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Wild Duet Bookset

Page 18

by Colet Abedi

  Unfortunately, this thought leads me down a rabbit hole where Jamie happens to be the main attraction. I can’t help but think of him on the set of his next film, and the worry immediately starts to form in the pit of my stomach. Any actress in her right mind would want to be with him. I try my best to brush the thought aside. I mean, who knows if we’ll even be together when he starts shooting The Origin. That’s a few months away, and I don’t want to think about it now.

  “I’m really disappointed in you.” Kerri shakes her head at Tony. “I thought you had discretion and better taste than that.”

  “Sometimes it’s not a matter of taste or discretion,” Tony says matter-of-factly. “It’s a matter of who wants to zip down my fucking pants.”

  I laugh.

  “At least you’re honest,” I say. “But what about her husband? Are you crazy? Imagine if he found out. Your career would be over before it even started. He’ll crush you.”

  “He’s not crushing shit.” Tony snorts. “He’d be relieved. They never have sex. The last time was three years ago; she told me. The only reason why he won’t divorce her ass is because he doesn’t want to give her half of the agency, and he’ll have to. She’s been with him from the beginning. He has to cough up too much, so he’ll never do it.”

  “Still,” I warn him. “He’s smart, Tony. Just be careful.”

  “I always am.” Tony meets my gaze in the mirror. “And you have yet to tell me the Jamie Donovan story. Don’t think I’m letting you get away with not spilling the beans about what happened and how and why you forgave him. I’m all ears.”

  Since I know he won’t let up until he knows every damn thing, I quickly fill him in on what happened. Of course I leave out the sexual details and that I ran into Jamie at the club. I tell Tony we ran into each other at a bar. Kerri didn’t want him to know we were going back to the club. She says she can’t deal with the jokes. When I’m done telling him my Jamie story, Tony is contemplative.

  “Well, I’m sorry I played a role in your temporary breakup,” he finally says, and I can tell he genuinely feels bad about it. “It sucks I jumped to the wrong conclusion. I hope you’re not mad at me.”

  “Do I look mad?”

  “I wanted to look out for you,” he says, continuing to explain like he didn’t hear what I said. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “And I appreciate and expect it,” I tell him in a reassuring voice. “I want you to tell me everything. You better tell me everything. I would do the same for you.”

  “Ahhh, shucks.” Kerri’s voice is laced with sarcasm. “Isn’t this just a great kumbaya moment? I’m suddenly feeling overwhelmed, guys. Let’s go somewhere at lunch and talk about our feelings.”

  “Are you human or AI?” Tony’s dead serious.

  “Half and half.” Kerri gives him an evil smile. “You know you love me deep down inside.”

  Tony doesn’t seem convinced. “I don’t know.”

  “Well, I love you even though you’re an asshole,” I tell her and grab my phone, which is vibrating in my bag.

  “I’m an asshole?” Kerri turns to stare at me with wide eyes. “I’m an asshole?”

  I know she thinks I’m a bigger one than her, and she might be right, but before I respond, I pick up my phone. It’s Jamie.

  “Hey.” I’m sure I have a goofy-as-hell smile. Kerri rolls her eyes in disgust.

  “Hi, baby.” Jamie’s sexy voice echoes through the phone. “On your way to work?”

  “Yes,” I reply. “How’s your morning?”

  “Mehh,” he says.

  “Why mehh?”

  “You should be next to me,” he says. “Naked of course.”

  My heart slams in my chest. “Well, you’re the one who left so early,” I say to remind him.

  “I had a call with my location scout, and he’s in a different time zone. It was just easier to do here at the house,” he tells me. “But now I’ve got the itch…”

  I know what kind of itch he has because I’m suffering from the same ailment. I don’t know how to respond since Kerri and Tony are in the car and can hear every damn thing I say, and I know they are waiting on pins and needles to make fun of me.

  “You’re not alone,” he suspects aloud, knowingly.

  “No, I’m in the car with Kerri and Tony,” I tell him. “We carpooled today.”

  “Who’s driving?”


  “Perfect,” Jamie says. “What time do you think you’ll be done with work?”

  Thankfully I don’t have drinks planned for tonight, so I should be done by seven thirty or eight. I tell him so.

  “I’ll have a car pick you up from the office.” He sounds adamant.

  “I can go home and grab my car.” I argue because I know I’ll have to drive home later tonight since I don’t have anything with me.

  “No,” he says. “You’ll just backtrack from Santa Monica. I’ll take care of all your possible worries—since I know you always have some.”

  “I can’t miss work tomorrow,” I warn him.

  “I’m not asking you to.”

  I finally agree. “All right. I’ll see you tonight then.”

  “See you then.”

  We both hang up. I smile at my phone like a loon.

  “You know, Wyld,” Kerri says when she knows I’m off the phone.


  “He’s kind of growing on me,” she says rather reluctantly. “I mean, I’d like him just to be a casual fuck because you have zero experience in the fucking department, but I don’t know… He’s real. I like that.”

  Me too.


  “Look, Wylder,” Henry, the assistant I dated for a hot LA second, whines at me in the kitchen while I heat my frozen burrito in the microwave. “I don’t know why you won’t give me one more chance.”

  “I’d rather eat glass,” I tell him honestly.

  I look over at him and take in his boyish appearance. There is nothing attractive about him to me now, like seriously nothing. In fact, I think I might have been suffering from temporary insanity when I went out with him.

  “I forgot how funny you are,” he says in a total clueless way. What is it with some guys not being able to take a hint?

  Thankfully the microwave dings, and my burrito is ready, which means I get to escape. I pull it out and turn to stare at him. “The only reason you want to go out with me now is because of Jamie. I’m not an idiot.”

  “Jamie Donovan made me realize what I had and let slip through my fingers,” Henry says in that douchey way of his.

  “Honestly?” I tell him, shaking my head. “It’s never happening. Ever. You had your shot, and you blew it by letting Sarah blow you. So let’s just let bygones be bygones and be friends.”

  The last part is rather hard for me to say because the last thing I want is to be Henry’s friend. He’s a tool, a douche, and an A-hole all wrapped up in one slimy package. I think aliens must have abducted my brain when I went out with him. I couldn’t have been thinking clearly. That’s the only rational explanation.

  “That’s so cute,” Henry says with a smile. “You’re jealous.”


  I walk away with my burrito. There’s really nothing more I can say to that. Unfortunately, he chases after me.

  “Oh my God, Henry.” I shake my head when he sits next to me. “I just want to eat my burrito in peace.”

  “I’m going to watch you,” Henry says as he settles across from me and sips on his green tea.

  “Please don’t.” I shake my head again in anguish. “Seriously. Don’t.”

  Henry crosses his arms and leans back in the chair, staring at me. “You look more grown-up,” he says, then to my horror, he continues. “Having your heart broken by Donovan has done you good.”

  My mouth drops open. “Is that supposed to be some sort of compliment?”

  “Yes,” he says earnestly. “You look hot. That’s what I�
��m telling you.”

  “Jamie Donovan did not break my heart,” I inform him in a hard voice. Listen, Jamie Donovan could so break my heart, but he hasn’t. Not yet at least.

  Henry smirks. He doesn’t believe me. I wish I could throw my burrito at him, but I’m too hungry.

  “You know why he didn’t break my heart?” I say.

  “Why?” Henry asks.

  “Because we’re dating.” I watch the shock come over his face. “That’s why. Any other questions?”

  Henry’s mouth is hanging open in surprise. All the interns, assistants, and I’m pretty sure executives thought we broke up. I mean, we did… but it’s not the case anymore.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me,” I tell him as I stand. “I’m going to eat my lunch somewhere in private.”

  I leave Henry and go outside to eat in peace. Once I’m settled in and chewing away, I get a text from Kerri.

  KERRI: Apparently the word around the studio is you’re back on dating Jamie fucking Donovan.

  God that was fast. I’m not surprised Henry went running his big mouth. It’s still annoying, but I’m not surprised.

  ME: I guess I am.

  Kerri takes a moment before she responds.

  KERRI: I’m proud of you. Owning your shit.

  My response is immediate.

  ME: Jamie’s not shit.

  KERRI: Look at you, getting all defensive about Mr. Hollywood fancy pants director.

  I roll my eyes.

  ME: Whatever. You hear from Trouble?

  I get a row of emojis with hearts in their eyes back.

  ME: I take that as a yes.

  KERRI: I. Can’t. Even.

  I absolutely cannot wait to meet this guy. I tell Kerri so.

  KERRI: We’ll see.

  ME: What do you mean? When are you seeing him again?

  KERRI: I don’t know yet. He’s kind of mysterious. Maybe he’s being coy.

  I don’t know how anyone could play coy with Kerri. She’s a catch and a half. She goes on to type more.

  KERRI: And he went out of town. He’ll be back on the weekend. Hopefully then…

  Kerri sends me a tongue emoji, and I laugh out loud. A few of the people eating outside turn and look at me. I quickly type back.

  ME: Just be careful… With a name like Trouble…

  The three bouncing dots tells me Kerri is responding fast.

  KERRI: I want every part of how that sentence finishes, but I hear you. Don’t worry. I can handle myself just fine.

  She can. I’ve seen it firsthand over the years, but you never know… I’m a prime example. Before Jamie came into my life, I thought I could handle anything that came my way, but things can go south at any time. There are no guarantees. One of us could cry over a guy like I did.

  It’s horrifying to think it could happen again, but there are absolutely no guarantees he won’t break me.

  My heart.

  And my fucking soul.

  How’s that for dramatic?

  Chapter Six

  The driver pulls up to Jamie’s house, and I have an instantly throbbing, horny vagina.

  It’s from excitement for what’s to come and because Jamie happens to be standing outside, waiting for me in all of his glorious gorgeousness. He’s dressed in grey track pants and a T-shirt.

  I can’t wait to get him naked.

  As soon as the car comes to a stop, I jump out and into his arms. I should have more restraint and decorum, but I can’t seem to stop myself. I want him, and I want him now.

  Once our lips lock, it’s game over.

  Or game on.

  The kiss he gives me is openly carnal. He devours me, showing me how much he wants and desires me—and I love every second of it.

  “I missed you,” he whispers after he drags his mouth away from mine.

  He gives me an innocent smile and takes hold of my hand.

  Once the door is shut behind us, and we are safely away from anyone’s view, he practically slams me against the nearest wall and kisses me with enough passion that my toes curl. His tongue sweeps into my mouth and duels with mine. I suck on it for a second before he rips his mouth away and starts practically ripping my work clothes off.

  I think I lose a few buttons when he tears open my shirt because I hear them snap away. I don’t have time to think about it because he’s turned me around before I know what’s coming, and he unclicks my bra right before unzipping my skirt and letting it drop to the ground.

  I hear his deep inhale before he runs his hand along my naked ass.

  He leans in to whisper in my ear, rubbing his stubble against my skin. “It’s fucking perfect.”

  He starts kissing my back and my ass, then continues moving down my legs until he turns me around again so he can lick my throbbing pussy. Oh my God, yes. I bury my hands in his hair as his tongue and that glorious mouth of his works me until I explode.

  “Jamie,” I whisper as my body rocks into him, shuddering in waves of ecstasy.

  “Wylder,” he whispers back. His mouth moves up my body until he finds my breasts. I whimper when his lips tease my nipple, licking and sucking until I’m wanting to come again, until I need him again. I push him away from my body, reach down, and grab hold of his track pants and slowly pull them down.

  “My turn.” I practically pant in excitement.

  I bend down in front of him and lick the tip of his hard shaft. He groans at the touch, and it makes me hotter for him. I take hold of him and lick, suck, and move up and down, relaxing my jaw so I can take more of him in, wanting to pleasure him and get him off as fast as he got me off. He falls back against a wall, needing the support before his hands come down to my hair, gripping it tightly. His body tenses, and he comes in my mouth.

  He looks down at me with glazed eyes.

  “Fuck,” he whispers, once he’s able to speak.

  “Me,” I command. I look up at his blissed-out face. That’s my work, I think to myself with a great deal of satisfaction.

  Thankfully, I don’t have to ask twice.

  He picks me up with an almost animalistic growl and carries me into his family room. Once there, he lays me on the comfy grey couch. When his body doesn’t follow mine, I look up at him. My mouth goes dry. God, he’s so fucking sexy.

  His jaw is taut with passion, his eyes smoldering with need.

  For me.

  Just the thought is enough to get me off.

  He pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it on the floor. All the while, his eyes stay locked with mine. I can feel my heart race, a distant beat thumping away while I soak him in. The look in his eyes takes my breath away. His eyes burn with longing and desire and something else…

  Something tender.

  And sweet.

  Something more than simply sex.

  I can’t put my finger on it, and it makes me nervous. It’s like he knows something I don’t… like he has a secret I can’t get in on yet.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he tells me.

  “So are you,” I reply softly.

  “No.” Jamie shakes his head. “There’s something about you. Something soft and innocent. And familiar… And something else…”

  I want to ask him what, but he moves, and his body crashes into mine. We kiss and kiss. My hands move up to his face and cup his cheeks, and he does the same back to me. I could stay like this for hours. The kiss is tender and then it’s raw and then it’s like we’re young kids having our first make-out session, and within minutes I’m rubbing against his hard cock, wanting something more.

  I don’t have to beg this time.

  I don’t have to wait.

  As soon as I feel like I’m going to die unless he fills me, he does. We’re singing the same song or connected on some level I don’t quite understand yet. He moves inside me, and it’s different this time. It’s slow and sweet.


  Like he’s feeling every part of me and wanting to connect to my soul.

  And I le
t him.

  “Look at me,” he commands.

  When our eyes lock, we both come at the same time. It’s the single, sexiest moment of my young life.

  Honestly, I don’t know how I’ll ever beat it.

  Jamie fucking Donovan is life itself.


  An hour later, Jamie Donovan is really pissing me off.

  “We’re not doing a rematch,” he says after he beats me again at Head’s Up, which is one of my favorite games.

  “Scared you’ll lose?” I ask him with narrowed eyes.

  We’re still on his couch, but now I have his T-shirt on, and he’s got on a pair of black shorts. A full meal for five from Nobu sits on the table, along with amazing sake we’ve gone through like it’s nobody’s business. I so hope I don’t have a hangover tomorrow.

  “I don’t want to hurt your feelings,” he tells me with a sad smile. “You’re trying so hard. It’s almost heartbreaking, baby.”

  I throw a pillow at him. “Seriously? You’re delusional.”

  “Possibly.” He smiles and pops a piece of sushi in his mouth. “But I’m still the winner.”

  Not one I can dispute, but still. I never lose this game. Ever. And here I am. Why does he have to be so good at everything, just like he said? It’s nauseating.

  “If you won’t play another round, then I might as well go home now.” I pretend like I’m about to stand up.

  Jamie reaches over, grabs me around the waist, and pulls me into his arms. I shriek in laughter.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” he growls.

  “I have to.” I smile down at him.

  I’m straddling his lap, and I must say, I much prefer this position than the one I was in.

  “I don’t have clothes or toiletries or anything,” I say to remind him. “And I don’t even have my car, so I can’t spend the night.”

  “I had Kathleen do some shopping for you today,” Jamie says with an indecipherable look on his face.

  “What?” I ask in surprise.

  “I think it’s only smart to have some things at my place,” Jamie says nonchalantly. “You’re going to spend a lot of time here, so might as well.”

  Spend a lot of time here?


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