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Double Dipped: The Lunchtime Chronicles

Page 5

by Brooklyn Knight

  Candy spasms on the bed.

  I place my arm over her abdomen to keep her still. My jutting cock does a fine job of pinning her down too.

  I slurp her up, suck on her clit and her pussy. Dip my tongue inside of her silken heat. Then I double dip in that shit. I done told her, one serving ain’t gonna’ be enough. Jesus Christ, I’m about to be drunk off her. I can’t get enough. I don’t want it to end, but Candy is quivering, and I know she’s on the cusp of a sweet release.

  Those fingers take my hair and she throws her head back. Her teeth clamp over her bottom lip. “Fuck me, Trigg!” she wails.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  I pull away from her molten treasure and quickly thrust inside of her walls. I bang her on the mattress.

  The stuffed animals, who’ve been watching the entire show before now, plummet to the ground.

  Candy screams so loud, I’m sure she’s awakened a neighbor or two; but who gives a fuck?

  I don’t.

  She liquifies in my arms and my balls are tight and heavy.

  I still ain’t cum. I both want to and don’t.

  I’m holding her tight in my arms, just so she knows she ain’t going nowhere; but just in case she gets any ideas…

  Sorry Sweetness.

  Quickly, I pull out a handkerchief I drenched in chloroform and smother it over her face. She thrashes for less than a second before falling quiet.

  My jaw jerks, but I have to stay focused.

  Now, for the second part of the plan.


  I blink a few times. Everything is hazy. My mouth feels like I’ve been chewing on a million cotton balls, though I have no idea why in the hell I’d ever do something like that. There’s a dull ache radiating through my body and my entire body feels stiff.

  What the hell happened? Did I fall down at work? Did… I get into a fight? I jerk at the thought.

  Was it Alex?

  No, I… killed him. He’s not coming back and other than that, I can’t remember the last time I was ever in a skirmish with anyone.

  So, what the hell?

  With a little effort, I’m able to sit up and my vision starts to clear. I’m trying to remember something, anything. I was at work when Madame Elektra told me to go home and get my old cell phone. Then…

  I shake my head, trying to put the puzzle pieces of my memory together.

  Then, I got to the apartment, and that was when I’d seen the Lexus parked across the street and –


  I shoot up in the – bed? – and my head swivels as I take in my surroundings. This is not my bedroom. Hell, I haven’t owned a bed this size since I was married. And the room – it’s humongous, almost the size of my entire apartment. Quickly, I search for my cell phone, but of course, it’s nowhere to be found.

  This is a horror movie and I know that Trigger is starring as the villain. There’s no other candidate. I can’t remember shit, but he has everything to do with this, I know he does!

  My body trembles and I wrap my arms around myself as fear washes over me. Outside of the window, which is at least two floors up off the ground, the sun is setting behind a sprawling mountain range.


  “He-help!” My voice is a squeak. I clear it and try again, pushing through the tears collecting in my throat and springing from my eyes. “Somebody, please,” I croak. “Help me, I’m – ”

  I don’t finish the sentence.

  The bedroom door slides open and Trigger is standing at the threshold. He’s wearing jeans that sit on his waist. I can see the athletic dip and bulge of muscle where his belt is supposed to be. He’s wearing a plaid shirt, but it’s unbuttoned and swathes of smooth muscle, obscured by a thin layer of silky chest hair has my pussy pulsing. His hair is messy, disheveled, like I’m not the only one who’s had a long day.

  Good God…

  What is left of my voice dries up like water in a desert.

  He’s the villain. I’m reminding myself of this fact. He’s done something to me and dragged me to only God knows where, and he’s an evil, evil man who’s no better than Alex. In fact, he’s probably worse, but an ache in my panties argues with me.

  We stare at one another for what feels like an eternity, and even though we’re not speaking, I can read his mind, to the letter.

  “What did you do to me?” I demand through my teeth, ignoring the sexy writing on the walls of my mind.

  Trigger’s mouth bunches and he rakes his hand through his hair before closing the door and striding towards the bed.

  I scoot back, unwilling to be close to him, for more reasons than one. “I asked you a question!”

  It takes him a second to answer, but he finally does. “I… I knocked you out,” he mutters through a shameful sigh.

  “You did fucking what?”

  “I didn’t want you to run off again,” he explains, like it’s a good enough excuse for what he’s done. “Candy, just listen to me, for one minute. ”

  My neck jerks back in shock. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I charge him, cutting him off. “You drugged me? You came into my house, seduced me, then drugged me?”

  “Sweetness – ” Trigger reaches out for me, but I swat his hand away. I don’t want him to touch me ever again!

  “Are you freaking crazy?” A rush of anger claims me, and I smack his chest a million times. It doesn’t matter that I can tell my assaults have little to no effect on him. I’ve never been angrier or felt more violated in my entire life!

  When I’m done with the attack, I throw my legs over the bed and stomp towards the exit. My entire body is sore. I have no shoes on my feet and I’m wearing clothes that I don’t recognize. I grip the edge of the plaid shirt I’m wearing, like we’re supposed to be fucking twins. “Whose clothes are these?” I shout at him.

  “They’re yours,” he exhales. “I bought them for you when we got here.”

  “Where the hell is here, Trigger?”

  He pauses. “We’re in Bisbee.”

  My jaw locks with rage.

  This has got to be a nightmare!

  I wring my hands in the air, wishing his neck was between them. “How the hell did we get here?”

  He rakes his hand through his hair. “We drove.”

  “In the damn Lexus?”

  “… Yes.”

  My jaw trembles. “Take me back to Atlanta, Trigger,” I demand, jabbing my shaking finger at him. “Take me back right now, or I swear to God – ”

  He shakes his head. “I can’t take you back, Candy.”

  “You can’t?”

  “I won’t,” he adjusts his response. “Not until we get the evidence we need and take it to the lawyer I done secured.”

  I glare at him, almost lost for words.

  His gaze roams over me. Regret, sadness and determination mar his strong features, like he’s sorry he did what he did, but would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

  I fold my arms tight across my breast. That’s when I realize… “No bra? You mean to tell me, you went out and brought me jean shorts and a cowgirl shirt, but you couldn’t find a damn bra?”

  A sheepish grin spreads his lips and he shrugs. “Ain’t been to Vicky’s in a while,” is his justification. “Didn’t know your size.”

  I frown at him and unfold my arms.

  “I’ve got the cell phone,” he says, pulling it out of his back pocket. “Is there anything on it that we can use as evidence? Anything to prove that your ex was an abuser?”

  Yes, there’s shit on it! That’s why I was coming home to get it, the way Madame Elektra asked me to. There are at least three videos of Alex beating the hell out of me on that phone. It’s not charged and hasn’t been of more than a year. I can’t bear to look at it. The last time I tried, I’d had a post-traumatic stress disorder episode.

  But it’s more than that. I don’t trust this man. What the hell kind of man makes a woman unconscious under the guise of trying to help her? I know what kind of ma
n does: a bounty hunter – a man who’s not really trying to help, rather who’s trying to take a girl in.

  I know how much they want for my arrest. I’ve seen the website.

  Trigger may have spent over ten thousand dollars on my pussy a few nights ago, but he’s banking on making it back.

  By arresting me.

  I cut my eyes away from him, as more tears loom. “I don’t need your help,” I mutter.

  Trigger stretches his neck.

  “I don’t need your help and I’m not speaking to you,” I add. “You’ve got me out here in the middle of nowhere and if you aren’t gonna’ take me home, you can rest assured, I’ll find my own way.”

  His jaw clenches.

  “In the meantime, I’ll stay right here in this room, by my-damn-self. Don’t check on me, don’t ask me if I need anything, just… leave me alone, like I told you to in the first place!”

  “But this is my bedroom,” he argues, flummoxed.

  “Not anymore, it’s not,” I say, twisting my neck. “You should’ve thought about that before you dragged my ass here, without my consent! As far as I’m concerned, you can stay in the barn with the chickens and the cows, and whatever other animals you have roaming around here, because I know you’ve got them!”

  We engage in another fiery stare down and Trigger is the first to relent.

  “Fine,” he bites out. He walks past me and throws the door open so hard it slams against the wall. “We’ll see how long this little plan of yours lasts.”

  “Oh, I’m gon’ be all right,” I assure him.

  He only huffs and then he leaves.


  The woman is more stubborn than an angry mule stuck in a stable. I say this because her plan lasts for almost two entire days! After a few hours of seething torture, I tried going back to my room to talk more rational-like. We’d both been high on emotion and the conversation hadn’t gone the way I’d wanted it to go. I’d been prepared for her to be pissed at me. She was right: I’d treated her like a man on the run, and even though I knew good and well how to use chloroform, the substance could be dangerous; but I’d learned enough about Candy to realize that, after she’d come down from the high I’d put her on, she’d try and leave me again.

  Weren’t having that.

  When I got to the bedroom door, I stood outside of it, runnin’ over the script I’d developed in my mind. “Candy,” I called out to her, voice firm.

  She hadn’t answered.

  “Candace Parker!”

  Again, no answer.

  I twisted the doorknob, not surprised to find it locked.

  “You lockin’ the door ain’t gonna’ keep me out, Sweetness.”

  That comment got her talkin’. “Right – just like it didn’t keep you out of my damn apartment!”

  “Open the door.”


  I huffed and picked the lock. Then, I tried to push the door open, but it moved less than an inch before jamming.

  Candy sauntered up to the crack, where my face was plastered between the door and the wall, and grinned. “You ain’t the only slick one around here,” she whispered. When she pushed her fingers through the space and ran her fingers through my beard, my body rattled, both with rage and need.

  “What did you do?” I demanded through my teeth.

  “Dresser against the door,” she answered with a shrug.

  I frowned. “That thing is heavy, Candy. It’s solid oak! You could have hurt yourself!”

  She shrugged again.

  I growled at her and ripped away from the door. “Fine,” I barked at it. “You gonna’ be hungry some time. I’ll meet you in the dining room when you are.”

  But she didn’t come to the dining room. In fact, I didn’t see her for the rest of the night.

  Now, it’s the next day and the sun is prepping to set. I ain’t done half the shit I was supposed to do today, to Colt’s chagrin. To make him happy, I’d gone into the office earlier and worked on the Hill case. As my truck had pulled out of the yard, I looked up at my bedroom window on the second floor and saw Candy staring out at me, like a prisoner in a cage.

  I slowed the car and wound down the window. “You’re actin’ real crazy, Candy!” I called out to her.

  She tapped her ear, signaling that she couldn’t hear me because the window was closed.

  I rolled my eyes and said it again, more slowly.

  She only walked away from the window, letting the curtains fall back in place.

  Stubborn woman.

  I make it to the office and it only takes us a few hours to have an exact location on the bastard, Sammy Hill. We sent our team to nab him and after some mundane paperwork, that’s the end of it. Of course, there’s a ton other things at work to attend to, but the way I figured it, catching Sammy Hill would appease Colt, even if for a little while.

  I grabbed my hat and prepared to head back to the house, when Colt approached. “You been pretty distracted the last week or so, and not with work,” he said, eyes narrow.

  “A lot on my mind,” I muttered, fitting my cowboy hat over my head.

  His eyes went thinner and he stomped closer, ripping my hat off and staring at my hair. “Wait a minute… You been to the salon?”

  “The saloon?”

  “I said salon,” he replied with a grunt. “You look like fuckin’ Goldilocks.”

  I scoffed, even though his comment low-key pleased me. “I ain’t been to no salon, Colt,” I answered. “But… I might’ve purchased a little shampoo and conditioner while I was out – tidied up the whiskers a bit.”

  Colt shook his head and walked away from me. “Is this what a woman will do to you?”

  “You tell me?” I shot back at him. “You ain’t been right since college, when that woman left your ass.”

  His eyes fluttered. His mouth bunched.

  “Look, why don’t you come with me to Atlanta some time? I’m tellin’ you, I seen a gal who I know will intrigue you.”

  “Not interested,” he barked.

  I shrugged and returned to my musings. “If you change your mind, let me know,” I ended the conversation.

  I get back to the house and sit in the truck for a second. Unable to help it, my eyes cast in the direction of my bedroom window.

  The curtain is closed.

  I don’t know what aggravates me more, the fact that Candy is ignoring and undermining my attempts to exonerate her, or that she’s so fuckin’ close and so far away, both at the same time. Those three days when I was away from her, I’d literally dreamed about having her in my bed. The things I’d done to her in those fantasies; the ways I’d made her smile, and laugh and explode…

  My shoulders drop and I head inside. There’s not much I can do without her, especially since she has the cell phone locked in the bedroom.

  Later that evening, I decide to take my mind off of things by doin’ some farm work. It’s getting late and the small flock of cattle I own need to be herded to another pasture before sunset. There are only fifty heads, so I don’t need the time or manpower I normally would, had I been moving one of Colt’s massive herds, but it’s still a task that’s gonna’ take me a few hours, especially since where I wanna’ send them is six miles from where I’m currently at.

  I dress my horse and hop on her back. Then, I dash into the corral and head for the exit, followed closely by my two Collies, who are always down for the adventure.

  Already, the cattle are scurrying and rounding, because they know what’s coming. The wind is whipping through my hair, but the exhilarating feeling I’m expectin’ at any time doesn’t come.

  Then I hear her voice calling out.

  “So, cowboys really do this, huh?”

  My horse is still galloping and my Collies still barking up a storm. I steer the steed in Candy’s direction and bring it to a halt right in front of her. She’s standing behind the other corral gate, dressed in another outfit I bought her: jean shorts, a plaid shirt and cowboy boots. />
  Jesus Christ, she’s the sexiest cowgirl I’ve ever seen.

  “It’s not just in the movies, Sweetness,” I answer her, edge lacing my tone. “It’s legit work. I’ve gotta’ move these suckers to keep them away from predators. Besides, they’ve been grazing all day. I need to take them to another pasture.”

  Candy clears her throat and nods in the direction of the nibbling animals. “Don’t you have a team that works with you? Herding is a monumental task.”

  “I normally do,” I answer, “but it’s late and I ain’t up to callin’ nobody. Besides, I needed to get my mind off some things.”

  “Some things?”

  “You,” I snap. “I needed to get my mind off you, Candy.” I narrow my eyes at her. “What do you know about herding cattle, anyway?”

  “I don’t know anything about cowboy life,” she says, kicking sand. “But… I might have Googled a little something while I was in the room. I figured since I’m here, I might as well know what the hell is going on.”

  I shake my head at her and dismount, but when I start to walk towards her, she backs away.

  Anger rises in my chest. I ain’t never felt this much emotion in my life. “Why you runnin’ from me, Candy?” I demand. “Why you acting like I’m gonna’ fuckin’ hurt you? I’m just trying to help, trying to keep you safe, so you can have a fuckin’ life. Why the hell can’t you see that?”

  “And why are you acting like I shouldn’t run away from you?” she comes back at me, voice shaking. “Trigger, you kidnapped me! You drugged me!”

  I sigh as my shoulders fold.

  “You show up in Atlanta unannounced, pay me a million dollars to fuck me senseless, and then you tell me you know my past. What the hell am I supposed to think?”

  I open my mouth to talk, but she still has the podium.

  “I may work a pole for a living, but I haven’t always been that way, Trigger. I was a professional woman. I had goals, and dreams and aspirations until a man took them all away. He turned me into what you see standing in front of you right now. I’m cynical and distrustful – ”


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