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Legend Of The Sparks

Page 19

by Ophelia Dickerson

  “Get the powder.”

  Powder? Now what were they going to do to him? He watched as Benu walked naked and lithe as a cat around the curtain. A moment later she reappeared with a water bottle and something else in her hand. She dumped most the contents of the bottle, only leaving a small amount, and poured the contents from a small baggie into the bottle then shook it up.

  “Here, drink this.” Benu sat beside him, offering the mixture in the bottle. He glared back at her. She put the bottle to his lips, he allowed some in, then spat it back out at her. His reward was a swift kick in the ribs by Phoenix. Ray groaned.

  Benu straddled his chest, naked, her knees on his shoulders, a delicate hand pinched his nose shut forcing his mouth open. She poured the remaining concoction into his mouth despite his efforts at turning his head. He tried to hold his breath as long as he could and not swallow, but Benu was patient. He choked and gagged as the strange tasting liquid went down his throat.

  Benu stayed seated on him, waiting. What was she waiting for? He glared at her. She smiled back serenely. He would make this bitch pay if it was the last thing he did. Bracing his shoulders he went to throw her off, but before he could, he was hit with such a strange sensation that he paused instead. His head was buzzing. He felt like he was floating. A small fire of desire started in the pit of his stomach. His skin tingled. He wanted to be touched.

  “He’s ready.” Was that Phoenix’s voice?

  The weight on his chest lifted. He was so light and happy. Something touched his cock. It felt good. It was warm and inviting. He had a happy little cock. It twitched and bounced. It was ready to play. He heard his heart beating faster in his ears as he stared at the ceiling wondering if he reached up, could he touch it?

  A weight was bouncing up and down on his hips, in a good way. It felt good to his happy little cock. It was being stroked with something warm and wet. He looked to see what it might be. Long dark hair fell across the face, but the perfectly round boobs were bouncing in a nice rhythm, up and down, up and down. Benu? Was that Benu on his cock? She felt so good. She shouldn’t be doing that. Why shouldn’t she be doing that? He didn’t know. Just something far back out of reach in his mind told him she shouldn’t be there. He tried to speak and tell her she shouldn’t, but nothing came out when he tried to move his mouth.

  The room began to spin slowly, lazily. He watched as the walls slowly began to move and followed them up to the ceiling. What a strange ceiling. It was so dark and uneven.

  Oh, his cock was feeling so good. He closed his eyes to block out the spinning room and let the pleasure his cock was feeling romp through his body. If whatever it was on it wasn’t careful, he was going to explode. He tried to reach up to get it to stop, but his arms felt like leaden weights.

  And then he burst. His cock erupted in a glorious explosion of delight. Then everything went black.

  Chapter 18

  Darkness began to close in on her. It wasn’t the sleep kind of dark. It was the kind of dark where you were aware of the dark and it was coming after you, trying to take something from you. Its fingers reached out and touched her. She pushed it away, but it came back. She pushed again, but it wouldn’t leave.

  Icy tendrils seeped into her heart slowing it. The same icy fingers reached into her lungs and plucked at the oxygen, picking one tiny piece at a time, leaving her struggling to breathe. Her skin crawled with fear. She tried to fight it, but it surrounded her, it touched her soul leaving a cold, stark fear in its wake. She had no sense of time or space. She fought and fought, but resistance was useless. The darkness was slowly claiming her. She fought anyway pushing back.

  She hung there gasping for breath for an eternity. Suddenly, the darkness retracted. Its icy fingers left her weak and exhausted. She gasped for breath. Sweet oxygen began to fill her lungs, but she was just so tired she couldn’t move. Fighting the darkness had worn her out. She drifted off into a troubled sleep.

  Waking with a start, she opened her eyes grateful not to be in the darkness anymore. A low light flickered from somewhere nearby. Her eyes were still heavy with exhaustion, but she was too scared to let sleep claim her again. She turned her head to the side towards the light. Moving any other part of her body seemed like too big a task.

  Two people were naked near the fire. She blinked. They both had dark hair. The girl was half the size of the man. She blinked again. Phoenix? He was having sex with some other girl. She blinked again. Sparks were flying from them both much the same at they had from her and Ray. He was a Sparker? That wasn’t right. He had brown eyes. And who was she? Why was she herself laying on the floor watching them fuck?

  She had more questions than she had answers. She fought the exhaustion trying to claim her again. The sight in front of her helped, even if she tried she couldn’t quite tear her eyes from watching. Then she noticed another body across the fire. It was unmoving. Was someone else watching too? Where was she? Her eyes pressed closed. She forced them open, refusing to let the darkness come back.

  The rock walls looked familiar. The cave where Phoenix camped? The haziness of her hard fought battle was fading. Why had Phoenix brought her here just to screw another woman? It didn’t make sense.

  Groaning noises reached her ears as the sparks around the two figures increased. At last they stilled. Somebody was finished. The weight of her eyes was too much. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t open them again. But this time she didn’t drift off to sleep immediately. She heard the voices and strained to hear what they said.

  “Did it work?” It was the girl’s voice.

  “I don’t think so. There was supposed to be some kind of blue halo that engulfed us,” Phoenix said.

  “Shit. Seriously? After all that and we still can’t shift into animals?”

  “Let me try.” There was a minute of silence. Sleep threatened. Becky Sue tried pushing it away, wanting to know what happened. “Nope. Still can’t do it.”

  “Damn. Now what?”

  “We have to go after more Sparkers,” was the last thing she heard before the sleep of the exhausted claimed her.


  It was cold. He was freezing. He reached for his blanket to pull around him, but nothing was there. His head was pounding and felt like a fifteen pound bowling ball. Blindly he patted around him, trying to find his cover. All he felt was cold floor. No wonder he was cold, somehow he’d come to sleep on the floor.

  He cracked an eye open to crawl back in bed. Something was off. This wasn’t the cabin or his room at his parents. With a moment of clarity, everything came tumbling back to him. Benu. Phoenix. Becky Sue.

  Becky Sue! Ray pushed himself up on an elbow and opened his eyes a little more. A hammer cracked in his head. The fire had burned out. Grey light was coming from the cave opening leaving most of everything in the shadows. The blanket Phoenix had covered him with was lying a few feet away. He reached for it with shaking hand. That’s when he saw her. Becky Sue was still there.

  He felt weak and drained as he tried to stand. His head was splitting so he grabbed the blanket and crawled on all fours to Becky Sue. He wrapped the blanket around them both, curling up to her trying to share what body heat either may have, before passing back out again.


  Her eyes fluttered open. Bright light hit them. She snapped them shut and tried to open them more slowly. A heavy weight was across her stomach. A small wave of warmth came from her side. She was feeling more awake now. Almost rested. The weird visions and nightmares of the night still danced in her head.

  Ray was lying next to her, his arm across her. Where had he come from? She didn’t remember seeing him anywhere in the long night. Then she remembered the other body across the fire from her. Had that been Ray?

  She pushed his arm off her and sat up. He moaned and reached out for her again. His hand caught her foot and he stopped moving. What was going on? What had she missed?

  The curtain was missing from the back wall. Some stray things were strewn abo
ut, but it looked as if Phoenix had cleared out after his little escapade last night. It was a good thing, because she was tempted to give him a piece of her mind before she punched his lights out. What kind of crap date gives you a date rap drug only to let you wake up to see him screwing another girl? Wait, had he raped her her while she was unconscious?

  She was still clothed. Her panties were intact. She didn’t feel wet and nasty. Maybe she hadn’t been drugged, but then why had she passed out and not known what happened?

  Ray stirred beside her again. He moaned as his eyelids flickered struggling with the light. That’s when she noticed he wasn’t wearing a shirt. How had he gotten here? Why was he shirtless? He had to be cold. His face looked worn and rough. Two day old stubble covered his face. Unconsciously she reached out a hand and stroked his head, the short military cut had softened in the time he’d been in town as it grew out. She’d never seen him look more vulnerable than he did right then, hand on her foot like he was cleaving to a handhold hanging over a cliff, dark circles around his eyes, hair slightly askew, unshaven, at least half naked.

  “Are you alright?” He croaked out in a rough voice.

  “I think so. What about you?”

  “I feel like death.”

  Images and feelings from wrestling the dark most the night came back vividly to her mind. “Don’t say that. I think we walked a narrow trail past it last night.”


  His eyes had finally adjusted to the light, but the pounding in his head was still there. The only way he was going to move was if he had to. “You don’t know the half of it.”

  “We’re you awake the whole night? What happened? I only had brief moments of consciousness.”

  “I was awake most of it.” He paused as he took in the emptied cave. “I think.”

  “Tell me about it. The last thing I remember was getting in the truck with Phoenix and falling asleep.”

  Her voice changed when she said Phoenix, enough to let him know she knew something wasn’t right. How could he tell her how bad he really was though? And Benu? How could he tell her that another woman had him after drugging him? How could he tell her that even though he himself was a big strong guy, he’d let those two get the best of him? Robbed him of his power… and hers?

  His head spun and tipped crazily. A hammer pounded in the back. “My head hurts.”

  “What happened to it?”

  “They drugged me.” He wrapped the blanket up tighter around him, despite the sun warming the day, the cold rock under him and the thoughts of the night events left him with a deep chill.

  “They drugged you?” She asked incredulously, her blue eyes growing large. He met her gaze and held it. In that single look, he begged forgiveness, willed her hurt away, promised they’d find the strength together to survive. “Who’s they exactly? Why did they do that?”

  He looked away, partly because his head was pounding so hard, it felt as if it would fall from his shoulders at any minute, partly because it made him sick to think about it. “It’s a long story. Is there any water left in here or a way to get any?” His mouth was cotton, dry, scratchy, and rough.

  Becky Sue walked around the cave and through the camp debris that’d been left behind returning with a bottle of water.

  “Thanks.” He hesitated as he took it from her, checking to see if the seal had been broken, the visual of Benu dumping the water and pouring the contents of the rest in his mouth danced through his mind. His stomach recoiled. He guzzled over half before he stopped. “Do you need a drink?”

  She accepted the bottle, took a small sip, and handed it back.

  “Is that enough?”

  “I’m good.” She watched as he downed the rest of the bottle. For a second he thought he was going to puke as the nausea returned with vigor. He focused on breathing steady and it went away, leaving only the pounding in his head to deal with. He sat up slowly, making sure the blanket stayed wrapped around his lower half.

  “Got caught with your pants down, huh?” Her smiled cocked to one side. She was trying to be funny in light of their situation. He might’ve laughed at himself had he not known the truth.

  “Some days I don’t like you.”

  She laughed out right. The sound was music to his ears, despite the hammer in his head. It gave him a spark of hope and a tweak of motivation to get going.

  “Are you really naked?”

  He nodded. She put her hand over her mouth, but he could see her shoulders shaking with laughter.

  “I was flying around as a crow when I saw you and came to try to help. As you can see it didn’t work.” She stopped laughing, her expression serious again.

  “Tell me Ray, I have to know. All jokes aside. What happened? I was only awake for a few moments.”

  He plucked at invisible lint on the blanket. “I’m not sure if you’re ready to hear all of it yet.”

  She knelt down in front of him, leaning in where he had no alternative than to look her in the eye. “I have to know. Tell me. You’re not laying in here naked for not reason.”

  He exhaled, dreading the words he must speak, all the while the hammer banged away in his head. “When I left you yesterday I went out to the crime scene in shifted form. I stayed until they wrapped up. When I got back to the cabin I saw Benu, that girl you saw me talking to the other day, which also happens to be Phoenix’s sister, came up and broke into the cabin. She was putting tracking devices inside my pants. Which of course made me wonder what she was up to. I followed her. She met up with Phoenix and they came out here, with you. When I saw you, you were limp. I thought you were dead.” He swallowed down the lump he felt rising in his throat remembering the fear he felt at the thought. Her blue eyes were unflinching as she waited for him to go on. “I flew and got here first. I tried to spring a surprise attack, but got sucker punched. I forgot about our fire throwing abilities, but I doubt it would’ve helped much. They bound me with some kind of magical rope and brought me in too. My shape shifting powers were useless. All my powers were useless.” He looked down not wanting to tell her the rest.

  “Then what happened.”

  “They took our Sparker powers.”

  “What? How?” It was the first time she’d flinched.


  She sank back on her feet. She’d barely had to time to use and experience her new powers and here Ray was telling her that Phoenix and his sister had taken them. She remembered how it felt the night she and Ray had ignited their spark, fiery, wild, insatiable. Did their powers go the same way they’d come? “Ray, did he rape me?”

  “No.” He wouldn’t meet her gaze.

  “Are you sure? Are you telling me the truth?” He lifted his sad blue eyes and nodded. She believed him. There was no room for lies in the pain of that simple look.

  “How did it happen then?”

  “It was that necklace he gave you, I’m pretty sure. It was glowing green around your neck. When he thought it was finished he took it and put it in some kind of locket shaped like a sun, then hung it around his own neck.”

  She remembered wearing the necklace. It was after that she’d started feeling tired. She reached for it now. It was gone. “Who else was here? I distinctly remember seeing three people. Two of them were getting it on.”

  “It was just us four. I’m almost a hundred percent sure.” The look on his face was bitter.

  “There had to be another one, a female. Phoenix wouldn’t have sex with his own sister.”

  “That was me you saw then, not Phoenix. She drugged me then stole my powers by fucking me. Literally.” The hang dog expression on his face squeezed her heart. He felt so bad. She just wasn’t sure if it was because he screwed up and fell for the wrong girl or because he failed his mission.

  “It wasn’t you I saw. I know it was Phoenix. The girls face was covered with her hair and she was turned away from me.”

  “You’re sure? Because if you are that means Phoenix was banging his own sister.”

ously? What the fuck? You mean you didn’t see it?”

  “No. After she drugged me and fucked me, I passed out. Phoenix already had taken the necklace from you.”

  “That’s it then.” She stood and snapped her fingers. “They’re stealing our powers and becoming more powerful by sharing. They had sparks flying from their bodies and I heard them say something about not having enough yet and they had to go find other Sparkers. But why didn’t they use the necklace on you or the sun thingy you said Phoenix wore?”

  “I don’t know. Benu said at one point that something wouldn’t work on me. Maybe she meant the necklace? But I wonder why?”

  “I don’t know either, but we’re not going to figure it out sitting around here yapping all day either.” She reached out a hand to him to help him up. He stood, the blanket falling to the ground when he did. Glancing down when he didn’t immediately let go of her hand, she felt a spark of desire kindle in her chest. She let her gaze linger on his body as it travelled upward, forgetting for a moment where she was only thinking about the pleasure he could bring her.

  “If you keep looking at me like that we won’t be leaving for a while,” his voice was sexy husky. He dropped her hand in lieu of wrapping his arms around her waist.

  She leaned into him. As soon as she was in his embrace, the walls of insecurity tumbled down. A huge wave of relief washed over her as she sagged with relief and pulled him in tight. They’d avoided death. They’d made it and they still had each other. The relief was so great that tears threatened to spill over any second. He held her tighter. If she had nothing else in this world, she had him. That’s all that mattered.

  “We made it. We’re alive,” she whispered.

  “I love you Becky Sue.” With those soft spoken words she startled, but didn’t get a chance to respond as he brought his lips down to hers. His kiss was that of a man full of relief and need. A man given a second chance and not wasting any time. Familiar warmth flooded her veins. She felt so alive again.


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