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The Snowflake Trilogy

Page 6

by J. J. Jones

  I couldn’t help myself as chills spread from the tips of the feet all the way through the top of my head. I screamed loudly and finally had to pull my body away from him.

  “Please cum inside me,” I cried. “I’ll cum again.” I spoke in between short breaths.

  Logan smiled, and the entire world around me melted away. I saw nothing else, but him. Within second, I felt the heat and the fur that told me he had shifted into his bear form. He lifted me from the ground and rolled me to be on top of him.

  I felt his cock enter me, and immediately a rush of arousal went through me. For a second, I couldn’t breathe, feeling the hot air and humidity fill my lungs. I enjoyed the rush of excitement that came from being with Logan. Each time we were together was like a new adventure.

  I pushed my body down on top of him while at the same time, felt his arms pull me toward him. I felt his cock push deeper and harder into me.

  “Yes,” I panted.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Logan whispered.

  “You won’t hurt me,” I said. “Give it to me hard and deep.”

  Logan pushed me to sit up on my knees. He reached up and played with my nipples as I moved up and down on his cock. It was far deeper than we had seen before. I loved it. I moaned in pleasure as he squeezed my nipples harder.

  Both of our bodies arched and peaked together as his cum exploded inside me. I felt the pleasure of his cock as it released. I leaned down and pressed myself against the Logan’s fury chest. I buried my head there and rested.

  I felt his body shift back to his human form after a time. I would never admit to Logan, but I was disappointed. I enjoyed snuggling with him in his bear form. I felt safe and secure with him in both forms, but when he was shifted in bear form, something about him was different.

  “Logan,” I started to say to him.

  “Shh,” he said to me, putting a finger to my lips, “let’s just enjoy this moment together.”


  We slept together out under the stars. It was nice to feel the coolness of the outdoors and warmth of the southern humidity as we spent our last night together. The sun danced playfully through the trees the next morning, waking me from a blissful sleep. I didn’t want to be awake; I didn’t want it to be morning; I didn’t want to move.

  I tried to lay perfectly still hoping that Logan would continue sleeping for just a little while longer. Every minute I had with him was precious and treasured. I couldn’t even begin to imagine saying goodbye to him. I felt a lump start to swell in my throat at the thought of saying goodbye. I tried to push the thought from my mind in order to keep myself calm.

  It didn’t take long before Logan started to stir as well. I felt my heart drop as I felt his body move. It meant that things were beginning to end. I rolled in to place my face close to his.

  He smiled without opening his eyes and kissed my forehead. I held back tears.

  His eyes slowly started to open and he reached up and brushed the hair from my face, stroking my cheek and chin lovingly.

  “Morning,” he said calmly.

  “Hi,” I said with a smile.

  “You sleep okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah of course, you?” I replied.

  “Yeah, it was nice out here. I enjoyed the fresh air. It wasn’t too hot, but not too cold either. You weren’t cold were you?” he asked looking back down at me.

  “No, I had you to keep me warm,” I said.

  “Yeah, my body heat does radiate a little,” he smiled.

  “It’s like a nice electric blanket,” I said giggling a little.

  “Hmm, I’ve never thought about it like that, but alright, I can see that,” he laughed too.

  And for a moment, I felt like everything was fine, everything was normal. I felt like we were just a couple in the woods, and we would get back in our car and go home. I enjoyed the feeling of security and warmth that I felt when I thought like that. It was nice.

  But then the look on Logan’s face changed, and reality set in again. “I think we better be going,” he said looking around the area like he was looking for something or someone.

  “Is everything alright?” I said feeling a sense of panic.

  “Yeah, I think everything is fine, but I think it’s time to go,” he said again.

  “Okay,” I didn’t argue.

  Even as we made our way back to car, Logan didn’t stop looking around cautiously and making me feel extremely nervous. When we arrived back at the car, everything seemed just as we had left it the night before.

  “I’ll drive,” Logan offered extending his hand for the keys.

  “Alright, sure, I won’t argue with that,” I said trying to lighten the mood as much as I could. I reached into my purse and handed him the keys. He opened my door for me and once I was in he made his way around to the driver’s side. We pulled out of the parking spot and started to drive away from the forest. In the daylight, the forest had a completely different look. During the night before I was amazed at how easy we had lost the cop, but driving in the dark had seemed crazy. Now during the day when I could see everything, the pathways seemed clear and everything seemed much more manageable. I was grateful that we had been running from the cops at night. It was easy to lose him in the forest during the night, but during the day, my blue sedan would have stood out like a sore thumb against all the green and brown foliage.

  We decided to leave the national park by a different way than we came in, assuming the FBI or cops might be patrolling the entrance we had entered through. We also decided not to take a main exit either. We grabbed a map of the national park at a deserted ranger station and looked for a dirt road or small paved road that would lead us back out of the park.

  “I think we can take this road here,” Logan suggested as we both stared at the map. “It doesn’t really seem like much of a road, but it should get us back out to the main highway without needed to use any of the main roads to get in or out of the park.”

  “Yeah, I see what you’re saying,” I agreed. “And it’s not too far from where we are now,” I said pointing to where we were currently located. “We will just need to drive a little out of the way to find the road.”

  “Perfect,” Logan said. “Alright, you navigate, I’ll drive.” He put the car in drive and off we went.

  We were able to find the road fairly easily. It started off as a pretty nice dirt road, but the farther we drove, the worse the road became. I was worried that my car wasn’t going to make it without popping a tire or breaking an axel, but just when things seemed they couldn’t get any worse, I saw the exit of the park and the highway up ahead.

  “Look it’s the highway,” I said pointing.

  “Thank God,” Logan said, “I’m not sure how much more of this kind of traveling your car could handle. We were going to end up stranded in the national park,” he laughed a little out of relief.

  I laughed, too and felt proud that my little car had made it. We got back on the highway without any trouble and started our drive the rest of the way to the airport.

  “I’m starving,” Logan said as we started our drive. “Now that we are out of the national park, do you mind if we run through a drive through or something for some food?”

  “That sounds like a great idea,” I said. “I’m starving, too.” I hadn’t even thought about food until Logan had mentioned it, but not that I was thinking about food, all I could focus on was the hollow feeling in my stomach.

  “What sounds good to you?” Logan asked.

  “Anything,” I replied. “Just something soon, I think I could eat everything on the menu right now.” I rubbed my stomach laughing as it gurgled loudly.

  “Haha, you think you could eat the whole menu, wait until you see what I order,” he laughed and I remembered our first night together when he had eaten all the food from the vending machine.

  We quickly found a McDonalds and proceeded to order breakfast. He wasn’t kidding about ordering everything on the menu. They we
ren’t serving lunch or dinner items yet, which disappointed him, so he ordered almost two of all their breakfast options.

  Then he turned to me and asked what I wanted. Even though I was extremely hungry, I knew my appetite wasn’t that big. I ordered two number threes and with a pathetic look from Logan, I couldn’t help but laugh aloud.

  When we pulled up to the window, the manager came to the window.

  “It’s going to be a little while, before we can have your food ready,” he said.

  “That’s fine,” said Logan.

  “Are you feeding a bunch of kids today or something?” the manager asked trying to make conversation.

  “Uh, yeah, a church thing,” Logan replied lying. “We’ll just pull forward to a spot up there and you can bring the food out when it’s ready. That way we don’t hold up the line.”

  “Oh, yeah that’s a good idea,” the manager replied.

  Logan pulled forward and we waited for our food. They brought it out in shifts. Workers continued to bring out four or five bags at a time. It was quite comical actually. Logan just ate and ate and ate as the food came out. I wasn’t disgusted by him as maybe some people would be. I was more fascinated by him. It was amazing that he could eat that much in one sitting. I couldn’t even imagine putting that amount of food into my system in one time. But his body needed the calories and the energy. It was amazing.

  In the end, we were in the parking lot for a half an hour, and Logan had eaten almost everything by the time they brought out my food. It was inevitable that my food would come out last. But it was okay because we were able to pull back on the road and Logan could continue driving, while I ate my food.

  “Did you get enough to eat?” I asked a little sarcastically.

  “Well I could always eat more,” he said seriously. “Oh you were being sarcastic,” he smiled. “Very funny.”

  I ate the rest of my bacon egg and cheese bagel and hash-browns before drinking my orange juice. It was nice to drink the fresh orange juice and look out the window. It made me feel like I didn’t have a care in the world. And if I didn’t have a huge ache in my chest I wouldn’t, because at the end of the day, I would be a hundred thousand dollars richer. If I could just come to grip with the fact that I would saying goodbye to this man that I’d only known for 48 hours, then my life would be okay, better than okay, really.

  “Do you know how much further we have until we get to the air field?” I asked.

  “It’s not too long, maybe a couple hours at the most,” Logan replied.

  “Oh, okay,” I replied.

  “Why did you want it to be longer or shorter?” he asked laughing.

  “I haven’t decided yet,” I replied. “Logan do you think we will ever see each other again after today?” I asked.

  “To be honest, probably not, Tanisha,” Logan replied. “But I will never forget you and everything you’ve done for me. I wish that things could be different between us, but it’s just too complicated. It’s easier this way. I’m sorry,” he reached over and squeezed my hand.

  I turned away and looked out the window. I didn’t want to leave him, but I felt foolish for feeling that way. It was true that I’d known him less than I’d known almost any other guy I’d dated or slept with. Usually I had a pretty strict three date take home policy, but everything had happened so fast with Logan. I didn’t regret a single minute of our time together. Everything that had happened, the good and the bad, was precious to me. And of course he had saved my life too. There wasn’t any other guy in my life that could compare with that.

  I had never put a lot of stock into love at first sight or even fate before, but there was something about Logan, something about the way I felt when I was with him that was different than I had ever felt with any other guy. I couldn’t quite explain it or put it into words, but it just felt right.

  “Wouldn’t it be easier for me to come to Mexico with you though?” I asked. “I will be wanted by the FBI now, too right? I mean the manager at the hotel saw us together. And the police officer that chased us last night saw me driving?”

  “Yeah, that’s all true, but the FBI doesn’t care about you, Tanisha. Once I am out of the country, they will move on to hunting their next shifter. They won’t care about you unless they feel that somehow you can get me back. They will assume you were a hostage, and you should play that part. As long as they believe that you were, you will be fine.” Logan crushed my last hope of going with him.

  “Oh, okay,” I replied disappointed. I didn’t try and hide the disappointment in my voice either. I wanted him to know that I wanted to go with him at any cost.

  “Tanisha, please don’t make this harder than it already is,” Logan pressed me. “This is the way it has to be. Please just accept it for both our sakes.”

  I didn’t reply.

  We drove the remainder of the way to the airfield in silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but more like an understood silence. I stared out the window reliving each of the hours we had spent together knowing that I would soon be saying goodbye to the only man I had truly ever loved. Of course I had said the words “I love you” to other men before, but I had never understood their meaning until now.

  Everything inside me told me that I couldn’t just walk away from this, but I knew that Logan wasn’t going to let me come with him. He had made that perfectly clear. I didn’t know what else to do, but walk away heart broken, truly heart broken for the first time.


  I didn’t think my heart could sink any lower, but it did as we arrived at the airfield. We arrived at a locked gate. Logan punched in a code and the gate mechanically opened for us. The airfield was small, nothing like the airports that I was used to.

  “This is airport?” I asked.

  “Yeah, a little different than your typical terminals, right?” Logan said keeping the mood light.

  “Yeah, what kind of airport is this?” I asked.

  “This is a general aviation airport,” Logan explained.

  “How did you know the code to get in,” I asked.

  “Almost every general aviation code is the same, 1228,” Logan said. “Memorize it once, and you have access pretty much anywhere you need.”

  “Wow, not really keeping the bad guys out,” I said.

  “It’s all about the illusion of security,” he replied smiling. “If you can afford it, general aviation is the way to fly. No security, no TSA, no checking in. Just drive up to your plane, jump in and take off. Pretty sweet deal.”

  “Yeah, I can see that,” I said still a little surprised at everything.

  Logan drove out right to where an airplane seemed ready to take off. A man stood outside the plane anxiously awaiting someone. We parked and Logan jumped out of the car.

  The airplane was small. It probably only seated four or six people. I could see two engines on each of the wings. It seemed to be a nice airplane, but it made me wonder how fast it would be able to get Logan across the border. I knew we were close to the border, but I hoped that this airplane would get him across fast enough before FBI showed up.

  “Hello Snowflake,” the man called to Logan, “it’s about time you got here; I’ve been waiting all morning. I was starting to get a little nervous.”

  “I know,” Logan replied. “I’m sorry, we ran into a little trouble last night. We ended up spending the night in the national park instead of a local hotel.”

  “What?!” the man replied. “What happened?”

  “A story for another time,” Logan responded. “We must be getting in the air.”

  “Yeah, of course,” the man agrees, “we are all ready to go here. Just get in when you’re ready and we’ll get in the air.”

  Logan turned back to me. He reached back into the back seat and grabbed the rucksack from the safety deposit box. I looked at the bag and remembered everything that had happened to retrieve it. That day all of a sudden felt like decades ago. I didn’t even remember how the bag ended up in the car. I hadn’
t grabbed it after we had been attacked; Logan must have carried it as well as me back to the car after the werewolves attacked us.

  Logan reached into the bag and retrieved a stack of money. “Here’s a hundred grand, as promised.”

  “Logan, I don’t care about the money, anymore,” I said fighting back tears.

  “Please take the money, I promised you the money. It’s the least I can do for everything I put you through in the last two and half days.” Logan extended his hand again with the stack of money.

  “Logan I would rather come with you,” I said pushing his hand aside.

  Logan shook his head. “Tanisha, we talked about this, it’s not an option. It’s too dangerous for you to come with me. I will be on the move too much. Just because I’m in Mexico doesn’t mean I’m completely safe. Some of the people after me can still find me in Mexico. I need to disappear for a while and that’s easier to do as one not two. I’m sorry.”

  “No I’m sorry,” I said. “I shouldn’t keep asking. It only makes things worse,” I hung my head.

  “Please take this, I need to know that you’ll be taken care of after I’m gone,” he practically placed the hundred grand in my hands.

  “Thank you,” I said looking back up and into his eyes one last time, “thank you for everything.”

  He bent down briefly and kissed me on the forehead. Just the touch of his lips on my skin sent shivers through my entire body that weakened my knees. I tried to keep it together as he spoke again.

  “Oh yeah, Can you do one more thing for me?” Logan asked.

  “Yes, of course anything, what is it?” I replied.

  “This is an address for a place near here,” he handed me a piece of cardboard with an address written on it, “I’m sure you can put the address in your phone and your GPS will get you there just fine. You need to go there from here and ask for a man named, ‘Jose.’”

  “Okay, go to this address and ask for a guy named ‘Jose,’ got it,” I replied.

  “It’s really important that you do this for me. Once you meet him, tell him that ‘Snowflake sent you,’ and then he’ll know what that means, okay?” he waited for me to repeat the instructions.


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