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Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings)

Page 13

by Cameo Renae

  The pain in my arm radiated like a thousand hot needles were piercing my skin. The creature’s sharp claws had torn into it, and I was thankful I’d been out while I was getting stitched up. I wasn’t even sure how bad it was. Everything had been a blur.

  At least it wasn’t my first injury. I could tell anyone who asked that I’d tripped and fell, catching myself with my arm and injuring it. They’d buy into it. I could even hear Sebastian’s loud sigh, and a remark about wrapping me in bubble wrap.

  Minutes later, footsteps echoed down the hall, along with voices. I felt anxious; my palms were sweating, my pulse was racing, and my knee couldn’t stop bouncing up and down.

  The first to enter the room was the woman I’d met earlier—Alaine. She was followed by a tall man, with dark hair, and a muscular build with sharp, chiseled features. Then, a gorgeous young couple entered; both looked around my age. The guy was tall and strikingly handsome, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. The girl had long, brown hair and deep-brown eyes. She must be Emma. I noticed the resemblance between her and Alaine. They looked like they could be sisters.

  The last to enter was Alex. He’d been gone only a few short minutes, but the sight of him and his warm smile sparked a rush of emotion. My heartbeat accelerated, and heat rushed to my cheeks. I turned away, trying to avoid embarrassing myself.

  They were all perfect—seemingly flawless. It had to be angel magic. And here I was, in sweatpants covered with blood stains, no makeup, my hair a mess, and I know I smelled like Darkling.

  “Eden,” Alaine said, stepping in front of me. Her eyes and her smile were kind and sincere. “I know you must be confused, but we’re friends, and we’re here to help.”

  “Thanks so much for fixing me,” I said lifting my bandaged arm. The pain was already subsiding.

  “It was my pleasure. Anything to help.” She turned and looked at the man standing to her side. “Eden, this is my husband, Samuel.”

  Samuel held out his hand, and I took it. “It’s very nice to meet you, young lady.” There was emotion in his eyes, almost like he knew me. But I’d never seen his face before.

  “It’s nice to meet you too,” I replied.

  Alaine and Samuel stepped aside, letting the younger couple come forward.

  The guy stepped forward first, his hand around the girl’s waist. “Hey,” he said with a broad smile. “I’m Kade, and this is my wife, Emma.” His eyes caught hers, and the look they shared could only be described as love.

  Emma laid her hand on my shoulder and gave me a little squeeze. “Hi, Eden. Alex told us you’ve run into some trouble.”

  They were all so kind to me, and I didn’t notice any disdain or judgment in their faces. Even though all eyes were on me, I didn’t feel uncomfortable. It was almost like they were family.

  “Yes,” I answered. “So much has happened in just a few days, I feel like I’m going mad.”

  “Believe me. I know exactly what you’re feeling. I went through the same thing, and felt like the world was crumbling away from underneath me.”

  “Yes, that’s how I feel. Ever since I first ran into a Darkling, I’ve felt like my entire life is spiraling out of control.”

  “That’s why we’re here. To help you through it,” Emma said.

  My chest felt as if it were going to explode and tears flooded my eyes. I was so relieved, and it felt so good to talk to others who understood what I was dealing with—

  to let me know I wasn’t going insane.

  I glanced over at Alex, who was in the corner of the room leaning against the wall. His muscular arms were folded over his chest, and his deep green eyes latched onto mine. He grinned and gave me a nod, letting me know I was in good hands. The sight of him made my insides stir, but I was here for a purpose, and I had to keep focused.

  Turning my attention back to Emma, I asked her the first question that popped into my mind. “You’re a Nephilim?”

  “Sort of,” she replied with a bright smile. She gestured to Alaine and Samuel. “My mother is Nephilim, and my father is Fallen, which makes me one-fourth mortal.” They all laughed, then Emma began to share her story with me.

  Each of them jumped in as she retold her story of survival, and not one, but two immortal bonds. Her story was the most incredible and unbelievable story I’d ever heard. A tale that was much greater than any of the fantasy books in my bookshelf.

  There was no way I would have believed in her tale of Darkling, Fallen, and Lucifer, had I not witnessed it for myself.

  Emma was part of a prophecy, being born of Nephilim and Fallen. They knew she would hold great power, and the Fallen wanted her, to use her as a pawn. Lucifer even made her promise to bond with his son. But after a huge battle, good won over evil. Most of it riding on Emma.

  I couldn’t imagine being in her position. After her story was over, I was surprised she was still alive.

  I mean, to have Lucifer himself wanting you dead—that was a hellish nightmare in itself. She must have been amazing to have endured so much and have all of the love and support I saw around her, along with a Guardian who became her bonded.

  Time flew by, but in those hours, I’d learned so much about their world.

  It was enchanting, yet utterly horrifying. There were things I couldn’t even begin to imagine that were out there, and it scared the hell out of me.

  Alaine suggested we head into the dining area for something to eat and drink. They all agreed, and as I stood, Alex was right there, holding me up, making sure I had my footing before we followed.

  “How are you doing?” he asked.

  “Surprisingly good. It’s all a little overwhelming.”

  We walked down the hallway, back toward the foyer. Then we took a left down another hallway, which led to a sizable kitchen. Alaine and Emma were pulling containers from the large stainless-steel refrigerator.

  “Go ahead and make yourself at home. The dining room is right through there,” Alaine said gesturing through an open doorway. As I walked in, there was a large table with at least fourteen chairs around it. Samuel and Kade were already seated on the opposite side.

  “Over here, Eden,” Alex said, pulling a chair out next to him. I made my way over and sat, as Alaine and Emma brought in a couple of trays of assorted cheeses, crackers, sliced meats, grapes, and apple slices. They also sat down glasses and a pitcher of water.

  “So, what was Dom here for?” Alex asked. “He mentioned possible trouble?”

  “We aren’t sure if it’s rumor, or if it’s a tactic to instill fear, but there is word that Lucifer is planning an attack,” Samuel responded. “We just have to find out when and where.”

  “Oh my God. That’s scary,” I exhaled, then felt embarrassed I’d said anything.

  “You have no idea,” Kade muttered. “Hell’s fury set ablaze. He wants nothing more than to kill everyone involved with Emma, especially after what happened to his son, Ethon.”

  “Didn’t Lucian kill him?” I asked.

  “Yes. But he blames us for his death, and has vowed revenge.”

  “But why?”

  Alaine placed her glass down. “Because somehow, Ethon had also been bonded to Emma. It was a difficult time for everyone, especially Emma. The bond, pulling her in two directions, and Lucifer used that bond to entrap her.”

  “Lucifer can’t leave hell, right?”

  “No, the creator banished him. But he still has thousands of Fallen members who do his bidding,” Samuel interjected. “So, we consider every threat with great care. The last we heard, there were hundreds of Fallen gathering. But that was just hearsay, from an unreliable source. We haven’t been able to prove or confirm anything he’s said.”

  “Let’s hope it was a lie,” Alex said.

  “For sure,” Kade added, tossing a grape into his mouth.

  “If you guys ever need me, you know I’m here for you,” Alex offered.

  “Thanks, man.” Kade stretched his arm out across the table, offering him a fist. Alex slammed it with so much force I thought their fists would explode. But instead, they laughed it off.

  “You’ll get used to it…eventually,” Emma chuckled, narrowing her eyes at Kade and Alex.

  Not anytime soon.

  “Can I ask a question?” I wasn’t sure if I was ready for the answer, but I knew I had to face the truth.

  “Of course, you can,” Alaine replied. “That’s why we’re here. To answer any questions you may have.”

  I nodded and gave her a smile. “Alex said you saw my mark?”

  Alaine and Samuel exchanged a quick glance. “Yes, we did,” she answered.

  “And you know who it belongs to?”

  “Yes,” Samuel answered, taking another glance at Alaine. “I knew your father well.”

  A knot twisted tightly in my gut, and I noticed the looks on Kade and Emma’s faces. They were just as shocked as I was. Alex automatically grabbed my hand under the table and held on to it. I was thankful for his support. His touch meant so much to me.

  I swallowed a lump in my throat. “Do you know where he is?”

  Every head trained on Samuel. The crease in his brow and the sadness swimming in his eyes was like a dagger to my heart. “I’m so sorry, Eden. Your father is dead.”

  My heart felt like it had fallen out of my chest. The pain was indescribable.


  I knew death was always a possibility, but I wasn’t prepared for it. Death was final. It meant I would never get the chance to meet my father, or know what he looked like.

  The next words were hard to push out. “Was he Fallen?”

  “Yes, but he had a heart of gold,” Samuel said, his voice soft. “He was my best friend, and he gave his life to save my daughter and me, along with two other Guardians.”

  I heard gasps from Kade and Alex and saw tears trailing down Emma’s surprised face.

  “He was one of the bravest angels I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting,” Samuel continued. “He was an exceptional warrior, and a true friend until the end. When I look into your eyes, I can’t help but see him. He would have loved you.”

  “What was his name?”


  Tears fell as I grappled with the fact that everyone at this table appeared to have known my father, including Alex.

  My heart, which had grown calloused toward him over the years, had ripped open, leaving a gaping wound. It hurt like nothing I’d experienced since the death of my grandparents.

  I was a sobbing mess by the time strong arms enclose me, hugging me tightly. Alex. His hand brushed down the back of my head, his warm breath brushing my ear.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  There was no way to hold back the rush of emotion. Everything that I’d gone through these past days, on top of finding out my birth father was dead, overwhelmed me. I wasn’t sure why my heart was so crushed, but it was, and there was no stopping it.

  Chapter 21


  I felt helpless. Hearing her sob, knowing her heart was broken, made my own heart ache for her. The only thing I could do was wrap my arms around her and hold her. She responded by grasping my shirt in tight fists and burying her face in my chest.

  I would never have guessed it was Danyel. That’s why Eden’s mark looked so familiar. I’d had great respect for him. He’d helped Emma escape when the Fallen had captured her and then volunteered to take Samuel into Hell so they could get Lucifer’s assistance to fight against Lucian.

  And now that I heard Samuel say it, he was right; Eden did have her father’s eyes.

  “Samuel, did Danyel ever mention having romantic interactions with a mortal?” Alaine asked.

  “He mentioned nothing.”

  It made sense that he never knew he had a daughter. If he’d had one night with her mom, there would be no way she could get a hold of him once he left.

  Eden finally gained her composure and wiped her tear-stained face. She looked at the large wet spot in the middle of my shirt and ran her fingers over it.

  “Don’t worry about it. I was hot, and besides, it’s borrowed,” I said, causing a small smile to lift the corner of her lips.

  Eden sniffled, then turned her attention back to Samuel. “Do you think he knew about me?”

  Samuel shook his head in reply. “If he had known he had a daughter, he would have told me. But I can assure you of this. You would have changed his life. And I know he would have loved you wholly and unconditionally.”

  Eden nodded, appearing to feel somewhat soothed by his words.

  Alaine rubbed Samuel’s back, and he leaned into her touch. Their relationship was one any mortal or immortal would covet. Their love withstood even death itself. A Fallen angel and a Nephilim. How the immortal bond chose two opposites to be together, we would never know, but it had also chosen Kade and Emma. The bond was always right. They had found their perfect matches.

  I was glad I’d decided to bring Eden here. However, we still had limited time, and I had to figure out a way to get her back to Brindle Hall in one piece. Looking at the time, it was almost three in the morning. I knew the only way to get her to safety, would be to ask for help.

  “Before we made it to the portal, we were attacked by at least a dozen Darkling, but there could be more. I have a feeling they’ll be waiting when we return,” I said.

  Samuel put his arm around Alaine. “Danyel gave his life to help save our daughter. It’s the least we could do to make sure his daughter is safe.”

  “Agreed,” Alaine said, wrapping her arms around Samuel’s waist. He hugged her tight in return, then they both looked at Eden with adoring eyes.

  “We’ll all assist you back to school,” Kade said. “Emma, how about we get our walking shoes?”

  “Sounds great, honey.” She winked at him, then stood from the table. “We’ll be right back.” They held each other’s hands as they exited out the back door.

  Samuel and Alaine also stood. “Make yourselves at home, and don’t leave without us.”

  “We won’t,” I said.

  “Thank you,” Eden added.

  Alaine smiled before they headed out of the dining room.

  “Where are they going?” Eden asked.

  “To prepare for battle.”

  Her hand reached for mine, and I laced my fingers through hers. “Thanks again, for bringing me here.” Her face was still red, and her eyes were swollen.

  “I hope you found the answers you were looking for.”

  “I found more than I ever expected,” she replied. “I still feel like I’m in some twisted nightmare, but at least I’m not alone.”

  I laughed and pulled her into my chest, breathing her in. “No. You’re not alone, Eden.”

  The ache in my chest was still there, and I had a feeling it wouldn’t go away anytime soon. I wanted to protect her, to make sure she was safe—not only for this assignment but for the rest of her life.

  I held her in my arms until Kade and Emma returned. They were dressed in black, with swords in hand. Emma had her hair tied back into a ponytail. Alaine and Samuel also came in, dressed and ready for battle.

  “Just like old times,” I joked.

  “Hell yeah,” Kade chimed. “Too bad Thomas and Dom aren’t here to join in the fun.”

  “Oh, they had a taste of it this afternoon.”

  “Yeah, Dom told us all about it.” Kade chuckled.

  “Shall we?” Alaine asked. She was no-nonsense and professional about everything. “Samuel and I will take the lead. Alexander, you and Eden will follow, and Kade and Emma will bring up t
he rear.”

  Eden’s eyes were wide with fear. “Just stay close to me,” I whispered, and she nodded. “They are the best warriors I’ve ever known.”

  Samuel gently placed his hand on her shoulder. “We’re all here to ensure your safety.”

  “Emma, if things escalate, go invisible,” Alaine instructed.

  Emma nodded, and I watched Eden’s eyes widen.

  “It’s one of her gifts,” I explained. “You will be given a gift when you transform as well.”

  “How far is the portal from the school?” Samuel questioned.

  “About two hundred yards,” I replied. “Midway placed a barrier of protection over the school, so Fallen can’t get in. Let me text the Watcher. Maybe he can let me know what we’ll be up against.”

  I grabbed my cell phone and texted Isaac.

  Me: We’re coming through the portal. What are we looking at?

  It took over a minute for him to reply, and I figured it was because he was either assessing the area or messing up on the text.

  Isaac: Darkling in the woods. The count is over fifty surrounding the portal.

  Me: Thanks. I have backup coming with me.

  Freaking stinkers.

  “So, what are we looking at?” Kade asked.

  “Approximately fifty Darkling waiting to give us a warm welcome,” I replied.

  “Fifty?” Eden gasped.

  “Aww, fifty is a walk in the park.” Kade chuckled, trying to reassure her. “Heck, my wife can probably take all fifty herself, but it’s still my job to protect her, so I’m willing to kill my share.”

  Everyone but Eden laughed, fear still etched all over her face.

  I didn’t blame her. She was trying to cope with it all.

  “Hey,” I said, steadying her face to look at me. “Darkling are scary, but they don’t stand a chance against angels. All we have to do is get you into the school. They won’t follow. They hate the light…it hurts their eyes. Besides, they are forbidden to be seen by any mortal, which is why all those who do see them, die.”


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