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Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings)

Page 17

by Cameo Renae

  I wasn’t going to argue because it’s what needed to be done. But her verbalizing it, made it easier for me to cope with.

  So why the hell did I still feel like crap?

  Chapter 27


  It was six in the morning, and I was up. Why? Because my friends wanted to head to Seattle at seven to look for ball gowns. That’s why.

  I had a cute, knee-length dress picked out, which I’d purchased a year ago on clearance, but they all confirmed it wasn’t fancy enough. Not for the senior ball and all the photos that would be flying around social media. Even Sebastian was gung-ho for us going all out. He even volunteered to do my makeup after watching a gazillion YouTube tutorials. I had to admit, he was damn good, and if the acting career didn’t work out, he could probably hit it big as a makeup artist.

  Alex was gone when I woke up, and as usual, I felt empty inside. It was the strangest feeling. Before he showed up a week ago, I’d been fine. My life had been far from normal, but I was in a set routine, even if insomnia was part of it.

  Then Alex walked into that cafeteria, and my world went topsy-turvy. I was getting sleep now, the most wonderful, deep sleep. I asked him a gazillion questions about Grandia and angels, among other things, as Alex was always willing to give me as much information as possible. He was the only one I could talk to. The only one who understood who I was, and everything that was going on in my life. He had become my rock; the one keeping me steady.

  The past few nights, he’d spent hours on my floor, listening to me talk. He knew my entire life story.

  The more time I spent with him, the more my heart was getting attached. I was finding out just how perfect he really was. He was a real angel, with a heart of gold. Meanwhile, each day we were together, I was dying inside, knowing that soon he’d be leaving. I’d probably never see him again.

  He’d ruined the rest of my life. Every guy in my future would be compared to him, and none would ever come close.

  My phone buzzed exactly at 6:45 AM. I knew it was Trissa before I looked. She was anal about being on time and had put us all in a group message.

  Trissa: Meet at the bottom of the stairs – 10 mins.

  Sebastian: kk

  Kimi: Ok

  Me: C-ya

  Alex: Got it.

  I smiled at his text, and triple checked myself in the mirror before I left. I’d woken up early and straightened my hair, and even put on some makeup. I paired my look with some jean shorts and a fitted black top, which had rhinestone wings on the back. I thought it was fitting, especially since my real-life angel would be with me.

  As I headed down, I saw Alex and Sebastian below. As soon as Alex saw me, a smile widened on his face, making my heart thrum loudly inside my chest.

  “Eden, you are a vision,” Sebastian said, his eyes sweeping over my outfit. “I almost didn’t recognize you without baggy attire and a sad ponytail.”

  “Ha ha. I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “It is,” he said. “What do you think, Alex?”

  I could slap him.

  “She looks like an angel,” Alex replied. His melodic voice and emerald eyes, which were set on me, sent warm tingles throughout my body.

  “We’re here,” Trissa called from above with Kimi right behind her.

  Sebastian jiggled his keys in the air. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  We all piled into Sebastian’s VW Jetta GLI. It was red on the outside, with black leather interior, tinted windows, and turbocharged with 210 horsepower.

  It was small, and usually fit the four of us perfectly. But I was worried Alex would be uncomfortable, especially with his larger frame.

  Sebastian insisted on Alex sitting in the back next to me, and neither of us argued. Trissa pulled her seat up so his legs could fit as comfortably as possible. I sat in the middle, with Kimi sitting behind Sebastian.

  Being next to Alex, with our sides and legs touching, was incredibly comfortable. The right side of my body was tingling with warmth, and I settled in for the long drive ahead.

  Sebastian started the car, and blasted his new playlist.

  “To Seattle!” he cheered.

  The ride was eventful, with lots of laughter and singing along the way, with a few stops for food and bathroom breaks.

  When we finally arrived, Trissa had input the location of a brand-new boutique into the navigation system. Sebastian found a parking spot right in front. Alex exited, then held out his hand to help me out, as he did at every stop.

  Such a gentleman.

  Inside the boutique, a woman met us. She was tall and thin with long blonde hair. Her nails and makeup were perfect, just like her shop. Lots of gowns in gorgeous colors and different lengths were displayed on mannequins, complete with accessories. One of the walls was nothing but shoes, in all colors, shapes, and sizes.

  I was overwhelmed; there were too many to choose from. Kimi and Trissa had already picked their first gowns to try on, while I slowly made my way through the aisles, deciding which one would suit me best.

  Alex sat at the front, and I could hear the woman ask if he wanted any refreshments. He accepted, and she disappeared into the back, coming out with a box of pastries and bottled water.

  Sebastian followed Trissa, giving her advice, but I wished he would have come with me. I was the one who needed the most help.

  As I came around a corner, my eye caught a gown. It was long and flowy, in a deep Cerulean blue. I looked for my size and plucked it from the rack, then walked up to the lady.

  “I’d like to try this on, please.”

  “Right this way.” She smiled, leading me to a dressing room.

  Inside, I quickly shed my clothes and stepped into the dress. It fit like a glove, hugging my chest and waist perfectly. Even the bottom would be perfect with my two-inch heels. Tiptoeing, I twirled in it, and I knew I’d found the one. And in less than ten minutes, no less. That was a new record.

  My heart skipped a beat as I quickly slipped out of it and checked the price. It was on sale, and less than I expected.

  Double score.

  After changing, I exited with the gown in hand. The woman was standing at the front, talking to Alex. Figures. He charmed everyone.

  When Alex saw me, he smiled and stood. “How’s it going?”

  “I found it,” I answered proudly, holding the draped dress over my arm.

  “What?” Sebastian’s voice echoed from the opposite side of the store.

  “Would you like to look at accessories or heels?” the saleswoman asked.

  “No, thank you,” I replied.

  I already had a pair of heels that would match perfectly, and a pearl necklace and earrings from my grandmother to tie it all together.

  Kimi and Trissa rounded the corner.

  Trissa gasped. “Eden…you did not find your dress already, did you?”

  “Yep,” I said proudly, holding up the bag.

  “Show me,” Trissa said, strutting toward me with four dresses draped over her arm. I opened the bag and let her peek inside. “Oh my gosh, that color is gorgeous.”

  “Let me see,” Kimi added, coming up behind me.

  “Oh, Eden! I love the color. I can’t wait to see it on you.”

  “And I have the perfect pallet to work my magic,” Sebastian added, peeking from behind them.

  I turned to Alex and scrunched my face. “I hope you can find something to match this.”

  “I think I can pull it off,” he said, with a crazy cute smile.

  My insides twisted, wanting to walk over and press my body against his. Ugh. I hated the rules that forbade us to be together.

  We waited for almost two hours while Kimi and Trissa tried on nearly every single dress in the store. Kimi fina
lly decided on a red number that was short in the front and draped down to the floor in the back. It had sequins around the bodice, and she looked sexy in it. She also picked out some black and red heels and a few accessories.

  Trissa, on the other hand, didn’t find her perfect dress. But, she did have a few more shops on her list.

  “We are going to get food before hitting any other store. I can’t continue to look for dresses like this. I’m starving,” Sebastian muttered.

  We all agreed, and it was almost noon when we walked around the corner to a small Italian restaurant. It was cozy and rustic, with grape vines hand painted along the walls, and pictures of Italy’s landscapes hanging in between. Live plants were placed in the corners and hanging from the ceiling.

  A handsome male waiter greeted us. He was tanned with chocolate hair and dark eyes and was impeccably groomed. The strong scent of his cologne tickled my nose.

  I elbowed Sebastian. He turned to me and winked, fanning himself.

  The waiter led us to a booth. Alex slid in first, and I slid in next to him. Trissa and Sebastian pushed in on the other side. Kimi waited as the waiter brought over a chair, and smiled shyly as he pushed her in.

  “This is nice,” I said. Alex’s phone buzzed in his pocket, making me jump.

  He laughed as he stretched to the side, pulling it out and reading it.

  “My friends aren’t too far from here. After lunch, would you all mind if I meet them? I’m definitely on for dinner.”

  “Of course,” I said, automatically reaching over and touching his thigh. An electric current coursed through me and ignited my core, so I moved my hand away. I wished I could go with him, but I knew how important this day was to my friends.

  “Thanks,” he grinned, and we shared a short moment.

  Chapter 28


  After lunch, I walked with Eden and her friends to the next dress shop together. I texted Samuel and told him to meet me at a small coffee shop across the street. From there, I would be able to keep my eye on them and make sure trouble stayed away.

  After ordering a black coffee, I sat on a small round table outside. The sun finally was out today, and it felt amazing.

  “Alexander,” Alaine called as she walked around the corner, followed by Kade and Samuel. Apparently, Emma had stayed back, as her adopted sister, Courtney, was ill. The three of them were wearing black, but they seemed to blend in with everyone around them. I stood and greeted them, then invited them to sit.

  I quickly went over the plans the group made for dinner and told them which route we’d be traveling on back to the school. Samuel and Kade would be taking to the sky, and Alaine would be driving, since she didn’t have wings.

  An hour sped by as we chatted, then my phone buzzed. It was Eden.

  Eden: Trissa finally found a dress! We’re heading to the Frozen Yogurt Bar a few blocks down.

  Me: Just across the street. I’ll meet you there.

  Eden: :)

  “We’ll meet you at the restaurant tonight,” Alaine said. “We’ve already made reservations.”

  “I owe you guys for this, big time.”

  Alaine walked up and placed her hand on my shoulder. “You owe us nothing. We are here for Eden, for now and always.”

  “Thank you.”

  “We’ll be around,” Kade added. “But I’m going to search for some fried chicken.”

  “Fried chicken?” I laughed.

  “Yeah, I keep hearing about this place called Heaven Sent Fried Chicken. How can I resist with a name like that?”


  The last stop on our trip was to Kimi’s family’s restaurant. Her parents greeted us with welcoming hugs, then sat us at a private table in a corner.

  They were super nice and generous, allowing us to order anything we wanted on the menu. Their restaurant was busy, tables were filled, and I spotted Samuel walking to the restroom. He discreetly gestured to where they were sitting, and I gave him an almost indiscernible nod back.

  Dinner was amazing—some of the best Japanese food I’d ever tasted. And to top it off, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d laughed so hard. Eden and her friends were definitely entertaining.

  As for Eden, I was hopeless. Sitting directly across from her, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her for more than a brief glance, and only when someone was addressing me directly. I found myself devouring everything about her. Especially when she smiled, because when she did, she lit up the entire room.

  At times, I would catch her lingering gaze. Behind those thick lashes, her chestnut eyes bore a hole straight through my chest.

  I was entranced by the way the candlelight flickered off her porcelain skin, and highlighted golden strands throughout her silky brown hair, as her long fingers combed through it.

  This girl was stealing my heart, and I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to take it back.

  After dinner, we said our goodbyes and made our way outside.

  “What the effing eff!“ Sebastian’s voice sliced through the cold night air. He dropped to his knees, examining a flat tire on his car. “Some bitch sliced my tire.”

  “Sebastian,” Trissa called. “I think we’ve got a much bigger problem.” She pointed to the back tire which was also flat.

  “Way bigger,” Kimi sang, stopping and examining the tires on the other side.

  Something was going down. A huge red flag sent me on guard. I sniffed the air, trying not to seem too obvious. There was a hint of smokiness.

  The Fallen were here.

  “Oh, hell no! I will cut a bitch,” Sebastian yelled, kicking his tire, his face red with rage.

  Passersby paused, but moved on quickly, not wanting to get involved.

  Sebastian dialed a number on his phone. He was livid, but his voice lowered when someone picked up. I assumed he called the police, which was good by me. The more witnesses they could get to the scene, the better.

  Eden made her way over, and I tucked her against my chest, wrapping my arm around her. “You need to take your friends back inside,” I said.

  Fear filled her eyes. “Are they here?” she asked, and I nodded. “Will we be okay?”

  I cupped her face in my hand, running my thumb down her soft cheek. “I’ll keep you safe, but you need to get inside.”

  She nodded then pulled away. The distance between us sent a chill to my bones. She gathered Kimi and Trissa and urged them to go back inside.

  “What’s the problem?” Samuel asked, coming up from behind.

  Sebastian turned to him, his breath heavy. “Some crazy-ass bitch slashed my tires. There will be hell to pay,” he said, pointing into the sky.

  He had no idea the guilty were actually hovering high above him, somewhere in the dark clouds.

  Kimi came out with her father less than a minute later.

  “Who would do such a thing?” Mr. Takahashi asked.

  “It could have been anyone,” Sebastian said, running a frustrated hand through his hair.

  “I know a mechanic who lives nearby. He has a tow truck,” Kimi’s dad said.

  A passing cop pulled over, and Sebastian began his rant from the beginning again. The officer took down all the information, then suggested he contact his insurance company and a tow truck.

  “Make sure Eden stays inside,” Samuel instructed. “We can offer them a ride back to the school. Alaine can drive, and Kade and I can watch the sky.”

  I nodded, hearing Mr. Takahashi on his phone, confirming the tow truck would be arriving within fifteen minutes.

  I introduced Samuel to Sebastian.

  “Sebastian, this is Samuel, a family friend. He and his wife live here in Seattle, and offered to take us back to the school.”

  “What about my car?”

“Their son-in-law is willing to drive it back to Brindle Hollow tomorrow afternoon after the tires are fixed.”

  “Wow, thank you. Your friends are the best,” Sebastian said, shaking Samuel’s hand.

  Samuel nodded. “It’s no problem.”

  My phone buzzed in my pocket.

  Isaac: At least a dozen Fallen.

  Me: Where are you?

  I glanced around but didn’t see him.

  Isaac: Near. Watching.

  Walking up to Samuel, I tapped his arm and walked away. He followed, and we stopped when no one could hear us.

  “The Watcher said there are at least a dozen Fallen.”

  “We’ll need backup,” he exhaled.

  “I’ll go to Midway,” Kade jumped in. “There’s a portal a few miles away.”

  I nodded. Kade was one of the fastest Guardians I knew—on the ground and in the air. I’d witnessed him flying under Fallen while remaining undetected. He was the definition of stealth.

  In a split second, he was gone.

  Then there was a loud explosion, shaking the ground, but we couldn’t see where it landed. People began screaming and running. Another explosion followed.

  “We need to move,” Samuel urged. “The Fallen know we’re here and are using the explosions as a distraction. They’re causing chaos so they can set up an attack.”


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