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Be Careful What You Wish For

Page 30

by Evangeline Anderson

  Cass sat beside him on the couch, snuggling back against the warm red throw which was made of some velvety plush fur, and accepted a cup of dark brown mousse and a small silver spoon from him.

  It was a little awkward being mostly naked and so close to his big, nude body but Cass did her best to relax. She took a dainty bite of the dessert and her eyes rolled back in her head with sheer delight as she forgot all about her state of undress.

  “Oh my God, you did it again! This is amazing,” she moaned, taking a slightly larger bite and letting it melt on her tongue. “Are you sure you’re not using magic in the kitchen? Because this is seriously the best thing I’ve ever tasted—I’m not kidding.”

  The mousse was soft and fluffy and it melted instantly to a luxurious buttery texture the moment it hit her tongue. The flavor was dark and complex with not just chocolate but hints of cinnamon and vanilla and some other, exotic spice she couldn’t quite put her finger on—maybe cardamom? Cass wasn’t sure—she just knew she could eat this forever and never get tired of it.

  Jake laughed. “I’m so glad you like it. No magic—I used ground tannic root in it—it’s an elvish spice and flavor enhancer.”

  “Well, whatever it is, it really does the trick.” Cass took another bite and savored it—the mousse was too good to eat quickly. “I could dive into a vat of this stuff and die happy.”

  The big elf laughed again and she noted to herself once more how much she liked the deep rumble of his amusement. It was extremely attractive.

  “Well, speaking of magic,” he remarked, leaning forward to place his own half-finished cup of mousse on the coffee table, “Would you like to try learning that housekeeping charm?”

  “What—now?” Cass looked at him in surprise.

  He shrugged, his broad shoulders rolling with the gesture.

  “Why not? You seem relaxed and happy, we are located at the zenith of elvish power, and you have been creating for the past few hours, which The Lady loves. I think this is an optimal time to teach you.”

  “All right, well…sure.” Cass carefully put down her own cup of mousse, which was nearly gone. Despite her intention to savor it, she hadn’t been able to help herself—it was too good to stop eating.

  “Now…” Jake looked around, frowning. “We just need to find something you can practice on.”

  He spoke a word of power that made the tiny hairs on the backs of Cass’s arms prickle and her nipples suddenly went tight and hard. On the coffee table in front of them a small pile of colored sticks suddenly appeared in a jumbled mass.

  “Oh! Pick-up sticks,” Cass exclaimed. “Nana used to play this with us when we were little.” She leaned over to touch the colorful conglomeration but Jake stopped her with a hand on her arm.

  “Wait—the power will come to you more easily if you don’t touch the objects you wish to put in order with your hands.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Cass remarked. She’d always hated picking things up by hand anyway—that was cleaning and she never seemed to have time for it. “All right, so what do I do?”

  “Take a deep breath and call upon the spark of magic you have buried inside you,” Jake instructed. “The same magic you used to help heal me not too long ago.”

  “Yes, all right.” Cass did as he ordered, taking a deep breath and reaching deep inside herself, looking for her magic. She didn’t feel much but she told herself that it was there—probably just waiting for her to say the words of power.

  “Now, concentrate on the sticks and repeat after me,” Jake instructed. “Glan Agus ‘Ordugh.”

  Cass stared at the jumbled mass of colored sticks and spoke the words, “Glan Agus ‘Ordugh.” She even tried to use the same accent Jake used, but unfortunately, nothing happened. There was no pop-rocks and diet Coke fizzy sensation that she felt with fairy magic and no rolling flood of power she felt when Jake did elvish magic. There was just…nothing. The sticks just sat there, not moving a bit, still in a big, messy pile.

  “Hmm…” Jake frowned thoughtfully. “You seem to be having trouble accessing your magic. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, Cassandra. Try again.”

  Cass did as he said. Closing her eyes, she called for the magic she knew lived inside her…but she didn’t feel much of anything. After searching for several long, deep breaths, she began to feel frustrated. She was like a woman in a dark room feeling for the light switch and not finding it.

  “Try again,” Jake told her.

  Cass opened her eyes and glared at the sticks.

  “Glan Agus ‘Ordugh!” she said loudly, pointing at the colorful pile.

  But once again, nothing happened.

  “Damn…” Cass sighed and shook her head. “Well, I guess I can’t do elvish magic after all. That’s too bad—I would have loved to be able to do that spell.”

  “Let’s not give up just yet,” Jake said, frowning. “I know you have magic in you, Cassandra—quite strong magic, as a matter of fact. I felt it when you healed me. We just have to find a way to bring it out.”

  “How, though?” she demanded. “The last time we were, uh…healing you and we used pleasure. So it was…” Her cheeks got hot at the memory. “It was…different,” she finished lamely.

  “Yes, it was…” Jake looked thoughtful. “Do you have any clean paintbrushes—ones that haven’t been used?” he asked, seemingly apropos of nothing.

  “Well…sure.” Cass got up and got him one. “Here you go. Are you going to use that to bring out my magic somehow?”

  “Maybe…” Jake’s leaf-green eyes were half-lidded again in the flickering firelight. “Cassandra, may I paint you?”

  “You paint me?” She frowned. “I didn’t know you could paint. I did bring one extra canvas…” She started to get up but Jake pulled her back down with a hand on her wrist.

  “Not like the way you painted me,” he murmured. Reaching out, he dipped the clean paintbrush into his chocolate mousse and held it up. “Like this.”

  Before Cass could say another word, he had drawn the tip of the chocolate-covered brush around one of her naked nipples.

  “Oh!” she gasped at the cool ticklish sensation of the brush circling her achingly hard tip. “Oh, Jake…”

  “And this,” he went on, dipping the brush again and then circling her other nipple, leaving a ring of the dark, luscious mousse around her right pink peak as well.

  “That is a different kind of painting,” Cass admitted breathlessly. “But…it’s kind of messy, don’t you think?”

  “No matter.” Jake’s eyes were half-lidded again in the firelight. “I can clean it up for you—I don’t even need a housekeeping spell to do it.”

  Leaning forward, he circled her nipple with his tongue, lapping away the dark chocolate mousse and making Cass gasp at the wet heat of his mouth as he traced her aching peak.

  “Mmm, that is nice,” she agreed, giving him a lazy smile. Part of her knew this was naughty but she didn’t care—it was fun too. And it felt incredible. “But you need to clean up the other one too.” Daringly, she thrust out her breasts, giving him easier access.

  “With pleasure,” Jake purred. Leaning forward, he lapped away the mousse he’d painted on the other nipple as well. Then he dipped the paintbrush again and repainted both breasts as well as painting a small, feathery trail right between them.

  “Mmmm…” Cass purred, arching her back. His hot mouth on her felt so good—the way he was touching her…tasting her—was as rich and delicious as the chocolate mousse itself. Part of her knew it was wrong but she couldn’t help enjoying the pleasurable sensations and wishing they would never end.

  Slowly, Jake lapped away the sweet, sticky substance from both breasts, sucking each tight nipple deeply, sending sparks of pleasure straight to her tender pussy. Then he began on the trail of chocolate he’d made between them, the flat of his tongue sliding hotly over her skin. He continued painting and licking until he got to Cass’s belly button, licking a trail down her trembling belly.

  Cass was making soft little moaning sounds, almost completely lost in the moment. But then, the next time he reached for the paintbrush, he also tugged at the waistband of her panties.

  “Jake?” Cass blinked her eyes, alarm bells sounding in her head. She had been lost in a haze of lust, enjoying the purely sensual experience of being slowly tantalized by a lover. Brandon had never done anything remotely like this with her. His idea of foreplay was squeezing her breasts a few times and telling her how much he liked her “tits.” But now she felt nervous, looking down at the big elf and realizing what he wanted.

  “Cassandra,” he murmured, slipping one long finger under her waistband to caress the smooth mound of her pussy. “I would very much like to continue painting you, if you wouldn’t mind taking these off?” He made the request a question. “I have seen you without them, you know,” he added.

  “Yes, I know…” Cass bit her lip. “But you never, uh…I mean are you sure, um…you want to…to ‘paint’ me there?”

  Going down was another thing Brandon had no interest in though he fully expected her to give him oral pleasure. Plus, speaking of Brandon, wasn’t this full-on cheating? She really had no excuse this time—neither she nor Jake needed healing. They were just doing this because they wanted to. Wait—did he really want to?

  “Oh yes, Cassandra,” he rumbled, a hungry light in his hooded eyes. “I very much want to paint you there…and then clean you up afterwards.”

  Well that answered one of her questions at least.

  Cass bit her lip uncertainly, nervous butterflies dancing in her stomach. On one hand she’d always wanted to be with a man who really wanted to go down on her and knew how to do it right. And she was pretty sure Jake fit that description. But on the other hand…she couldn’t quite shake her nervous uncertainty.

  “But, well…I mean, how do you know you’ll…uh, like the taste?” she asked at last.

  “I tasted your juices before, remember?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “When I came home unexpectedly and found you pleasuring yourself as you called my name.” His eyes went half-lidded again. “It was all I could do to stop myself from spreading your thighs right then and there and tasting you, Cassandra. Seeing you all spread out like that, your fingers sliding into your wet, pink folds…” He shook his head, his voice dropping to a lustful growl. “I can tell you, I had a most difficult time trying to concentrate in court after I went back. All I could see was you.”

  “Oh, well…” Cass could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment at the memory of how he’d found her in an extremely compromising position. But at the same time, she felt so hot and ready she could hardly think of a reason to say no to his request.

  What about Brandon? whispered the voice of guilt in her head. He’s a reason to say no.

  The voice of guilt was right. Cass opened her mouth but Jake stopped her before she could get started.

  “If you’re about to deny me for the sake of your human lover, please listen for a moment,” he said, apparently anticipating her. “I am not doing this strictly for my own pleasure—nor even for yours. I am trying to wake your magical ability which seems to respond to pleasure more than anything else.”

  “Oh…” Cass breathed. At last she understood what he was doing. “Oh, then…I guess…I guess it’s necessary,” she said at last.

  “If I am to teach you magic, yes.” Jake nodded and tugged again at the waistband of her black lace panties. “Now…may I?”

  “Okay.” Her reasoning and defenses stripped away, Cass lifted her hips and allowed him to strip away the last of her clothing too. She bit her lip as Jake pulled the panties—which were extremely damp with her juices—down her hips and tossed them carelessly to one side.

  This left her completely naked and spread out on the couch with the warm velvet of the crimson throw rubbing against her bare back and behind. Cass thought she had never felt so vulnerable…or so helplessly hot.

  “Very good,” Jake’s voice was a deep, sensual growl. “Now relax and open for me, Cassandra. Open and let me paint you.”

  She couldn’t disobey that low, commanding voice, Cass found—and in fact, she didn’t want to.

  With a low moan, she did as he said, letting her thighs fall wide to expose her bare pussy to him.

  For a moment Jake just looked at her, as though drinking her in. Then he leaned down and placed a reverent kiss at the top of her slit, making her jump and bite her lip.

  “Relax, Cassandra,” he murmured, looking up at her. “I’m just admiring you before I get started. Your pussy is a thing of beauty.”

  “I…I’m glad you think so,” Cass breathed. “But aren’t you, uh, going to paint me?”

  “Most assuredly.” Giving her a lazy smile, Jake dipped his brush into the chocolate mousse again and painted twin, ticklish lines down the outer lips of her pussy.

  Cass, who had been expecting him to go straight for her clit, jumped again in surprise.

  “Oh, I thought…I mean…”

  “You thought I would dive right in?” Jake raised an eyebrow at her. “But my darling, some things are too good to rush. I want to savor this first taste of you—we can never go back and have the first time again, you know.”

  That sounded to Cass like he was planning on doing this more than once, which was of course wrong and impossible since she was still with Brandon…but then his hot mouth descended on her pussy and she gave a little gasp and forgot everything about right and wrong and good and bad since all she could think about was Jake’s tongue lapping slowly over her outer pussy lips, pulling them deep into his mouth as he sucked and licked the chocolate mousse he’d painted onto the delicate area.

  “Oh!” she moaned as he did it again and then painted some mousse on her inner thighs and licked her there as well. He was driving her crazy with this round-about treatment! By now her hips were twitching, her pelvis moving on its own in a sort of grinding dance. Her pussy was throbbing—begging him to give her what she needed.

  “Now, now, Cassandra…” Jake put one big, warm hand on her stomach to hold her still. “Just relax. Are you ready to let me paint inside you now? Inside your sweet little cunt?”

  God, she loved it when he talked dirty to her!

  “Yes,” she gasped, spreading her thighs even wider. “Yes, please, Jake!”

  He gave her a look which seemed to melt her, his eyes gleaming in the firelight.

  “Then you must open yourself for me, my darling. Spread open that sweet little cunt of yours and let me in.”

  “Oh, Jake…” she gasped, protestingly. But he remained unmoved and she knew she would have to do as he said if he was going to continue. And God, did she ever want him to continue! She felt like she’d die if he stopped right now. “All right,” she whispered, feeling like her heart might pound its way right out of her chest.

  Reaching down with trembling fingers, she opened her outer pussy lips, completely exposing her pink, slippery inner folds to the big elf. God, she couldn’t believe she was doing this! Part of her felt perverted and naughty but she also felt sensual too—like some kind of a love goddess. By forcing her to participate in his seduction, Jake had raised the stakes of the game and made her feel even more intimately involved.

  For a moment Jake just looked at her, his eyes filled with desire.

  “So beautiful, Cassandra,” he breathed. “My wanton little human—how I love to see you spread yourself for me. Look at how your hot little clit throbs for attention.”

  He dipped the brush in the mousse again and painted a ticklish circle around and around her center of pleasure, making Cass bite her lip hard to stifle a moan. The light, ticklish touches were almost more than she could stand and in the firelight, she could see how very wet and slippery her inner folds were getting. It would have been embarrassing if she wasn’t too turned on to be embarrassed. As it was, all she could think of was what came after the painting…the cleaning.

  “My, my,” Jake murmured, admiring his hand
iwork as she kept her pussy spread wide for him. “It appears to me that I’ve made quite a mess, my darling.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Perhaps I should clean it up?”

  “Yes, please!” Cass was nearly panting with desire now. “Please, Jake—do it.”

  “I think I will.” Leaning forward, he gave her a quick, teasing lick, the tip of his tongue barely brushing her clit.

  “Jake!” she pleaded. “Please…just…just do it if you’re going to do it.”

  “With pleasure,” he growled, and dived in.

  Cass moaned and arched her back as she felt the flat of his tongue slide fully over her slippery folds. The heat of his mouth seemed to envelope her completely, caressing her everywhere at once—especially on the needy little button of her clit which throbbed like a second heartbeat between her thighs.

  “Jake…” she moaned, sliding her free hand into his thick, dark hair and lifting her hips to meet the strokes of his tongue over her sensitive flesh. “Oh, Jake…yes.”

  Her moans and words seemed to spur the big elf on. Growling deep in his throat, he slid both big hands under her hips and lifted her to his mouth, like a thirsty man lifting a bowl of water. The strokes of his tongue were long and rough and luscious, as though she was ice cream melting in the sun and he didn’t intend to let a single drop of her go to waste.

  Cass moaned again and bucked against him, wanting more—wanting it to never end. Dimly she was aware that she could feel the spark of magic inside her growing again but it seemed secondary to the pleasure Jake was giving her as he lapped her hungrily. She was getting close…so close. She could feel her orgasm hovering just over her head, like a thunderstorm threatening to break and drench her in warm rain at any moment.

  “Jake,” she gasped, working herself frantically—shamelessly—against his hot tongue. “Oh God, Jake, I’m almost there…almost there.”

  He looked up for just a moment, his thumb taking over for his tongue and sliding restlessly over her throbbing clit.

  “Say the words,” he ordered hoarsely, his eyes blazing. “Glan Agus ‘Ordugh—say it! Say it while I make you come—when you come on my tongue, Cassandra!”


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