With Abandon: With or Without, Book 4
Page 13
Aubrey scoffed. “Oh hell no. I didn’t threaten to tell Marina.” Marina Boskie was a woman prone to tears and hysterics. She’d rake her husband over the coals if she found out he was cheating. Boskie deserved it, but that wasn’t Aubrey’s problem. “It’s a pretty young man actually. And Boskie didn’t just have an affair, he’s stalking now that Carson has ended it.”
“Get the fuck out. Really?”
Blinking away the surprise at his dad’s use of “get the fuck out”, Aubrey nodded. Dad spent too much time online chatting with Keaton and Chay. “Yeah, and I sort of hired Carson as my EA to get him away from Boskie.”
Dad’s face scrunched up in contemplation. “I still don’t see why that would have anything to do with it. You didn’t confront Boskie?”
“No. As far as I know Boskie has no idea that I even know about the affair.” Which was how Aubrey wanted it. And looking at it like that, his dad was right. There should be no reason for Boskie to act the way he had. But Aubrey couldn’t get over the way he’d stormed out the back door of Reynolds Hall this afternoon. Boskie had been madder than an old red hen.
“Just watch your back.”
“I always do.” Me, paranoid? Nah. Aubrey got up and stretched his hands over his head. Time to go find his mate. He grinned. What did Matt look like in wolf form? Had he shifted already, or was he waiting on Aubrey?
“I’m not done with you.”
Ah hell. Aubrey flopped back down in the seat. He wasn’t sure he could take anymore.
“Did you remember that your mother and I are leaving early tomorrow morning for our cruise?”
“Tomorrow?” He had the urge to ask if he could go too. It would be nice to get away, but he couldn’t afford to leave work right now.
“You forgot. We’re going to Alaska for our anniversary, remember? Martha and Thompson are leaving tonight to go to their daughter’s in Macon. They’ll be back Sunday night, before they go on their vacation, so you need to lock up when you leave Sunday if they aren’t here.”
He and Matt would have the whole place to themselves for two whole days. Matt could sleep with him in his room. He was actually anxious for his parents to leave. How wrong was that? “No problem.” Aubrey stood, holding back a smile.
“Are you in a hurry?” Dad arched a brow, slightly amused.
Damn. “Um, no?” Sitting back down, Aubrey tried not to look anxious.
“Good. There’s one more thing. I’m officially turning the pack over to you.”
Son of a bitch. Just what he needed, more responsibility.
“We’ll have a party to celebrate when I get back.”
And that was that. Fuck.
Being a wolf just plain rocked. The only thing better would be figuring out how to use his iPod in wolf form. That? Would kick serious butt. Well, that and escaping Jarred’s watchful eye. He took it to heart when Aubrey had told Matt to stay with Jarred. Tara was right, her dad was a stick in the mud—a gorgeous one—but a stick in the mud nevertheless. Matt had tried to go off with Corde and his friends, but Jarred wouldn’t let him. That was a bummer too, because Corde, Jason and Tanner were nice. Corde had even pulled Matt aside and thanked him for his advice.
He had a lot on his mind after talking to Howard. For now Matt made the best of his captivity, as it were, but he yearned to go on a nice long run. Instead he waited for his mate and explored the garden.
Aubrey was right. The place was different at night. It was magical. In human form, the gazebo was beautiful. But as a wolf, the smell of the honeysuckle vines climbing on it was intoxicating in its sweetness.
There were wonders all over the garden. Closer inspection of the fountain revealed fish in the pool surrounding it. They smelled pretty good too. Only the thought of Martha clobbering him with a rolling pin or other kitchen utensils kept Matt from sampling the fish. It hadn’t taken Matt long to figure out that Joanna may be the hostess of Reynolds Hall, but Martha ran the place. He wanted to stay on her good side.
Dipping his paw into the small pool, he batted at a particularly curious fish. Most of the other koi split as soon as he’d hopped up on the ledge. The wind blew just right to catch the spray on his face. He held his nose up and closed his eyes. Ah, nice.
Not only were there crickets and the occasional wolf howl, but frogs, little pops from the fish coming to the surface, the tinkling of water cascading over the fountain and the soft roar of the creek. Leaves rustled as the trees blew in the breeze. It was easy to see why the Reynolds were enamored of this place.
A horse neighed, and toenails clicked across concrete, bringing Matt out of his musings.
Jarred paced past him like a prison guard on sentry. It wasn’t that he was unfriendly, not in the least, but he sure worried a lot and he was a stickler for rules. Matt couldn’t have that. Playing and interacting with Rhys, had taught him most wolves were pups at heart.
Jarred wasn’t going to know what hit him. Waiting for just the right time when Jarred walked past, Matt slapped the pool surface hard. Water soaked his face and chest, but it rained down on Jarred too.
He stopped mid-stride and stared at Matt. His jaw actually dropped and his eyes widened. Matt had no idea a wolf could manage that shocked expression but Jarred did. Added to the very human reaction, his head cocked to the side, betraying his lupine instincts as well. If Matt could’ve laughed, he would’ve.
Not giving the older wolf time to recover, Matt pounced on him. He landed right on Jarred’s back, knocking him down. At first Jarred just lay there, stunned, but when Matt bit his ear in play, Jarred growled. It wasn’t a mean growl but a good-natured one. He rolled and nipped at Matt anywhere he could reach. They tussled for a few minutes, and Matt took off around the fountain pool. He ran toward the gazebo, but he never made it off the cobblestone area.
Jarred tackled him.
They tumbled toward the grass, tangled together. When they finally stopped, Matt lay on his back with his paws in the air.
Panting with his tongue lolling, Jarred stood over him. He made to leap but didn’t. His tail wagged as he pretended like he was going to spring again.
This time, Matt got to his paws, waiting for the attack.
Out of nowhere came Howard’s amused drawl. “I’m impressed, Matt. I didn’t think Jarred had it in him.” There was a husky laugh and he continued, “You’re going to be good for this pack and even better for Aubrey. He’s one of the wolves who needs to loosen up.”
Startled, Matt gazed toward the voice. Howard stood on the back porch already a wolf and had spoken in his head. Keaton had mentioned his father could do that too. Matt glanced around to see if anyone else had heard him. Matt didn’t think so because Jarred was still ready to pounce. And Aubrey…
Oh wow. Aubrey stood next to his dad in all his lupine glory. The same nearly white fur his younger brother had covered him from head to paw, but that was where the similarities ended. Aubrey wasn’t slim and dainty like Keaton. Even though he was still on the small side for a wolf, he was more powerfully built. His musculature was beautiful to behold. Whether Aubrey wanted to be Alpha or not, he was. The authority rolled off him. He may not be as strong as his brother or father, but he sure looked the part. Actually, he kind of felt the part too.
Matt shook his head to clear it and to get the water off himself.
Howard must have said something to Jarred, because he abandoned his ambush stance and turned toward the Alpha.
Together, Howard and Aubrey came down the back steps into the garden. Howard strolled past, and Jarred fell in beside him. “Commence to shaking Aubrey up, Matthew. Be good and I’ll see you both when Joanna and I get back from our cruise.”
Cruise? Matt would ask Aubrey about it tomorrow when he had a voice again. Something tickled his face, and the scent of his mate filled his head, making him dizzy.
Rubbing up against Matt’s side, Aubrey kept walking, nuzzling his face on Matt’s for a brief moment. It was casual and tender at once.
Matt’s stupid cock thoug
ht it was less casual and more tender though. He tried his best to ignore his errant body and followed his mate.
Aubrey was distracted. His tail and ears drooped. The pace he set was nothing like the energetic excitement Matt had seen earlier in the car. It was slow and measured, as if he didn’t much care where he was going. He wasn’t mad exactly, but he wasn’t entirely happy either.
By the time they got to the trees, Matt had gotten his wayward body under control, but now Aubrey’s mood was seeping into him and he was getting melancholy.
He couldn’t go on like this. He had to get his mate out of this funk.
Aubrey stopped at a clearing and turned his head toward Matt.
Matt seized the moment. With a playful growl, he caught his mate’s back leg in his mouth and shook it gently.
Jerking his foot away, Aubrey stared at him like he’d lost his mind.
Taking a few steps back, Matt put distance between them, just enough to get some speed going. One…two…he sprang, knocking Aubrey over.
On his back, Aubrey contemplated Matt. At least now he didn’t look upset. He stared at Matt for several more seconds and licked his muzzle, actually making Matt’s lip flop with the force of it.
Matt mentally patted himself on the back. Aubrey’s eyes were happy. It should’ve given Matt a hint, but it didn’t. Aubrey rolled, taking Matt down in the process.
Blinking back his surprise at how quickly Aubrey reversed their positions, Matt tried to nip Aubrey’s chest.
Aubrey covered Matt’s neck with his mouth and let out a growl. It wasn’t a hard bite, but it showed dominance all the same.
Out of instinct, Matt stayed perfectly still…for about three seconds, then he jerked away and wiggled, trying to get to his feet. Since Aubrey’s legs were bracketing Matt, he fell. They ended up careening down a small slope, angling for a good hold of each other with their teeth. It ended with them crashing into a tree.
They lay side by side, panting.
After that the mood became more companionable. Aubrey led Matt around the property, showing him points of interest. There were old slave cabins, an old mill, a barn and lots of cool hiding places in the brush and trees. Every thirty feet or so they’d run for a bit, play chase and wrestle. They occasionally met up with other pack, but went their separate ways after a while. It was one of the best full moons Matt had ever spent. He loved the south. He could see himself staying here, not just in Georgia, but here at Reynolds Hall with Aubrey. Would it always be like this here? Was it the place or the company?
Matt looked up, searching for a star to wish on. Aubrey made him feel special, like he belonged, because he was him, not because of what he did. His brothers would laugh at him for his romanticizing, but he didn’t care. He didn’t want to give this up.
Matt continued to gaze up at the sky and…the tiny twinkling lights? Ooh! Those lights moved. He tilted his head, trying to get a better look. Something zipped right past the end of his nose. Lightning bugs. Oh cool. He’d never seen them before.
A quiet bark, a hey, over here kind, came from beside him.
Aubrey stood with his front foot out from his body a little, staring at it. Catching Matt’s gaze, he yipped and bobbed his head.
Oh no, had Aubrey hurt his foot somehow? Matt moved closer. Leaning against his mate, he tried to offer comfort. But Aubrey was no longer staring down. He was staring at Matt. The awareness tingled down Matt’s spine.
Slowly, Aubrey lifted his paw. On the ground was a tiny lightning bug. It stayed there stunned long enough for Matt to get a good look at it. Its whole backside flashed light. Amazing. He nudged it with his nose, and it flew. Matt watched until it disappeared from sight.
He turned his head and came nose to nose with Aubrey. Matt wanted to hug him and tell him thank you. Holding his mate’s gaze, Matt hoped Aubrey saw his appreciation.
Closing his eyes, Aubrey rubbed his muzzle along Matt’s and walked away.
Matt trailed after him. For as long as it took, he’d wait for Aubrey to claim him. He’d follow this man anywhere he led.
The next morning something between Matt’s legs nestled up against his balls from behind. Oh no. It dawned on him what that something was, and he scrambled to move.
A firm arm held him in place.
Matt opened his eyes, looking for witnesses.
“Stay. We’re alone. Mom and Dad left for their cruise, Martha and Thompson took off for their daughter’s house and all the pack’s cars are gone.” Aubrey’s voice was husky with sleep. He kissed the back of Matt’s neck. “Besides, where we are, we’d see anyone coming before they saw us.”
Matt relaxed marginally. They were beneath a weeping willow tree and mostly covered by its long, swaying branches. It was very cozy, like being in a private cocoon. The tilt of the tree and the slope of the ground made it a perfect hiding place. The bottom part of the columns on the mansion were visible. But because of the incline under the tree, they were likely hidden from view. Regardless, Matt didn’t want to be the cause of someone finding out about them. He knew Howard was right, it would be best for Aubrey to tell everyone in his own time.
Another kiss landed on his nape. “Relax.” Aubrey rubbed his belly. “We have the whole place to ourselves until we go back to Atlanta.”
The heat of his mate against his back was nice. Thinking about them being alone here was exciting. Matt closed his eyes and enjoyed the smooth glide of Aubrey’s palm on his stomach, hip and chest. He was already hard, but the soft caresses made him ache. Reaching back, he stroked Aubrey’s thigh, as little kisses, licks and bites trailed across his neck and shoulders. It would be wonderful to wake up this way after every full moon.
Aubrey’s cock flexed against Matt’s balls.
“Mmm…” Matt shivered. Aubrey’s hand was everywhere but where Matt wanted it. He rolled his hips to give his mate a hint.
Aubrey chuckled against Matt’s shoulder in between kisses. The rough sound brought goose bumps to Matt’s arms. “What do you want, sugar?”
You. Ignoring the flutter in his stomach at the immediate reaction, Matt tried to decide if it were true. Did he want things to go that far this fast? They’d already been intimate, and it seemed to have made them closer, if last night was anything to judge by. He belonged with Aubrey. “Make love to me?”
Chapter Eleven
Oh man. Aubrey closed his eyes and prayed for patience, trying desperately not to let the scent of his mate get to him any more than it already had. His prick was so hard it was painful, and it had nothing to do with morning wood. There was no doubt he shouldn’t do this, but he was going to. It was a punch to the gut the way Matt had whispered “Make love to me” in such a shy voice. It should’ve been corny as hell, because who actually said that outside of movies and books? But it wasn’t. It was so Matt. The wording alone should have Aubrey running for the hills, but this would be his one and only chance to do this here, at home. He wanted the memory. He needed it for all the lonely years ahead of him.
Aubrey patted Matt’s hip and got to his feet. “Come on. We need a shower.” He offered Matt a hand.
Matt blinked up at him. It took only a matter of seconds for that bewilderment to morph into hurt. He’d misunderstood. Pushing himself to his feet without assistance, Matt looked everywhere except at Aubrey.
That would never do. Aubrey grabbed his hips and pulled him close. Before Matt had time to move away, Aubrey slanted his mouth over Matt’s.
It took a second, but Matt kissed him back. His arms wrapped around Aubrey’s waist, and his body pressed close. Pushing little moans into Aubrey’s mouth, he hungrily took over the kiss. His prick branded Aubrey’s stomach.
Aubrey traced his tongue over Matt’s teeth and his bottom lip. Had anyone ever tasted this sweet or reacted with as much abandon? He loved how Matt just went bonkers when touched. Matt had a shy streak, but you’d never know it by the way he acted once you got him going. Aubrey wondered if he was the only one to see this side of his mate
. He’d never dared to ask about Matt’s experience. If Matt had a string of old lovers… The thought bothered Aubrey. What could he say? He was a possessive bastard. Or maybe he was just a bastard, because after Matt went back to New Mexico, Aubrey wanted him to remain celibate. If Matt was a virgin, he didn’t want to know that either, especially if Matt had saved himself for his mate. Because how shitty was it that Aubrey would gladly take that honor and not give a commitment in return?
Groaning, Aubrey broke the kiss before his conscience ruined things. “Come on, we stink.” He caught Matt’s hand and tugged him toward the house.
From behind him came a loud sniff, making Aubrey chuckle. “Trust me, we do, and we aren’t getting into my bed smelling like wet wolves.”
“Technically we aren’t wet right now, but if we get in the shower…” Matt’s amused voice trailed off into that adorable giggle.
Lord have mercy, Aubrey’s stomach tensed in anticipation. He quickened his pace. The sooner he got Matt inside, the sooner they could fuck.
Crossing the lawn butt naked with a hard-on while holding another man’s hand was a bit nerve-wracking. Even knowing no one was around, Aubrey opened his senses, listening, smelling and looking everywhere. A pang of resentment hit him. It was a useless emotion, but he couldn’t help it. It sucked having to be so paranoid.
As if sensing his thoughts, Matt squeezed his hand. Lord, he was something.
Aubrey opened the back door and stepped aside for Matt to enter first. He let go of Matt’s hand and locked them in. When he turned back, he was rewarded with a great view.
Matt had such a perfect ass. Hell, who was Aubrey kidding? Matt had a great everything. Aubrey wanted to bend him over the kitchen counter and fuck him silly. Maybe they could try that later. He shook his head to clear it of the images that brought forth. Bed first, Aubrey. Focus. He needed a shower, a bed, some lu— Son of a bitch, he didn’t have any lube here. “Go on to my bathroom and start the shower.”
“Where’re you going?” Matt swiveled and ran his fingers down Aubrey’s arm.