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The Cowboy's Sweetheart

Page 3

by Cheryl Wright

  Her music began, and Missy’s hips swayed. She lifted the microphone to her lips and the room went silent again.

  The crowd went crazy as she pranced across the stage. People stood and applauded, whistling, and calling out. As the song finished, she lowered the microphone and bowed. The applause started all over again.

  The sound was deafening. Rory couldn’t hear himself think. He’d never seen such a reaction to Missy’s performances before, although they’d always been great.

  She lifted the microphone once more and said “Yee-ha!” to the crowd, then backed away and left the stage, only to return again. She would sing two more songs before she finished for the night.

  It was part of the show, but the audience were led to think she’d returned just for them.

  As was her normal routine, Missy got changed out of her flashy outfit, and into street clothes. Rory had a coffee waiting for her. They needed to talk before he took her back to that poky room she was staying in.

  She sat down and took a few sips before looking him in the eye. He held his breath in anticipation.

  “Yes,” she said quietly.

  Did he hear correctly? “What did you say?”

  “Yes,” she said more loudly. “Yes, yes, yes!” She jumped up out of her seat and went around to hug him. “Thank you,” she whispered. “It means a lot to me.”

  Rory felt the warmth spread through him. If he was honest with himself, he didn’t expect her to accept, although he had certainly hoped she would. He didn’t like the thought of her in that filthy place, let alone wondering how safe she was.

  “Let’s go grab your gear. Might as well do this tonight.”

  * * *

  Missy stood outside the ranch house, taking in the amazing view. It reminded her of her childhood. So many happy memories.

  She watched as the sun slid behind the mountains, always stunned at kaleidoscope of colors that danced across the night sky. Especially out in the middle of nowhere. And especially late at night when the world went quiet.

  She watched as the horses pranced across the paddocks, making their way toward the stables where they would stay overnight. So many memories that would never leave her. She felt a tear trickle down her face and swiped it away.

  She heard a sound behind her and startled.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you,” Rory said, holding onto her small suitcase. “I’ll put this in the spare room for you.”

  She turned and looked his way. “I was a million miles away. Thanks for bringing me out here. It even more beautiful than I remembered.”

  She appreciated that Rory had stood waiting for her while she took in the landscape. That she would be staying here was still hard to believe. Her life had changed forever when….. No. She wasn’t going there tonight.

  She would enjoy this beautiful place while she could; before it was time to move on again. She hoped her heart would still be intact when that happened.

  * * *

  Missy stretched as she awoke.

  She’d had a wonderful sleep. Best for ages. She glanced around the room and remembered where she was.

  There was a quiet tap on the door, before it slowly opened. “Are you awake?” Rory asked. He smiled as he noticed she had woken, and handed her a cup of tea.

  “It’s so quiet here,” she said taking the cup in the midst of a yawn. “Thanks for this.” She could certainly take this pampering as long as it was on offer.

  “I have chores to do, so I’ll leave you to it,” he said as he retreated. “Help yourself to anything you need.” He slid out the door as quickly as he’d arrived.

  Missy sipped the hot tea, thinking about what she had left behind. And the predicament she was in.

  She needed to either hide the backpack, or dispose of it completely. Somewhere it would never be found.

  Rory’s ranch was huge – what she’d seen of it so far anyway. She wondered if she could find a hiding place here. A place no one would ever think to look.

  She made up her mind; she would use her time here to find the perfect hiding spot.

  * * *

  Rory stood at the stall, rubbing his hands down Star’s neck.

  He loved to ride Star, but lately it had only been for work, not pleasure.

  That was entirely his own fault. He hadn’t made the time. He needed to delegate more, and think about his mental health more often. He needed to give himself permission to look after him.

  He was deep in thought about changing his habits when Missy appeared.

  She wore a pretty pink t-shirt and some torn jeans. She had an old pair of cowboy boots on her feet. Not the ones she wore on stage. They were pretty, but not for around the ranch.

  A light bulb moment suddenly went off in Rory’s head.

  He could kill two birds with one stone – fulfil his urge to ride Star, while taking Missy on a tour of the ranch. He’d promised last night to take her in daylight. It was way too dangerous in the cover of night.

  He’d have to take it slow because she’d probably never been on a horse before. “Fancy a ride,” he blurted out. She looked somewhat bewildered. “On a horse, I mean. For a tour of the ranch. An abbreviated tour, otherwise it will take too long.”

  She smiled. He loved it when she smiled, especially if it was directed at him. “Sure.” She didn’t look too convinced, but he would help her along the way. Like getting up on her horse.

  “Right,” he said, feeling a little apprehensive. “Food, then ride.” He handed Star a carrot then started toward the ranch house.

  He busied himself in the kitchen making scrabbled eggs and toast, while Missy prepared coffee. He had been up for hours already, tending to chores and paperwork.

  They sat at the breakfast bar and ate while they chatted, mostly about the ranch.

  “I have horses and cattle here, as well as chickens and a few ducks,” he explained. “It’s almost calving season, so we will have some calves coming soon. They can take a bit of looking after if their mothers don’t bond with them. Or worse, the mother doesn’t make it.”

  Missy nodded her head and shoveled another forkful of food into her mouth. He did admire a woman who loved her food, rather than those beyond skinny women who starved themselves.

  They finished eating and cleaned up. “Go grab a jacket and hat,” he said, “and we’ll get going.”

  Rory saddled up Star while he waited for Missy. One of the ranch hands saddled a horse for her. “This is Mishka,” he announced as Missy approached. You can ride her today. She’s very placid and is used to beginner riders.

  Missy grinned and he wondered why, but shook the thought away and gave the saddle a last check.

  She stepped forward, adjusted the stirrups, then mounted the horse.

  Without a lick of help.

  “You’re not a beginner,” he said sheepishly. “I assumed…. Sorry.”

  “Never assume, Cowboy” Missy said, still grinning.

  One of the ranch hands suddenly appeared. “I’m going to show Missy around the ranch, Pete,” he said.

  “See you in a week then?” Pete laughed and walked off.

  “The short tour,” Rory shouted to Pete’s back as he mounted his horse. “We’ll be back for lunch.”

  * * *

  It was beautiful. Stunning in fact, and Missy enjoyed the scenery. More than she should. It just reminded her of better days. Of growing up on a ranch.

  Laughter all around her, home cooked meals, but most of all love.

  She missed it. All of it. What she had now didn’t thrill her. Not one little bit. The performing she didn’t mind. Loved, in fact. She was a born entertainer. And Rory, he was the icing on the cake. But she felt she’d somehow insinuated herself into his peaceful life. She hoped she hadn’t ruined that tranquility.

  That backpack and its contents were a different story. They would be the bane of her life. She desperately needed to get rid of the blasted thing and try to forget about it.

  If only she could

  The wind picked up and whipped her hair around her face despite her hat. It brought back so many memories. She loved to ride, and spent many hours in the saddle back home.


  Her emotions were raw, and she felt the tears threatening to come to the surface.

  Nope. She wouldn’t let that happen. Especially in front of Rory. He saw her as a strong woman, and she wanted it to stay that way.

  “Missy?” Rory brought his horse up close to hers. “Did you even hear a word I said?” His grin told her he wasn’t annoyed, more amused. He’d apparently been chatting away and she didn’t hear a word.

  “Uh, huh. You said…..” She looked ahead. “Well maybe I didn’t.” She turned to look at him, guilt overwhelming her. “Sorry, I was a million miles away.”

  “I was just pointing out stuff. None of it matters though.” His hands scanned the area in front of them. “We’ve been out here for well over an hour, so we’d better head back.”

  She nodded and turned her horse around, sad to be leaving so soon. He came along side her. “You okay? You look kinda sad.”

  “Sure. Just taking it all in.” She smiled at him, trying to hide her feelings. “Missing home is all.” It had been quite a while since she’d ridden, but took her horse into a trot. It felt good to be out riding again. To have the wind in her face, and to breathe in the fresh air.

  More than anything, it felt good to have this wonderful and caring cowboy next to her.

  Looking over her shoulder.

  * * *

  Rory whipped up a quick chicken salad for lunch. Nothing fancy, just good, wholesome food. Missy looked a bit on the skinny side for his liking, and he wondered if she’d been eating properly.

  He watched as her tongue shot out of her mouth, making sure no food was lingering. “That was great,” she said. “Thanks for lunch, Rory.”

  She stood and carried her dishes to the sink, and began to fill the sink with water. He watched, mesmerized by everything about this woman who now occupied his ranch house.

  She’d only been there for a day, but she’d already insinuated herself into his life. Just as he wanted. He didn’t want her to leave. Ever.

  Okay, he’d only known her for a short time, a matter of weeks, but already he knew she was the one. The love of his life. His soulmate. The person he was meant to be with.


  He sat and stared, watched as she washed and dried her dishes, then turned back to grab his. As her hand outstretched to pick them up, he lightly grabbed her wrist in an effort to keep her there. Near him. He always wanted her near to him. He no longer felt whole without Missy.

  Sounded crazy, and maybe a little corny, but there you have it. She completed him.

  He stared into her eyes. “Forget the dishes,” he said as he slowly stood. “I have a better idea.” He wrapped his arms around her, and Missy fell against him. At first it was as though she was using him for support. But she soon wrapped her arms around him and hugged him as tightly as she could.

  She needed him. And he needed her.

  They were a good pair. Each needing the other, but too scared to say so.

  He put his fingers beneath her chin and guided her to look at him. He saw the hunger in her eyes. The same hunger he felt every time he was near her.

  She licked her lips. But this time it wasn’t because she’d recently eaten. He hoped it was because she wanted him to kiss her.

  He bent his head down toward her face, slowly moving in, not wanting to frighten her, or force her to do anything she didn’t want to do.

  His need was great for this beautiful woman he’d fallen for very quickly. Which was so not like him. He had been burned before, so for him, it was slow moving when it came to women. Most of the women he’d dated in the past were only after his money. But Missy had no idea how wealthy he was.

  Sure, she knew he owned the ranch, but little did she know his grandfather had left a huge legacy for him and his brothers. That had set them all up for life. It was a secret they had tried to keep from outsiders. To protect themselves from fortune-seekers.

  Missy got up on her toes trying to reach Rory’s lips. He did a mental fist-pump. Yes! She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  His hands went up, and he stroked her back as he kissed her. Gently at first, then more eagerly. She returned the kiss, every bit as keen as he was.

  His breath was ragged, he’d not been so excited about a woman for a very long time.

  Of course he’d dated, and he’d slept with other woman, but not recently, and none had made him feel the way Missy made him feel.

  She suddenly stepped back and he mourned her loss. Out of the blue, she grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him toward the bedroom. The one she was sleeping in.

  She dragged him into the room and slammed the door closed, then pushed him onto the double bed, and stared down at him.

  She was forceful, this little lady of his, and he liked it.

  Missy stood over him, looking down at his jeans. “Those have to go,” she said, reaching for his belt. He was sure he must be wearing the cheesiest grin she’d ever seen.

  “And the shirt. I prefer skin on skin,” she told him, equally as strong.

  He half sat, then lifted his hands and began to undo the buttons, as Missy started on his belt. “Hey, fair’s fair. I get to undress you right, Darlin’?”

  With a serious look on her face, she looked down at him, then pushed him back to the bed. “Only when I say so.” He frowned, then laughed when she had a big grin. “Gotcha.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead, and he grabbed her around the waist, then flipped her underneath him.

  “Hey, not fair,” she said, and kissed him on the lips, slipping her arms up around his neck, then running her fingers through his hair.

  As she leaned closer, Rory could smell her fragrance. Lavender. His mother grew lavender in her garden, so he knew the smell. It suited Missy, and he noticed it the first time they met. Even amid a crisis out the front of the Bar and Grill.

  He leaned into her and kissed her neck, just below her ear. He worked his way down, until he reached her cleavage. He’d seen it poking out from her blouse when she was on stage, and it tantalized him every single time.

  Today he’d finally get more than a glimpse. At least he hoped he would.

  His tongue lashed out and licked the top of her cleavage. As he licked, he reached up and inside her blouse and undid her bra strap, and began to open her buttons. One by agonizing one.

  She leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “You know I have to leave for work in a couple of hours?”

  He groaned. He’d prefer to spend his entire afternoon with Missy, but if two hours was all they had, so be it.

  He rolled her aside and pulled back the covers. It was times like this he was glad for the privacy of his own home.

  He finished undressing her, and reached into his pocket for protection. Pulling up the covers over them both, he started back where he’d left off.

  * * *

  Missy slowly opened her eyes.

  The first thing she saw was Rory. In all his naked glory.

  She scrutinized him, from top to bottom.

  She looked at his chiseled face, with his cute button nose. His mouth that was perfect for kissing, and his muscled chest.

  He was strong and beautiful, and she needed to store his beauty in her memory. She didn’t know how much longer she’d be around. As much as she wanted it to be forever, she wasn’t prepared to put Rory and his family in any more danger than she already had.

  That would have to be her biggest regret. Previously she’d done short gigs and moved on. She should have been gone by now, and the only thing keeping her there was Rory. If only she hadn’t fallen for him, it would be so much easier.

  She took a deep fortifying breath, then closed her eyes again and rolled over. She blinked against the light, and pulled the blankets up around herself. It was overcast. Ear
ly evening if she guessed correctly.

  She was still in that after love-making sleep mode. Her head was in what had happened between Rory and herself. Bliss.

  She began to roll back to him, when it hit her. Early evening! What time was it? She glanced at the clock. Holy heck! She had a show this evening and had to get organized.

  Missy jumped up and sat on the side of bed, stark naked. She heard a groan, then felt Rory’s hand wrap around her middle. “Come back to bed, my sexy cowgirl.” It wasn’t a request, more a demand.

  He began to drag her back into the bed. “Sorry, can’t,” she said reluctantly. “I have to work. Do you know how late it is?”

  He checked his watch. “Aw, heck.” He jumped out of bed and looked around for all the bits of his clothes. Missy did the same. They’d had one heck of a time removing each other’s clothing, until there was nothing left to remove.

  “Yours.” He threw her panties across to her, and she threw his shirt over. It had been fun while it lasted, but now reality had settled in.

  “I need to have a shower,” she said, sticking her head out of the bedroom door to ensure no one was around.

  They shouldn’t be. The ranch hands did not have the run of the house, and were not allowed in without permission. Missy wrapped herself in a towel and ran toward the shower.

  She turned on the water and let it get nice and hot before stepping in. She liked to be fresh and wide awake before her performances.

  She might not the be best singer in the world, but her voice was her livelihood. She had devised a few dance steps to enhance her performance.

  A choreographer she wasn’t, but she knew enough to get her by. It seemed to be working because she was constantly booked up.

  She sighed as the steaming hot water ran over her naked body. She would be moving on soon. Her contract with the Bar and Grill was nearly up, and as far as she knew, they weren’t extending.

  She prayed they would. She loved this little town and the people in it. But more than that, she’d come to love her cowboy with all her heart.

  * * *

  Rory looked back at the sea of cowboy hats that spanned the Bar and Grill.

  Missy was so incredibly popular here. Not that he’d seen many of the other performers, but he’d seen enough to know she was the best they’d had to date.


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