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Black Sun Academy: Witch Hunter (Volume Book 1)

Page 13

by R. J. Rogers

  I will say, curiosity has my fingers making their way to the corner so that I am able to open the leather cover. A sigh of relief escapes my lips as I open the book, and nothing happens. My body relaxes, releasing the apprehension that was coursing through me. Jean gives me a nod of encouragement and I begin to flip through the pages. Nearly a hundred pages in and I’ve not come across anything that looks remotely close to the writing from High Priestess’ copy. Trying my hardest not to get discouraged, I continue turning. Page after page as though it is a story that has no end.

  “There. That page there Ali.” I hear Nic state from behind my left shoulder. Looking at the page I can see that the hand writing appears to be similar to that from the other book and begin to read:

  This prophecy which was given to me through vision by the first of our kind, Hecate herself is a foretelling of a future I will not live to see. It is of utmost importance and was demanded my hand by thy loving Goddess to be put to paper ~ A prophecy foretold,

  The one to save us will

  Not be like we, yet doused

  In history.

  Destined to see what should

  Be. Fated to death to set us free.

  These are all words I’ve seen before and feel slightly depressed but as I continue to read I notice there is a second portion to this prophecy that is not in the book High Priestess keeps:

  Yet should there be love truly matched,

  There will be no catch. For the giving of

  Three drops light and three drops dark.

  Will bring about the singing Lark.

  The bonded soul ignites the sight and

  The flow of the blue-white light.

  In the end it will not be friend but foe

  To unite the heart~

  Dare I hope? Is this the alternative answer I’ve been praying for? “I just knew my death couldn’t be the only way to end the war between our people!”

  “But what does it all mean exactly?” I hear Chris ask. Devon chimes in with, “Yeah, what does drops of dark and drops of light mean?”

  My brain is beyond overwhelmed at this moment to try and process any meaning behind it. I’m just elated that there could be something besides death. I look to Dominic, “could you take me home?” He says he will and then I ask Jean, “may I leave the book with you? This way I know where it is and will be kept safe.”

  “Of course, my darling.” She chuckles and then is literally shooing me out the door. I’m pretty sure she can see the exhaustion written all over my face. “Dom, get this poor girl to bed before she passes out on us!”

  Nic gives her a salute, she swats him on the shoulder. I can still see the smile in her eyes, so I know she heeds him no mind and then he is whisking me out the door.


  “Close your eyes, focus on the power building up from within you. Now, push with your mind!” Jessica states sternly about one hundred yards away from me. I really need to question someone as to why she is the one tasked to help me harness this magic of mine. I clench my jaw but close my eyes and try to do as she has asked. I hate to admit it, but I can actually feel something start to build up inside me and it wants released.

  Raising my arms, I open my eyes, so I can see my intended target and then I push with everything I’ve got, this energy outwards aiming for a water barrel that is placed near Jessica. I don’t achieve my goal exactly because I was supposed to knock the barrel over but added bonus; I made the thing explode and water erupted from it, drenching Jessica. I try to hide my laughter but it’s just too damn funny!

  “You bitch! You did that on purpose.” She storms up to me as she’s shouting. I look at her in shock. How the hell could I do that on purpose, I mean I’m not upset that she is standing in front of me looking like a drowned rat, but I so don’t have control over my abilities yet, that was just pure luck. I mean that was just an accident.

  “Um, okay. Could you tell me how I did that on purpose, so I can do it again then?” My defense mechanism is sarcasm and yes, it totally gets me in trouble sometimes. She glares at me with so much hatred in her eyes that I finally break. “Seriously dude, what have I done to you? You mean-mug me every chance you get. When you’re not doing that you’re glaring at me or saying snide remarks and I’ve literally done nothing to you!”

  I can feel the hatred pouring off of her as she stands in front of me, seething with rage. “I do not like you and I definitely don’t trust you and I simply just don’t want you here, you hunter scum!”

  I step back from her stunned by what she states. “Excuse me! I may have been a hunter, but I was born one. It wasn’t something I chose to be. Neither was me transforming into a witch, something I wanted to happen. My life at the Academy was a happy one. I can’t help that Dominic walked into it and threw everything I knew about the world out the window! I can’t help that fate decided I should be your ‘savior’, nor can I help the fact that Nic and I are soul mates.” My blood is boiling and as I look to my clenched fists I see that my arms are engulfed in my blue-white flame, wanting me to unleash it and lash out at her. “So why don’t you take your nasty attitude and jealousy and take a hike,” I yell back at her.

  Jessica turns on her heel in a huff and stomps off in the opposite direction of where I’m standing, and I feel like I will combust if I don’t release the energy swirling around inside me. My eyes reflect the flames on my arms as I lift them in front of me once more. Locating what is left of the water barrel, I focus everything I’ve got and with every ounce of my being, push. Releasing all the pent-up frustration and rage coiling within me, I obliterate the barrel.

  Someone whistles behind me. I turn to see Nic walking up to me. “Remind me not to get on your bad side.” He says with a grin. I try to smile back but it takes to much effort, so I just look at him. “What’s wrong? What happened? I passed Jessica on my way over here and she was shooting daggers at me with her eyes.”

  Slumping into his arms, I pretty much force him to wrap his arms around me. He senses that I am not in a good mood as he does this and tightens his grip around me, hugging me close to him. “That girl Jessica, she hates me just to hate. I accidentally made the barrel of water explode causing water to splash all over her and she thinks I did it on purpose.”

  “Ha, ha, ha, that’s why she was soaking wet when she passed me?” Nic is doubled over in laughter.

  “It’s not funny!” But the more I think about it and the shocked expression that was on her face, the funnier I realize the situation truly was and begin to laugh as well. “Okay, it might have been a little funny,” I try to say matter-of-factly. Dominic stands up right and tries to compose himself. Try as he might though, he can’t seem to keep from smiling. “Seriously, stoooooop!” I say pushing at him. “However funny it may have been, it truly was accidental.”

  He kisses me, but I can still see the smile in his eyes. “I believe you, babe.” Sometimes I really wish I could have mastered my mother’s icy glare because I’d so be giving it to him now. “What brings you out here anyway?” I ask curiously. “Or are you just checking up on me?”

  “No, actually I was coming to see if you were done with your training lesson. I thought you and I could go visit with gran and see if the three of us together might be able to decipher the second half of that prophecy.”

  “Yeah sure, but first, can we get a bite to eat? I’m starving.”

  He laughs at me, “when aren’t you?”


  “Oh good, I was hoping you two would stop by today.” Grandma Jean smiles as she finishes pouring herself a cup of coffee and looks to us as we enter her kitchen. “Would you guys like something to drink? There’s tea, cider, and coffee.”

  Our last visit didn’t allow me much time to look around her home, so I take the time now. Her kitchen is fashioned in the 1950’s style decor. Pink and white tile decorate the majority of her kitchen. The cabinets are light tan with silver nobs and handles and she even has a pearl blue Frigidaire. I can so picture h
er in a checkered apron, running around putting dinner together in her youth.

  “Um, I wouldn’t mind some cider,” I respond absent-mindedly as I continue to look around the room. Dominic says the same and Jean looks at him like, ‘are your arms broken?’

  “Well, you know where the cups are boy. Get you and Alina a glass and pour you guys some.” I snicker, I love this woman! Nic looks at me, raising an eyebrow and I duck my head, trying to hide my smile. “Alright dear, while he is getting your drinks, you can come with me while I retrieve that lovely book.” I nod and follow her into a room that I guess would be called a den. There is a couch and arm chair in the room but what I notice right away are the walls lined with books. “Oh my gosh, when we are done dealing with this prophecy stuff, I am so raiding your library!”

  As I continue looking around the room, I see Jean walk over to a portrait hanging on the one wall not shelved with books. The picture is a painting of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She is dressed in a white sheath and looks like a Greek Goddess. “Who is that?” I ask in awe.

  “This is our ‘Mother’, mother Hekate. She is the very first of our kind. The one true witch.” As Jean speaks though, she places a hand on the bottom corner of the frame and I hear a click before the photo swings slowly open. My mouth falls open in surprise. I hear a few beeps and then another door is opened. She has a hidden safe! This lady is awesome. “Ah, here we go.” Jean eases The Book of History out of its hiding place before turning back to me.

  “Should we go check on Dom and see what has happened to him?” I grin at her and nod that we should. We make our way back to the kitchen to see him sitting at the kitchen table sipping on his drink.

  Gathering around the table, grandma puts the book on it and then she and I each take a seat as well. Jean flips to the portion we need and reads the words out loud to us again:

  “Yet should there be love truly matched,

  There will be no catch. For the giving of

  Three drops light and three drops dark.

  Will bring about the singing Lark.

  The bonded soul ignites the sight and

  The flow of the blue-white light.

  In the end it will not be friend but foe

  To unite the heart.”

  “So, we are definitely sure the first have of the prophecy is about me.” I say as I look back and forth between Nic and Jean. “The second half here makes it sound like there is supposed to be another person involved, don’t you think?”

  “But who else could possibly be connected to this?” Dominic asks incredulously.

  “Let’s take a closer look, shall we?” Grandma says as she pulls the book a bit closer to her. “Is there anything that catches your eyes? Similar words?”

  I can see Nic thinking hard, contemplating each word but I’ve already realized what Jean is referring to. My face lights up with excitement as I pound on Nic’s arm. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! The second half of the prophecy is about you Nic! Well, about both of us but you are the other person.” Jean is beaming at me with pride as I speak.

  “Well done dear. Because of you guys having found each other and the soul mate bond is tethering you two together, your combined powers will be the balance needed to end the turmoil between everyone without death getting involved.”

  I squeak my excitement, “I knew there would be away for me to avoid dying! But how will us being together prevent the war I keep seeing when I dream?”

  Jean thinks for a moment before saying, “let me take this new information to High Priestess and the rest of the circle. Maybe we will be able to figure out the rest of the prophecy and meaning of the other words written.” I chew on my bottom lip for a second before looking to Dominic, curious on his thoughts.

  “I say two heads are better than one and if grandma thinks that the circle could sort out the answers we need, then she should totally do it.”

  Agreeing with him I reach my hand out to his, which he squeezes lovingly and then ask if he would be able to take me back to my apartment since there isn’t anything further we are able to do at this time.


  “LISTEN!” The president of the Association’s voice echoed off of the walls of the auditorium as he shouts out to the crowd. The gavel in his hand having little effect on getting everyone in the room to quiet down. Standing behind a podium up on the stage, he waits on the verge of impatience for silence to descend before he speaks again.

  Ella looked around her as she waited for him to speak as well. While looking, she realized that not only just Academy students were in attendance but in fact the entire town were sitting amongst her. Her lips formed an ‘oh’ before she leaned over to her boyfriend Joey and asked; “what do you think’s going on?” Before he could respond though, the president began to speak once more.

  “As most of you are aware by now, one of our own has gone rogue.” Whispers begin immediately at this statement, but he continues on; “Alina Hopkins has been gone for two and a half weeks now and we are finally acquiring intel on her whereabouts. On October 31st, during her birthday party, she and Mr. Dominic Salvino planned and executed her disappearance. From that moment on we have done everything within our power to locate her so that we may be able to bring her back to stand trial for her wrong doings and partnering up with the enemy. She will be held accountable for her actions, make no mistake about that. Let this be a lesson to all, it does not matter who you are, punishment will be given, and she will be dealt with in accordance to our laws. There is no such thing as sympathy for evil!”

  Shocked, Ella looks around the room until she sees Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins. Desperately she wants to go to them but as she stands she is frozen mid step by the look upon Mrs. Hopkins face. Beth’s face is contorted with rage and hatred for Alina. Her own daughter! Ella thought, appalled. Looking next to Beth, Ella could see that James did not hold the same hostility towards Ali. His once handsome and confident demeanor now looked broken and worn. He looked tired and thinner than when she had seen him at Al’s party. Now more than anything she felt the need to run up and hug him. On second thought, I better not, I don’t need unwanted attention my way…

  Ella is pulled from her thoughts as the president is still speaking. “Now is the time for action. All willing, able-bodied hunters are to meet back here tomorrow. We have narrowed the Silver-Heart Coven’s location to an area in Cape Cod and therefore are planning a search and ‘rescue’ so we will need all hands-on deck.”

  Ha, what a joke. Rescue my butt. More like search and torture! I’ve got to figure out a way to find Alina first. I’ve got to warn her! Ella let her mind wander while contemplating what she could do. Light caught her attention and she looked over to one of the emergency exist just in time to see Ms. Harris slip out. “I wonder what she’s up to?” She whispered loudly to herself. Standing but not up right fully, she decided to follow Ms. H. to see where she was sneaking off to. Ella made her way around to the back side of the Grand Hall before overhearing Ms. H’s voice.

  “We’ve got a bit of a situation,” she heard Ms. H. say. It took Ella a moment to realize that Ms. H. was talking to someone on her cell phone. “They’ve got the Coven’s location. It will only be a matter of time before they attack. Yes, but what about Alina? She isn’t ready yet. No, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop them without help. Okay, I will keep my phone near.”

  Hearing the call end, Ella decided to make her presence known. “Ms. H., who were you talking to?”

  “Oh my, you scared me Ella. I, uh, oh that was nothing to worry yourself about, dear.”

  “Yeah, so not buying that story Ms. H. I heard you, and you were talking to someone about Ali. Do you know where she is? Is she okay?”

  Ms. H. grimaces at Ella’s words. “Um, you heard that huh? Yes, I know where Alina is, and I was letting the people she has been staying with know that she and everyone with her could be in danger. They have asked if I could do anything to stall the Hunter’s movements, so they can mak
e plans of defense to protect Alina.”

  “But Ali is currently alright? Can I see her, talk to her?” Ms. H. shakes her head at Ella saying it won’t be possible until she can think of a way to stop the Association from attacking the Coven.

  “Hmm, I think we should talk to Mr. Hopkins. He was devasted when they were talking about Al. He looked like all he wanted to do was find her and protect her himself. Unlike Mrs. Hopkins, god if that woman isn’t evil incarnate.” With that stated, a visible shiver travels though Ella’s body.

  “Do you think so? I don’t know who else I could get to help me. But I can’t have him turning me in as a traitor either.”

  “Well I will help you. Alina is like my sister and I would never let anything harm her. I will go speak with Mr. Hopkins myself if need be,” Ella exclaims eager and willing to assist in whatever way possible.


  Dominic and I are lounging on his couch in his parents’ house with Chris and Devon occupying the chairs that are sat around the living room. We are trying to agree on a movie to watch on their 55-inch flat screen when Lisa Salvino comes dashing into the room, panic written all over her face. “Mom, what’s wrong?” Nic asks as he jumps up from the couch. As my head was resting on his lap, his movement has my head suddenly flopping on the cushion he has just vacated.

  I scramble to right myself, so I can look at Mrs. Salvino. Panic feels like it is flowing off of her in waves. “Oh my gosh,” I say as I look at her, “what’s going on?”

  “Th-the,” she stutters, “it’s the Association! They’ve found our location. We are going on lock down until the High Priestess and the Coven can figure out what we should do next.” Lisa says in a rush of words, wrapping her hands around each other nervously. “I wish your father was home!”

  “What do you want us to do mom?” Devon questions as he makes his way over to his mother.

  “I don’t know, I just don’t know,” she says twisting her hands around each other. An idea hits her just then and she looks back at Devon. “Would you go pick up Grandma Jean? Bring her to the house? And Dom, would you take Alina back to her apartment? Pack some stuff and then bring her back here? I don’t want either of them left alone during this crisis.” Nodding his head, Devon walks over to where they keep their car keys, grabs a set and heads out the door. No questions asked.


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