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Granola Bars and Spaceships

Page 9

by Geneva Vand

  I hissed against his palm.

  He jumped. "You hiss? Shit. Seriously. Never while making that face. You look like you want to eat me." He took his hand back and stood up. "I'm going to go hide in the kitchen now."

  I was careful to keep making the creepy face, just in case he looked back at me. Unfortunately, he was much too smart to do that. Instead, he just let the kitchen door close behind him with a heavy thud.

  I snickered and let the creepy face go, rubbing my ears. It felt weird to hold them like that for that long. Ow.


  Keeska suddenly switched the TV off and turned ta head to look at Eric. Eric frowned down at eet, where eet was resting against his side. "What is it?"

  Keeska was tapping ta fingers against Eric's knee. He slid his hand under them so that eet was touching his skin, hoping eet would talk to him. "What's wrong?"

  Keeska stopped tapping long enough to speak. -Can't give that.-

  "What?" Eric asked, totally confused.

  -Can't give that.-

  "Give what?"

  Keeska pointed at the television. -That.-

  Eric held up the book he was holding in his free hand, finger stuck between the pages to hold his place. "I wasn't watching. You're gonna have to help me out here."

  -Sex!- Keeska shouted.

  Eric winced. He hadn't realized Keeska's mental voice could shout. It actually sort of hurt. He rubbed his forehead gingerly. "Explain, please."

  Keeska ducked ta head dejectedly. -You making relationship with me. But Human. And not asexual. You want that, yes?-

  Ah. So that was what had been bothering Keeska. Eric knew something had been pestering Keeska the past few days, but hadn't been able to figure out what it was. Their movie night and talk about how Iska relationships worked had been a couple weeks ago. Eric had been quietly nudging them towards something that felt an awful lot like the beginning of a long-term relationship. Keeska had seemed to be right there with him up until a couple days ago, when eet started getting grumpy.

  Eric sighed and rubbed his forehead again. "Yes and no."

  Keeska straightened and turned sideways on the couch to glare at him. Keeska's right hand came to rest against the back of his neck. -Now you explain,- eet demanded.

  Eric dropped his head back to rest on the back of the couch. "Sex is nice, but not necessary for me. Other things are more important."

  -Explain more.-

  Eric peeked over at Keeska. Eet had stopped glaring but was obviously still upset.

  "I would be willing to give up sex if the person I wanted to be in a relationship with was not able to give that." Eric paused, trying to think. This hadn't seemed complicated at all until he tried to verbalize it. "I would… I would be happy in a romantic relationship that didn't include sex… if it gave me the things I really need from a long-term romantic relationship."

  Keeska's fingers twitched on the back of Eric's neck. -What things?-

  Eric smiled and rolled his head so he could watch Keeska. Eet seemed to be actually holding ta breath.

  "Companionship. Love. Support. Affection. Balance. I don't think I would be able to live completely without touch. But I think I could be happy with nonsexual touching."

  -What mean by nonsexual touching?- Keeska's voice was softer now, more contemplative and curious than confrontational. Eet had also relaxed, letting ta weight rest against the back of the couch.

  Eric turned sideways so that he was facing Keeska. He reached out and gently cupped Keeska's softly curved cheek in his palm. "I mean like this," he said softly. "Your hand on the back of my neck. Snuggling together on the couch watching movies or reading books. Being permitted to lay in bed with you at night and maybe hold you. Waking up with you curled up next to me. Feeding you French toast off my fork in the kitchen. Being allowed to touch you and having you touch me back." He let his hand fall back to his thigh, waiting for Keeska to say something.

  Keeska's fingers petted the back of his neck softly. -You describe my parents.-

  "So that's what romantic Iska relationships are usually like?"

  Keeska nodded slowly. -Yes.-

  Eric nodded back. "We talked about this a little before, and that's what I thought. Why would you think I couldn't give you that?"

  Keeska looked down. -Thought you would want more. Want someone who give you… sexual touching.-

  Eric grinned. "Are you going to care if I take care of myself every now and then?"

  Keeska's eyes got very wide and eet shook ta head rapidly back and forth. Eric thought that if Keeska was Human, eet would be blushing.

  "Then I'm fine."

  Keeska looked at him, eyes still widened, but this time more in amazement. -So really want this with me?-

  "Um," Eric sputtered a little, confused. "Isn't that why we were having this conversation in the first place?"

  -Oh. Yes... But is so new. And things are…temporary?-

  Eric mirrored Keeska's pose, curling his hand gently around the back of ta neck. "Because you'll be leaving?"

  Keeska frowned but nodded.

  Eric nodded back. "You've been here, with me, for about two months. And on Earth for a couple weeks longer than that, right?"

  -Yes. Very close to that.-

  "Okay. So you think someone is looking for you, but you have no idea other than that. You don't know how far they've gotten, where they are, or even who they are."

  Keeska sighed roughly. -Probably parents sent. But not know where from. So yes. All you say true.-

  Eric squeezed Keeska's neck gently. "Okay. So we're waiting to see what happens and you're taking a little vacation, killing time in my apartment. If you stay much longer, we'll have to figure something out so that you're not trapped in here. But for now, are you good? Are you happy?"

  Keeska smiled widely. -Happy. Learning. Parents will be pleased with how much.- Eet rolled ta eyes. -Learning trip longer than expected but still good. Studying. You bring books. I watch news. Maybe start learn read Human writing.- Eet paused, petting Eric's neck with ta fingertips. -Spend time with you. Learn you.-

  Eric smiled happily and moved his hand from the back of Keeska's neck to cup ta face. "And how do you feel about this relationship we're building in spite of everything? Logically, a lot might be temporary, but does this feel temporary?"

  Keeska brought ta free hand up to press it over Eric's on ta cheek. Eet closed ta eyes and shook ta head. -No. Feel very big. Very… long. I watch other Iska, watch life partnerships grow. This feel like that look from outside.-

  Eric nodded seriously, letting his hand fall away from Keeska's face and rest on ta leg. "That's what I feel like too. I know it's fast and it probably isn't smart, given everything we don't know. If you want to back up and just be roommates, that would be hard for me, but we could do it."

  Keeska's fingers tightened on the back of Eric's neck. Eet shook ta head quickly.

  Eric closed his eyes for a second, relieved. "So you want to try to do this? For real? With both of us knowing what we're getting into?"

  -Yes, please. Would like try.-

  Eric leaned forward very slowly and gently kissed Keeska's forehead. "Okay, then. How about we keep going like we have been and see what happens?"

  Keeska took his hand away from Eric's neck. Eet leaned forward and brushed ta lips across Eric's cheek. Eet then rested ta lips against Eric's. -Yes. Is good,- eet said faintly before leaning back again.

  Eric stared for a moment in surprise. Keeska reached out and tapped his knee. Eric jolted. "So… Um… Do you want dinner?"

  Keeska laughed at him and tugged him to his feet. -Yes,- Keeska said as eet pulled Eric to the kitchen. -Can have spaghetti?-

  Eric tripped after Keeska, a little surprised by ta strength. "We had spaghetti last night," he said, laughing.

  -Yes. Is good. Want more. Please.-

  He looked down at the box of spaghetti noodles that had suddenly appeared in his hand. He snorted. Like he'd really deny Keeska anythin
g right now. "Spaghetti it is!"


  I looked up happily when I heard Eric's key in the lock. I quickly marked my place in my large book, this one about animals called birds, and tossed the blanket to one side.

  I had barely seen Eric the past few days, which was unfortunate. We'd gone from agreeing to formally start a relationship, though one we were truthfully already having anyway, to not seeing each other much at all in a matter of hours. What time he was home and not sleeping was spent almost entirely with me, but that wasn't quite enough to satisfy my slightly raw emotions. It wasn't his fault. I knew that. And things would settle back to normal soon.

  He had told me that the event he had been planning at his work was finally happening. Many creators of books were coming to the library to share and trade their work and he had to be there for almost all of it.

  I had missed him.

  I had also been wishing that I had been able to go to the gathering. It sounded interesting, and like something a trader like me would attend. Even with my self-directed studies of Earth, the new things to entertain myself with, my time with Eric, and my hopes for our future, I was starting to get a little restless. Not physically restless as in wanting to leave Eric and the apartment. I was still happy with my circumstances for the most part. I hadn't lied when Eric had asked.

  No, I was just mentally fidgeting. There was so much for me to think about now, and I'd had lots of time to myself to do that thinking. Little worries were picking away at me after our conversation. What if no one ever found me? What if I was permanently stranded on a planet that didn't know about the rich culture surrounding it? I was happy with Eric and would want to stay with him, but there was no way I would be able to stay in the little apartment forever. For now was fine, but not forever. Would he be willing to move? Was there someplace we could go that would let him keep his profession but allow me to not be stuck hiding inside? Where I could find something useful to do?

  And what if someone did finally come for me? What then? What would happen with Eric and me?

  So between him being gone, being envious of the book gathering, and my worries, I had been moping a little. I had tried to hide it when Eric was home. He had noticed anyway and brought me several more large books like the one about dogs. I was enjoying them, but I was very glad that today had been the last day of the events at his work.

  I sighed and stood, walking across the room. I reached the door just as he opened it and stepped inside. He turned sideways to fit several large bags through the opening with him. What in the stars? How did he even get all of those home? He had shown me pictures of the buses he used to travel through the city. There was no way he'd managed that.

  He leaned against the door to close it. I reached out and took one of the bags from him, looking inside curiously.

  Hah! More books. And food. It must be leftovers from the gathering.

  Eric laughed at me. "It's not that interesting. I promise."

  He started toward the kitchen. I took another bag from him, hoping to make it more likely he'd fit through the swinging doors. He did, but just barely. I set my bags on the counter next to the ones he had carried. Eric started emptying them into neat stacks on the counter. I followed his example, trilling softly.

  Eric interpreted my sound for the question it was. "Well, some of it is left overs. Some of it was a door prize that got lost. We found it when we were cleaning up and it was too late to do anything about it."

  I laughed softly at that. He seemed so organized, and his employees sounded competent. But then he'd tell me about things like lost prize baskets. I couldn't figure it out. My parents would have locked me in my suite for a week if something like that happened when I was in charge of it.

  He bumped me with his hip. "Hush, you. We were busy." He pulled a large piece of fabric out of one of the bags and shook it out. It looked like a table covering. "Oops. I'll have to take that back to work."

  I laughed more, but he just ignored me. He carefully folded the cloth and put it back in the bag.

  "Anyway, the rest is gifts from the publishers and authors. Advanced copies and catalogs and things that will probably wind up back in my office eventually. And since I was the last one at the conference center, I got stuck with most of it. I had to take a cab home."

  I trilled. I could have asked my translator to translate cab, but I had found it was usually easier to just ask Eric.

  "A cab is a vehicle and driver that you can pay to take you places."

  And Eric usually guessed which word I wanted more definition on with creepy accuracy.

  He held out a stack of things that looked like a cross between magazines and books. "Will you put these on the table in the living room?"

  When I returned to the kitchen there was another stack on the counter and Eric was putting away seemingly random boxes of food. I shook my head and took the second stack as well, noticing that this one seemed to be regular books with funny covers.

  Eric abandoned the rest of the food boxes and followed me out. "I'm going to shower and change, then I can feed us."

  Unwilling to be left alone again right then, I followed him down the hall to the bedroom.


  Keeska was being strange again. Eric couldn't put a finger on exactly what was odd, it was just odd. Well, other than Keeska following him around like a puppy. That was cute, but also weird. Keeska was usually sort of fiercely independent, despite being trapped in his little apartment.

  Eric looked at Keeska as eet followed him into the bedroom. Keeska was frowning slightly, but there was no other hint as to what eet was thinking about. Eric just hoped everything was all right. He'd been gone a lot the past several days. He might have missed something.

  He pulled comfy clothes out of the dresser and looked at Keeska. Eet was looking at the random brick-a-brack on his book shelf and showed no signs of wandering off again.

  Eric shrugged and started to strip. They'd been living together for over two months. It was a minor miracle Keeska hadn't seen him naked already, anyway. Plus, if they were really trying out the whole relationship thing, it was sort of a natural progression. At least he was tired enough that getting hard was pretty much out of the question. He didn't think he was up for any part of that discussion right now, especially the part where Keeska might freak out about the sex thing again.

  Eric dropped his clothes into the hamper and trudged into the master bath. He turned on the shower and stepped in, sighing happily when the hot water hit his shoulders. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back, letting it rush over his face. Bliss.

  Hands rubbed down his chest to his stomach, scaring the crap out of him. He shouted and scrambled back, slipping on the wet porcelain.

  Keeska chattered frantically and grabbed at his hips, trying to keep him upright.

  Eric righted himself and tried to get his heart down out of his throat. "Hi," he croaked.

  Keeska petted Eric's chest gently and spread the fingers of ta other hand out on his hip. -Careful, please.-

  "You scared the shit out of me!"

  Keeska just trilled sadly and petted his chest some more. Eric sputtered for a minute, trying to decide if this was weird.

  Meh. Why would it be weird? He'd showered with lovers before. It made no difference that he and Keeska weren't having sex. The relationship had the same level of intimacy in almost every other aspect. Or it was getting there, anyway. It was, however, sudden, unexpected, and surprising. Something was definitely up.

  Eric took a second to actually look at Keeska. The soft veeka that were normally smooth and shiny were mostly drenched and clinging tightly to Keeska's skin. The hairs were clumped together, showing patches of dusty purple. The tiny ones on ta face were almost translucent. It was odd. And Keeska looked a tiny bit like a wet cat. Eric grinned.

  He moved to one side, letting the water douse Keeska a little more. He watched as the hairs of Keeska's veeka moved in the water, fascinated by the patterns and colors. The c
olors were more muted when the veeka were wet, the grey darker, but sometimes the water would reflect a bright spark of copper. Eric gently brushed a damp hand over Keeska's head, playing. Keeska rolled ta eyes but didn't move, letting Eric study eet. Eric chuckled and finally reached for the bar of soap.

  Keeska trilled and gently prodded Eric's hip until he moved to let Keeska stand under the water. Eric stopped washing himself in favor of watching Keeska wash. Eet grabbed Eric's shampoo and dumped a huge amount into ta palm. Eet sort of lathered up ta whole body then shook like a dog under the water. The bubbles slooshed down Keeska's body.

  Eet smoothed the veeka on ta face and head. The rest of eet sort of wiggled around under the water. Eric presumed that Keeska was setting the rest of the veeka somewhat to rights. It probably felt weird if they were going the wrong direction.

  Keeska suddenly realized Eric was watching. Eet crinkled up ta face, which looked really weird with the veeka all wet and clingy.

  Eric shrugged. "Sorry. But you're interesting."

  Keeska shrugged back and smiled sheepishly. Eet picked up the shampoo again. But this time eet surprised Eric by dumping a small amount of it out onto his hair. Keeska pulled his head down and massaged the shampoo in. Eric wanted to purr, it felt so good.

  When Keeska let go, Eric straightened, scrubbed everything else quickly, and rinsed. "Done?" he asked Keeska.

  Keeska nodded. Eric turned off the water and shoved the curtain aside to grab a towel. He watched as Keeska hopped out of the tub and left a trail of damp footprints into the bedroom.

  Eric grinned. A wet Keeska was kind of adorable and terrifying at the same time. Veeka definitely didn't shed water like bird feathers and the wet cat resemblance was still pretty strong.

  At least he knew why he'd been going through shampoo faster than usual. He'd noticed but hadn't really thought about it. He thought guiltily that he should have asked Keeska what eet needed to stay clean. Though Keeska seemed to be doing fine despite Eric's obliviousness. And he bought pretty high end shampoo so that his hair didn't dry up, so it was probably fine.


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