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Killer Christmas Cozies

Page 14

by Jenna St James

  Merle kicked the screen wider. “C’mon in then. If you must.”

  Tapping down on my excitement, I slid inside before the screen door could come back and hit me. I tried to take in my surroundings as Merle quickly led me to the kitchen. I had hoped to catch a glimpse of his winter coat, but I didn’t see it anywhere. Time to go to Plan B.

  “Just set them down there on the counter,” Merle directed.

  “You bet.” I set the basket of goodies down on the counter and proceeded to take them out of the basket. “Hey, Merle, were you ever in the military?”


  Drat…chances were good he knew how to carry a body then.

  “It was early eighties,” he said. “Did four years in the Navy.”

  I nodded then finished pulling out the last plate of cookies. “Real quick before I forget, I found a button in the pre-cut tree lot. I was wondering if it might have popped off your winter coat?”

  I looked up and froze. Merle was practically standing on top of me, arms folded across his chest, eyes hard and glaring. Or at least I assumed it was a menacing glare directed at me…his scruffy beard covered eighty percent of his face, so it was hard to say.

  “Whaddya really want, Gracie?”

  I swallowed hard but didn’t back up. I didn’t want to let on I was scared. “I just wanted to bring you some goodies and see if the button belonged to you. Honest.”

  “It doesn’t.”

  I frowned. “Shouldn’t you look at your coat just to make sure?”


  I tried not to show my exasperation, but Merle was making it nearly impossible to question him. “It looks like a nice button.” I was stalling and we both knew it. “I’d hate for you to realize it was yours and—”

  “Fine. If it will get you out of my house faster, I’ll double check.”

  I sent him my best smile…even though I wanted to stick my tongue out at him. He came back a few seconds later carrying his coat.

  “See, no buttons missing.”

  I ran my eyes over the coat. He was right. Everything was intact.

  “Now a little advice from me,” Merle said. “If you plan on interrogating others about that lost button, don’t be so obvious.”

  Color rushed to my cheeks. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Don’t you? Asking questions you don’t know the answers to…well, let’s just say it could get you hurt or killed.”

  My mouth dropped open, and this time I did take a step backward. “I didn’t mean—”

  “Didn’t you? I think you knew exactly what you were doing when you came to my house today. Perhaps you just need to give that clue to Sheriff Matthews and keep your nose out of it.”

  If I wasn’t so scared, I’d have been totally insulted. As it was, I grabbed my basket and all but ran to the front door.

  “I’m not trying to scare you, Gracie. Just trying to save you.”

  I turned around and nodded. “Enjoy the cookies, Merle.”

  Sprinting back to the Chevy, I threw the empty basket inside and barreled out of Merle’s driveway. It wasn’t until I hit the edge of town that my breathing leveled out and I could think.

  I knew there wouldn’t be a way to see Danica’s coat while she was working. The staff probably had a place in the back where they kept personal items. I didn’t have a Plan A or Plan B on how to get back there to see if I could find her coat. I decided to forgo looking for Danica’s coat and headed over to Gretchen’s house.

  Gretchen’s house looked like the others on the street…small and rundown. I knocked on the door twice and was about to turn around and leave when the door flew open and Gretchen, still in her pajamas, stood imposingly in the doorway clutching a wet washcloth. She groaned when she saw me.

  “Geez, didn’t I see your face enough last night?” she grumbled as she turned to walk away.

  I took that to mean it was okay to come in. I had a fleeting thought that I should have brought some protection, but I pushed it away as I stepped up into the house and into the cluttered living room.

  Gretchen flopped down onto the sofa and put the washcloth over her face. “Why are you here? Didn’t I make myself clear last night about my feelings toward you?”

  I rolled my eyes and stood next to the couch uncertainly. She didn’t invite me to sit down. “I found a button off a coat, and I thought it might be yours.”

  Gretchen snorted as she lifted the washcloth off her face. “And what? You thought you’d drive all the way into town and give it to me?”

  I shrugged. “I’m making rounds today. I have other people I’m delivering to.”

  I hoped it sounded like others were waiting for me in case she decided to attack me. Although, she looked pretty rough, I’d say I could probably take her if she tried anything. Whatever was in her drink last night was still hanging around with a vengeance today.

  “I can see you aren’t feeling well,” I said, “so if you tell me where your coat is, I’ll just check and see for myself.”

  Gretchen laid the cloth back over her face and stretched out over the coach. “Yeah, well, you’re out of luck. I can’t find my coat.”

  “What? How do you lose a winter coat during winter?”

  Gretchen shrugged. “I can’t find it. End of story. Now if that’s all, I’m sure you can show yourself out.”

  I know it was petty of me, but I shut the front door a little harder than I should have on my way out. I heard Gretchen scream something, but I ignored her as I trudged back to my pickup. I was at a standstill. I had no other choice but to give Jake the button…and wait for him to solve the case.

  The Sheriff’s office was in the next town over inside the courthouse. Seeing as how it was a Saturday and a day before Christmas Eve, I knew chances were good he wouldn’t be there. I yanked out my cell phone, pulled up his contact, and hit send. He picked up on the second ring.

  “Well, Miss Gracie, this is a surprise. What can I do for you?”

  Did he have my number programmed into his phone like I did his?

  “I found something you might be interested in. It’s a button.”

  I could almost hear him frown on the other side of the phone. “Where did you find it?”

  I sighed. “Don’t be mad, but I decided to take a walk down by where the body was dumped to make sure it still looked okay.” I said that last part quickly so he wouldn’t start cursing. “And while I was down there, Miss Claws—that’s Santa’s cat—found a button and started batting it around with her paw.”

  He was quiet for about five seconds. “There’s so much crazy in that statement I don’t know where to start.”

  I sighed again. “Look. Do you want the button or not?”

  “Did you touch it? Are your fingerprints on it?”

  I let out a huff of air. “I’m not an idiot! Of course I didn’t touch it with my bare hands.”

  “Where are you now?” Jake asked.

  “I ran into town to make deliveries. I was going to head back to the farm…unless you want me?”

  I did a mental groan. Why had I just said that?

  I heard Jake chuckle. “Now that’s a loaded question, Gracie. I’m pretty sure I’ve made it abundantly clear these last two years I want you.”

  I gasped. I didn’t know what else to do. Other than to call him a prevaricator. He’d never once in the two years he’d been back made it abundantly clear he had feelings for me…ever.

  “I assume you’re pretty busy a day before Christmas Eve,” Jake said. “Why don’t I meet you out at the farm in about half an hour?”

  I swallowed hard. “Okay. See you then.”

  Chapter 9

  “So tell me one more time how you came to find the button,” Jake said.

  I handed him a cookie as we walked down to where the police tape flapped violently in the wind. “I told you, Miss Claws was batting it around with her paw.”

  “Uh-huh. And did you take the button off the site here?”

  I pursed my lips and thought about what to say.

  “You know I practically grew up in your house,” Jake said. “I know your tells. I know when you’re lying or thinking about lying.”

  I blew out a breath and rolled my eyes. “Fine. I picked it up and took it with me today.”

  Jake reached into his own pocket and withdrew the evidence bag he’d placed the button inside. When we reached the spot where I’d discovered the button, I stepped back and let Jake examine the area further.

  “I don’t really see anything more here,” Jake said. “I’d say the snow melted enough that it uncovered the button. Is that what you think?”

  My eyes widened. Was he asking my opinion? “Yeah, that’s what I think happened. Zane was with me when the button was found, and he and I talked about how the person who dragged the body down here must have either lost it before or after he or she dumped the body since it’s a little way away from where the body was discovered.”

  “Uh-huh. Anything else I need to know?”

  “I don’t think so,” I mumbled.

  Jake reached out and touched my cheek. I forgot how to breathe. “I’ve been thinking that after Christmas and once everything settles down, you and I need to talk.”

  “About what?” I whispered.

  Jake stepped closer to me and drew me up to him. “I think you know about what.” I gasped when Jake leaned his head down and stopped within an inch of my lips. “You’ve been running from me for two years now. It’s time we settle this.”

  I lowered my lashes and all but begged him to kiss me.

  “Hey,” Zane’s voice suddenly called out from the next row over. “Where are you two?”

  We separated like we’d been shot. I was still trying to gain control of my emotions when Jake answered.

  “Over here, Zane.”

  My brother stepped out from between a group of Frasers and jogged over to us. “It’s getting pretty busy up at the pre-cut lot, Gracie. Think you’re about done here?”

  I glanced at my cell phone. It was almost dinner time. We always had a big rush around then.

  “I’ll head up right now.” I turned to Jake but avoided his eyes. “Listen, I don’t know if it means anything, but I went to see Gretchen today about the button.”

  Jake and Zane groaned.

  “Why am I not surprised?” Jake growled.

  “Anyway,” I went on, ignoring their outbursts, “when I asked if I could see her winter coat, she informed me she lost it.”

  They both stared at me.

  “Hello?” I said sarcastically. “Who suddenly loses their winter coat? Don’t you think that’s suspicious?”

  “I’ll look into it,” Jake said. “Anything else?”

  I huffed. “No.”

  I turned to walk away when Jake called out. “Don’t forget, Gracie, you and I need to talk soon. I’ll call you in the morning.”

  I took off like my feet were on fire.


  “I’m so exhausted,” Evie groaned as she lowered herself onto the bench next to me. It was a little after eight and we’d just shut the Christmas tree lot down. “I think I’m getting too old for this.”

  “Ho, ho, ho!” Nic exclaimed as he ambled over to where we were. “Nonsense my dear. Why, I’ve been doing this for so many years I’ve lost count.”

  “Only one more day left,” I said. “Then we can close down for the year.”

  Zane jogged over to where we were all gathered. “I’m going to town to make a couple deliveries.”

  “Be safe,” I said.

  Zane hesitated a moment. “Listen, I might be a little late tonight. I want to stop over by Danica’s house. Jake admitted before he left here this afternoon that he’d be stopping by her house to question her about the button. I’m sure she’ll be upset, so I want to go by and see her.”

  I tried to clamp down on my rising panic. If it came out that Danica was actually the killer and Zane liked her, I didn’t want to think what that would do to the progress he’d made in the few weeks he’d been home. It was obvious this woman touched Zane in a special way. And he barely even knew her.

  “Does Jake consider Danica a main suspect?” Evie asked.

  Zane frowned. “I don’t know. A part of me says yes. But I don’t believe it for a second. She’s a kind, gentle woman who has fallen on some hard times, that’s all.”

  And she’s someone who had a beef with the deceased. Now that Bert was dead, it may be that Danica really doesn’t have to move after the first of the year. Potential homelessness is a pretty good motive to kill someone.

  “Please be careful,” I whispered.

  “I will,” Zane said. “What’s on your agenda?”

  I sighed and looked up at the main house. “I think I’m going to bake some cookies so we have a few fresh batches for tomorrow.”

  Nic chuckled and picked up Miss Claws. “I always knew that Easy Bake Oven would come in handy.”

  Before I could say anything, Nic turned and called goodnight over his shoulder. I swear if I didn’t know better Miss Claws looked back at me over Nic’s shoulder and winked.

  “I really think Nic is Santa Claus!” I exclaimed.

  “Oh brother,” Zane groaned as Evie laughed.

  “I’m serious!” I insisted. “Notice how he always knows certain things about us? Like how did he know I had an Easy Bake Oven?”

  “Every girl at one point had an Easy Bake Oven,” Evie said. “That doesn’t really prove anything.”

  Zane nodded. “But don’t ever lose your excitement for Christmas. I love that about you.”

  We waved goodbye as Zane got into the Chevy and drove away.

  “Want to come up to the house and bake with me?” I asked Evie.

  “Can we have some spiked eggnog?”

  I grinned. “You bet!”

  Chapter 10

  “I told Danica last night she and Dawson could stop by the lot for a little while this morning and hang out,” Zane said as he downed his coffee. “That okay with you?”

  I blinked in surprise. “Of course. Dawson’s a great kid, and I like Danica.”

  Zane grinned. “Me, too.” The smile fell from his face. “But I’m worried about her. She was pretty hysterical when I stopped by last night. She’s really freaked out about being considered a suspect. I guess even after she showed Jake her winter coat and he saw it wasn’t missing a button, he still insisted she come down to the station the day after Christmas to do a more formal interview.”

  I gasped. “Jake must have something on her if he’s bringing her in, right?”

  Zane shrugged. “I don’t think so. She said he’s also bringing in three other suspects for further questioning.”

  “Three?” I asked. “How did he get three other suspects? Because I know of Merle and Gretchen. Who else is a suspect?”

  Had I missed someone?

  Zane snorted and put his cup in the sink. “How the heck should I know. Jake is being tight lipped about all this. Not even the friend card is getting me very far.”

  I glowered at the counter and wondered how to pry information from Jake.

  Zane reached over and tweaked my nose. “By the way, Jake asked me what I thought about him coming around more often and calling on you.”

  My mouth dropped open. “He did what? Why would he do that?”

  “Because we’re good friends and with Dad in Florida I’m kinda the man of the house. Jake wants to make sure everyone is okay with this.”

  “What about me?” I asked snippily. “Isn’t anyone curious how I feel about this?”

  Zane snorted. “You and I both know you’ve been in love with Jake since we were kids.”

  I gasped. “How did you know?”

  “We all knew. Mom, Dad, me, Jake…everyone.”

  My eyes filled with tears, and I could feel my skin starting to burn. Everyone knew? Even Jake? And yet he never made a move to act on it until now?

  “Gracie, you knew he and I wer
e both joining the military straight out of high school. It would have been dumb for him to try and start something with you while he was away and you were still in high school. He needed to wait until you were older.”

  I swiped at the tears starting to fall. “I don’t want to talk about this right now. I’m too overwhelmed by everything else that’s going on. Today is our last day open for the business, we still have a murderer to catch, and you’re finally home after eight years of being gone. I’m too raw to think about Jake.”

  “Fair enough.” Zane grabbed his coat off the peg by the back door. “I’ll go open the gate and let customers know we’re open. See you at the lot.”

  I leaned against the sink counter and inhaled deeply. While a part of me was joyous over the prospect of being with Jake, another part of me was hesitant about opening myself up to even more potential pain. Jake broke my heart once already. Could I learn to trust him again?

  I looked down at my cell phone and frowned. He hadn’t called or texted me like he said he would this morning. Did he already regret what he’d said yesterday?


  “Thanks for letting Dawson and me hang out today,” Danica said. “I’m just too upset to stay home and wait for something else bad to happen.”

  “I understand. And I think Dawson’s a great kid.” I bit my lip. “I think my brother is taken with you both, also.”

  Danica blushed. “I don’t know about that. He’s been awful generous to us, though. I’ll forever be grateful to him for giving Dawson something I couldn’t.”

  I laid my hand on her arm. “You’re wrong about Zane’s feelings. For a few years now, I’ve noticed something about him that’s concerned me. Something I never wanted to say aloud. And that is the boy I loved as a kid grew up to be a great man, but also a hardened soldier. I never thought I’d get the old Zane back. But I’ve noticed small changes in the weeks he’s been back. He smiles and jokes more. I’m thinking it happened the minute he walked into the café and saw you. You did that for him.”


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