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The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis

Page 7

by Monica Parker

  Opening up the door I found Makayla lying on the couch in her t-shirt and panties. I shook my head, observing the bottle of Hennessey on the coffee table. From the looks of it she had downed half of the fifth by herself. I walked to the hall closet grabbing a blanket to cover her up. As I walked into the dining room to sit my purse down, my phone started ringing. It was Davion calling my phone. He probably was looking for Makayla so I pressed the ignore button. I walked to the back bedroom where Alisha was snoring her ass off in her over-sized California king. I don’t know why she insisted on having that much bed for just her.

  Davion called my phone six more times before he decided to send me a text message. I went ahead and read the message. The text said some very dreadful words. It’s a code red. Call me. My heart damn near jumped out of my body. Code red was a code that we used when someone was busted with some work. Makayla’s phone buzzed five seconds after mine did, but she was knocked out. Before waking her I decided to call Davion back to see what was going on first. Davion answered on the first ring.

  “Why the fuck aren’t any of you women answering your damn phones?”

  “Shit, hey to you too. If you and your two imbecile-ass homeboys would stop acting like you all don't have no damn God-given common sense then maybe we would. What's going on? I got the code red signal?”

  “Yeah, Kortez just got pulled over with some keys on him and I don't know what's going on. He called me saying that he was on Perkins and Knight Arnold when they whipped up on him. He said if he didn't call me in another twenty minutes then I knew what to do.”

  “How long has it been so far?”

  “Mane, I don’t know how long it’s been. We need to be thinking real damn quick. He had a whole lot of weight on him.” I could hear the panic in his voice. “We ain’t got all night to figure shit out so hit Alisha ASAP.

  “Okay smart-ass. Let me tell the girls know what’s going on.”

  “I knew you were all together. Kortez been trying to reach Alisha and I tried to call Makayla; please tell her to come home. I'm not mad that she fucked up my shit. I know that she already told you what she did to my shit, but fuck it, I can replace that.” Davion sighed heavily as he rambled on. “Legacy, I miss her ass on some real shit, so please just tell her I'm sorry.”

  “Whatever chump. Y'all asses are always sorry.”

  “I’m serious. Oh, and I've been trying to reach Jacori to tell him what’s going on too, but he is not answering his phone either.”

  “I’m not the one that you have to convince but I’ll tell Makayla what you said. As for Jacori, I'm on my way home to him now.”

  “Okay. Tell Alisha Kortez needs her right now.”

  “Get your Keith Sweat begging ass off my phone. I told you I would do it. Damn!”

  We disconnected the lines. I turned the lights on and walked over to where Makayla was sleeping so peacefully. I called her name a few times before having to shake her awake.

  “Damn what the hell is wrong with you waking me out of my sleep?” Makayla whined. “I was just about to get dicked down by Kevin Gates.” He had already ate the booty like groceries and he was about to slide in from the back 'til you messed it up.” She was big mad as she sat there with her arms crossed. Alisha and I both laughed at Makayla

  “Tell Kevin I’m sorry. But your real husband called me looking for you.”

  I don't want to hear it, Legacy,” Mikayla said, attempting to stick her fingers in her ears. Sick of the childishness, I snatched her arms down.

  “Girl, shut up and listen here for a minute. He called to tell me that we have a code red!” I replayed me and Davion’s entire conversation as Makayla and Alisha listened. Makayla rolled her eyes, but never said a mumbling word which I knew to be a bad sign.

  “I will worry about Davion later,” Makayla stated grabbing her shoes.

  “Now you’re cooking with gas bitch. Let’s roll out and grab our girl so we can get this whole mess fixed,” I asserted snapping my fingers at them. “Kortez is the first order of business for now. As for Davion, you already burned his shit up. The least you can do now is hear him out.” The look she shot me indicated that she wasn’t feeling what I had to say, but she didn’t speak on it. Instead she snatched her purse and keys before following me to the parking lot. Alisha brought up the rear, but she was still unusually quiet. Makayla and I hopped into my car but I noticed that Alisha got in her Mustang and peeled out. Despite the bullshit with our men, we always put that to the side when we were on a mission.


  Today had been a hectic day for me already. My husband wasn't the type to let the police talk to him any type of way and he hated them. Knowing Kortez, he probably came off very disrespectful to them. In a way I felt like this shit was karma so I only peeled out to show a look of urgency; in reality, I was not in a hurry. I flipped on my phone noting that I had 23 texts and several voicemails. Now that he needed me I was important again. I was about to call down to the jail when an incoming call came in. I immediately recognized it as the police station and answered on the first ring. It seemed like it took forever for the recording to end.

  “Don't worry. I am on my way to you right as we speak.”

  “Did Davion tell you what I said about the bread in the Monopoly box?” he questioned.

  “Yeah he told me. Since when do you feel the need to hide anything from me Kortez?” I was angry as hell. It was bad enough that we had surveillance that I didn’t know about.

  “It’s not exactly my…Aye bae I gotta go. Love you. Bye.” As the phone went dead I was pissed off not knowing what he was about to say.

  Makayla's words, I'm tired of this lifestyle, ran through my mind. I didn't know what my husband had on him, but if I had to guess, I’d say he probably had at least a couple of keys of coke on him. That was enough to give him a few years locked away in the Dog pound. Tears fell down my face like they would never end. Right now I really wanted my husband more than I needed him. I was mad earlier so I prayed that he would get what he deserved if he was cheating on me, but I didn't think my prayers would be answered in this fashion. I felt so responsible for him being in this compromising predicament. If prayer got me into this, then prayer was also going to have to get me out of it. As I pulled up to the police station, I knew that this situation wasn't looking good at all. I put my hands together closed my eyes and prayed to God:

  Dear God, this is Alisha Monroe and if you are listening to me, I really need you right now. I'm sorry for praying evil on my husband but I need you to have mercy on Kortez if it's not too much. I need you to watch over and protect my husband. Please let this all be a misunderstanding. Please, please, please don't let Kortez go to jail. He will go for almost an eternity and I need my husband just as much as I need water to survive. If you can do this one favor for me. I promise that I will change my life around, Amen.

  As I pulled up to the house an unfamiliar number sent me a barrage of texts. I had to smile as I read them because my baby was the smartest nigga on earth at times. Even in his position he had a plan in place and had used one of our connects at the police office to send me the message. I grabbed the money and threw it into my Coach tote before running back out. I locked eyes with that bitch Plum who was standing on her porch.

  “Where your dumb ass boyfriend at?” I asked smiling. I could tell some slick shit was on the tip of her tongue, but I couldn’t care less. She disappeared into the house before he appeared at the door. He was holding an ice pack over his eye and was walking with a limp, but all I needed him to do was drive.

  “My man said he got a job for you. Even up shit from earlier.” He looked back at Plum whose arms were folded across her chest. She shook her head no, but he whispered something in her ear that made her smile. It was no doubt that he was on bullshit, but I had no time for that right now.

  “Get in, shut the fuck up, and do what I tell you and I might just convince Tez to let you breathe a little while longer.” Alonzo slid in the passenger side
and I slid him the .380.

  “Don’t try any stupid shit,” I said before mashing out into traffic. I read the instructions again carefully before we approached the scene. Alonzo showed no signs of nervousness as we pulled into the alley. I quickly relayed the plan to him along with what would happen if anything went wrong. This was nothing new to him so he just nodded his head while listening intently.

  According to the text Kortez had two new cars. Two new cars was our little code word for the keys of cocaine so I knew he had some work on him. This nigga better be glad I loved him because I was about to take a penitentiary chance for him. I parked in the cut and got out of my car unnoticed. I walked to the back of my car, removed my license plate then I got back inside.

  “A'ight motherucker, its showtime.” I slowly crept to the side of the officer's car. He was on his radio talking some shit about waiting for a tow truck. I took a deep breath and rolled down my passenger side window. He never saw it coming as both I and Kortez blasted on him like we were in a James Bond movie. Getting caught wasn't an option so it worked out perfectly because we were parked where no cameras could be seen.

  I tossed Alonzo the spare key and gave him instructions on where to take the car before we both sped off in opposite directions. To be on the safe side I called up one of my home girls at the police station who informed me of everything going on in Memphis. She agreed to wipe out the entire system so that when someone went to look at the police cars surveillance system they couldn't find anything at all. This crime would go in the unsolved crimes in Memphis files. My friend also let me know that the crooked-ass cops hadn’t even searched Kortez’s car before locking him up. Their laziness worked in our favor today. After this shit I had just pulled, everybody would have to lay low for a while, but it was just the vacation we all needed. I took the chip out of my phone then tossed it out of the window.

  Alonzo had long disappeared and I only hoped he didn’t try my husband again. I couldn’t stand the thought of having to body that nigga myself. Adrenaline coursed through my veins the closer I got to the station. I slowed the car down once I was far enough away so I could get my breathing together. How could anybody ever get used to living their life this way?


  An Ordinary Day as a Hustler’s Wife


  Davion words wouldn't be glorified in my eyes just because he said that he missed me. He would say anything just to get me back under the same roof as him. Love should have brought him home to stay if that was the case. All I asked him for was one day, but no, he treated me like a street hoe, instead. I promised myself that I would search high and low to find me a rider. Soon I would be taking a nice little vacation to relax my mind.

  My mind drifted on Hawaii for a second, but I was quickly snapped back to reality when I heard “code red” come out of Legacy’s mouth again. We all played a role in the game when it came to our men. We had to get down and dirty. Sometimes we had to shoot first, ask questions never. Code Red was significant in our lives and none of us needed to hear it. I was happy that Davion wasn't the one caught up, but my girl’s husband was knee deep in some shit and it would affect all of our lives. We all were a team, as well as family.

  A part of me was relieved that Davion was safe, but another part of me wanted to hate him. My heart ached, but at this moment I knew that he needed me to come and comfort him and let him know that I was here for him. Love had a crazy way of presenting itself. I wanted to say fuck his life, but the love I held deeply for him wouldn't allow me to leave my husband for dead like the heartless bitch I tried to be. Davion needed me by his side. In tough situations like this we always vowed to stick together and I am a woman of my word. It is crazy how love could make the tables turn. Sometimes you had to love like you have never been hurt, trust like you have never been betrayed and be happy like you never been sad. Right now, Davion and I needed each other.

  My emotions were all over the place as Legacy and I pulled up to my house, blocking Davion in the driveway. I'm pretty sure that Davion was about to head over to the trap house to meet up with the crew to discuss the situation. He stepped out of his car before I did. He had such a sorrowful look on his face; it was priceless. He looked like a ghost was standing in front of him. I don't know if his facial expression was a look of shock because I didn’t have my car or the shock of seeing me again after our blow-up.

  I hugged Legacy bye and she got in the wind without even acknowledging Davion. I hated being around him sometimes but this man standing in front of me was my rock and I loved him with everything inside of me. My heart skipped a few beats as he approached me. I clasped my hands in front of me like a little girl, waiting for what would happen next. He pulled me into an embrace that I didn’t fight.

  “Davion I love you,” I admitted, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  He kissed my neck gently and whispered back to me, “I love you too Mrs. Davidson and I promise you that I am sorry for causing you to hurt like that. I am trying to give you what you deserve baby.” What is understood doesn’t have to be explained, but I felt the need to explain myself to him anyway.

  “No, I'm sorry for jeopardizing your manhood by trying to get you to turn your back on your hustle. I knew that you were a hustler when I married you. I'm the one that needs to be apologizing. I'm also sorry for destroying your things. I'll make it up to you.”

  “I will forgive you,” he chuckled. “I still can't believe that you did that to my shit. Your mean ass will do anything when you mad; I know that about you. Makayla you have to stop doing that shit every time you’re mad with me, though. Last time you bust my windows out my car; now this. Your temper is costing us a lot of money.”

  “Well, you know not to be playing any games with me now,” I replied looking down at the ground. He kissed my forehead.

  “Yes, I do know that shit and if I forget it, I’m sure that you will remind me, right?” I nodded my head yes, but all this making up had my lady parts on fire. All I wanted now was a good dicking down session starring me and D.

  “I’m glad that you know that. Now let’s go upstairs for a little one-on-one time.” I grabbed his hand walking towards the house but he didn’t budge.

  “Girl you know that we have a code red, so that mean that we can’t right now. As much as I want to bend you over and fuck the shit out of you, now is not the time. But don’t worry. I gotchu tonight,” Davion winked.

  My face started looking longer then Winchester when he told me no. It’s funny how one minute I was mad and the next, I just wanted to feel my man deep inside of me. But Davion was right; it had to wait until we finished handling business.

  “Yeah you right. Let’s go see what the hell is really going on. Am I riding with you or what?”

  “No, just in case some shit goes down and we need to split you ride in your car. We have to be on the safe side, okay? Speaking of which, where the fuck is your whip?” My mouth went dry as I tried to think of a good answer.

  “I left it over my friend’s house where me, Legacy and Alisha were having drinks.” It was the quickest lie I could think of, but he went for it.

  “Well, we gotta go get it first, and then we’ll be on the way. As soon as we get back home, it’s on and popping between us”

  “Deal,” I agreed kissing his lips.

  After Davion dropped me off to my car I pulled off first. Driving down the street all that invaded my mind was how much I loved that man. No matter what happened between Davion and me, it seemed that our hearts would always yearn for each.

  The day that I said “I do” to be Mrs. Makayla Davidson was the day when my body, soul and mind attached to Davion…literally. I turned the radio on My Beyoncé’ by Lil Durk came on. Singing along to the lyrics, I was driving faster than I realized. My phone rang shortly thereafter, interrupting my singing and causing me to acknowledge my speed. I slowed down as I answered the phone.


  “What’s up? Where are you?” Leg
acy asked impatiently.

  “Girl, just made up with Davion. We heading to the trap house now. Have you made it there yet?”

  “Okay. No I haven’t made it there yet, but Jacori and I are about to be on our way once I pick him up. He was in the dog house too so he got to get his stuff together before I fuck up his world.”

  “Oh, I get it. Me, you and Alisha let these negroes drive us crazy. But clearly we love their asses.”

  “Right,” Legacy agreed. “Speaking of Alisha, have you talked to her since she left us?”

  “No, I haven’t and she normally would have called us by now. I’m starting to worry. You know she will lose her mind without Kortez.”

  “Yeah she would. I’m starting to worry my damn self because I tried calling her four times. The first two times I called her, her phone just rang. But right before I called you, I tried calling her two more times but it went straight to voicemail.”

  “That’s very peculiar because knowing her, she would have called you back.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  “Well, let’s give her a few more minutes. She knows the drill so she may turn up at the trap.” I suggested

  “Okay well, I’ll see you soon.” Legacy replied, before disconnecting the call.

  About five minutes later I was pulling up at the trap. No one other than Javon and myself was there at first, but Davion pulled in the driveway just as I was getting out of my car. Walking in together, Davion and I were instantly greeted at the door by Javon. Javon hugged me first, and then dapped up Davion. Sitting on the couch watching Davion and Javon roll up a blunt, I decided to call Alisha. After calling her five times, I decided to shoot her a quick text.

  Hey Girl, Legacy and I have been calling you for a minute now. We are starting to worry so please call one of us or come meet us at the code red spot. Love you and hope to see you ASAP. Love Kay.


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