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Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings)

Page 24

by Cameo Renae

  “So do you, sweetheart.”

  Her gaze turned to something behind me, so I turned around and a guy dressed in a black suit was headed toward us. He was smiling at my mom like he knew her. I looked back at her, and she had a similar look.

  “I’m sorry I missed the meeting,” he said, walking over to us.

  Confused, I took a step back, taking him all in. He stepped next to my mom and put his arm around her waist. Her cheeks flushed with pink.

  “Eden, I hope you don’t mind that I brought a special friend with me,” she said. “This is Dr. Timothy Tucker.”

  “Eden, it’s a pleasure to meet you finally,” Dr. Tucker said, holding his hand out to me. “Your mother has told me such wonderful things about you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Dr. Tucker,” I replied, shaking his hand, trying to process what was going on.

  “Please, call me Tim. Dr. Tucker sounds much too formal.” He laughed, and my mom laughed with him.

  I quickly realized Mom had finally found someone. And for him to come with her to my graduation, I knew it had to be something more than just a friendship.

  I watched the gentle way he put his arm around her, and how they stole glances frequently. This was a huge step for her. I’d never seen her so happy, or put together.

  My heart felt like it was going to burst, and I was overwhelmed with happiness for her. She deserved to find love.

  “Are you guys hungry?” I asked. “The cafeteria is open, and I heard they are serving all kinds of hot food.”

  “Well, I don’t know about you two ladies, but I’m starving,” Tim replied. When he smiled, two dimples adorned his cheeks. He was tall and slender, with a handsome face and dark features. His hair and eyes were dark brown, and he was well groomed and put together.

  I led them into the cafeteria, and after getting our food, we sat at a table in the back corner. Alex wasn’t there yet, so I still had that surprise in my back pocket.

  “So how long have you two been friends?” I asked, digging into my hash browns.

  Tim smiled brightly and looked to my mom. She sipped her coffee, then answered. “We’ve been working together for the past three years. Tim came on as a resident doctor at the hospital. I guess, after working together for so long, and—“

  “I finally built up enough nerve to ask if she’d have lunch with me,” Tim finished with a chuckle. “When she said yes, and we sat and talked, I realized she wasn’t only an amazing nurse, but an amazing woman and mother.” He grabbed hold of her hand. “We’ve been dating seriously for the past three months.”

  Their long and loving gaze made me a little uncomfortable. But I was thrilled for them. I really was. I could sense Dr. Tim was a good man. I could hear the sincerity in his voice and saw it in the way he touched and looked at her. My mom had found her match.

  A rush of unexpected tingles shot through my entire body, which made me turn around, just in time to see Alex walk through the door. His eyes caught mine, and he smiled and waved. The sight of his handsome face and his glimmering emerald eyes nearly made my heart stop. I had to tear my eyes away to avoid embarrassing myself in front of my mom. The bond was like a magnet, stronger than before.

  “Who’s that?” My mom asked in a high-pitched voice.

  “A friend,” I replied, not able to hide the ginormous smile on my face.

  Alex walked over to the buffet line, grabbed an orange, and headed toward us. The closer he got, the harder it became to breathe. My body craved him more than ever before.

  I stood when he joined us, and couldn’t help but hug him. As soon as we touched, a current shot through me. He squeezed me tight, and I knew he felt it too. It took everything I had to pull myself away and introduce him. My mom’s face was just as bright as before, her eyes darting between Alex and me.

  “Mom. Doctor—I mean Tim…this is Alex,” I said, introducing him.

  Alex held out a hand to my mother, palm up. When she offered him her hand in return, he kissed the back of it. “Ms. East, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” My mom’s eyes widened.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Alex. My daughter hasn’t mentioned you, but seeing as I haven’t mentioned Tim either, I guess we’re even.”

  Tim stood and shook Alex’s hand, and everyone was introduced. Alex stood behind me and pushed my seat in as I sat down, and Tim did the same for my mom.

  “So, are you two a thing?” she asked.

  Alex and I looked at each other and laughed. “Yeah, you could say that,” I replied.

  “How come you never mentioned him?”

  “He’s a recent transfer, and arrived here only a few weeks ago. He ended up in most of my classes, and we just…connected.”

  After a lengthy discussion about Alex’s family life, it was obvious he’d impressed both my mom and her doctor friend. By the time breakfast was finished, they were both singing his praises.

  I sat and admired him. It was hard not to fall in love with him. He was charming, handsome and…perfect.

  When he was around, it was as if the entire world fell out of focus, especially now that we were bonded.

  Finishing up breakfast and tossing our garbage in the trash, my mother said she and Tim were going to drive around the nearby town and would be back before graduation.

  It was so good to see her getting out and having fun. Her life had revolved around me and work for so long; I hoped Tim would be able to help her keep her smiling.

  Alex said he had some things to take care of, so my next few hours were spent with Sebastian, Trissa, and Kimi. These three had been my family for the past four years. We’d been through so much together, it would be hard to say goodbye.

  Sebastian did my hair and makeup for the ceremony, keeping in mind I would be wearing a gold gown with black tassel. It was a touchy subject though, as the guys had to wear black gowns with red tassels.

  “Why do the girls get to wear gold?” Sebastian whined. “That’s freaking unfair.”

  “But black is flattering. It’s slimming,” I argued.

  “Bitch, I don’t need slimming.” Sebastian lifted his shirt, showing his perfect six-pack. All three of us fanned ourselves.

  “Oh, Sebastian,” Trissa sighed. “Put that shirt down, or I’ll be forced to make you straight.”

  “Honey, it’s best you stay vegetarian, because you couldn’t handle this meat.”

  Kimi pretended to heave. “Gross.”

  “I’m really going to miss you guys,” I said. Sebastian would be going off to try and make it big in Hollywood, while Kimi and Trissa were already enrolled in colleges in other states. “You’re seriously the best friends I’ve ever had.”

  “Stop it, Eden. Your makeup is perfection. If you cry, I’ll slap the shit out of you,” Sebastian said, waving us over. “Come on, girls. It’s huddle time.”

  Chapter 38


  It was time for the ceremony, and I wondered where Alex had gone. Maybe he went to Midway to tell them of the bond?

  The buzz of graduation excitement was everywhere.

  The boys would be walking in from one side of the school, and the girls would come from the other. I couldn’t wait to see Alex. I knew he had to be there, somewhere.

  As the procession started, everything sunk in. I’d survived four years of high school, Darkling, Fallen angels, and a transformation. I should’ve been getting a life-sized trophy instead of a diploma.

  Walking toward our seats, I scanned the audience and saw my mom and Tim sitting near the front. I also noticed Samuel, Alaine, Kade, and Emma. How could I not? They stuck out amongst the crowd. Freaking beautiful immortals.

  Wait a minute. Samuel was here? That must have been where Alex had gone, to get the barrier taken down for the ceremony.

  Alex was si
tting on the opposite side of the lawn, and I couldn’t see him from where I was located, but my whole body hummed knowing he was somewhere near. My heart hammered as the ceremony started. There were a number of speakers, each talking about who knows what. I barely heard any of it.

  There was a speech and a moment of silence for the the dorm mistrees. Then we stood, and the presentation of diplomas began. The line moved slowly, and when my row headed to the stage, I saw him.

  How on Earth could he look so damn sexy in a cap and gown?

  Thunder rumbled overhead, and the sun was slowly covered by incoming, dark clouds.

  “Dammit,” the girl in front of me whined. “We’re gonna get dumped on.”

  No. Not today. I was so sick of the overcast clouds and rain. We deserved the sun to be shining on this special day. I looked up to the dark clouds covering the sun and wished the hell they’d go away. I wanted the sunshine. I demanded the sun!

  As soon as I thought the words, a wind picked up, and the clouds shifted. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the sky, as the storm blew away, heading in the opposite direction, back over the ocean.

  “Eden East.”

  A girl from behind me nudged me. “Eden, you’re up.”

  Snapping back to reality, I quickly walked across the stage, took my diploma and shook Mr. Haggart’s hand. I could hear my mom screaming, and when I gazed into the crowd, she was standing and clapping, tears streaming from her eyes. Tim was right next to her, camera in hand, snapping photos.

  Next, it was my turn to sit and scream as they announced Kimi, Trissa, Sebastian, and finally Alex. And when he walked across the stage, I briefly wondered how many graduation ceremonies he’d been through. I’d have to ask him about it. There was so much I didn’t know about him yet.

  Principal Haggart stood with the microphone on the stage. “Remember graduates…with every ending, comes a new beginning. Congratulations!”

  We all turned our tassels to the left side; and pandemonium broke out—people screaming and throwing their caps into the air. The crowd cheered, and I was tackled from behind by Kimi and Trissa. Sebastian came running over, crushing us all into a group hug. We hugged and cried and made promises to keep in touch.

  Once we were set free, my mom and Tim came up and congratulated me. Tim handed me a large bouquet of red roses, and my mother gave me a card and a humongous hug.

  Then, tingles buzzed through my body, and I knew Alex was near. I turned around, and he was standing behind me, his emerald eyes just as bright as his smile.

  “Congratulations,” he said.

  I ran to him and threw my arms around his neck. “I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for you.”

  “I wasn’t the only one,” he said, glancing over his shoulder.

  “Congratulations,” Alaine cheered. Samuel was standing beside her, and Kade and Emma behind them, holding hands and leaning into each other. They all took turns congratulating me and handing me roses.

  “We’re so happy for you and Alex,” Alaine said. “He told us about the bond.”

  She wrapped me in a motherly hug. “Have you found your gift yet?”

  “I’m not sure, but I think I might have wished the clouds away.”

  “I knew it!” Kade blurted. “The moment she looked to the sky, it cleared.”

  “Weather manipulation?” Emma asked.

  “I believe so,” Samuel answered. “It’s a powerful gift. With the proper training, you could do amazing things.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I don’t think they have weather manipulation 101 in college.”

  “They don’t.” Alaine stepped closer and put a hand on my shoulder. “In fact, if you’d like to learn how to use your gift properly, I am opening up my home to you. For the record, we can call it an internship. But you will be provided with a college education, along with a room for you and Alex. Emma and I will also be able to help you with your gift, learn how to control it.”

  I was overwhelmed. “You would do that for me?”

  “Nephilim are a rare and dying breed,” Alaine answered. “We have to watch out for each other and keep each other safe. Besides, Danyel was like family, not to mention, Alex. And that means, you’re family too.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “How about…Heck yeah, I’ll take it,” Kade said, laughing.

  “It’s an open invitation, Eden. But with the constant threats out there, we’d like to get you safe as soon as possible, especially until we know you’re strong enough on your own.”

  Alex cleared his throat. “She won’t be alone.”

  I turned to him and smiled, then backed up and leaned against his strong frame. As his arms wrapped around my waist, I knew what they were offering was where I needed to be.

  With every ending, comes a new beginning.

  I was no longer my old self. I was transformed, part of an entirely new world, and needed to learn as much as I could to protect myself and those I loved.

  I turned to Alex, and he grinned. “It’s your decision.”

  “Alaine,” I said. “I’d love to take you up on the offer.”

  “Eden, we’re thrilled. We’ve had a few rooms renovated, so we’ll have everything set when you arrive.”

  “I can’t wait.” I turned and saw my mom and Tim heading our way. “I’d like you all to meet my mom,” I said to the entire group.

  “We would love to,” Alaine said, grabbing Samuel’s hand.

  I introduced them to my mom as friends of Alex’s. Then explained the internship opportunity in Alaska, leaving out that I’d be living with Alex. In time I’d let her know, but for now, I wanted to keep her focused on the educational part.

  After meeting all of them, and Alaine discussing my new position, my mom was thrilled. More than I’d expected her to be, and was in total agreement with me going.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” She asked, pulling me to the side.

  “Yes. This is the kind of opportunity someone doesn’t pass up. You could make plans to come up and visit. See the place I’ll be interning and studying.”

  “I’d love that. I’ve always wanted to take a trip to Alaska. Maybe I could plan a road trip.” She took hold of my hand. “I take it you won’t be coming home?”

  “I’d like to get settled first. But I’ll be home soon, to visit and pack more things.”

  “That sounds good sweetheart.” She wrapped me in a hug.

  Alaine stood behind me. “Miss East, I assure you, Eden will be in the best of hands.”

  “I have no doubt,” my mom said. “I trust my daughter and her judgement, and support her one hundred percent.”

  I wrapped her in a big hug, one last time.

  Now that she had Tim, I knew she would be okay, and besides, Alaska wasn’t that far away.

  Chapter 39


  “Alex, please take care of our bestie,” Trissa said, once we were in the dorm packing up our things.

  “Yes. We have to keep in touch and stay updated on each other’s lives,” Kimi added.

  “I’ll be in Hollywood,” Sebastian added. “If I don’t make it big there, I’m looking your asses up. Just be prepared to see my face at any given moment.”

  “You’ll make it,” Eden said. “No one does drama better than you.”

  “True story,” Sebastian agreed. “And Alex, if you ever get tired of Eden…”

  “No way, Bastian. He’s mine,” Eden said, stepping between us.

  Sebastian shrugged and they all laughed.


  “Alex. Eden. It is a pleasure to see you again,” Henry said as he opened the door to Alaine’s home. “Welcome home.”

  Eden smiled and shook his hand. “Thank you, Henry. It’s good to se
e you too, and this time, I’m not injured.”

  “That’s wonderful news.” He smiled widely. “Alaine and Samuel have gone out for some supplies. They should be back in a few hours, but they have prepared your room upstairs. Follow me.”

  I took hold of Eden’s hand as Henry escorted us to the third floor—a room not far from Emma’s old room. From the huge, king-size bed, to the newly constructed walk-in closet and attached en suite, it was obvious Alaine had gone all out to make our space feel warm and inviting.

  “Please, if you need anything, just ask,” Henry said before stepping out.

  “Thank you, Henry,” Eden and I said in unison.

  “Wow.” She gasped as she stepped further in. “This room is incredible. I still can’t believe this is all happening.” She looked at me with a bright smile. “And it’s ours.”

  I set down the bags and pulled her against me. “I’d like to show you something.”

  “Of course.”

  I took hold of her hand and led her to the French doors leading to our own personal balcony. Taking her in my arms, I called my wings and flew us to the ground. Landing gently, I turned Eden around. Before us laid an elaborate labyrinth made of trimmed bushes. It was lush and green, and the flowers Alaine had planted within it, were in full bloom. The hedged walls of the labyrinth were manicured, and were at least seven feet high.

  “Can we get lost in there?” Eden asked, looking up.

  I grinned. “Maybe.”

  She barked out a laugh, which filled my heart. “I don’t care. As long as it’s with you.”

  Taking our time, we meandered through the maze, finally making it to the center. A white gazebo sat in the middle, and was surrounded by beds of colorful flowers and blooming trees. Rose vines clung gracefully to the lower trellises, and hung lazily from the top.

  “Wow,” she gasped. “This is the most beautiful garden I’ve ever seen.”


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