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Angel Unseen: An Unseen MC Novel

Page 14

by J Bree

  More kids.

  More fucking kids in the shipping containers, only this time they’re alive and sitting on white sacks.

  I sift through more of the photos and yep, the sacks are drugs. Someone is using the fucking pipeline and our club to run fucking children and drugs across the country.

  “It’s a catch and release thing, I don’t usually have any need for them so I let them go. The freezer here is full enough.”


  He let the kids go. I don’t ask questions about it because I can’t without risking us all if the place really is bugged but I know Jameson and I know he has contacts he can use to get them home safe.

  I don’t want to think about the girls that don’t have homes to go to.

  Hopefully they’re not selling themselves on the fucking streets.

  Rue just barely contains himself. I get it, hearing this shit from Luis was bad enough but to fucking see the evidence? Fuck these rats. Fuck them for using our shit for their own fucking profit instead of starting something for themselves.

  And to see kids is fucking disgusting.

  Again, I’m an outlaw not a piece of shit.

  We stay there long enough for it to look as though we’ve spent the night drinking together, eating a late dinner, and shooting shit. There’s more than enough we can talk about with him that doesn’t put any of us at risk. Speck asks way too many questions about guns and Jameson is good about it.

  Rue is quiet.

  I get it. This shit is hard knowing that it’s probably Grimm having a hand in trafficking the kids, everything coming back down to Poe’s fucking bloodline. She’s a good kid though. She’s been raised right and protected from his shit.

  Rue needs to worry a little less about her last name.

  He’ll change it the second he can anyway.

  The ride home is twice as long as the ride down there, all of our heads full of shit we wish we didn’t have to think about. I try to figure out what the fuck else I can do to lure these motherfuckers into showing themselves but there’s limits to what I can do.

  I have to wait.

  Watch and fucking wait.

  I get home, frustrated and full of rage I can’t do shit about, only to find Angel wet and pretty much naked in my backyard.




  Worse than that, there’s a whole pile of other people out there, half of them from Trink’s school and a lot of them are guys.

  All of them are getting an eyeful of her.

  Not fucking happening.

  I hear Rue start muttering behind me and Speck starts cursing up a storm but I ignore them both to storm out into the backyard like my ass is on fire.

  The guy talking to Angel, leaning in and leering at her tits, sees me charging towards them both and shits his pants. Just fucking loses his manhood and melts into the crowd like a pathetic worm.

  Angel frowns and swings around to see me, her hand clutching at her beer a little tighter. “Oh. I didn’t think you were going to be here. I can leave.”

  Her whispers are low enough that I might be the only one hearing them, especially since everyone is taking big steps away from us both. “You need to get a fucking towel and march your ass upstairs to put some fucking clothes on. Now.”

  I turn around and yell, “Trink, who the fuck are all these assholes? Send them the fuck home now before I start swinging!”

  That clears the pool area pretty fucking fast. I keep myself within arm’s reach of Angel at all times, using my body as a shield as she bends down to grab her towel. Fuck me, her ass is hardly covered by those bikini bottoms.

  “Why the fuck are you being such an asshole? She’s not fucking hurting anyone being here for my fucking birthday! God, you are such a fucking asshole, Tomi! Angel is my fucking friend, she can come here if she wants to!”

  I ignore Poe’s whining and the second Angel has the towel around herself I get a hand hooked into her elbow and start pulling her back into the house. She tries to get to the door but I tug her until she follows me up the stairs.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I’m still busy trying to survive being homeless and working all night during my midterm exams when Poe messages me about her birthday.

  I didn’t give her my number so I’m guessing Speck handed it over to her but having to think about a party when I’m overloaded with my workload is just too much for me.

  She moves the date for me.

  I kind of want to cry over how much she wants to be my friend, how much she’s willing to do to be my friend, and so even though I really don’t want to be around her friends I say yes.

  Poe promises me three times that Tomi won’t be there. I think she’s scared he’s hurt me or something when really it’s just that I’m broken and he might be an asshole but he’s also way too fucking good for me.

  She messages me to meet her over at her place and I suck it the fuck up and text her back to say I’ll be there.

  If I’m going to stay in this goddamn town, which I’m planning to, I need some friends and she’s been the best option so far.

  I throw on a swimsuit and then a dress over that, slipping flat shoes on because anything with a heel has been ruined for me now. The second I hit my goal and quit dancing at The Boulevard I’m throwing all of the heels out.

  Poe lives out in the suburbs, a few streets over from the Unseen clubhouse, and the two-story townhouse is really nice. I didn’t really get a good look at it the last time I was here. It’s older, the paint peeling a little and a little overgrown, but it’s clean and the street looks safe. I’d kill to live here, to have grown up in a place like this.

  There’s cars everywhere already.

  I park up my Chevy and take a deep breath before I get out, taking my bag in with me. I’m dancing tonight so I’ll use that as an excuse for why I’m carrying it around.

  I feel stupid knocking on the door, especially if there’s already people around everywhere but Poe is the one to open it up. She’s already standing there in a tiny bikini, a bottle of beer in one hand and a grin across her face.

  She looks adorable.

  “Now what the hell is a sexy piece of ass like you doing wearing that dress? I can barely see you’ve got tits under it.”

  I scoff at her and steel myself for the hug I know she’s going to give me. She doesn’t. She just takes a step forward and shuts the door behind her.

  “Are we not going in? Is the party being held on your porch or something?”

  She scoffs and gestures to the house next door. “Trink has a pool, the party is over there. I decided to be fashionably late because I’m a classy bitch.”



  I chew my lip a little. “Are you sure Trink is going to be okay with me being at her place?”

  Poe shrugs with a smile. “I really just couldn’t fucking care less. Trink’s just… going through some shit at the moment. It’s made her a little bit of a bitch. Don’t get me wrong, she’s my bitch, but she’s also wrong about you. Let’s head over before you change your mind.”

  I sigh and lift my bag a little. “I don’t wanna take this over there or leave it in my car. Is there somewhere safe you can leave it locked up here?”

  Poe frowns a little but shrugs. “Sure. Lemme put it up in my room.”

  I wait on the porch for her and then we walk next door to Trink’s place. I’m a complete dumbass though because I fail to remember that Trink is both seventeen and Tomi’s little sister.

  It’s only when the door opens that I realize I’ll be meeting their parents. Tomi’s freaking parents.

  Oh god.

  The woman standing there looks a lot like her children but her eyes are softer and more kind. “Well hello! Your face isn’t one I’ve seen before.”

  I sputter out, “Uh, I’m Angel. Poe’s friend.”

  “Keely isn’t going to slam the door in your face, Angel, if she doesn’t like you she
’ll be a lady about it.”

  I blush as Keely chuckles under her breath. “And hello to you too, birthday girl! Sweet seventeen and never been kissed, I’m sure.”

  Poe darts forward and gives her a hug, cackling like a crazy person. “Absolutely. Virgin fucking Mary thanks to your dumbass boys.”

  Keely chuckles at her as she hugs her back, all warmth and familial love.

  “Thank you for having me over, I appreciate it.” I fumble with words, too awkward and unprepared.

  Keely smiles. “You’re always welcome. This house is always open to all of Trink and Poe’s friends. All of the ‘dumbass boys’ friends too.”

  Oh God.

  What are the chances Tomi told his mom about me? He wouldn’t have. I mean, he wouldn’t be going around and telling his goddamn mother about his conquests, right? That would be weird.

  While I’m busy freaking the fuck out, Poe grabs my elbow gently and starts walking me through the house and out the back.

  She snorts at me when I don’t say a freaking word about it. “Stop freaking out, Keely is great. C’mon, I’ll take you out back to the pool. Best freaking pool in all of Coldstone, there’s a slide on it which Trink pretends she’s too cool for but a pool slide is always fucking cool.”

  I don’t get to see much of the house except that there’s family photos everywhere. Dozens and dozens of them on every surface and when we walk outside there’s a huge Unseen emblem painted on the bricks.

  It’s really nice out here.

  The pool is huge, there’s a table full of food, and barrels of ice and beer everywhere. There’s too many people here for me to be comfortable, and when Trink sees us walk in together she rolls her eyes at Poe.


  I’ll steer clear of her.

  “Let’s go for a swim, that’ll settle your nerves. Then we can grab food and I’ll introduce you to some of my friends.”

  She sounds so goddamn hopeful that I have to take a second to get the hell over myself. She’s my friend. She’s trying to include me in shit.

  No one here gives a fuck about me and my job.

  So I strip out of my dress and jump into the pool with my friend. We act like idiots, splashing and swimming and just having fucking fun. Poe swims to the edge to grab us beers and we sit on the edge with them and talk about random bullshit. I tell her about the noise my car is making and she tells me about the car she’s rebuilding with her sister’s boyfriend.

  Once the sun has gone down and all of the outdoor lights are glowing some of the guys from Poe’s school start trying to talk to us both. I don’t really want to talk to them but Poe does a great job of keeping them at bay, insulting them all and reminding them that this house is owned by the VP of the Unseen.

  Not a smart idea to fuck with the girls here.

  When she ducks off to the toilet, one of the guys decides to try his luck with me.

  Right as Tomi, Rue, and Speck arrive.

  All hell breaks loose in the blink of an eye, and I’m marched up the stairs by a fucking enraged Tomi.

  Tomi walks me through a bedroom and into a small private bathroom. I don’t get the chance to see anything really, just the tight lines of his jaw as he clenches it at me.

  I don’t know why he’s so fucking pissed at me. “I’m sorry I came here. I should’ve just-”

  “Shut the fuck up, Angel. Just shut up. Get your ass into the shower and rinse the fuck off.”

  I frown at him but he doesn’t move, just stands there in the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest until I give in and strip down. He’s seen me naked… almost, but I still blush over it. I duck my head under the spray of water and rinse off quickly, hesitating over whether or not I should use his soap.

  “Hurry up and get clean. We need to talk.”


  He’s got that whole caveman thing going on again. I didn’t even do anything wrong!

  I scrub down, trying not to breathe in the scent of his soap, vowing to myself that I’ll take another shower the second I get the chance. The smell of him makes my chest ache in the worst way. I don’t know when or why he’s gotten his claws into my soul but he’s in there so deep I can’t dig him out, no matter how hard I try.

  I rush through the rest of the shower, worried about what the fuck he’s going to do once I’m clean. Throw me out in the street naked, probably. That would be fucking shameful but at least I could make it over to Poe’s house and beg her for something.

  She’d also probably come over here and stab Tomi for me.

  That makes me feel a little better.

  I shut the water off and pull the curtain back, holding it over my body. “Can you pass me the towel, please?”

  He just stares me down like he’s playing with me, baiting me into breaking the fuck down.


  Like I care that he’s going to get a look at my tits and the brand spanking new wax job I did last night. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it all before.

  I step out and reach for the towel, my skin burning where his eyes drag over every inch of me. I hear him curse under his breath but I don’t give him any more of my attention. I’m not playing into his games… well, not any more than he’s forcing me right now.

  His breathing is still fucked up, his chest heaving as he takes in every inch of my skin that’s on show. I don’t… hate the feeling. I’m not trying to get away from his touch so I guess that’s a win.

  “Drop the towel.”

  I swallow but my hands move at his command. My body is still wet, the droplets covering every inch of me making my skin prickle with cold.

  “Get on your knees.”

  Oh God, I can’t live this down again. I can’t suck him off again and go through the aftermath.

  “Do it right and I’ll eat your pussy so good you’ll come harder than you ever have before.”

  I swallow.

  I’ve never come, not once in my life.

  I can’t stand touching myself, not even now that he’s been having this effect on my body. But… fuck, I’m already here. I’m already naked in his bathroom with the whole party out there being disbanded thanks to his temper over me being here.

  The damage is already done.

  I sink down to my knees on the bath mat, my hands already moving behind my back.

  “No, you do it. Unzip my jeans, remind me of what that mouth of yours can do.”

  I stare up at him but he isn’t smirking or showing any emotions at all. He just stares down at me through his hooded gaze until I reach forward and do as he says. His cock is already straining behind the zipper, as hard as stone and leaking a little when I finally get my palm wrapped around the girth.

  It feels even bigger in my hand, the blood red color of my nails stark against the soft skin and veins. I lick my lips before I suck him down, and he takes a fistful of my hair, shoving his hips forward to slam his cock all the way down until I'm forcing my gag reflex down and swallowing to take him further into my throat.

  "This fucking mouth. I could fuck it all goddamn day, fill your belly with my cum and just keep going until you're fucking stained with me. Fucking ruined."

  I start to suck him with everything I've got, angry and ready to make him come just to get a little power back. He talks about me like I'm something dirty and to be used.

  Maybe I want to use him a bit too.

  He grunts and tightens the fist in my hair, tugging and pulling me over and over again as he rocks his hips and pumps into my mouth with all that he’s got. I can’t help but look up at him, to watch him lose himself in the wet heat of my mouth.

  I choke a little when he shoots down my throat, the taste not something I'm used to, and this time when he drags me to my feet he doesn't give me the chance to flinch away.

  He kisses me.

  He hauls my naked body up against his and takes over my mouth, biting my bottom lip and tugging it with his own until I open my mouth to his and he can taste himself on my tongue.
  I can count on one hand the amount of times I've been kissed.

  It was never like this.

  His hands run down my sides until they reach my ass, cupping it to haul me up and into his arms, my legs curling around him on instinct. My bare pussy rubs against his shirt and I can smell my own arousal, clean and sweet, between our bodies.

  "Did you flirt with any of those boys out there?" he growls against my lips and I answer without thinking.

  "No, I'm not interested in anyone."

  His eyes narrow and his palm cracks down on my ass, the sting of it jolting me and forcing me to rub against his chest. "You wanna rethink that? You're dripping down my shirt, I'd say you're more than fucking interested."

  I'm too far gone to blush or get embarrassed, I just nod my head and when he crushes his lips to mine again I kiss him right back.

  He walks us both out and into the bedroom again, laying me out on the bed and yanking my legs up, spreading my pussy open as he stares at it like he wants to tear into me.

  The first trickles of fear start up in my gut and I have to say something. "What are you going to do?"

  He glances up at me, his eyes glazed and his tongue darting out to swipe over his bottom lip. "I'm going to eat this pussy until I've had my fill. I'm going to make you come, over and over again, until you forget about those fucking assholes that were trying to get inside you."

  My legs start to shake a little and I collapse back onto the pillow, throwing an arm over my eyes and taking a deep breath. If I hate it I can just... leave. I can walk over to Poe's house and I can leave.

  He doesn't attempt to ease me into it. He attacks my pussy the same way he's always treated me, a firm and rough demand, but the feel of his tongue parting my lips and dipping inside is like nothing I've ever felt before.

  He licks and sucks at every part of my pussy, his arms curling around my hips and holding me still once my shaking legs turn into a full body tremble. When his tongue circles my clit a gasp rips through me and I really start to squirm.

  When my very first orgasm finally takes over me, I'm practically sobbing. My entire body is overwhelmed with sensation and overstimulation, and I think I'm going to embarrass myself when he finally looks up at me.


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