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Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 8

by Paige Cameron

  His phone rang as he got in. “Hello.”

  “Hope I didn’t wake you,” Lann said.

  “I just got in the door and was heading to my bedroom.”

  “What did you think about tonight?”

  “She’s wonderful. I want to marry her.”

  “If she’ll let us. She may have been receptive to our attention tonight, but she’s going to take a lot of convincing.”

  “We’ll work on her.”

  “She suspects I’m different. If we get to the marrying stage, I’ll have to take her to Wyoming. She can meet the family, and learn our true history. Not the one I made up.”

  “We haven’t told her about what our other business is either.”

  “Do you think either information will make her pull away?” Lann asked.

  “Not if she loves us. She may get pissed, but we can get her over that.”

  “Talk to you tomorrow.” Lann clicked his phone off.

  Bern started stripping at the door and fell into his bed naked. He went to sleep dreaming of hair as black as night caressing his skin, and iris eyes smiling at him.

  Chapter Eight

  Lann drove to Alan Meades’s ranch early the next morning. At his knock, Alan came to the screen door.

  He had dressed in old jeans and a white T-shirt that looked more gray than white. He walked to the table and sat.

  “Come on in. If you want coffee, pour it yourself.”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” Lann found a cup in the cupboard and filled it with the strong, black liquid. He settled in a chair across from Alan. “I thought it might be time to renegotiate my buying your ranch.”

  “What’s your offer?” Alan raise his chin in a belligerent manner. “I’m not giving it away.”

  “You just about did to the bank.”

  “If Bliss had loaned me her money, I wouldn’t have had to borrow from the bank.”

  “Yes, you would have, and her money would be gone, too. What kind of man are you to do that to your sister?”

  Alan blushed at Lann’s words. “Tell me your deal.”

  “I’ll pay off your bank loans and give you what I originally offered with one condition.”

  “I don’t like conditions.”

  “Tough. Mine is I’ll write two checks, both evenly divided. One will be for you, and one for your sister. That’s the only fair way, and you know it.”

  “The will says…”

  Lann leaned over the table at him. “Fuck the will. Take my offer, or live here until the bank takes the ranch and makes you move out with nothing. I can buy it a lot cheaper then.”

  “You’re doing this because you want to play around with Bliss, and then you’ll dump her. She’ll get what she deserves.”

  “You haven’t learned a thing from the last few days.” Lann grabbed him by the collar and glared at him, then let him go. He walked to the door and looked back at the poor excuse of a man.

  “Let me know if you accept my offer by five today. Otherwise, I’ll wait to buy it from the bank. This is your last chance.”

  Lann drove to his ranch and strode into the barn. He saddled his black stallion and rode off across his new land. In the distance he saw the men herding the cattle that had just arrived.

  He’d work with them and wear off the adrenaline that flooded him when he’d been in his warrior mode. He couldn’t recall ever hitting a man like he’d hit Bliss’s brother, and he had almost hit him again. But he restrained himself.

  At home, he’d had to be the peacemaker. But he was discovering he was a warrior, too, like so many of the men in his tribe.

  Some of the men were not fighters like the others. They’d go to battle when the whole tribe was threatened, but they weren’t the true warriors. Lann thought he fell into that category, but he was wrong. He’d pushed down his real identity, denied it for years, until Alan Meades’s caustic behavior had brought out Lann’s real persona. He’d have to learn to have more control of his warrior side. It was hell coming down from the adrenaline rush, and he didn't want to punch someone unless they really deserved it.

  “Hi, boss. You going to ride with us today?” Josh asked.

  “I’ve been neglecting the ranch and you guys. It’s time I helped with the real work.”

  “We’re glad to have you.” Josh rode alongside of Lann. “We’re going to need to hire a few more men as we get more horses and cattle.”

  “Josh, let the people in town know about any openings we have. You’ll interview the men and make the final decision on who to hire since you have to manage them.”

  “Thanks for trusting me with the hiring. Still, I’ll bring the men I’m considering by to meet you, before I make them an offer.”

  “Sounds good. Let’s get going.” He rode across and around to the other side of the herd and soon found himself enjoying the work, the fresh air, and the sense of freedom.

  * * * *

  Bliss met Harrison Birch, the contractor, at noon. She recognized him when he walked in the door. “Harrison, I didn’t know you had your own contracting business. Last I heard from Alan you were working with Mr. Seals.”

  Harrison strode across the store and gave Bliss a hug. “It’s good to see you. Mr. Seals retired two years ago, and I and a friend bought his company, ‘Construction Done Right.’ The business had a good reputation so we didn’t see any need to change the name.”

  “But the man I spoke to yesterday was a Todd Carrigan.”

  “He’s my partner. Todd bought a ranch here three years ago. We met and quickly became friends. When the company came up for sale, we agreed to go in fifty-fifty.”

  “You must be doing well. It’s not easy to get an appointment.”

  “We keep busy, and this week has been extra crazy. The man who bought the Anglers ranch has kept us going for months. But he pays good, so we aren’t complaining. Show me what you want done in here. Soon you’ll have your own business booming.”

  “I hope so. I’m stretching myself to do this, but it’s my dream.” Bliss showed him around the shop and her drawings of what she wanted and where.

  “We can do this easy. How about we work on it on Saturdays and Sundays. We usually take off, but I think we can have most of the work done in a couple of weekends.”

  “That’d be great. My orders will hopefully start arriving within the month or earlier. I asked for a rush on them.”

  They’d walked back close to the front door. “I’m going to lunch, have you eaten?” Harrison asked.

  Bliss started to take him up on his offer when the door opened. Lann frowned seeing her standing close to another man. Harrison smiled and put out his hand.

  “How are things at the ranch, Mr. Quinlain? Are you satisfied with our work?” Harrison asked.

  “You and your staff have done an excellent job. I showed Bliss the house yesterday.”

  Harrison glanced at her. “I didn’t know you’d met Mr. Quinlain.”

  “Yes, I have. He’s a friend of Bern’s. We met at a barbecue.”

  Lann walked by Harrison and put his arm around her waist. “You must be starved. I was running late because I rode with the men this morning to herd some new cattle into the north pasture.”

  “Harrison asked me to lunch. You and I didn’t have a prior arrangement. I was just getting ready to accept his invitation, but I’m sure Harrison wouldn’t mind you joining us.” Bliss smiled at both men.

  “Look, I need to get in touch with Todd about something. Why don’t you two go on ahead. Todd and I will meet and have a business lunch. We need to talk.”

  “Thanks, Harrison. We’re going to have a barbecue when we get all settled. I’ll be sure and let you and Todd know when. Are you ready, darlin’?”

  Bliss blushed and frowned at him. Harrison excused himself and left. She leaned into Lann’s space.

  “I am not yours. Start acting proprietary like this again, and we won’t even be friends.”

  He touched his nose to hers. “You can play your li
ttle games all you want, but you know as well as I do that Bern, you, and I are a threesome. But I’ll give you time to come around and accept the inevitable.”

  “And then what? You’ll start telling me what to wear, where I can go, and the time to be home?” Her voice rose with her anger.

  “I don’t give a damn what you wear. Although I do like you best naked. But no, we won’t try to control you. But we will be your husbands and step in if we think you’re going to be in danger or hurt. And no other man is allowed to take you to lunch or dinner, and especially not breakfast.” His green eyes flashed with fire. “Are we having our first argument?”

  “Maybe. I’m not agreeing to anything yet. I said we could play and have fun. Marriage is not an option. I thought you understood me.”

  “Give it time. Marriage is always an option unless you’re already married.”

  Bliss stood on her tiptoes and poked her finger in his chest. “You are the most exasperating, stubborn man I’ve ever met. I don’t want to have lunch with you.” She’d turned to walk further into the shop when two strong arms picked her up.

  Lann strode out the door and down the street. “Put me down. My shop is unlocked.”

  “There isn’t anything in it to steal.” He continued walking toward the restaurant.

  “People are looking and laughing.”

  He stopped and stared into her eyes. Her heart pounded in her chest. “I’ll put you down and let you walk with me, if you agree to have lunch. You need to eat.”

  “I won’t be blackmailed.”

  “Your choice.” He started to walk across the street.

  “Wait. All right, but if you keep kidnapping me like this, I’ll report you to the sheriff.”

  A smile quirked up at the corner of his firm mouth. She wanted to run her finger across his lips and bite his stubborn jaw.

  “If you keep looking at me like you are now, we’ll take a shortcut to your apartment and make love.”

  Bliss wanted to say “please do,” but she held herself back and promised to walk with him to the restaurant.

  “I can see in your eyes that you like my second offer better, but I’ll settle for lunch, this time.” He winked at Bliss and set her feet on the ground. Several bystanders who’d been watching clapped and laughed. Bliss knew her face was red. She had a continuous blush since she’d met this man.

  He opened the café’s door and she walked in and headed to a small, side table. Lann pulled out her chair before sitting across from her.

  “You’re a confusing mixture,” she said. “One minute you embarrass me by carrying my down the street, and the next you open doors and pull out chairs like a gentleman.”

  “Maybe you need a man who keeps you on edge?”

  “Perhaps I don’t need a man at all?”

  “That’s not the impression I got last night.”

  “We were playing and having fun. Remember, nothing serious or I’ll stop seeing you and Bern.” She didn’t look him right in the eye for fear he’d see how unsure she was about her last statement.

  Lann leaned across the table and spoke in a soft voice. “You don’t mean what you said, and you know it.” Then he sat back and picked up the menu.

  The man did know how to keep her emotions on the edge. She tried to appear as relaxed as he was. The menu blurred in front of her eyes as she thought about last night.

  “May I help you?” The waitress’s voice jerked her back to the present. She ordered a tuna-salad sandwich and tea. Lann ordered a steak sandwich, fries, and a chocolate milk shake.

  His eyes twinkled at her as the waitress walked away. “I’m a growing boy.” Then his expression got serious. “Last night was wonderful. Bern and I thought we’d take you to dinner tonight and to his house later.”

  “I’m going to the ranch house today to get my sewing machine. I forgot it yesterday, and then tonight and tomorrow I plan on sewing curtains for my store windows and to start painting the walls before I hang the curtains.”

  “Bern and I can do the painting for you.”

  “Can’t you understand, I want to do things for myself?”

  “Then let’s compromise. We’ll do the bottom and top while you sew and you can do the middle afterward. Also I’ll get the sewing machine for you. I have an appointment with your brother at five.”

  “Is he going to sell the ranch to you?”

  “Do you mind me buying the property?”

  “No, but I doubt he’ll agree. Most the money would have to go to pay off his loan at the bank.”

  “I made him a good offer. We’ll see.”

  The waitress came back with their drinks. Then Bliss added, “I’m a coward. I’d rather not confront him just yet. My guess is he’s still very angry. I’d appreciate you bringing the sewing machine to me.”

  “And can we help paint tomorrow?”

  “You two have a ranch to run. You can finish what I can’t reach when you come to dinner tomorrow night. Come early around four and paint. Then we’ll eat at seven.”

  “How about tonight?”

  “Don’t push your luck.”

  “All right. Tomorrow at four. I do have business to take care of today and tomorrow.”

  The food came and they ate in a comfortable silence. She liked Lann and Bern. Her fear was that loving them would be too easy, and she wasn’t ready. He glanced across at her and smiled.

  Her heart jerked and her pussy clenched. It was simply hormones. She’d been alone, too long. Once the newness was over they’d be like any other male friends. She hoped, or did she? Her body certainly didn’t agree with her mind. It ached to feel his touch. Determinedly, she ducked her head and started to eat her sandwich.

  * * * *

  Lann watched the changing expressions on her face. He could read her like a book. She’d hate that. But her fresh openness was one of the things he loved about her. And he did love her. She touched him as no other woman had, and after last night’s loving he knew she was the one for him and Bern.

  He hoped tomorrow night he could give her a check for her share of the ranch. If her stubborn brother agreed to the terms Lann had set out this morning.

  “You’re staring at me,” Bliss said in a soft voice.

  “It’s only fair. You did the same to me a few minutes ago. Why won’t you admit you like me?”

  “I do like you. But I don’t intend to love you.”

  “Don’t be so quick to make such statements. By the way, when do you plan on opening the shop?”

  “My orders won’t be here for weeks yet. I paid extra to hurry the process, but it’ll be at least two weeks before they come, probably longer.”

  “Then you have time to come on a trip with me.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Hear me out. We can go to my place in California. You can rest and relax before your grand opening and all the long hours you’ll be working to get the store doing well.

  “Bern will watch out for my ranch, and I’ll do the same for him when you all take a trip. Which I’m sure he’ll want to do at some point.”

  “You’re moving too fast for me. Slow down. I can’t be traipsing across the country when I’m putting everything on the line to make sure my shop’s a success. Why can’t you take my being a businesswoman seriously?”

  “I do, honey. But I want you to have a balanced life and time for fun, too.”

  “My life won’t be normal for the next three years, at least. They say it takes that long to get a business up and running. And I’m doing it on a shoestring.”

  “We’ll see. I’ll ask you again in a few days. Are you through eating? Let’s walk to your apartment.” When she nodded, he waved to the waitress and paid the bill.

  “We’re not playing when we get there,” she warned him.

  “If you say so.” He grinned inside, but didn’t show it. He loved her not giving in easy. It was fun to tease her, shock her, and have her wondering what he planned to do next.

  He followed h
er up the steps and walked into the small apartment. “It’s nice. Someone’s kept the place in good shape. Do you hope to eventually buy the shop and this apartment?”

  She took a deep sigh. “I’d like to, but I won’t have the money to make such an investment for a number of years.”

  Lann walked closer to her and cupped her face in his hands. He brushed his thumbs across her cheeks. Then he took a deep breath, breathing in her flowery fragrance.

  She didn’t pull away from him, and the expression in her darkening purple eyes told him she wanted what he was offering. Bending down slowly, he kissed her forehead, her eyebrows and eyes, her sweet, stubborn chin, and finally her sensuous full lips. When he heard her soft moan, he pulled her body hard against his.

  His cock rubbed against her soft abdomen. He was glad she’d worn a sundress today. Lann pulled her skirt up while he tasted her delicious mouth. Then he slipped his fingers under her panties. They were wet from her arousal, which sent his desire spiking off the chart.

  She moaned, and he twisted his tongue around hers. Then he put two fingers in her hot pussy. A gush of moisture coated his fingers.

  Lann let her go for a moment and stripped off her panties. He opened his jeans and quickly rolled a condom on his cock.

  “I’m going to put your legs around my waist.” He lifted her and her arms went around his neck. As he spread her legs around him, his cock found her pussy opening and he brought her down on him.

  Her pussy clenched around him, and she gave him a deep kiss. He managed to walk to the side of the room and push her back against the wall. Lann lifted her and let her sink back down on his dick. Each time if felt as though he sank deeper inside her.

  “Undo your dress where I can get to your luscious breasts.” Glazed, hungry eyes looked at him, and then as though the words had just sunk in, she started to undo the buttons, pulled the front apart, and unsnapped her bra.

  He instantly nudged her hands aside and kissed the full mounds. When he got to her peaked nipple, he sucked. Her pussy rippled with desire.


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