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He Brings Out The Hood In Me 4

Page 12

by Nikki Brown

  The house that she once called a home was a mess, Saque was walking around apologizing like that was supposed to solve everything but it solved nothing. She was hurt and she needed him to acknowledge that.

  Bam! The front door slammed, indicating that Saque was home from work. She looked at the time on her apple watch and realized that he was home early. Normally he would find where she was and go on and on about how he missed her, but he never made it past the living room.

  “Saque?” Piper called out to make sure that it was him that came into the house. When she didn’t get an answer, she hurriedly picked up her phone to call him. Her heart was beating out of control and her hands began to get moist. She was scared.

  She heard his phone ringing in the living room she shut her phone off and headed in this direction. His head was thrown back against the couch and his arms were over his eyes, the conversation that he had with Key played over and over in his mind.

  “Am I a bad person Piper.” He asked her without moving his arms. “Like do I make you hate me?” his tone lacked confidence, sounding as if he was trying to find himself.

  “No what you did is making me hate you,” Piper answered unaware of the underlining reason for the conversation at hand.

  “When I was younger,” he took a deep breath to prepare himself to open up to this woman whom he had deep feelings for. “my mother used to take me with her to cheat on my dad.” He finally moved his hands from his face and looked up at Piper who wore a shocked expression. “My father was weak, and he loved my mom so much that the thought of her leaving him outweighed the disrespect that she showed.”

  “Oh no I’m so sorry.” Piper walked around and eased her way into his lap.

  “I always told myself that I would never be like him, so it’s like whenever I get close to a woman and I start to love her I get scared.” He shook his head. “I made Akiya hate me to the point she kept my son away from me. I’ve gotta a son, he’ll be six years old next month and I just learned his name today. You know how that fucks with me.”

  “You don’t know how to let people in, you have to stop thinking that every woman is your mother.”

  “But Key cheated on me.”

  “I don’t condone cheating in no shape or form, and we will talk about that in a minute, but you have to ask yourself what part did you play in it. Why did she feel the need to go to someone else.” Piper searched his eyes for an answer.

  “She said that I smothered her and tried to control her life,” he groaned. “Do you feel that way?”

  “I do!” Piper answered honestly. “You cheated on me, you did the one thing that you are afraid of and then you threatened me with my business if I left you because you made a mistake. What sense does that make?” Piper tilted her head. “Sometimes you treat me like I’m your property instead of your woman, but I never required you to do otherwise.”

  The words that Cassidy spoke to her that night at the bar resonated through her mind. She smiled at the thought of his voice telling her that she needed to know what she was worth before anyone else would care. It hurt to hear some of the things that he told her, but she had to admit, she listened to everything that he said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Meaning, I’m so eager to be in love and in a relationship that I allowed you to do and talk to me any kind of way. I took the things that you did for me as love and that’s not love.” She ran her hand down the side of this face.

  “So you’re saying that I was your bank and that you don’t love me.”

  “What I’m saying is that I don’t even love myself,” she said honestly. “I really care about you, like when I found out that you were fucking Sunny it damn near killed me and that had nothing to do with superficial things. It had everything to do with my heart.”

  After her conversation with Cassidy she had a little while to think about what she needed and what was in her heart. Even though she measured Saque’s love for her through monetary gain she knew that she still felt something for him. She was genuinely hurt by the fact that they may not be together anymore.

  “What do you need from me?” Saque asked surprising Piper.

  “I need you to take a step back, and let me figure out who I am.” Her eyes bore into his. The sad look that took over his face made her heart flutter; she knew that he cared in that moment she felt it in her heart. “While we really get to know each other.”

  “So you forgive me?”

  “This time but if it happens again, then I’m out.”

  “I promise you won’t ever have to worry about that again, I know better.” Saque smiled.

  “There are a few more things that we need to talk about too, but we can get to that later.” He nodded. “Ohhhh and I want my name on the building too. I worked hard for that and I deserve it.” He looked at her skeptically. “I don’t want you trying to use that against me ever again that shit tore my soul.”

  “I’m good on that Piper. I know I got shit to work out about my family but I’m off that dumb shit. I want to get to know my son and I know I got to get my head together before I can do that.”

  “And I get that baby, but I need you to show me,” Piper said. “Add my name to the building,” she said and Saque playfully rolled his eyes.

  “Aight damn!”

  “Oh and Sunny is fired, if I see her anywhere near my establishment, I’m gone forget she’s pregnant. That bitch is foul, and I’m done with her, no second chances. And if I even think you communicating with her, I’m going off.” Piper pointed at him.

  “What else baby?” Saque knew that he had a long way to go but he was gone try his best.

  “Nothing, now tell me about your son.” She listened while Saque told her what little he did know. He told her how he wanted to meet him, but Key was making him wait until after the test came back.

  “It’s crazy that I haven’t even had a conversation with the kid yet and I love him already. Like I’m ready to change my whole life around for him.” Saque stared off.

  “Well I’m right here for you.” Piper kissed his cheek and then his lips. The kiss went from sensual to nasty in a matter of minutes and the two spent the rest of the day exploring each other and making up for lost time.

  Your Turn

  “Stop Kahleno,” Sutton whined as Kahleno subtly licked her nipples that were standing at attention and begging for attention.

  “Well I suggest you put them up if you don’t want them in my mouth.” Kahleno chuckled as he trailed his tongue around her supple mounds. The pregnancy had made her breasts more round and Kahleno couldn’t get enough.

  Sutton’s breathing picked up as she began to arch her back feeding him more of her. He began to flick his tongue over her nipple in a teasing manner taking her over the edge. Soft moans left her lips as she grabbed the back of his head pulling him into her.

  “Baby, shit,” she moaned out breathily.

  “I thought you wanted me to stop.” A smirk slowly spread across his face as he slowly kissed each breast then traveled down the center of her torso stopping at her belly button. Sutton giggled as he took a dip into it.

  “Stop teasing me.” Kahleno looked up into her eyes and they told him a story that he couldn’t wait to hear.

  Spreading her legs enough to expose her clit he quickly flicked over it causing her to gasp at his touch. He moved his tongue slow and sensual around it until it back hard and her soft moan became more audible, the way he liked them.

  With his hand on the inside of her thigh he inched it over to where his thumb danced around her opening creating an intense surge of electricity to flow through her body. She shivered as his thumb purged broke through the barrier and instantly became soaked in her juices.

  “Got damn,” Kahleno said against her clit and the vibrations alone drove her crazy. She clawed at the back of his head as she buried his face into her and began sucking like his life depended on it.

  “Oh baby, oh Kahleno yes.” Sutton arched her back and grabbed
her breast and rolled her nipples around with her thumb and middle finger. This pregnancy had her hormones at an all-time high, so it wouldn’t take long to give in to the explosive orgasm that was on its way.

  Ding dong! Ding dong!

  Th doorbell sounded making Kahleno lift his head from Sutton’s greatness. She looked down at him like he had lost his mind. She was on the brink of a mind-blowing orgasm and him stopping was not an option. Grabbing the back of his head to push him back into her, Kahleno chuckled and shook his head lose from her grasp.

  “Who the fuck is that.”

  “I don’t really care; you need to finish this,” she whined lazily. Her body had prepared her for what was to come and there was no way that he could leave her unsatisfied. He had never done it before, and he wasn’t gonna start now.

  “You just gone leave whoever it is outside.”

  “If it’s important they will wait.” She grabbed his head and pushed it back in between her legs. Kahleno was more than skilled when it came to pleasing her, whether it be with his mouth or that magic stick that he was blessed with and every time they made love it was that much more special to her. “Come on baby I was… Ummmm,” she moaned when he covered her pussy with his mouth and sucked gently. “Yesss daddy,” she cried out.

  Kahleno’s thick tongue moved across Sutton’s swollen clit before it wrapped around and was taken into his mouth. He sucked gently while inserting two fingers into her tight wet tunnel. He knew how to get her to where she needed to be.

  “Yes baby that’s it, oh shit.” She screamed as her orgasm hit the pit of her stomach and rumbled there for a minute before it shot electric currents throughout her body causing her to shake. “Oh god I’m coming.”

  Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!

  Whoever was outside wasn’t letting up, but Sutton wasn’t allowing them to take her from her high. She ignored the sound of the doorbell and the sound of their ringing phones. Kahleno on the other hand was on high alert. With everything that had been going on, someone that persistent made him feel like something was wrong.

  Taking back possession of his drenched fingers he stuck both of them in his mouth and sucked her juices off of them. She looked up at him with a lazy smile. While Kahleno took off in the direction of the bathroom she contemplated which way she was going to turn to try and get comfortable so she could take her a nap.

  “Oh shit that’s your dad,” Kahleno said with humor in his tone. “Get yo ass up.”

  “Noooo tell him I’m sleep, I’m so tired Kahleno.”

  “Didn’t nobody tell your nasty ass to do all of that. I done told yo ass about that shit anyway. Don’t be grabbing my head, I know what I’m doing,” Kahleno fussed while Sutton released a subtle giggle. He hated when she grabbed him by the head when he was pleasing her, but she did it every time. She couldn’t help herself; it intensified her orgasm and she didn’t plan on stopping. “It’s not funny.” He narrowed his eyes at her and then answered his ringing phone. “Hudson, my man what’s up.”

  Sutton looked up at him and she could see traces of her all around his mouth as he stood there talking to her dad.

  “I know y’all hear us out here ringing the doorbell. Y’all need to stop being nasty, that’s why y’all got babies on the way now.” Kahleno could hear the smile in Hudson’s voice. He was happy to be a grandfather and had announced it on more than one occasion.

  “That’s your nasty ass daughter.” Sutton gasped and threw the pillow that was closest to her at him and he laughed. “Give me a minute to brush my teeth and I’m coming. Wait, you gotta key, just open the door we’ll be up in a minute.”

  “That key is for emergencies but with your permission we’re coming in.”

  Sutton had given her dad a key when she first moved in permanently with Kahleno, with his permission. They decided to rent out her place until they decided what they were going to do about a house because neither of theirs were big enough for their growing family. Kahleno wanted at least a six-bedroom home to accommodate their kids, current and future.

  Kahleno went in the bathroom right as he heard the alarm chirp to get himself presentable and handle his hygiene. When he came out of the bathroom Sutton was laying on her stomach lightly snoring. He grabbed her leg and shook her until she was glaring at him.

  “Don’t fucking look at me like that, didn’t the doctor tell you to stop sleeping on your stomach. You starting to piss me off with that shit Sut.” Kahleno fussed and Sutton rolled her eyes. She was a stomach sleeper and it was hard to adjust to not sleeping that way.

  “Stop yelling at me I’m trying.” She scooted out of the bed to go relieve herself and shower real quick. She knew that Kahleno wasn’t letting her go to sleep and she hadn’t seen her dad in a couple of weeks. Whenever she would call him, he always sounded busy. Especially since he joined the Maler empire, at least the legal side of it.

  Kahleno shook his head and made his way into the living room with his father in law. He walked in the room he used for his office and grabbed the ring box that he had just got from the jeweler the other day. He knew that Sutton would be a while, so he wanted to share it with Hudson and formally ask for his permission.

  They had talked about them possibly getting married, but he wanted to formally do it the right way. When he walked in the house, he was surprised to see Pebbles there with Hudson and the solemn look on their faces let him know that this visit had the potential to end badly.

  “The fuck going on?” Kahleno stopped but Hudson’s eyes was on what was in his hands.

  “What’s that?” he pointed to the bag with a smile on his face.

  “You first.” Kahleno made his way to where Hudson was, he took a look up the stairs to make sure that Sutton wasn’t coming.

  “I need to tell Sutton something that she may not like.” Kahleno dropped his head and shook it. He didn’t want Sutton stressing over nothing even if it had to do with her father.

  “She’s pregnant and you know how she gets.”

  “I know that, but I can’t keep hiding shit from her Kahleno. After all that shit went down with your family it had me thinking. Life is too short to dwell on the past. I will always love Nova with everything in me, but she’s gone and it’s time for me to move on. I’ve been hiding my feelings for this woman for so long and I don’t want to hurt her like that anymore.”

  Kahleno understood where Hudson was coming from, he just didn’t see Sutton taking this very well. He sighed heavily as he prepared himself for what was to come. Deciding to let them handle their family issues and just be there if Sutton needed him, he handed the box with the ring in it over to Hudson.

  Slowly pulling the ring out he admired the six-carat princess cut diamond ring. The simplicity of the ring was breathtaking and right up Sutton’s alley. It was everything that she would have ever wanted, and Hudson was more than pleased that Kahleno was going to be the one to give it to her.

  “You did an amazing job son.” Hudson stood and pulled Kahleno in for a hug.

  Peebles couldn’t help but cry as the two men embraced. She knew the struggles that the relationship had at the beginning and she prayed that her and Sutton would have the same outcome. Having been around Sutton her whole life, she knew how she could be, so she was prepared for the worse.

  “Thank you, I can’t wait to put it on her finger.” Kahleno beamed and then looked at Hudson. “With your permission of course.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  The two men embraced again and then Kahleno jogged back up the stairs to replace the ring back where it was. He rejoined them and said a little prayer that Sutton wouldn’t spaz out too much.

  The three talked until they heard the room door open and shut. Hudson and Pebbles both swallowed hard and looked at each other. Hudson reached over and grabbed Pebbles hand in his and squeezed a little.

  Sutton walked down the stairs one at a time like she was in a runway show. Her beautiful sandy brown hair flowed down her back and
bounced with each step she took. The smile on her face showcased the dimples that buried deep in her round face. She was beautiful, there was no denying that and Kahleno couldn’t wait to make her his wife.

  “Hey daddy.” Sutton walked over to hug her father and stopped in her tracks. “Hey Pebbles, what you doing here?” the smile on her face slowly faded as she looked down at the two holding hands. Pebbles quickly drew her hand back making Hudson glare at her.

  “Honey we would like to talk to you, you should sit down.” He said to Sutton as he snatched Pebbles hand back into his. The way he saw it he deserved to be happy and he prayed that his daughter was happy for him.

  “What’s going on?” Sutton crossed her arms across her chest and leaned her weight to favor one hip over the other. “Daddy? Pebbles?”

  “Sit down sweetheart and we can talk about this like a family.” Hudson tried to reason with her, but the way Sutton saw it, they had done enough talking and whatever else they were involved in.

  “No I’m good where I am.”

  “Sutton come here.” Kahleno said begging her to calm down while reaching out for her. She rolled her eyes at him because he was too calm for her liking, indicating that he probably knew about whatever the fuck was going on. “Sutton…come…here!” Kahleno said with a little more authority this time and she smacked her lips and stomped over to her like he asked.

  “Listen honey,” Hudson started as he watched Kahleno whisper something in her ear that relaxed her for a minute. “We don’t know how to tell you this…”

  “We?” she cut him off. “What do you mean we?”

  “Sutton calm the fuck down and listen.” Kahleno whispered in her ear making her shoulders shutter. She loved when he talked to her like that and often did little things so that he would. The seat of her fresh thongs were getting ruined by the second.

  “Me and Pebbles have been seeing each other for a while now. We love each other and we want to be together. I hated keeping this from you Sutton, but we didn’t know how you would react,” Hudson started before Pebbles joined in.


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