The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis

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The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis Page 12

by Monica Parker

  “Thank you so much. What would I do without you? This may just work. My feelings have been accumulating and it has been causing me severe headaches. I have been extremely weak and the doctors have been forcing me to eat. This is not me at all. Hell, I thought you were the weakest link,” she joked. I couldn’t even trip because I knew she was telling the truth. I was the cry baby normally and here she was blubbering.

  “You ain’t have to call me out like that, bitch,” I replied.

  “I'm starting to feel much better already. Thanks again, Kay.”

  Legacy walked through the doors just in time because I was about to go and I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving Alisha by herself just yet.

  Legacy walked in a wearing a black mini dress that zipped all the way down the middle. Her gold thigh boots were peep toes that made her appear six feet tall. The burgundy lipstick complimented her buttery brown skin and the black liner made her slanted eyes appear even more tight than usual. Of course the bitch’s waves were on fleek as usual. She always had to show out.

  “I’m pleased to hear that you are feeling better. I thought I was going to have to kill Kortez ass!” She popped off as soon as she got in the room good.

  “Bitch, it's about time. It sure did take you long enough to get here. Be easy and take care of my girl. I have to go so I won't be late! Alisha remember what I said. Love you.”

  Alisha blew me a kiss and I hugged Legacy before making my exit.

  “Don’t get pregnant like our little fast ass friend over here,” Legacy said as she pointed at Alisha, causing us all to break out in laughter. Dr. Rashine walked into the room just as I was making my way out. I looked him up and down just like he looked at me. He had a clipboard in hand and a glass of ice water along with what looked like prenatal pills.

  “It’s good to see that you're smiling and laughing. The last time I came here you were crying. I came as soon as I heard you had guests, but I see this is a good thing for you. It’s good for you to have your friends around.”

  I was relieved because I didn’t want to have to cuss him out.

  “Okay, nice seeing you again Doc. I have to go now.” I slid out of the hospital rushing. I wanted my baby to know that I was not about to be late. I grabbed my cell phone and called Davion to let him know that I would be pulling up at the house. I rode home singing along to Whitney Houston because I wanted to believe in him and me.

  When I pulled up Davion’s car was already parked out front. As I got out of my car and walked to the front door, music could be heard blaring through the speakers of the house. Davion opened up the door for me wearing his sexy smile. He also had my favorite song, Never Want to Leave You, by Eric Benet playing. He was mouthing out the words, making me blush like a school girl. My baby was looking like a million bucks with his all black and brown Ralph Lauren shirt along with the matching Ralph Lauren jeans and his black polo boots.

  This was the fresh air that we needed. I didn't know what surprises he had in store for me, but I damn sure was very excited about my day with my husband.

  “What surprises are you holding today? I know that you have something up your sleeve,” I mumbled in between kisses.

  “Yeah you gon’ get all that after we get to dinner. Come on because we got about 45 minutes and I gotta’ drive way out.” I followed him out of the door to his red Chrysler 300 that he had just had professionally cleaned. I screamed when I walked around to the passenger side stepping in glass. The passenger side door had been keyed and the window was busted. A note was attached to the side of the car being held on by a piece of chewed gum.

  “The fuck!” he yelled trying to snatch the note away from me, but I elbowed him. My hands shook as I unfolded it. He walked back towards the house snatching his phone out of his pocket.

  Yeah you thought I was gonna keep on swallowing your babies and let you play me? You got the game fucked up. You told me you cared about me and then I find out you still fuckin’ married. Yeah social media will get you caught up. But that ain’t even the half of it. That nigga that you and your home boys jumped on yesterday was my cousin. Breland don’t bother nobody and just so you know I’m a make sure you get caught the fuck up. Yeah I saw that your little anniversary was today so I guess I will give you a gift.

  I scrolled down reading what was taped onto the bottom of the paper. When I saw the positive HPV results I balled up the paper, took off my shoes and ran in the house slamming the door behind me.


  Breaking Point


  My days seemed longer and my nights shorter. I felt damaged and it reflected in my actions. It was hard for me to focus when I could barely eat like I needed to for my unborn son. I had so much time to think that I had even chosen the name Kelontae for my son. He was the only reason that I tried to eat, and the only reason I tried my best to stop going into the crying spells. I just couldn't help myself. Pain outweighed my strength.

  I decided to be strong and fight my demons by releasing my deepest thoughts and emotions onto paper. I felt like nothing that I could say or do would change the fact that the baby growing inside of me needed me to be whole. After I finished I looked down at what I had wrote. I had let Legacy read part of it when she was here, but now I needed to feel the words for myself. I took a deep breath before clearing my throat to read.

  Finding Love in A Lie

  How could he hurt me like this? How could he treat me like we never had something incredibly special? How could he lay up under me in the bed touching me, holding me and loving me every day and pretend that we would be forever? Why would he make me fall in love with him? I trusted him. He played the part very well. I trusted him with my mind, body and soul and he took advantage of it all. My love was hard to capture but he accomplished that within a short period of time. Three and a half years wasted. Three and a half years of lovemaking, soul touching, breathtaking, motivational inspiration and this is the bullshit that he pulls. My heart has been tied up and toyed with. How could he put a bullet-sized hole in my heart by stabbing me with his words? See I was high off of love and too excited and blinded to see the visible truth. I never saw this coming even though all the signs were clearly in front of my face. I feel cursed. I married that monster from my nightmare. A monster that normally only hurt me in my dreams came seeping out of my nightmares and to haunt me in reality. I want to break things, slam doors, fight, punch kick and scream, but I can't play the blame game. I won't drag your name through the mud. I was the one in love with a lie. What a beautiful, sweet, disgusting, perfect lie it was. I have officially been victimized to the violently captivating alluring love. My last resort of happiness was allowing love inside of my big bright beating heart. Love was my amazingly, dark, twisted, momentarily truth. You were supposed to protect my heart like you protected me from harm’s way. You were supposed to be my best friend. How could you stoop so low?

  I thought you were always going to be my gentleman; not a wolf disguised in a sheep's wool. The image that you portrayed indeed exceedingly gave me life. This is coming from a family oriented man, a man that's been continuously hurt, devoured and spit out to the world. How could you not honor my heart with the same genuine respect that I honored yours with? I’m now pregnant with a child that didn't ask to be here and is already seeing me cry and suffer in pain. He hasn't made it to the world and is already suffering from my pain that I'm feeling. He is already experiencing an emotional rollercoaster that he can't understand. He deserves the world. But the state of mind that I am in, I can't give him anything. I can either give him life or death and I choose life for him so I have to release my emotions. I will never forget how it felt finding love in a lie.

  I was mentally and physically exhausted which led me to stop thinking clearly. Before I lost my courage, I picked up the phone and called Kortez’s number. I needed to hear his voice to see if it changed anything about the way I felt. I wanted so bad not to love him anymore.

  “So you must be out your f
eelings now,” he answered gruffly, not even sounding like himself.

  “Hey Kortez. I was just thinking that maybe we did need to talk.” He got quiet when I heard what sounded like another female in the background. I could hear him shushing whoever it was.

  “Oh nah today is no good for me. You see I tried to come see about you yesterday but I got thrown out the hospital like used needles. Yeah a nigga got roughed up a little because of your stubborn ass. Damn bae watch your teeth,” he whispered, not even caring if I heard. My throat went dry as the phone dropped. “Open your mouth all the way up.” I could clearly hear the sound of a girl gagging on his dick, but I couldn’t force myself to hang up the phone. A loud slapping sound made me jump. “I told you I’m a slap you every time you bite. This ain’t your first time ma. Take all daddy’s dick. Yeah that’s right,” he moaned. I hung up my phone as the bile rose to my throat. I had just enough time to grab my bed pan before I emptied my stomach all over myself. There was no way I could salvage this marriage. I would have to get used to the idea of being a single mother.


  Everything that Glitters is not Gold


  I stumbled out of my drunken stupor and barely landed on the couch with my bowl of cereal. I looked like shit and I didn’t really give a fuck. My phone had been blowing up, but I let Alonzo answer it. After finding out that Davion, Jacori, Javon and him had beat the fuck out of Breland, I was making sure to keep Alonzo close. Besides if he was over here then I would be able to dick down Plum’s nasty ass every time I walked out of the house. I came inside every hole in her body, even her ears, and I still wasn’t satisfied. I wanted my wife.

  The lil’ chick Alonzo had over here was nasty as fuck but I didn’t mess with her young, thick ass because I had a feeling she was underage. He was zooted out of his mind on some coke Jacori slid him for his efforts yesterday so I paid his ass no attention.

  “Damn nigga what you doin’ with my phone?” I asked snatching it. He held his hands up covering his face thinking I was about to hit him.’

  “Put ya hands down nigga. I asked what you was doin’ with my phone?”

  “You did tell him to answer it, didn’t you?” the young girl replied wiping her mouth.

  “First of all stay in a child’s place. Second of all don’t talk to me with cum dripping from your mouth.” She got up running to the bathroom embarrassed, while Alonzo and I laughed at her.

  “Somebody had called you but it was the wrong number,” he explained. I checked my call log and true enough I didn’t recognize the number, so I finished off my bowl of cereal in peace. When I was done I walked past the bathroom where ole girl was scrubbing her face with one of Alisha’s decorative hand towels. I just laughed and walked into my room, collapsing on the bed. I didn’t feel like doing shit. I was still feeling some type of way about yesterday. I looked over to my night stand and lit what was left of my blunt while taking a swig of Grey Goose.

  I was in the zone and feeling good when a knock on my window woke me up. I sat up slowly because my head was spinning. I wondered who the fuck would be knocking on my window as I stumbled over to it still holding my bottle. I was surprised to find Legacy outside and she didn’t look happy. I didn’t want to fuck with her right now, but before I could say anything I heard my front door opening.


  After my girl called me and told me what that nigga had done, I was livid. I was in the middle of getting the scoop on yesterday from Jacori and Javon when she called me crying. She said she hit Makayla, but didn’t get an answer. I grabbed my .380 as soon as Jacori got up to piss and I rolled out. I was tired of this nigga and was about to dispose of him like the trash that I knew he was. I bumped Tupac Brenda Got a Baby as I sped over to Alisha’s house.

  I was about five minutes away when Jacori hit my phone, but I wasn’t about to answer. I saw a bitch sitting on Alisha’s car as I pulled up, but as soon as she noted my pissed expression she stood back up.

  “How you doin’?” she spoke as I strode past. I pulled my gun out of my waistband.

  “This is how the fuck I’m doin. Is Kortez in there?” Her eyes got wide as saucers as she shook her head. I knocked on the door and shook the handle, but apparently he had locked it so I walked around to the bedroom window and began beating. When I saw his red-rimmed eyes it was on. I walked back around to the front as ole girl was walking in and pushed her to the side before snatching the bedroom door open. I pulled out my gun and popped off a shot breaking the bottle in his hand.

  “The fuck? Legacy, are you crazy? What’s wrong with you?” he asked circling around me with his hands up in surrender.

  “You the most low down nigga I ever heard of. You gonna call my girl while getting ya dick sucked? I’ll shoot that bitch off right now!” I barked as he covered his private parts.

  “I don’t know what you talkin’ bout Legacy. I ain’t called her!”

  I fired a shot just above his head for lying to me. Alisha told me in grand detail everything Kortez said to her, so there was really no point in him lying. I started to kill that bitch in the living room.

  “Somebody call the police!” he yelled over my shoulder. I kicked the door closed with my foot and shot on the floor by his feet for being a bitch.

  “I never liked you and I know you never liked me. You thought I had too much power,” I closed in on him as he cowered by the window. “You couldn’t stand how my husband always respected me like a boss either huh?” He shook his head no, but I knew he was just trying to be spare. I aimed at his vision and was about to squeeze the trigger when the door busted open.

  Alonzo looked coked up out of his mind as he held his hands up. “Don’t shoot! It was me! I called her! I was tryin’ to get him back!”

  “Well why the fuck didn’t you say so in the first place?” I turned towards Alonzo delivering a shot between in his dome. I stepped over his body as soon as it fell then looked back at Kortez. “Clean this shit up and get your act together before it is you the next time.” I stuck my gun back in my waist band and walked out of the house as easily as I had come. Jacori would be mad, but he was gonna have to get over it.


  “Slow down. I can barely understand what you’re sayin’ nigga.” Davion continued to talk in warped speed so I sat down on the bed, putting him on speaker while I texted Legacy. I don’t know where she went in the blink of an eye like that, but I knew it had to be some shit. I could tell from the way she was looking when she was on the phone that some bullshit had gone down.

  “Mane, this bitch Jasmine done got some shit started! Makayla was downstairs now she done up and left and I don’t know what she ‘bout to do. I knew I should of left that bitch alone! She know about the shit with Breland and everything, mane!” Now that part caught my attention because it involved me.

  “What you mean she know about Breland?” I asked.

  “I just called the bitch and she was laughing talking ‘bout the whole beat-down was captured on camera. They even got Alonzo driving off in your car. This bitch knows everything!”

  “Fuck! I told you it was a bad idea to do that shit! Why the fuck nobody wanted to stick to the plan?” As he rattled off a list of excuses I placed my head in my hands. Now I was really about to have a problem with Legacy. The whole scene from yesterday evening unfolded in my mind as I began to analyze.

  “I think we should have made Tez leave with us so he don’t be spazzing,” Javon said as he texted on his phone.

  “I was not about to make that man leave his wife. Put that damn phone down and watch the car ahead of us. You get side-tracked too easily,” I complained. Javon kept his eyes on Kortez’s truck, making sure Alonzo didn’t try to pull nothing while Davion rode in front of him. We had to make sure we snatched my car and pulled it off seamlessly. I kept having a feeling that we were moving too fast but everybody else seemed to think we had perfect timing.

  I lit a blunt to ease my mind as Javon turned on the radio
. I cut my eyes at him and he cut it back off. I hated fuckin’ with him sometimes. We rode in silence for the next 25 minutes until we got two streets away from his house. I pulled over in front of an abandoned house and Alonzo and Davion followed suit. I sent a text message to Davion giving him the instructions to walk through the cut and peep over at Breland’s crib.

  Davion stepped out of his car and made it through the tall brush area next to the abandoned house. After five minutes he returned, giving me the signal as he got back in his car. I hopped out and knocked on the truck door where Alonzo was waiting.

  “Don’t wreck my shit and don’t speed,” I warned. Alonzo nodded his head before running across the street. I motioned for Javon to hop in the driver’s seat before returning to my own car. I was nervous as fuck when five minutes had passed and there was no sign of Alonzo.

  “Sent a boy to do a man’s job,” I muttered climbing out of the car. Davion and Javon followed me through the cut. As we approached the house I could hear the sound of scuffling. Breland had Alonzo in a head lock, but quickly released him when we walked up. I was the first to grab Breland, throwing him on the ground. Alonzo started kicking him in the ribs, then we all went in on him landing kicks and punches wherever we could.

  I stopped the moment I saw blood, but shortly thereafter I heard the loud echoes of police sirens. Alonzo jumped in my car and mashed out while me, Javon, and Davion ran back to our cars. I was out of breath like I ran a marathon by the time I got back in the car. I could feel myself getting dizzy but I peeled out right behind them. It felt like the sirens were getting closer the faster I drove, but that was just my paranoia.

  After going through four traffic lights I finally slowed my ass down as I followed Javon to the spot. I was nervous when I didn’t see my car, but it finally showed up when we were around the corner from my nigga Big Weedy’s chop shop. He was standing outside smoking a cigar as we pulled up. He motioned for us to go around the back. Davion and I parked in the grass as Alonzo and Jacori pulled into the large metal garage.


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