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Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings)

Page 15

by Cameo Renae

  “I can come back.” I stood to leave.

  “No!” she shouted, then covered her mouth. Her face and neck flushed in embarrassment. “I mean, it’s okay…for you to be here. I—I just forgot something from my dresser.”

  I smiled as she quickly tiptoed over to her dresser, pulled something out and up to her chest, then tiptoed back into the bathroom and shut the door. Even if Ephraim himself came down and told me to stop looking, I couldn’t have taken my eyes off of her.

  When she exited, she was in baby-blue pajama pants and a matching tank top. I could see the tiredness in her eyes. She yawned as she made her way to the bed and sank onto the side of it.

  Her chestnut eyes met mine. “I learned a lot tonight about who I am, my father, and where he came from. You don’t know how much that means to me.” Her eyes rimmed with tears. “I’m also glad you took me to meet Emma. Seeing her gave me extra strength and hope, knowing I’m not alone. That she went through something similar.”

  “She went through a lot and survived.”

  She grinned. “How could she not with all of you surrounding her?”

  “True,” I chuckled.

  “All the scary stuff out there…the monsters…I don’t feel so scared when you’re with me.”

  Her words made this entire assignment worthwhile. “I’m glad you feel that way.”

  She sighed, twisting her hands nervously around each other. “My friends were in my room when I got back. They thought something horrible had happened to me, and it only made it worse when they couldn’t get in touch with me because my phone was on the desk and dead.”

  “Shows how much they care about you.”

  “It does,” she said, then yawned again. “I’m a lucky girl.”

  “You should get some rest,” I said. “When you sleep, you heal.”

  “I don’t know if I can fall asleep. There is way too much information spinning in my head, and I’m trying to make sense of it all.”

  “Do you want some help?” I offered.

  She paused, then nodded.

  I was a bit shocked she agreed to it. If I were mortal and shown all that crap in one day, I probably wouldn’t handle it well, and definitely wouldn’t want anyone knocking me out. I was glad I was part of the reason she was coping.

  I stood and walked over to her bedside as she laid back and pulled the covers over her. She looked up at me, her eyes sad.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I want to sleep, but I don’t want you to leave me.”

  “I won’t leave.”

  “Promise?” Her voice was soft and weak.

  “I promise.”

  She nudged herself over until she was almost touching the wall, then patted the space next to her. “You don’t have to sleep on the floor.”

  “I don’t mind sleeping on the floor,” I replied, pointing to my pillow.

  “I promise I won’t seduce you,” she said with a tight-lipped smile. “I’ll be sound asleep anyway.” She patted the space again, and I couldn’t refuse. This girl was going to be the end of me.

  I grabbed my pillow and placed it on the bed next to her, then laid down.

  “What’s your family like?” she asked, her eyes focused on the ceiling.

  No one had ever asked me that before.

  “They’re wonderful,” I breathed. “My father is a warrior, and my mother is a worshiper.”

  “Wow. So you grew up in Heaven?”

  I laughed and looked at the ceiling. “Yes. Only, we call it Grandia.”

  “Grandia,” she whispered to herself. “What’s it like?” She turned to her side, facing me.

  We were close, inches apart. I could feel her warm breath on my cheek but didn’t turn for fear my restraint would give.

  “It’s nothing like you’ve ever witnessed before. A perfect paradise, unblemished and untouched by humans or evil. The trees are fuller and grander, the rivers and lakes are crystal clear…no pollution. And the sky is a color of blue no human eye has seen. You can’t begin to compare it to anything on Earth, and it’s much too difficult to explain.”

  “It sounds like heaven,” she sighed. “Pun intended.”

  I turned, and my eyes met hers. “Maybe one day, I’ll show you.”

  She gasped, popping up on one elbow. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No,” I replied. “Once you transform, I’ll be happy to take you.”

  “And they will—accept me?”

  “Of course they will.” I turned my attention back to the ceiling once again, focusing on a small crack in the plaster. I couldn’t be so close to her. All I could think about was her lips against mine, and how they would taste. “Kade took Emma to Grandia.”

  “But they were bonded,” she added, remembering Emma’s story. “Isn’t that different?”

  “Yes. But if you want to go, I’ll take you.”

  She squealed and wrapped her arms around my chest, her head resting in the middle. I wrapped my arms around her, and it felt amazing. Like she belonged there. I wanted her. I wanted her so bad, my insides ached.

  Chapter 24


  Tingles ripped through me as Alex grabbed my waist and flipped me onto my back in one fluid motion. His face was inches from mine, his breath heavy. I swear I could feel his heartbeat mimicking mine—hard and fast.

  His green eyes were illuminated around the edges, and God, I could get lost in them forever.

  “I want to kiss you right now,” he said in a low rasp.

  I could hear my heartbeat thrumming in my ears. A heat raged inside, my core tingling with the feel of his weight pressing down on me.

  “I’m not holding you back,” I whispered, running my fingers up his back.

  As soon as the words left my mouth, his lips were on mine, soft and warm.

  An electrical current swept through my body like a tidal wave, starting from my head and working itself all the way down through the tips of my toes.

  His velvet tongue ran along the seam of my lips, and I moaned his name.

  I wanted him so damn bad.

  His lips took control, claiming my mouth, I submitted fully to his every demand. He was pure seduction, his kiss making me high. My entire body buzzed, and I knew he felt it too.

  His hands trailed up my thighs, landing on my waist. Fisting his shirt in my hands, I yanked upward. I wanted it off. I needed to touch his bare skin.

  Breaking our kiss, he allowed me to pull the shirt over his head and toss it to the side of the bed. His sculpted abs were begging me to touch them. I ran my hands over his stomach; fingers tracing cords of each muscle.

  There was a scar on his abdomen, so I fingered the length of it, curious as to when and where he got such a battle wound.

  He tensed under my touch then I felt him relax, his full weight pushing me into the bed. Groaning, he rocked his hips into mine, creating a delicious friction. A needy noise escaped my lips, making him deepen the kiss. His hands were frantic as if he couldn’t get enough of me.

  Then, in the blink of an eye, he stopped all movement and rested his forehead on mine. Cursing under his breath, he pushed back up. His green eyes locked onto mine, and they looked…conflicted. “I’m so sorry.”

  “For what?” I was breathless, wondering why he’d stopped. I didn’t want him to. And when I could feel him rolling off my body, I hooked my finger into his belt loops, holding him in place.

  He pressed his lips down on my forehead, and then rested his cheek next to mine.

  “Sleep,” he whispered softly into my ear.

  I fought the darkness taking over the corners of my eyes. No. Not now.

  “Why?” I exhaled, my eyes narrowing on him.

  Deep creases lined his brow, the
fire in his emerald eyes had dimmed.

  “I can’t do this,” he sighed.

  My heart cracked, right before I faded into darkness.

  Chapter 25



  I hope you slept well. I’m sorry about last night. I don’t regret one moment of it, but I also have to consider my work. Your safety is my priority, and I let my feelings get in the way.

  I kept my promise and stayed until the sun rose, but had to leave. Apparently, I still have to attend classes, even if you aren’t there.

  I’ll see you tonight,


  I flipped the letter over to see if there was anything else. Nothing. Placing it back on the desk where I’d found it when I’d woken up this morning, I thought hard on his words.

  Oh, God.

  Was I corrupting him?

  He was sent here to be my Guardian, to look after me, and here I was, kissing on him, ripping his shirt off, and touching his abs!

  Jezebel. I was almost embarrassed now. But it wasn’t on purpose, I swore it. I just hadn’t wanted him to sleep on the floor.

  Wait. Could I go to hell for seducing an angel? Could he lose his wings for getting involved with someone other than his bonded?

  The thought made me nauseated.

  How the heck was I going to hide my emotions from him? Alex was my hero. My personal Guardian sent to protect me. Me!

  How could I not have any kind of emotional attachment to him? I mean, come on. He slew a freaking Darkling with me in his arms. And his kiss, his body rubbing against mine…dear God. Just the thought of him caused a fire to ignite inside me.

  I hoped Alex didn’t blame himself for our actions. I’d been just as caught up in the moment as he was.

  My mind was spinning. I sighed, as my thoughts turned toward my birth father. Tears threatened to fall again as I wondered what kind of life he had. A Fallen warrior who gave his life to save his friends. He was selfless. A hero.

  All my life, I’d put up walls around my heart to keep the pain away of not having a dad. For years I allowed my heart to become hard, calloused. Then, last night, finding out he was not only a Fallen angel but a changed, good-hearted, warrior angel…it broke me.

  I’d kept the emotions buried deep inside my entire life. It was tough growing up, trying to explain to my friends why I didn’t have a dad and that I’d never met him…it was taxing at best, but it also made me strong, growing another layer of skin.

  On the one hand, I could count the number of times I’d cried. I mean really cried. The death of my grandparents was the first. Then again, when I found out, I’d been miraculously healed from my disease and didn’t have to be poked and prodded any longer. And lastly, finding out my birth father was dead.

  The cries were deserved, and I wasn’t ashamed. I was just surprised at how much had been bottled up. And it hadn’t been pretty. That was some of my best ugly crying.

  At this point, I couldn’t wait to talk to Alex. I needed to apologize to him, and prayed there wouldn’t be awkwardness between us.

  Taking another glance at the clock, I realized they had just started first period. I’d have to bide my time—which would be torturous—until fourth period when he would be on break. I changed into some jean shorts and a fitted white tee, then put on some lip gloss and straightened my hair before pulling it up into a ponytail.

  I decided not to leave my room today. My plan was to stay inside and hide away from everyone. They already knew I had a sprained ankle. Could you imagine if they saw my arm? I was in no position to deal with any other drama.

  Time ticked on and on, and after countless glances at the clock, third period had finally finished. I held my cell phone in hand, waiting until I knew the classes had emptied. Butterflies danced in my stomach. Why the hell was I so nervous?

  I sent off a text to him, asking if he could stop by.

  A few seconds later I got a reply. He was heading up the stairs and would meet me soon.

  My heart went into overdrive. I couldn’t wait to see him, but I knew I had to calm down.

  It took everything inside of me to keep from racing out the door. My feet wanted to run, but my mind held them to a slow and steady pace. By the time I reached the door, my nerves were wrecked.

  I opened the outer door, and Alex was standing there. He was wearing black jeans and a dark green fitted tee, which hugged every muscular curve, and mimicked the color of his eyes. Crap. This was going to be harder than anticipated. How the heck could he look even more gorgeous than yesterday?

  “Did you want me to come in?” he asked, with a tilt of his head and a half smile, which told me he knew what I was thinking.

  “Yes,” I puffed. “I’m sorry.” I started to walk down the hall to my room. “How were your classes?”

  “Boring and unnecessary.”

  I laughed a little too loud. “I bet. I’m sorry you’ve been subjected to our mortal educational system. By the way, how many times have you had to endure high school?”

  A grin tugged at his lips. “Let’s just say, more than I’d ever like to remember.”

  We finally reached my door, and once we stepped inside, I quickly shut and locked it.

  He stood close, inches away, his body heat radiating through our clothes, his alluring scent wrapping around me. His emerald eyes had locked onto mine. “It would have been much better if you were there.”

  “Yeah,” I said breathlessly. “I—I have a note.” I internally rolled my eyes with that lame answer.

  His eyes twinkled, and a smile rose on his perfect, full lips. “I wanted to say I’m sorry, for what happened last night.”

  I had to break the trance he put me under, so I moved away before I did something irrational.

  “Have a seat,” I said, sitting on the edge of the bed, my hands sweaty, my pulse racing.

  Alex moved across the room and sat on the desk chair, wheeling it a few inches toward me.

  “Did you get my note?” he asked.

  I snatched it from under my pillow and held it up. “Listen, Alex. I don’t want you to feel bad about putting me to sleep last night. Things were getting heated, and I think it was the best for both of us.”

  “You aren’t upset?” There was a large crease in his brow.

  I shook my head. “I know you’re here on an assignment, and I don’t want you to get into trouble.” The truth was, I didn’t want to be the reason he had to leave. I had eight days until my birthday and the transformation. I wanted him to be with me through it all.

  I continued. “When your assignment is finished, will I ever see you again?” His eyes saddened, and he remained silent. “I’ll take that as a no.” My heart felt like a thousand pound weight had been tied around it.

  What if two hearts were meant to be together, but circumstances had forbidden it? It wasn’t fair. I’d known him for less than a week but felt like I’d known him for a lifetime.

  Trissa believed in reincarnation. Recycled souls, she called it. What if Alex and I had been together once, in another time, and were brought back together here? But that couldn’t be right. He was immortal.

  Alex stood and pulled me to my feet. He took my hand and lifted it to his mouth, pressing a kiss against my fingertips.

  “Believe me, this is just as hard for me as it is for you. There’s something different about you. Something that draws me to you.” He placed my hand over his heart, then brushed his fingers against the side of my face. “When I’m away from you, all I can think about is the next time I will see you. You have no idea how badly I wanted to continue last night, but—”

  “You don’t have to explain,” I cut in. “I understand.” My heart melted. His words struck a chord within my core. He was thinking about me, and he felt bad for putting me to sle
ep. I looked at him through teary eyes. “Since the moment I opened my eyes, all I could think about was seeing you again.” An embarrassing giggle exited my lips. “I don’t want you to leave. I don’t want them to send you away because your assignment was slowly falling for you.” Lies. I was falling hard and fast. “What would happen if we were to be together?” I questioned.

  “It’s forbidden. Without the bond, they would pull me off the assignment and bring someone else in. I could lose my position. They want me close, but not too close, and they have a Watcher assigned to the case.”

  “A Watcher?”

  “Yes. You haven’t seen him. And he’ll remain hidden, but has been assigned to watch the areas around you, to check for any immediate danger.”

  That was creepy. At least I could see Alex, but to know there was some other person out there, watching me, sent a chill up my spine.

  Alex stepped closer, closing the distance between us. “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said, and I believed him.

  The air around us was stirring with an electrical buzz. His fingers grazed my chin, then tilted my head back. His lips hovered over mine, his gentle and warm breath rushing over my skin, shooting tingles throughout my body. His right hand cupped the back of my neck, the other traveled downward, to the small of my back, pressing me into him.

  “Alex.” I was trying to gain my sanity, but his closeness was carrying me deeper and deeper away from it.

  He brought his mouth over mine, barely making contact. Breathing me in, he moved along my cheek and nestled in the spot below my ear. Hearts pounding, I couldn’t tell where his began, and mine ended. I clutched onto him and let my head fall back. He traced his parted lips down the column of my neck, leaving a hot trail from his breath. When he reached the tops of my breasts, I shuddered. His light touch was more erotic than any make-out session I’d ever been part of.


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