Unworthy Heart: The Donnellys, Book 1

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Unworthy Heart: The Donnellys, Book 1 Page 24

by Dorothy F. Shaw

  Maiya leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. “So he’s mentioned me?”

  “Nope. But you wouldn’t be here with him and Jacob, or with me for that matter, if he didn’t.” Cyn picked at the cheese left on her plate. “He doesn’t do that. You know, bring women around. So, you must be special.”

  Maiya eyed a mother trying to calm her child in the midst of a temper tantrum. “We work together.”

  “That’s what Jimmy said. He also said you’re senior to Ryan in the company.” Cyn’s lips tilted into a devious smirk. “I happen to think that’s fucking priceless.”

  “Oh shit.” Maiya snorted a laugh. “I guess you’re all really close, huh? You talk a lot?”

  “Pretty much. There’s a ton of us. Thank God our parents stopped when they did. You have any siblings?”

  Maiya cringed. She hated having to tell people about her brother. They always wanted to know what happened and she loathed sharing it. “One brother.” She looked at her plate.

  “You close with him?”

  “I was.”

  “Was? But not now? Crap, I’m sorry. You must think I’m totally rude. None of my business.”

  “No. It’s okay.” Maiya waved her hand, dismissing Cyn’s worry. “He died when I was ten.”

  “Oh God. I’m so sorry.” Cyn reached across the table and covered Maiya’s hand with hers. “Truly.”

  “Thanks.” Maiya focused on Cyn’s hand. It was warm, and also comforting. “It was a long time ago. I miss him, but I was young, so it sometimes feels like he was a dream. Does that make sense?”

  “Perfect sense.” Cyn squeezed her hand and then released it. “What’ya say we go find the boys?”

  “Sure.” They stood. “Hey, Cyn.”


  “Thanks for not asking me what happened.” Maiya brushed a stray hair out of her eyes. “It may’ve been a long time ago, but it’s still hard to talk about.”

  Cyn hugged her. Maiya stiffened at the unexpected embrace. Forcing herself to relax, she patted Cyn’s back.

  “No problem.” Cyn pulled away, her expression soft, but without pity. “Maybe someday, if you want, you can tell me about it.” She smiled, grabbed Maiya’s hand and they set out to find Ryan and Jacob.

  Maiya was awestruck. Was his whole family like this, like the families she watched on TV as a kid? Both Jimmy and Cyn made her feel accepted, so maybe they were all this way. If so, she was way out of her league. God help Maiya if he wanted her to meet his parents. She would definitely have to have a few drinks to calm her nerves before that adventure.

  Ryan cuffed her wrist in his hand. “Come on.”

  “Where you taking me? Should I call for help?”

  “I’m going to take you into the tunnels and do naughty things to you.”

  “Ryan!” She tugged on his hold, looked around, and then bent to his ear and lowered her voice. “There are kids here.”

  He pulled her close and spoke against her ear, his breath feathering over her hair. “Let me tell you something. It’s been two days since I’ve been inside you. You keep whispering in my ear, your breath all warm and beckoning, I will find a dark corner and take you from behind.” He nuzzled and then bit her neck.

  Maiya’s skin tingled and heat pooled low in her tummy from the commanding tone lacing his words. She’d never let him fuck her here, but for crying out loud the idea of it had her slick and throbbing for that very thing. “Damn, Ryan.”

  “That’s right.” He nodded. “I want to race you.” He pointed in the direction of two motorcycle games set up side by side.

  “You are totally on. Be prepared to lose, Mr. Donnelly.” She tossed her hair over her shoulders and sauntered to the game.

  Ryan mounted one of the simulated speed bikes. “I’ll have you know, at one time I was the number one winner on this game.” He inserted the tokens into the machine.

  She snorted and mounted her own bike. “And when was that? Tenth grade?”

  “Pfft. Doesn’t matter. I got this. Be prepared to be left in the dust.”

  Maiya gripped the handlebars. “Bring it.”

  Three games later, she’d won every single round.

  “One more.” His face was serious, the determination evident in his tone.

  Cyn propped a hip against the machine beside them. “You have to learn when to cut your losses, little brother.”

  Maiya cracked her knuckles. “Stubborn male.”

  “You mean mule?” Cyn laughed.

  “That’s one way of putting it.” Maiya laughed too. “Aw, come on. You’re not really bothered by me kicking your as—butt, right?”

  Ryan got off the motorcycle. “Fine. Just don’t tell Jimmy. I’ll never live it down.”

  “Sooo gonna tell Jimmy.” Maiya grinned and straightened her T-shirt.

  Cyn blurted a laugh. “I already texted him.”

  “Fabulous.” He rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. “Excuse me. I have some games to play with my son.” He kissed Maiya on the cheek. “Payback is a bitch, isn’t it?” He laughed and then wandered over to Jacob, who was playing one of the dance games.

  Maiya knew exactly what kind of payback to look forward to. “I’m sooo going to milk this one for all it’s worth.”

  “I would. Do me proud.” Cyn glanced around. “I need the ladies’ room. I’ll find you all in a bit.”

  Maiya smiled and then went and found Ryan and Jacob. They played games another hour or so, moving from machine to machine. She laughed, a lot. Between Jacob and his adorableness, and the sibling banter between Ryan and Cyn, she couldn’t help the smile that filled her heart. So this is what it felt like to be part of a family.

  They weren’t her family, but she sure as hell didn’t feel like an outsider, either. It’d be amazing to have happiness like this all of the time.

  Chapter Thirty

  Ryan had wanted Maiya to come back to his house, but she declined, using the morning meeting as the reason. It felt more like she was playing things safe with him though. If he’d gotten her back at his place he would have stripped her bare and then tortured her delicious body for hours.

  He wanted her begging and breathless, on the brink of orgasm and dripping wet for him before he gave in and took her. Fire raced through his blood and he groaned. The thought of how incredible it was to be buried deep inside her wet heat had his dick standing up and taking notice inside his jeans. They’d had such a great time out; he couldn’t wait to do it again. But he wanted her there with him, in his bed. Not in some hotel across town. She was right though; they both had work tomorrow.

  After he’d gotten Jacob settled and in bed, he sent her a text.

  Ryan: Miss me?

  Maiya: Maybe. ;-)

  Ryan: Who’s being stubborn now?

  Maiya: Okay fine. I miss you. Happy?

  Ryan: Yes. I miss you too. I want you in my bed.

  Maiya: Are you in your bed now?

  Ryan: No. But I can be. You?

  Maiya: Give me 5 minutes then call me.

  Ryan: Making demands?

  Maiya: I’ll make it worth your while.

  Ryan: In your bed naked. Now. 5 minutes I’m calling.

  Ryan stood, stripped off his clothes and then climbed beneath the covers. She hadn’t responded to the last text, but he wasn’t worried about it. She’d be ready when he called. Eyeing the clock, he watched the minutes count down. When time was up, he dialed her number.

  “Hey you.”

  He palmed his stiff cock. “Baby, your voice is so sexy. Have I told you that?”

  She giggled and it rippled over his skin. “I don’t know, maybe?”

  “Are you wet for me?”


  “God damn. Whose pussy is that, baby?”

  “Yours.” Her voi
ce was breathless. Sweet music to his ears.

  “Close your eyes and rub your clit. Tease it for me.” He pumped his fist slowly along his shaft. “Is it nice and swollen?” She let out a little whimper and his prick throbbed in his hand.

  “Yes. So good. I wish you were inside me right now.”

  “Two fingers, deep inside your wet heat. Right now.” Jesus, he couldn’t get enough of her. Her voice, her little whimpers of pleasure. His head spun like he was drunk.

  “Oh God, baby. I’m clo—” She sucked in a breath and moaned. “I’m so close.”

  “Ah, baby, not yet. Wait for me. Damn, my prick is rock hard.”

  “Please?” she begged. “I’m dripping down my ass, I can’t—God, please, fuck!”

  On the verge of coming himself, he pumped his dick faster, listening to her beg. “What are you, Maiya?” His voice sounded husky to his own ears. “Tell me and I’ll let you come.”

  She gasped. “I’m your slut.”

  “Come for me, my dirty girl.” He listened to her hard breaths puffing through the phone and his cock throbbed in his palm.

  “Yes! Oh, God yes. Yours.” Her moans grew louder through her release.

  “Mine!” He gritted his teeth and stroked twice more, and then gripped the base of his shaft and cupped his balls. His climax struck like an anvil and his seed ran from the tip, down the length and onto his fist. “Jesus Christ.”

  She was gasping, trying to catch her breath. When she finally did, she spoke. “God, that was good, but I’d rather have the real thing.”

  “Tell me about it.” He chuckled. “Hang on, baby. I need to wipe up.” Setting the phone down, he found a towel and hurried back after he’d cleaned up and got under the blankets. “Okay. I’m back.”

  “Shit, the bed’s all wet.”

  He tucked his arm behind his head. “Lucky it’s a big bed; you can move to the other side.”

  She yawned. “Very true.”

  “Ready to sleep?” Ryan rolled to his side.

  “Mmhmm. You?”

  “Yes.” He smothered a yawn with his hand. “Wishing you were here with me though.”

  “You’re going to become a bad habit if I start sleeping next to you. Besides, Jacob’s there.”

  “I’m absolutely fine with being your habit, but I’d prefer I be a good one and not a bad one.” He adjusted his pillow. “Yeah. You’re right, I’d worry about freaking Jacob out.”

  “Besides, early status meeting, remember? I’ll see you then.”

  “Ugh. Hate the early ones. They’re before I can get Jacob to school. I’ll have to dial in to it from home, but I’ll be there right after.”

  “Okay. Night, Ryan.”

  “Sweet dreams, baby.” Disconnecting the call, he rolled over to his other side and hugged the pillow.

  The echoes of Maiya’s moans swam in his mind sending a chill through his body. Maybe if he tried really hard, he’d fool his mind into believing it was her in his arms instead of the pillow.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Maiya made it into the office in time for the damn seven a.m. meeting. No matter how early she went to bed, she’d never be a morning person. At least she’d gotten some decent sleep—after the incredible call with Ryan.

  Sweet baby Jesus, the man made her skin ache to be touched, but by him only. And his voice? Holy hell he had a sexy voice. His words during the call came rushing to the forefront of her mind and flowed over and through her body like hot lava. Phone sex had never been that good before.

  An hour and a half later, Ryan graced the doorway of her office with a fresh coffee from the shop on the corner. He stepped inside in silence and shut the door. Setting her coffee in front of her, Ryan pulled her up from her seat and kissed her. Hard and open mouthed; he stroked his tongue over hers. He kissed her like he was starved for her.

  Maiya was plenty fine with being his meal. She was so amped up from the kiss her whole body quivered in his arms. When he released her, they were both breathing heavy and it was all she could do not to let him bend her over her desk and fuck her fast and hard right there in her office.

  Plopping back down in her seat after he’d left, she grabbed a few papers and fanned herself, trying to cool the raging heat. After a few minutes, she tried getting back to work, but had no luck focusing. An hour later she gave up and sent an IM to Jodi telling her to meet her downstairs for a smoke.

  Maiya leaned against the brick wall of her office building, watching the traffic pass on the busy street. She’d already smoked one cigarette and lit another by the time Jodi got downstairs.

  “I was away from my computer when you sent that message. What’s up?” Jodi leaned against the wall next to Maiya.

  “I needed some air.” Maiya exhaled a plume of gray smoke. “I do not want to be working today. I can’t focus for shit.”

  “Uh oh.” Jodi smiled, but then covered her mouth with her hand.

  Maiya looked at her. “What?”

  “It’s happened hasn’t it?” Jodi clasped her hands together. “I knew it!”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Nothing’s happened.”

  “You’re in love with Ryan Donnelly.”

  Maiya glared at her. “Fuck you, I am not.”

  “Oh, yes. You sure are.”

  “Dammit, Jodi. I am not.” She took a long drag of her cigarette. “I just…” She exhaled the smoke and stared at the traffic again. “I like him. A lot.”

  “Maiya.” Jodi placed her hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay.”

  “He wants to date, as in boyfriend-and-girlfriend-exclusively date.” She looked at Jodi.

  “That’s good. Hell, that’s great. I’m happy for you.”

  Maiya stubbed out her cigarette and lit another. “I told him we’d see how the week went.”

  “Why? I mean, you love him, honey. Even if you can’t admit it to yourself yet.”

  “Will you quit saying that? I am not in love with Ryan. For fuck’s sake, Jodi!” She shook her head. Frustration burned her gut, hotter than the tip of her cigarette.

  “Okay, okay. Fine. You don’t love him. But you like him, so why are you hesitating to be in a committed relationship with him?” Jodi grabbed the cigarette from Maiya’s fingers and took a drag.

  In no mood to share, she lit another cigarette and then stared at her feet. “It’s complicated.”

  “Only if you make it so.”

  Maiya placed the cigarette between her lips and held her hands out in front of her. They were trembling. “Dammit.” She clenched her hands into fists. “We don’t even live in the same state.”

  “Come on, really? Girl, you don’t even live six hours from here. It’s barely an hour flight and you’ve got enough miles from work travel to fly free every weekend for the next year.”

  “I can’t fly here every weekend, Jodi. I’ve got a life in Vegas, you know? My mom and stuff.” What the hell did Jodi think? Maiya couldn’t just drop her life, all her responsibilities because Mister Wonderful, Ryan Donnelly, wanted her to be his girlfriend. Not gonna happen.

  “You’re scared.” Jodi poked her in the shoulder. “Look at me, Maiya.”

  Maiya looked over and exhaled a plume of smoke in Jodi’s face. She was not scared.

  Jodi fanned it away. “Okay, gross.” She placed her hand on Maiya’s cheek and her expression softened. “Don’t do this, sweetie. Don’t miss this because of fear.”

  Maiya’s eyes welled up with tears, and she blinked, trying to stop them from breaching her lower lids. Jodi pulled her into an embrace. She buried her face in her friend’s thick curls and sobbed. “I can’t do this, Jodi. I don’t think I can do this.”

  “Of course you can.” Jodi rubbed her back. “You deserve this, sweetie.” Pulling away, she fished a tissue from her purse and handed it to Maiya. “I don’t
know anyone else who deserves it more.”

  “Thanks.” Maiya swiped carefully under each eye with the little white square. “We’ll see.” She sniffled. “It’s complicated.”

  Jodi pursed her lips. “Yeah, you said that already.”

  They stayed against the wall until they’d finished smoking and then walked inside together, neither one saying anything more on the subject. She was grateful Jodi knew when to drop it. The conversation ventured way too close to territory Maiya wasn’t ready to explore.

  And sure, yes, in those moments when they were alone and she was in his arms, Maiya let herself feel everything and more for him. She put her heart in his hands, but after it was done, and she had some space from him, she always took it right back. She had to. Maiya couldn’t let herself be in love with Ryan. It wasn’t an option.

  Jodi didn’t understand. Any day now, Ryan would figure out he deserved better, and he’d drop her like a hot potato. Then where would she be? Flat on her ass, with a shattered heart is where. It would be more than she could bear.

  Maiya walked into her office and shut the door behind her. She had to find a way to tell him no. Yeah, like I’ve been able to do so far? She laughed. I am well and truly fucked.

  An IM message popped up on her screen.

  Ryan Donnelly: Dinner tonight, my house. 6pm.

  Maiya Rossini: I don’t know. I’m kinda tired.

  Ryan Donnelly: Pshaw, tired schmired. We’ll watch a movie with Jacob and I’ll rub your feet after he goes to bed.

  Dammit. She exhaled a hard breath, trying to figure out how the hell to tell this man no. It was like the word didn’t exist for her where he was concerned. He would definitely be rubbing more than her feet. Her clit throbbed, and she squirmed in her seat from the images flying through her mind of the last time he had her on his couch after Jacob had gone to bed. Good God.

  Ryan Donnelly: Hello? You still there?

  Maiya Rossini: Yes. Just thinking.

  Ryan Donnelly: About?

  Maiya Rossini: About why I can’t seem to ever tell you NO!

  Ryan Donnelly: LOL can’t say I’m upset about that. See you at 6, baby.


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