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Black Sun Academy: Witch Hunter (Volume Book 1)

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by R. J. Rogers

  Black Sun Academy:

  Witch hunter

  By r.j. rogers

  *** Disclaimer ***

  Cover art was found when typing in Google search: copyright free pictures. I have done my best to confirm as much. I apologize if it is otherwise noted somewhere and will change the cover if need be. Sincerely, R.J. Rogers

  On to happier thoughts. If any are curious as to inspirational music I may have listened to during the writing of this book, I have listed below bands from that have impacted my thought process, emotions and direction my novel took.

  Fated one...

  A prophecy foretold

  The one to save us will not be

  Like we. Destined to see what

  Should be for thee

  Fated to death to set us free.


  Ah, the Black Sun Academy. What can I say? I have spent the last three and a half years of my life schooling and training here. To the outside world our school looks like any other typical University. Red brick structure with white trim where appropriate. A college like campus setting with dorms for students and housing for faculty.

  Within these walls though, lies a secret. This is not your typical high school. Oh no, this is a school that only produces the best of the best-the elite in the witch hunter’s community. Yes, you have read that correctly. Witch hunters!

  From the moment we are born we are taught about witches and how this evil should be eradicated from the world. There are very few academies throughout North America, the academies are more common in the European countries. I’ve been told of 3 in existence. One is in California. Another is situated in the mid-west (possibly Iowa) and the 3rd; which is the one I attend, (Black Sun), is located just outside of Salem, Massachusetts.

  My family personally has ties to the infamous European Witch Craze, which lasted from the 14th century until the early 18th century where it then became taboo to be a witch hunter. Once Witch Hunters were no longer socially acceptable in the English countryside, my family decided to migrate to the ‘New World’ where my ancestors set up a home base in a small town called Nahant, Massachusetts; population 3,500. Of the 3,500 members of our community, 99% are retired, training or currently Hunters. It is very rare for outsiders to stumble upon the town. The one percent that does come across us, are usually retirees whom want nothing more than to be left alone; which is exactly what we do.

  My lineage can be traced back to my great-great, whatever grandfather who was the famous Mathew Hopkins; Witch Finder General. Born during the 1620’s in Great Wenham, Suffolk; England, my grandfather hunted close to 200 witches over the course of three years before laws and restrictions throughout the country began to change. He slowly faded from the lime light but only within the public eye. Amongst our community he was and still is praised for all he accomplished with his stint in history.

  So of course, my family, including me, Alina Hopkins; rank near the top of the social ladder and very high standards have been set for me to achieve within our community. No pressure, right? Luckily, I have always excelled in all activities I have taken on. When graduation rolls around in 8 months, I will also be the highest ranked female witch hunter trainee to have walked through the doors of the Black Sun Academy. Making my family proud!

  Life couldn’t be more perfect. I have the most awesome best friend, Ella. I will be turning 18 soon, graduation just around the corner and parents who love me. What could possibly go wrong… other than EVERYTHING!

  Chapter 1

  Dominic Salvino waits patiently to be addressed by the Circle. The Coven gathering is within the building known as the Church of Covens, the exterior, an abandoned warehouse in appearance to any passersby of human decent but if spelled with the ‘sight to see’, would behold a sight indeed. Beyond the church itself, lies a world all its own. Houses, apartments, places of entertainment, schools, shopping, truly a city hidden from non-magical beings.

  The church where all Circle activities and meetings are held is a sight to see in of its own. The essence of every grand gothic medieval European cathedral; grey stoned, gargoyles perched on high, etc. and where all were awaiting the High Priestess’ voice to sound.

  Dominic had been informed by the High Priestess herself moments prior to the gathering that he would be infiltrating one of the top witch hunter academies to find the one they had been searching for. He was doing his best to keep his excitement in check, for this was his first undercover mission and as the youngest Silver-Heart member at age twenty to be given such an important one, it was the highest of compliments.

  Beyond the heavy oak doors of the entrance were intricately carved wooden pews with engravings of Coven symbols. The pews for the Coven differed from human church pews only slightly because where typical churches just had wooden benches, this place had cushioned benching and backings in cream colored suede leather, soft to the touch and comfortable to sit upon. Where most of those chose to utilize these seats, Dominic opted to sit in a high-backed chair near where the High Priestess stands.

  High Priestess stands upon the pulpit and looks out to the crowd, shrouded in a gown of silky white and an ivory cloak draped over her shoulders; crowned with a silver diadem positioned on the center of her forehead and wrapping around to hook at the back of her head, resting against her silver-white hair. At the center of the diadem, a heart surrounded by a crescent moon and the most amazing moon stone. She is the embodiment of The Goddess Hekate Dominic thought to himself as he admired her from his seat.

  The Silver-Heart Coven all patiently wait to find out why they were summoned at such a late hour. “As we continually strive to find a means to an end for this war that has been waged upon us for centuries; new knowledge of an old legend has come to light. The myth of that of a hunter turned witch, is no longer just a story.” She says, her voice rises a pitch higher in excitement as she finishes her speech.

  Members of the Circle begin to whisper and turning to their neighbors; question among themselves how this could be so. High Priestess raises her hand to quiet everyone. “As you are all aware, we have spies placed throughout the hunters’ organizations and academies whom have been supplying intel on the activities and movements of the Hunter’s association for decades. Unbeknownst to the hunters’, there has been an active undercurrent of magic flowing through one of their schools called the Black Sun Academy. We are nearly certain this is where our Savior will be found.

  There are a handful of students who will turn 18 between all Hallo’s Eve and the Winter Solstice who currently attend this particular academy which has helped narrow our search of the ‘One’ immensely. One of these are the one causing the spikes in magic readings our empath team have been feeling in the area. It will henceforth be Dominic’s job to remove the child before their full power is revealed.

  High Priestess turns her full attention to Dominic and as she does so, he stands up out of respect before she speaks. “Do you accept this mission, Dominic Salvino?” Her amber eyes look like a pool of liquid gold as they pierce Dominic’s very soul while trying to convey the urgency of the task that is set before him.

  Bowing his head, his pitch-black hair falling across his forehead and into his eyes as he does so; cordially accepting the job. “It will be my honor,” he announces for all of the Coven to hear and then turns back to High Priestess and bows.

  Chapter 2

  “I’m beyond excited Ella”, I squeak to my best friend. She squeals too, her sandy-blonde natural-wavy hair, bouncing as we jump up and down. At this moment we are standing in the middle of the courtyard of the Black Sun Academy, enjoying what is probably the last warm autumn day of th
e year with blue skies above, you know the type; those type of clouds that look like cotton candy and trees surrounding us with an array of colorful leaves.

  When I stand next to her as I currently am, I cringe. I despise the fact that I tower over her. I want to be as tiny and pixie cute as she is. Her five foot four, impish frame compared to my five-foot eight ginormous height makes me sick. I can’t stand being a giant! Of course, she complains just as much about being “short”. So inevitably, we are the perfect pair, besties for life.

  “I can’t believe you’re turning 18 in five days, Alina! It’s so unfair.” She whines, pouting dramatically.

  I scoff; “Oh, hush. You literally turn 18 three weeks after me,” I state as I playfully push her.

  “I know, but my birthday isn’t on Halloween”, she exclaims like we celebrate the holiday. I can’t help but roll my eyes at her. “Well at least you’re throwing a kick-butt party, Ali. I can’t wait to pick up my costume.”

  “You mean you’ve finally made a decision. I don’t believe it!” I say with mock surprise in my voice, I personally have had mine since August, but she doesn’t need to know that. “So, what you gonna be?”

  Smiling slyly, she says in hushed words; “the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz.”

  My mouth falls open and my eyes go wide; “You are not!” I say exclaim, shocked. My eyes are nearly bulging out of their sockets because of her claim. “Are you trying to get kicked out of the Academy Ella? Are you crazy? You can’t dress up like a witch unless you’re wanting the Association to burn you at the stake!”

  “O.M., Gosh, Ali. Chill out. I was joking.” She shakes her head, piercing honey-gold eyes staring at me like I am the mental one. I sigh in relief.

  “You totally had me for a minute, El.”

  She offers a smile and then laughing adds; “I’m going to your party as Dorothy. Do you think I can get Joey to dress up as Toto?”

  I laugh as I picture her straight edged, blond haired, blue eyed, all-American boyfriend dressed up like a dog. Scrunching up my button shaped nose, (as my father describes it) I say; “Nah, you should totally get him to dress up like the Scarecrow. You know lack of brains and all…”, it takes a second for my words to sink in but then they do, she shoves me hard in the shoulder; “hey, that’s not funny” she states even though she is laughing as hard as I am.

  “Come on babes,” I say as I hook her arm with mine; “let’s go to the Café and get some lunch.”

  We continue to giggle as we cross the courtyard, over Main street to our favorite spot; The Corner Café. Appropriately named so, since it literally sits on the corner of our busiest streets, Main and High. We fling the glass door open and the tiny brass bell rattles obnoxiously above our heads. Ella skips off to the counter where her boyfriend is taking orders.

  Our favorite spot to sit is vacant so I take one of the seats, an old-fashioned, blue painted soda-shop style chair, while I wait for Ella to join me. I gaze out the window, people watching for a moment until my attention is drawn back to Ella and Joey, due to their laughter. For a split second a flash of jealousy consumes me while I watch the love-birds enviously. I want what they have. To be in love, sharing secret smiles with one another, to be loved by someone other than my parents.

  Resting my chin upon my hand I sigh, close my eyes and let daydreams dance across my mind. I hear Ella flop down on the seat across from me still laughing at something Joey must have said beforehand. “Alina. Are you asleep?”

  Cracking my left eye open a bit, I peek at her and smile; “Ugh, no but thanks for ruining my daydream!”

  “O.K., anyway… here’s your Chi Tie tea drink, thingy.”

  “Hey,” I exclaim; “don’t make fun of my green tea goodness!” Just then my cell vibrates half way across the table before I can grab it. “Crap. I didn’t realize it was so late. Mother just text asking where I am. I’m supposed to have dinner with them tonight.” I stand and pick up my drink from the table, take a sip from the pink striped straw and then ask, “you going to walk back with me? Or am I once again making the trek by myself?”

  Honestly, I already know her answer but I love giving El a hard time. Ella grins, “I’m going to hang out here with Joey for a while. I’ll meet up with you before class tomorrow though.” I nod, wave goodbye and make my way back to the dorm room, so I can get ready for dinner with the parents.


  Log of events; evening of October 25th: Current mission, to acquire access to the target and bring them back to the Circle before the hunters realize one of their own isn’t like them.

  Dominic arrives late in the night to the Academy and is met by his liaison. He is then shown to his living-quarters. They speak briefly, and then his associate hands him a piece of paper that has the four potential students’ names listed so that Dominic knew whom to keep an eye out for.

  As he tosses his belongings on to his bed, he takes a deep breath in, trying to calm his nerves. “This ‘apartment’ isn’t much to look at that’s for sure,” he says out loud to himself. There’s a private bath, which he is most thankful for; not being a big fan of sharing bathrooms with others. The room itself has a simple brown 4 drawer dresser, a night stand with one lamp upon it, a twin-size bed off in one corner and a little nook that is considered the kitchen. This is my life for the next, however many months I will be stuck here, I suppose. Dominic thought as he circled the room with his eyes once more.

  Glancing at his watch, he is shocked to see that it is well past midnight. He rummages through his bag, grabs his phone charger, plugs it in and then crawls into bed himself.


  Swearing a curse word or two, six a.m. had bestowed itself upon him way to soon, he groans as his alarm chimes annoyingly in his ear. Rolling over to shut it off, it takes a moment for him to orient himself to his surroundings before realization hits and he jumps out of bed.

  Shocked that he was able to sleep so soundly in such a new atmosphere, he realizes he has less than twenty minutes to get ready, find the combat room and meet the instructor that he will be pretending to shadow while he acquaints himself with the students in hopes of locating The One.

  Chapter 3

  October 26th brings Monday upon us way to fast and before we know it, Ella and I find ourselves heading over to the training room for our elite combat class. As we slowly make our way across campus from the dorms to the class, a stranger, mind you a very hot stranger, but stranger none-the-less comes up to us asking where he can find a Jason Handler. Odd, Jason is our combatant instructor; all the students refer to him as Jay though. As I go to explain where this stranger could probably find Jay in his office, the guy and I lock eyes and I feel like I know him somehow.

  He and I stare at each other, lost in a world all our own for a brief moment before I am pulled from my daze by Ella tugging on my arm. “Come on Ali, let’s get to class so we can get a decent spot on the floor. She pulls me along until we enter the training room. My second home consists of a very large, wide open space with blue colored gym mats covering every inch of the floor and practice weapons hung along three of the walls, all of us are sporting all white Karategi uniforms. Currently we are waiting the arrival of our instructor with the other 13 students who are in top ranking with us.

  Patiently we wait for like, one whole minute before we begin questioning Instructor Jay’s delay. Seriously he is never late! I think to myself. El jabs me in the ribs with her elbow trying to get my attention. “Ow,” I whisper loudly as I grab my left side. She chuckles at me just as we start to voice our thoughts out loud, the classroom door is thrown open and he finally strolls in. However, he is not alone, and everyone takes notice.

  Jay stands at about 5’9 and is just a few years older than the students he teaches. Someone told me at the beginning of the school year that Jay had just turned twenty-three. He has been out of the Academy for just a few years, but he has mastered the arts of combat fighting and rightly deserves the teaching position.

  “Hey eve
ryone, sorry I’m late,” Jay says as he slings his gym bag off into a corner of the room. The not so quiet whispers begin to swarm immediately as the other students and I gaze upon his follower. It’s the stranger that spoke with Ella and I outside. More often than not, Jay tends to be absent-minded; this very moment is a great example of his forgetfulness.

  “Oh yeah,” he adds, glancing up to the sound of our voices; as though he had completely forgotten that someone followed him into the room. “This is Dominic Salvino. He will be shadowing me the rest of the school year so that he will be able to take over as instructor the following year here.”

  As my eyes meet Dominic’s, that weird sensation strikes me again, I know this guy! But this is impossible because other than right outside of the class room, I have never seen this guy before in my life and yet I feel a sort of lifeline connecting me to him, a chord I can almost see.

  As Jay finishes speaking we all begin to question why there will be a new Instructor. He holds his hand up to stop us from chattering before saying, “I’m going to be working in the field come summer, probably with a few of you seniors; so, I have to ready my replacement.” Jay’s eyes travel over all of us as he smiles and then all of our eyes shift to Dominic once more.

  Dominic lifts his hand in a shy, nervous sort of wave, sharing the most adorable dimpled grin I have ever seen. As I look around the room, I take note that all the girls agree with me. “Hey everyone, I know Instructor Jay introduced me as Dominic; which is my given name, but I would much rather prefer to go by Nic.” His beautiful sky-blue eyes continue to hold his smile even after it has faded from his lips. I swear the girls as a collective whole (including me), sigh simultaneously in appreciation of his gorgeousness. The dimples which were a by-product of said smile, have all of us melting where we sit.

  The sound of Instructor Jay’s hands clapping together sort of jars us out of our daydream state, making us all jump. “Alright, since we have Nic here everyone can be teamed up evenly and I can actually observe you all for a change.” Jay looks around at our group before continuing; “Okay everyone, go ahead and grab a partner; begin your sparing routine.”


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