to live a full life not a half-life.” She shifted the folder to place her hand on his arm, and the Colonel suddenly pulled her into a tight hug. Emily realised how lonely he must be feeling. It was only two years since she’d moved out and two more since he’d lost his wife—and she, her mother—to breast cancer.

  He set her aside as her mind whirled for an answer for them both and she sighed, feeling her resistance fading. “I need my space, Dad, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be closer.”

  The Colonel nodded, his game face back in place. “A fair compromise. I can offer you a house on base for the duration of your contract.” It looked as if he was talking to himself now. “Read the file and let me know soon, so I can make the arrangements. You’ll like this job, Em. Despite the media hype, these Kelons are good people. We need to help the rest of the world to see it too, to see they are bring us advances to help us cure things like cancer, heck, even the common cold. We can’t blow this opportunity.”

  Damn the man, he used every form of emotional manipulation against her. What were a few immigrants learning English against the medical advancement of the human race?

  “I’ll get back to you soon.” She clutched the file, leaning more heavily on her crutch as she continued out of her father’s office. The sorrow making her heart heavy was for her father; he always had trouble letting go, but even if these Kelons did help bring a cure for cancer and fix other illnesses plaguing humanity, it could never bring back those already lost.

  * * * *

  “Why am I here?”

  Standing in Kelon Prime high command was the last place he wanted to be.

  “Watch your tone, Vallarr.” High Commander Kerr folded his arms. Vallarr met Kerr’s cool gaze. “I was told you were fit for active duty again.”

  Vallarr shook his head. “No.” It did not matter if he regained all his strength and fought daily in the training arena. Physically he was fit, mentally...There was no way he would ever be ‘fit’ again.

  “No?” Kerr's brow plate rose as he studied Vallarr. He dropped his hand before lowering himself into a chair and picked up a data pad, scrolling through the information.

  “Your wounds have healed. I see you are having daily, extended training sessions with the younger warriors, and the report from Healer Solron has cleared you. You are fit for duty.”

  Vallarr’s gut clenched at the mention of the healer, the memory of Sara’s sad eyes haunted him as much as...He fought back the bile rising in his throat as guilt swamped him. It was the main reason he spent so much time exercising and fighting—to keep his mind from slipping back, going into a constant loop of 'what ifs' and flesh stripping regrets.

  Vallarr shook his head. “I am no longer fit to command a ship or warriors. If you think—”

  High Commander Kerr dropped the data pad on the table with a clatter. “I am not giving you command of a ship. I have a different mission for you. I am assigning you as guard, off world.”

  His stomach slowly settled, relieving his shoulders of some of their tension. It was fitting they send him away after the shame of his actions six weeks ago. He was nothing but a failure. What kind of commander let so many in his care die?

  “I understand, High Commander. What am I to guard?”

  Kerr’s lips twitched up into a smile. “No, Commander, I do not think you do understand; it is who, not what you will be guarding. We are setting up a new embassy and healing research centre on Earth, and we are putting a lot of effort into this new, tentative alliance with the humans. You, Commander Vallarr, will be in charge of the guard contingent. Human males are unpredictable and prone to aggression when they do not understand things. You are to keep the peace and see to everyone’s safety.”

  “You cannot be serious!” Vallarr’s mind exploded into a sandstorm of emotions. How could High Command let him protect others on a planet he never wanted to see—and be among a people he’d failed.

  Kerr narrowed his gaze. “I am very serious.”

  “But I am damaged. Earth is the last place I should go.” His words rose in an angry yell.

  Kerr rose to his feet, his body rigid. “Are you refusing to follow my direct order, Commander Vallarr, refusing to do your duty?”

  Damn fire demons, there is no getting out of this. He drew in several deep breaths, trying to calm his pounding heart.

  “No, High Commander, I apologize. Of course, I will do my duty.”

  Kerr nodded. “Go pack, you leave in twelve hours. Keep our healers and science officers safe, Commander Vallarr. Dismissed.”

  Vallarr turned. Keeping them safe from the humans was easy, but who would keep them safe from him? He wanted to question the High Commander’s orders. Why send a damaged warrior to Earth? Kerr read the reports, he knew what happened.

  Suck it up, be the warrior you were trained to be, not this weak coward you have turned into!

  Chapter 2

  Emily hated long corridors, stiff pale-patterned vinyl floors and white painted walls with long fluoro tubs for lighting at intervals. No matter how modern or new, they were dull, dry and void of all personality. Worst of all, they echoed with the clanking of her crutch while she hobbled through to reach her assigned classroom. Entering the base, being surrounded by strong, military men, she felt the weight of her disability for the first time in a while. Despite her get out and have a go attitude, her love of comfort food helped her pack on a few extra, unwanted kilos. In short, she stood out among the tall, fit and healthy.

  You can do anything you put your mind to, Em, girl. She smiled at the voice of her mother in her head, shaking off silly thoughts of self-pity.

  “Miss Morland!” She turned at her name and the quickened pace of heavy military boots hitting the same floor as he jogged to catch up with her.

  The tall man in casual uniform halted and gave her a salute. Emily rolled her eyes.

  “You do know I’m a civilian.” She tilted her chin at his lowering hand. “You shouldn’t do that for me.”

  Young and handsome, his face curved up in a grin. “Sorry, miss, you being the Colonel’s daughter and all, and it’s kind of habit.”

  Without a doubt, her father would have made it clear, she was his daughter and to be respected. The Colonel, when in a bad mood, was not a man to be trifled with.

  “I’m Lieutenant Jon Simmons, at your service, well...I’ve been assigned to make sure everything runs smoothly and you don’t get into trouble with...well, your new students.”

  “Say it as it is, Lieutenant, you’re my guard.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “Yes, the Colonel was very clear about—”

  She waved her hand at him. “If you’re going to be hanging around me at least you could be helpful...” She held out her heavy bag filled with language books.

  “Of course.” He relieved her of the bag.

  “I left a box of classroom items in my car, do you think they could be—”

  He already unclipped his radio and ordered who knows who to retrieve her box.

  “You should have come to the front and asked for help.”

  Her right eyebrow raised at his gentle, scolding tone, but his gaze dropped to her crutch.

  “My little brother was born with scoliosis. He’s a tough little cookie, stubborn and never asking for help when he needs it.”

  Hearing about the Lieutenant's brother softened her somewhat towards the man smiling in empathy.

  “People with disabilities value their independence, but thank you, Lieutenant, I’ll ask for help the next time I need it. What’s your brother’s name?”

  “Josh. He turns ten next month.”

  Emily eyed the smiling, strapping young man. He must be late-twenties and nearly six foot, and he clearly adored his little brother.

  The military compound, ‘New Hope’, was set up right by the Dandenong Ranges, two hours from Melbourne. She only arrived this morning, with a few suitcases in her car, flatly refusing her father’s offer to have movers come in and box up her whole apartment. Her living on base would be temporary, so she packed only enough to feel comfortable and at home.

  Security checked her identification and gave her keys to one of the on-base houses; she would figure out where it was later. Now, there were other things to ponder.

  “Is this why you’re here, Lieutenant? Everyone I’ve met on this human/Kelon initiative appears to be personally touched by something, some kind of illness or birth defect.”

  He looked uncomfortable. “Kind of not allowed to talk about that, but I think it helps create empathy and willingness to work harder to make the initiative with the aliens succeed.”

  It made sense.

  “Kelons, Lieutenant, and our friends,” she reminded him. Deep inside, her stomach fluttered with nerves. She only ever caught glimpses of them on news clips, always looking larger than life and fierce.

  “Of course, these ones seem nice, except for their head of Kelon Security. Vallarr is his name, right old grump. I don’t think he wants to be here, on Earth that is.”

  Ah, how she had not missed the close-knit gossip which came with living on military bases. She has been on a few, dragged around half the world with her mother and father.

  They resumed walking down the corridor at her pace, her crutch clanking with every other step. “Vallarr?” She liked how the name rolled off her tongue.

  “Big fellow, he doesn’t do much other than sit in the corner with his arms folded and growls at any attempt to be friendly.” Jon lowered his voice. “Personally, I heard talk about him being sent here as punishment for something.”

  It didn’t sound right, the Kelons would not send a criminal to Earth. “What kind of a girl are you? Next, you’ll be asking me over to paint toe nails, drink margaritas and talk about all the girls you’ve dated.”

  Simmons’s face reddened, but he chuckled.

  “Don’t put your trust into gossip, Lieutenant.”

  “That’s what my mum always tells us.” Simmons shrugged. “Trust me, sweetheart, I’m far from being a girl.”

  Emily grinned at him. “Sure, sure, big tough man to have to guard a crippled teacher.” Making jokes helped hide her growing apprehension. The Colonel assured her the Kelon males, now living and working in the new facility, although they were all over six-foot four, would be kind and respectful. Still, it didn’t help her nerves. First meetings were always full of uncertainty. She was there to teach and, hopefully, learn something herself in the process.

  “Don’t put yourself down, Emily, you’re a smart woman.”

  She smiled at his compliment before glancing at her watch. “Class starts in ten minutes. I don’t want to be late for the first lesson.”

  “Third door on the left is your classroom; mess hall is down the end.”

  She already knew the layout of the base. It was in the files her father had given her, but Jon didn’t need to know it.

  He opened the door, letting her enter and following behind. She was a little surprised by the small, raised platform where her desk sat, near the large, adjustable computerised whiteboard. There was also a railing along the sides where she would walk or stand when talking to her class.

  It meant she could leave her crutch behind and use the rail to lean against. The same as through her house—rails in the bathroom and hallways. Her dad taking care of her again. She smiled at his thoughtful gesture.

  “Everything okay?” She glanced up to see Simmons studying her.

  “Yes. A bit nervous, I guess. I’m sure teaching Kelons will be a little different to new immigrants.”

  “Only a few of us have volunteered to be implanted with their translators, so we can communicate properly. The rest is up to you, to teach them English. Colonel Morland wouldn’t have appointed you if he didn’t have full confidence in your teaching skills. Being such a lovely lady, no doubt you’ll have them hanging off your every word.” He winked, flirtatiously.

  “I guess so,” she murmured, turning slightly to hide the flush creeping into her apple cheeks. Handsome men, such as the Lieutenant, didn’t flirt with Emily Morland, which had been her experience so far. No, she was far too busy with other things to care about dating and the rejection which came after.

  She mentally winced, maybe she wasn’t living her life to fullest after all, as she promised her mum before she passed away. With a sigh, she easily dismissed Simmons’s flirtation as harmless, only trying to help ease her nerves.

  He kept his smile, hovering the other side of her desk. “Need any help with anything?” He placed her bag down. “I won’t be doing much, but standing here watching them watch you.”

  “You don’t need to be here, I’m sure everything will be fine.”

  “Have you been briefed on Kelon customs concerning women, Miss Morland?”

  “Of course I—” The report told her the females on Kelon were always guarded by their men—protected. She didn’t think much of it because the Kelons were on Earth, not Kelon. She realised her father would do everything not to offend or upset them as what they brought in advancements to the human race was extremely valuable.

  “You’re my protector.”

  “Bingo, unless you want to find yourself carried off and claimed.”

  She swallowed and tried to suppress the tingling creeping through her body. A big, strong, strapping man able to carry her off was something she could only ever dream of.

  “Yes, I get it. I doubt it will be an issue, but stay if you must. No doubt, you’re under orders from the Colonel.” She bit down on her lower lip, her words sounding bitterer than she intended.

  “Miss Morland,” chided Lieutenant Simmons and Emily tensed. “I think you—”

  She was saved by a knock at the door. “Lieutenant, Miss Morland’s box.” A cadet stood holding her white box.

  “Just here, please.” She let out a breath and smiled at the young man. He quickly set down her box before scurrying out.

  Ignoring the Lieutenant’s speculative study, she busied herself removing a few homey knick-knacks from the box and placing them on the desk. Treasured gifts from some of her students, to help remind her of her love of teaching. She pulled out the lesson plans, sat down and took a moment to go over her notes, adding a few things she needed to address with the Kelons before they started.

  “Heads up, Miss Morland.” Lieutenant Simmons voice made her glance up, following his gaze to the door. He stood up straight and folded his arms, replacing his smile with a serious expression.

  She stood up, leaning against the desk for support as the door darkened with large figures. “Let the show begin,” Simmons muttered.

  Emily held her breath, her heart thudding against her chest as the door opened and the Kelons walked in.

  * * * *

  The gravity on this planet was slightly less than on Kelon. It took several days for the High Council's handpicked contingent of teachers, healers and scientists to adjust properly. They were already complaining behind Vallarr’s back about the constant and hard workouts he subjected them to help their bodies adapt quicker.

  Then, there were the other security issues. The low technology spying devices found throughout their quarters did not put the new Initiative off to a good start. The Head of the Initiative, Fe-Commander Jyl, confronted the Colonel, putting all the devices on his desk and telling
him not to let it happen again or their deal would end. Jyl stopped Vallarr from wanting to shove the devices down the Colonel's throat.

  Vallarr set up tracking devices around the perimeter to make sure no one breached the compound where the humans and Kelons lived and worked.

  While the humans were open and welcoming, Vallarr rebuffed any attempt they made to befriend him. Communication was limited as only a few human males were implanted with translators. The High Council found it amusing to force them to learn the main human language of Earth, English. Fortunately, growls and glares were a universal 'stay the fuck away from me' form of communication the humans clearly understood.

  He was not here to make friends, only to do his job. It was clear, they did not know about him, and he was not about to let them or anyone find out. The High Council covered up his history, not that he cared anymore.

  Team leader Jyl already reprimanded him for his gruff behaviour towards the humans, who eyed him with fear—and so they should. He did not care what anyone thought.

  “Our future is invested with the humans. Do not harm this alliance, or I will be having strong words with the High Commander,” Fe-Commander Jyl warned him.

  Vallarr did not back down or move as the smaller Kelon glared at him. “I am here to do a job, not make friends. You are here for that. I shall do my duty and you do yours.”

  Jyl shook his head. “You are head of security, but I am head of this project. Do not step out of line; do not offend the humans.”

  Vallarr snorted, turned and walked away. As long as everyone stayed out of his way, there would be no problem.

  “Time for our first English lesson,” linguist specialist Barr eagerly reminded the team who gathered in the meal room.

  Their main human liaison, Captain Cutter, one of the few humans implanted with Kelon translators, entered the room, nodding with a friendly smile.

  “If you're ready, gentlemen, I will show you the way to the lesson room.”

  “I will meet you in the workout room afterwards,” Vallarr stated to Jyl and turned to walk away.

  “No, Commander, you will attend the lessons and learn the language as well.”


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