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Precious Embrace (Embrace Series)

Page 10

by Dana Mason

  He inched forward and sat up, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. When upright, he looked around for his phone, Ali’s scream reverberating in his head. He shifted, placing his feet on the floor, slow and easy, he stood while the aching in his head traveled down his entire body. Before he gained his balance, the door opened and the room filled with light. He dropped back down on the bed.

  “Ah, come on.” He held his arm up to cover his eyes from the light.

  “Sir—Mr. Bennett, you shouldn’t be up.”

  “I have to leave.” His voice croaked when he talked, but he didn’t care.

  “Lay back down please.”

  “No, I’m fine. I need to get to Ali.” He looked down at his bare feet and gripped the hospital gown. “Where are my clothes?”

  “You can’t leave in this condition. You have to wait for the effects of the sedatives to wear off.”

  “Sedatives, what? No. I’m fine. I need to leave.” He looked around for a clock. “What time is it?”

  “It’s ten-thirty.”

  “Please get my clothes.”

  “You can’t drive—“

  “Fine. I’ll take a cab.” He tried to squeeze passed her, but she blocked his path to the door. “Get out of my way and give me my damn clothes!”

  “Mr. Bennett?” Johnny looked up to a towering figure in the doorway. When the doctor stepped forward, Johnny recognized the lab coat. “I’m Doctor Caplin.”

  “I need to leave.”

  “You have a concussion and—“

  “Whatever. I’ll live. Just let me out of here.”

  “Detective Hammel instructed us to call him when you woke up.” Dr. Caplin came closer, facing Johnny. “I’ll have your release papers brought to you.”

  “Where is Alison Hayes? Has she been admitted?”

  “No. Paramedics treated Mrs. Hayes at home. Sit tight, we’ll bring you some scrubs, your clothes were cut off you by the paramedics.”

  Johnny sat back on the bed and waited. When the phone rang he lifted it off the receiver. “Yeah?”

  “Bennett?” Brian asked.

  “Yeah, Brian, what’s going on?”

  “I’m sending someone over to pick you up and drive you to Sarah and Mark’s house. Sarah insists you stay until you’ve recovered from your injuries.”

  “No. I’m fine.”

  “Whatever—you have to work it out with them.”

  “Where’s Ali? Where’s Micah?” He swallowed back the bile rising in his throat. “Are they okay?”

  “I’ll give you an update later. I don’t have time now.”

  “No! Tell me if they’re okay.” He stood up when the nurse came in with a folded pair of faded green hospital scrubs.

  “Ali’s sleeping, her injuries are minor, but they had to sedate her. We don’t know about Micah yet. I gotta go. I’ll call you at Mark’s to give you an update.”

  “Wait, Bri—” Brian hung up before Johnny got another word out.

  Johnny dressed, wincing as he lifted the pants passed the road rash up his leg and hip. The other leg was black and purple and he wondered how he’d avoided any broken bones. He pulled on the scrub top and held his breath at the pain in his ribs and shoulder. The more he rushed, the more everything hurt and the more injuries he found. He thought about that car coming at them and prayed he got the worst of it.

  After dressing, the nurse brought his paperwork and instructions for aftercare, then handed him his belongings in a bag.

  The patrol car parked in front of Ali’s house. Johnny inched out and hobbled over to the front door, and at the same time, a suit came out. Johnny tried to scoot passed him, but the man stuck his hand out and stopped him.

  “You can’t go in there.”

  “The hell I can’t,” Johnny said pushing the guy out of his way. “I’m a cop—” Before Johnny could finish his sentence, the guy had him on the ground face first and cuffed.

  With a knee in Johnny’s back, he said, “You got ID?”

  “You’re lucky I’m hurt, mother fucker!”

  Shoes appeared in Johnny’s line of sight then Brian said, “Simms, what are you doing to my detective?”

  “Detective—he didn’t identify himself.”

  “Let me up. I need to see Ali.” The front door opened again and Johnny heard Mark’s voice.

  “What the hell, Simms!”Mark grabbed Simm’s shoulder. “Get off him.”

  “Whoa, Mark,” Brian said. “Misunderstanding. Simms is unlocking him now.”

  “He failed to identify himself,” Simms repeated.

  “Yeah, it takes a real tough guy to attack an injured man and cuff him for lack of identification,” Mark growled.

  “Let me up!” Johnny shouted again.

  “All right,” Simms barked and leaned in to unlock the cuffs. Johnny tried to jump up, but the pain kept him on his knees. Mark leaned down and helped him off the ground.

  “You all right?” Mark asked.

  Johnny nodded, brushing the hair off his face. “Where’s Ali?”

  “She’s still out cold. Come on, I’ll help you get up the stairs.”

  “I thought you were in Arizona,” Johnny said.

  “We came right home when Brian called.”

  “Anything on Micah yet?” Johnny hobbled up the stairs slowly with Mark’s help.

  “No, but they’re hopeful. They put out an Amber Alert and they’re showing the video on the news trying to get a lead on the suspects.”

  He stopped and looked at Mark. “Video?”

  “The store had several security cameras mounted in their parking lot. As soon as I got the call, I had Shane pull all the video. He got it to Brian within an hour.”


  “Yeah. The cameras were installed by Summors Security.” Mark reached out for Johnny when he swayed on the stairs. “You look like shit, man.”

  “I’ll be all right.”

  When they entered Ali’s bedroom, the only light came from the door Mark had just opened. The illumination outlined Ali, curled up on the bed in the fetal position. Johnny slowly moved to the bed and lay down next to her.

  She didn’t move, except for the up and down motion of her chest with the slow and methodic breathing. He couldn’t see her face in the darkness, but he didn’t care. Being close to her and knowing she was okay put him at ease. He touched her face and closed his eyes. When the bedroom door closed, he opened his eyes to complete darkness. Carefully, he curled up and spooned her, wrapping his arms around her completely and holding her against the length of him.

  Johnny pressed his lips to the soft skin on the back of her neck and waited for his chest to stop heaving, then whispered, “I’m so sorry.”

  He didn’t deserve her, and didn’t deserve to be here with her now. How hard was it to keep one small baby safe and keep one small lady from being hurt and losing a child? He lifted her hand to his cheek and stayed that way until he fell asleep.

  Ali shifted and tried to roll over, but something held her down. Her eyelids were so heavy she couldn’t lift them either. She stopped struggling and waited for her mind to clear so she could concentrate. She felt someone breathing next to her, but she wasn’t sure who. She inhaled deeply and it hurt, the stabbing pain forced her to hold her breath until she could slowly exhale. Why does it hurt to breath? She couldn’t remember anything except the bad dream that kept playing in her head over and over while she slept. When she remembered the details of the dream, she inhaled sharply again then cried out in pain.

  She forced her eyes to open when she felt the body next to her move. The dark room kept her from seeing anything, and as she fought to focus her eyes in the darkness, a voice in the back of her mind asked—

  Where is Micah?

  Why isn’t he crying?

  What time is it?

  Shouldn’t it be time for him to eat?

  Where is Micah?—Where is Micah?—Where is Micah?

  As her mind continued to ask this question, so did her lips. Before she realized it she was shouting. “Where is Micah?”

  “Shh, Ali…sweetheart.”

  His voice, the rhythmic drawl helped her relax a little. She reached out to touch him as she tried to focus her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” she said with a smile. It was him—the owner of that sweet musical drawl. He lay next to her, which meant everything was fine. Then her eyes fell on the bandage above his eye.

  She sat straight up and screamed, “Where is Micah?” Oh God, it wasn’t a dream. Someone took her baby.

  He reached for her. “Ali, stop screaming, sweet.”

  “Where is my baby?” she sobbed and swayed back down on the bed. “Where is my baby?” Her chest heaved and she had to cry out from the pain. “Oh god! Where is Micah?”

  “They’re looking—they won’t stop until they find him.” He promised. They both turned when the door opened and light filtered into the room.

  “You guys okay?” Mark asked.

  “Mark?” Ali asked, closing her arms around her chest from the pain.


  “Where’s Micah?” she sobbed.

  “I don’t know, Al, but everyone in the state is looking for him.”

  “Where’s Jamie?”

  “I left him home with Sarah, don’t worry about him, he’s fine. I didn’t want to bring him here with all these cops traipsing in and out. I think it’ll only scare him.”

  “I want to get up.” She sat up too fast, making herself dizzy. She was clammy, nauseous and her throat burned from the dryness. How long had she been sleeping?

  “I’ll help, but you have to go slow,” Johnny said.

  She took several slow, deep breaths then tried again. Micah. She had to find him. Her baby, her little sweet Micah.

  Mark walked around the bed. “Close your eyes,” he said before clicking the light on. Ali squeezed her eyes shut as her lids glowed red. Mark took her arm to help her off the bed as Johnny held her steady from behind. When her eyes focused and she was steady on her feet, Mark walked around the bed to help Johnny.

  “I got it,” Johnny said trying to get up.

  Mark held his hand out and said, “Shut up and let me help.”

  Johnny nodded then grabbed Mark’s hand and slowly stood up. When he was up, Ali gasped. “Oh my god, Johnny!” She went to him, examining him from head to toe, her gaze resting on the area above his knee. Oh God, oh God. He was still bleeding. “Why aren’t you in the hospital?”

  “I busted out.”

  “Look at you. I had no idea you…” Her voice broke as she spoke, was Micah hurt too? She couldn’t remember. Why would someone do this?

  “I’m fine, stop,” he said. “Come on, let’s go down and find out what’s going on.” He took her hand, but she pulled away.

  “No. Mark—will you help him down? I don’t want him to fall. God you’re bleeding through your clothes, Johnny.”

  “It looks worse than it is.”

  “Wait here, I’ll get him down and come back for you,” Mark said.

  “No, I don’t need help. I’m fine.” Her voice wavered as she looked Johnny up and down again. “Just help him.” She turned toward the stairs before they could argue.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Johnny got downstairs, he grumbled his thanks and hobbled into the living room where Ali stood looking around.

  The room—hell, the house was full of people. On the TV was a freeze-frame picture of a woman getting in a silver car, holding Micah in her arms.

  They both stared at the screen and at the face of the woman who took Micah. Johnny’s throat tightened and he felt sick with anger. He’d kill her if he got his hands on her, woman or not, he’d kill her.

  Ali’s sharp inhale cooled his blood instantly. He looked over at her pale face. She was holding her breath.

  “Do you recognize her, Ali?” Brian asked.

  She shook her head, making a flood of tears drop from her eyes.

  “What about you, Bennett?”

  Johnny shook his head and reached for Ali’s hand. “Breathe, sweetheart.”

  Air gushed out of her lungs on a sob. Before her knees failed, Johnny had his arms around her and with Mark’s help, they sat her down on the end of the couch.

  “I tried to stop her,” she wailed.

  “I know, sweetheart. I know you did,” Johnny whispered. “Take a deep breath.”

  “Ali, this is Agent Peters and Agent Simms. They’re FBI. Members of the CARD team. They need to ask you some questions. I know this is hard, but it’s important.” Brian kept his tone even and professional as he spoke, even though Johnny knew they’d been friends most of their lives.

  Johnny lowered himself onto the floor in front of her. He didn’t want to be too far away from her.

  “What is CARD?” She asked with a thick voice, her hands fighting to swipe away her rapidly falling tears.

  “It stands for Child Abduction Rapid Deployment. They’re handling the investigation. I’m only here as a liaison between them and the PD. The CARD team is our best bet for finding Micah. There are four members. Agent Mayer and Agent Newman are working the call center we have set up, but Peters is our major point person, he’s leading the investigation.”

  “Okay, so how can they find Micah from here?”

  “Their local field office is in San Francisco. They’re here to monitor your phones, visitors, investigate family and friends. It’s not uncommon for them to set up a call center in a residence. I know it seems intrusive, but it’s the best and the easiest way to handle the investigation.”

  “I’ll do whatever. I just want my baby back.” Her chin quivered a little when she said it.

  “Thank you, Ali. They’ll make this as easy as possible. Also…your mother asked me to act as the family spokesperson to the press. Is that okay with you?”

  She nodded. “Yes, of course. Thank you. Where is my mother?”

  “She’s setting up a volunteer search center with my parents, Mark’s parents…Julie is also there helping.” Brian leaned forward slightly and said, “Are you prepared to talk to Agent Peters?” He looked over at Johnny. “Bennett, they need to talk to you too.”

  Johnny stared at Ali. Her fragility frightening him. So little and so scared. No way. He couldn’t leave her alone.

  “She’ll be fine without you for half an hour.” When Johnny didn’t move, Brian clasped his hands together and eyed them both. “Listen, guys, you were too distraught to give much of a statement yesterday. This is important to the investigation.”

  Johnny bowed his head in defeat, it didn’t matter. He couldn’t give any information they couldn’t get from that video.

  “Bennett, I’ll be here for Ali, Mark too. You can leave her alone for a few minutes,” Brian said.

  Johnny finally agreed. He eased up from the floor and leaned in to kiss Ali’s forehead. “I’ll be in the next room.”

  Mark got to his feet. “Do you need help getting in there?” He reached a hand out to Johnny.

  “No, I’m fine.” Johnny shook him off and pointed to Ali. “Stay here with her.”

  “Bennett, go with Simms. He’ll take your statement in the dining room.” Brian scowled at Agent Simms. “—Simms, do not attack my detective again.”

  Johnny followed Simms out of the living room and into the dining room where they had a call center set up. Computer equipment and phones covered one end of the twelve-person table. He looked around then asked, “What time is it?

  “Nine-thirty,” Simms said pulling out a chair for Johnny.

  “In the morning?”

  “It’s nine-thirty at night—pm.”

  “Nine-thirty, but I left the hospital at eleven.” Johnny said.

  “Yeah, last night,” Simms said. “You’ve been here for almost twenty-four hours.”

  Johnny rubbed at his chest. “How on Earth did I sleep that long?”

  “You and Mrs. Hayes were both sedated—strong drugs.” He whistled. “You were both distraught after the accident. The paramedics had to sedate you to treat you.”

  “That means Micah’s been missing for…”

  “Thirty-three hours,” Simms confirmed.

  Johnny melted into his chair, after twenty-four hours the odds of getting a child back safely dropped considerably. Stranger abducted children were usually killed within the first 3 hours after being taken…he’d spent those critical hours sleeping in a hospital bed.

  “We have some good leads. We’re hopeful—very hopeful,” Simms said at the expression on Johnny’s face. “Don’t freak out. We can’t run an investigation around hysterical parents.”

  Johnny finished giving his statement and returned to the living room. Ali had her knees curled to her chest on the couch, clutching a small, blue baby blanket. Mark watched her from a chair in the corner, his face drawn, and stubble shooting out on his chin. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Johnny nodded to him. Mark nodded back, but in Ali’s direction.

  Johnny slid sideways onto the couch next to her and stared at her blank pale face. “Ali, sweetheart.”

  She turned her eyes to him.

  “Do you need anything?” He reached over and cupped her face.

  Ali placed her hand over his and closed her eyes.

  The tears flowing from under her lids broke his heart. She leaned sideways, resting her head in his lap, and sobbed.


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