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Having My Baby

Page 7

by Imari Jade

  “I’m so full,” Emily said pushing away from the table. “I couldn’t eat another bite.”

  Bekim cleared the table and then he and Emily walked to the entertainment room to watch the video Doctor Kim gave him. Things were going along swimmingly until they got to the part with the baby being born. Emily turned an unhealthy shade of green. She hopped out her seat and ran to the bathroom. Bekim chuckled. He couldn’t wait to be in the delivery room to find out if Emily would faint.

  Chapter Seven

  November disappeared as quickly as it arrived and soon Manhattan showed signs of Christmas.

  Bekim started attending prenatal classes with Emily. He was doing his best to be good, but Emily passed out every time the instructor showed a birthing film.

  Several of the expectant mothers and the teachers flirted openly with Bekim. Bekim, being Bekim, naturally flirted back.

  Emily and Bekim flew off to France for a conference and returned just before Christmas. The trip was fun and he was very attentive to her needs. She introduced him to some of her friends and colleagues and most of them congratulated them on the upcoming birth of their baby.

  He finally talked her into moving in with him. Solomon was thrilled at the idea of his daughter shacking up with his best designer. The rest of the employees had a bet on how long the two of them would live together without killing each other.

  Emily’s hormones kicked in sooner than she expected. One minute she’d be fine, and then before she knew it she’d be crying over the smallest thing. Both Bekim and Shane worked their asses off to meet Solomon’s Christmas deadline, and both of them had to suffer through Emily’s period of ranting and raving when things didn’t go exactly on schedule.

  “You have the two of them terrified,” Deandria told her as the two of them snuck off for lunch and for a little girl time. Bekim’s two sisters Charity and Glenda, who’d come to town to shop for Christmas, joined them.

  “I don’t mean to scream at them,” said Emily as she ate her chef’s salad.

  “It’s the hormones,” Charity assured her. “I was the same way with Clark when I was pregnant with Caroline.”

  “Me too,” Glenda said. “Tad would spend most of his days at work and then cowering in the den at night just so he didn’t have to deal with me.”

  “Bekim doesn’t hide from me,” Emily said. “He’s always very attentive and very helpful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him angry before.”

  “Emily is right,” Deandria said. “Bekim escorts her around like a boy scout and makes sure she eats her vegetables.”

  “Bekim has always been kind and considerate,” Glenda said. “Even as a child. It was like having a third sister.”

  All four women laughed.

  “Sex is so much better when you’re pregnant,” Charity said.

  Glenda agreed with her. “You don’t have the fear of getting pregnant so you’re more relaxed.”

  All three women looked at Emily.

  “How is Bekim in the sack?” Glenda asked her.

  Emily nearly choked on her salad. “I don’t think I should be discussing this with his sisters.”

  “You can tell me,” Deandria said. “I’m your best friend.”

  She didn’t think she should tell intimate details to Deandria either. “He’s very good. I have no complaints.”

  Deandria chuckled. “You’re just being modest in front of his sisters.”

  “Okay, he’s fantastic in bed.”

  Glenda and Charity laughed.

  “Mother thinks you’re the perfect match for Bekim,” Glenda said once she stopped laughing. “I’ve never seen her so excited.”

  “I like Dora too,” Emily said. “I can’t wait to talk with her again at the Christmas party.”

  This year Bucktell was hosting a big party for the employees and their families. Solomon rented a hall and a band and arranged for the catering.

  Shane already designed a maternity outfit for her after getting Bekim’s permission. And it was to be her and Bekim’s first official date as a couple.

  “I have to pee,” Emily announced. She stood up. “I’ll be back shortly.” The three other women went on talking like she wasn’t even there. They were still deep in conversation when she returned.

  The four women finished their lunch. Glenda and Charity went off to shop while Emily and Deandria walked back to the fashion house.

  Solomon was supervising the decorating of the display room windows when they returned.

  Shane and Bekim were doing the bulk of the work under Solomon’s supervision. Bekim waved to them as he dressed a mannequin.

  Bekim took her out to dinner after work and later that evening they watched a movie together. Bekim had chosen a love story, which brought Emily to tears by the end.

  “Stupid hormones,” she said as she wiped the tears away.

  “Sleep with me in my room tonight,” Bekim said to her before the movie ended.

  “Why?” Emily asked. She was quite comfortable sleeping in the white bedroom.

  Bekim took her hand and placed it on his lap. His cock moved beneath her palm. “This is why.”

  “Oh,” Emily said. They hadn’t made love since the time at Bekim’s parents’ home.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all day,” he said. “Did you have a lovely time with my sisters?”

  “Yes,” Emily said, absently massaging his dick. “They are very fond of you.”

  “That’s because I design clothes for them. Ooh, squeeze it.”

  Emily squeezed Bekim’s cock.

  Bekim moaned and stopped the video. “We can watch the rest of this later.” He rose, took her hand and led her upstairs to his bedroom.

  * * * *

  The next morning Emily woke up buck-naked with Bekim cuddled up next to her. She didn’t remember how many times he made her come during their night of lovemaking, but her body felt loose as well as sticky from his semen.

  The alarm sounded and Bekim opened his eyes. “Good morning, sweet Emily. Let’s shoot hooky from work today.”

  “We can’t, stud,” Emily said, trying to move out of his arms. “The big Christmas party is tonight and I promised I’d help my father with some last minute things.”

  “Shoot” Bekim said, pretending to be disappointed. “I wanted to feed my son again.”

  Emily chuckled sarcastically. “The baby could very well be a girl.”

  “It’s a boy,” Bekim said, releasing her and crawling out of the bed. “I have two sisters and two nieces. I have to be the one in my family carrying the boy gene.”

  Emily laughed. “What if the baby’s a girl?”

  “Then she’ll be the first girl on the block with a football and a catcher’s mitt.”

  Emily crawled off the bed. “Ooh. I’m all sticky.”

  “It’s great for the skin,” Bekim assured her as he walked across the room naked.

  Emily’s nipples hardened at the sight. “I supposed we could be a couple of minutes late.”

  “Huh?” Bekim asked, stopping in his tracks. “Oh,” he said. “Your nipples are huge.” He hurried back to bed and hopped in.

  Emily joined him. “And whose fault is that?” she asked as she opened her legs and invited Bekim in.

  “Definitely mine,” Bekim said as he thrust deeply inside her. “Ooh, you feel so good. We are so going to be late for work.”

  * * * *

  The last person Emily expected to see at the Christmas party was Camille. She arrived alone.

  “What’s she doing here?” Deandria asked.

  Emily shrugged. She hadn’t seen Camille in three months and the woman’s presence hadn’t been missed.

  “I wonder if she’s still with that guy?” Deandria asked.

  “Who cares?” Emily asked as she sipped her punch.

  “You should care,” Deandria said. “If she’s broken up with him then she might want to get back with Bekim.”

  Emily shook her head. Bekim wouldn’t get back with
Camille, would he?

  Bekim was on the dance floor kicking up his heels with his mother. Solomon was dancing with his current girlfriend Eva, a socialite who appeared to be about two years older than Emily. The rest of the Lacolmns were also on the dance floor. Deandria’s date was in the restroom.

  “I don’t own Bekim,” Emily said.

  Camille wore a stunning blue gown that molded to her statuesque body. Several men flocked toward her as she sauntered into the room.

  “If I was her I wouldn’t show my face after what she did to Bekim.”

  “Me either,” Shane said, coming up between them. “But some women have no class.”

  Shane’s date went off to the ladies’ room and left him there for her and Deandria to watch over him.

  The music ended and everyone headed back to their seats. Bekim was on his way back over to her when he spotted Camille.

  “What do you supposed they’re discussing?” Shane asked.

  Emily shrugged. Yes, what indeed? Her father and Eva walked over to join them.

  Both Shane and Deandria’s dates returned and pulled them onto the dance floor, leaving her alone to nurse her glass of punch.

  Martin Lacolmn approached and asked Emily to dance.

  “I might as well since Bekim is busy,” Emily said.

  “My son isn’t a fool,” Martin said as he slow danced Emily around the dance floor. “I understand Camille left him for another man.”

  “You know about that?” Emily asked. Martin was a really good dancer.

  “Yes. Bekim told me about her and about you.”

  “I’m surprised he mentioned me in the same breath as Camille.”

  “No, he mentioned your name years before he met her,” Martin said. “I believe it was right after he went to work for your father. I think he called you a spoiled rotten princess.” Martin chuckled. “And then he called you a Dragon Queen.”

  “Yeah, well I’ve called him quite a few names too since we’ve met,” Emily said.

  “He will make a good father,” Martin said. “I remember how good he was with Caroline and Empress when they were babies. Bekim used to walk the floor with them at night when they were colicky and he even gave them baths and dressed them.”

  “He’s expecting a boy,” Emily explained to Martin. “He wants to play ball now instead of dressing dolls.”

  “Well, it would be nice, but he’ll just have to be happy with a girl if one arrives.”

  The music ended and the two of them headed back to the table where the rest of the family was seated. Bekim walked Camille over to the table later.

  “It is nice to see you all again,” Camille said to the Lacolmns.

  “Aren’t you going to speak to Emily?” Bekim asked Camille.

  “But of course Be-kim. How are you, Emily?”

  Emily rose and Camille’s eyes dropped to Emily’s stomach. “I’m fine, Camille.”

  Camille pointed. “You’re preggers.”

  “She sure is,” Bekim said, leaving Camille’s side and putting his arms around Emily’s waist. “Our baby is due in about three and a half months.”

  His statement left Camille almost speechless. “Your baby, Be-kim? I thought she hated you.”

  “Apparently not,” Bekim said, kissing Emily on the cheek. “Doesn’t she look wonderful?”

  “Yes, she does,” Camille said. “Well, Merry Christmas to all of you. I just stopped by to see everyone. I’m headed to another party in the neighborhood.” She turned on her heels and beat a hasty retreat out of the hall.

  “Don’t use me for revenge,” Emily told Bekim, punching him in the gut playfully.

  “Okay, sweetheart,” Bekim said, helping her into a seat and sitting down next to her. “Ouch, you’re strong.”

  Martin chuckled. “Serves you right, son,” he told Bekim. “Emily’s no dummy.”

  Chapter Eight

  By January everyone was once again getting ready for Fashion Week. Bekim had already put in some pretty long hours and would come home late at night after she’d gone to bed. Emily would help out as much as she could at the fashion house, but both Bekim and Solomon insisted she take a nap after lunch and then leave exactly at five so she wouldn’t tire herself out.

  Everything was finished by February and just in time for the big fashion shows.

  Camille showed up late on the first day of the event and got into an argument with some of the models whom Emily had been working with for months. Of course, she didn’t speak to Emily, which didn’t faze her a bit. Camille donned the outfits Bekim designed for her and strutted her stuff on the catwalk like she owned it. She even threw her arms around Bekim and tried to kiss him on the last day of the fashion show. They were backstage and hadn’t noticed Emily.

  “Down girl,” Emily overheard Bekim tell the model. “I’m spoken for, remember?”

  “Emily doesn’t have to know,” Camille said.

  “Yes, she does,” Bekim told her. “We are in a relationship.”

  “But she’s so old,” Camille said. “And she doesn’t have a sense of humor.”

  “I love her,” Bekim said. “Now run along like a good girl and find yourself a new play toy.”

  Camille pouted and stalked off to the dressing room.

  Afterward Bekim invited everyone out to dinner once they put away the clothing and shipped them back to the fashion house. Emily declined because she was tired.

  “It won’t be the same without you,” Bekim told her.

  “I’ll be okay,” Emily said. “I need to rest.”

  Bekim rubbed her stomach. “Make sure you eat something nutritious. I won’t be late.”

  “Okay,” Emily said as he walked her out to the sidewalk and hailed her a taxi. He kissed her goodbye and cab peeled away from the curb.

  Emily’s dinner consisted of a pint of Cookie Dough Ice Cream and about four double chocolate brownies. She woke up and found Bekim looking down at her.

  “Please tell me you didn’t eat the entire pint of ice cream?”

  “Okay, then I won’t tell you,” Emily said, sitting up.

  Bekim sat down beside her and licked dried ice cream and brownie crumbs from her face. “You know you shouldn’t be eating junk food.”

  “It was a craving,” Emily told him. “How was dinner?”

  “Everyone had a good time,” Bekim said loosening his tie. “What time does your plane leave tomorrow?”

  “Eight,” Emily answered. She was going on a short business trip to California and would be returning in a few days.

  “You will be back in time for Valentine’s Day won’t you?”

  “Yes,” Emily said. “Did Camille join you guys for dinner?”

  “When have you ever known Camille to miss out on a free meal?” Bekim asked.

  “Oh, oh,” Emily said. She sprang to her feet and grabbed her stomach.

  “What’s wrong?” Bekim asked.

  “The baby doesn’t like Cookie Dough Ice Cream.” She ran to the bathroom before she threw up all over the entertainment room.

  * * * *

  “What time is Emily’s plane coming in?” Bekim asked Solomon.

  “Four,” Solomon answered. “I’m sending the driver for her.”

  “Do you think she’ll be here by seven?”

  Solomon put down the newspaper he was reading and watched Bekim pace the floor. “What’s going on at seven?”

  “I’ve made dinner reservations for us,” Bekim said. “And this.” He pulled a small box from his pocket and handed it to Solomon.

  Solomon opened the box. “Very nice. This is for Emily, isn’t it?”

  Bekim nodded. “Yes. Do you think she’ll like it?”

  “That’s depends on what it’s for,” Solomon said.

  Bekim rolled his eyes at his boss. “It’s Valentine’s Day and she’s seven months pregnant with my baby. And I love her to death.”

  “Oh, I see,” Solomon said. “It’s a bribe and you plan to make an honest woman out of her

  Bekim nodded again. “It’s the least I can do. Did I mention that I love her?”

  “Several times,” Solomon said handing him back the box. “You know you can’t spring something like this on Emily. You have to ease your way in there.”

  “I have reservations at an expensive restaurant and I have a beautiful red dress waiting for her at home.”

  “Sounds like a solid plan to me,” Solomon said.

  “Do you think I have any chance in getting her to accept?”

  “I’d say you have a fifty-fifty chance of her turning you down,” Solomon answered.

  Bekim put the box back into his pocket. “That was cruel.”

  Solomon laughed. “You knew what you were getting into the moment you fell in love with her.”

  * * * *

  Emily’s plane arrived on time and Bekim made Solomon promise to have Emily dropped off at his place by six.

  Emily arrived at five-thirty looking tired, but beautiful. He helped her in with her things and had a nice warm bath waiting for her. Bekim surprised her with the dress.

  “It’s beautiful,” Emily said with a yawn. “What’s it for?”

  “For a dinner date,” Bekim said. “We have reservations for seven.”

  Emily glared at him. “Okay, since you’re already gone to all the trouble.”

  “We have to get ready quickly,” Bekim said, dashing out of the white room and into his own room. He donned a new black suit and met Emily in the hall thirty minutes later. He whisked her out of the condo and into the car.

  Emily spoke to the chauffeur, yawned, and laid her head against the back seat for a short nap.

  Bekim woke her when they arrived at the restaurant. They made it there with five minutes to spare.

  The restaurant was filled with other diners out celebrating Valentine’s Day. The waiter brought dessert after a scrumptious meal and music from a violinist. It was angel food cake topped with whipped crème and fresh berries.

  “I have something for you,” Bekim said to Emily after she devoured the cake, and after she’d returned from the ladies room.


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